private void SetPINValue()
      //The Theory.
      //Select polygons that intersect the sketch.
      //Construct one polyline from the boundaries and intersect with sketch.
      //Sort resulting intersection locations (multipoint) by distance of the intersect
      // from the start of the sketch and create new ordered multipoint.
      //Loop through new ordered multipoint, select underlying parcel and calc pin.

      IFeatureLayer featLayer = m_editLayers.CurrentLayer;
      m_curve = m_edSketch.Geometry as IPolyline;

      //Search parcel polys by graphic to get feature cursor
      ISpatialFilter spatialFilter = new SpatialFilter();
      spatialFilter.Geometry = m_curve;
      spatialFilter.GeometryField = m_editLayers.CurrentLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeFieldName;
      spatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelCrosses;

      IFeatureCursor featCursor = featLayer.Search(spatialFilter,true);
      IFeature feature = featCursor.NextFeature();

      //If we have no intersects then exit
      if (feature == null)
      //Make a GeomBag of the polygons boundaries (polylines)
      IGeometryCollection geomBag = new GeometryBagClass();
      object missing = Type.Missing;
      while (feature != null)
        ITopologicalOperator poly = feature.Shape as ITopologicalOperator;
        geomBag.AddGeometry(poly.Boundary,ref missing,ref missing);
        feature = featCursor.NextFeature();

      //Make one polyline from the boundaries
      IPolyline polyLineU = new PolylineClass();
      ITopologicalOperator topoOp = polyLineU as ITopologicalOperator;
      topoOp.ConstructUnion(geomBag as IEnumGeometry);

      //Get the intersections of the boundaries and the curve
      IPointCollection pointCol = topoOp.Intersect(m_curve, esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry0Dimension) as IPointCollection;

      //The point collection is not ordered by distance along the curve so
      //need to create a new collection with this info

      int[] pointOrder = new int[pointCol.PointCount];
      double dac = 0, dfc = 0;
      bool bRS = false;

      for (int i = 0; i < pointCol.PointCount; i++)
        IPoint queryPoint = new PointClass();
        pointCol.QueryPoint(i, queryPoint);
        m_curve.QueryPointAndDistance(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, queryPoint, false, null,ref dac,ref dfc,ref bRS);
        pointOrder[i] = (int)dac;

      //use built in bubble sort

      //Loop through the sorted array and calc midpoint between parcel boundaries
      IPointCollection midPoints = new MultipointClass();

      for (int i = 0; i < pointOrder.Length -1; i++)
        //Get the midpoint distance
        double midPointDist = (pointOrder[i] + pointOrder[i + 1]) / 2;
        //create a point at the distance and store in point collection
        IPoint queryPoint = new PointClass();
        m_curve.QueryPoint(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, midPointDist, false, queryPoint);
        midPoints.AddPoint(queryPoint,ref missing,ref missing);

      //If ends of sketch are included then add them as points
      if (chkEnds.Checked)
        object before = 0 as object;
        midPoints.AddPoint(m_curve.FromPoint, ref before, ref missing);
        midPoints.AddPoint(m_curve.ToPoint, ref missing, ref missing);


      //Loop through calculated midpoints, select polygon and calc pin
      for (int i = 0; i < midPoints.PointCount; i++)
        IPoint midPoint = midPoints.get_Point(i);
        spatialFilter = new SpatialFilter();
        spatialFilter.Geometry = midPoint;
        spatialFilter.GeometryField = m_editLayers.CurrentLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeFieldName;
        spatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelWithin;

        featCursor = featLayer.Search(spatialFilter, false);
        while ((feature = featCursor.NextFeature()) != null)
          feature.set_Value(feature.Fields.FindField(cmbPINField.Text), m_lotNum);
          m_lotNum += int.Parse(txtlotinc.Text);
      txtlot.Text = m_lotNum.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算面积
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CurPoint"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private double CaculateArea(IPoint CurPoint)
            IPointCollection tempCollection = new MultipointClass();

            object missing = Type.Missing;

            for (int i = 0; i < m_ptCollection.PointCount; i++)
                IPoint dPoint = m_ptCollection.get_Point(i);
                tempCollection.AddPoint(dPoint, ref missing, ref missing);

            tempCollection.AddPoint(CurPoint, ref missing, ref missing);
            tempCollection.AddPoint(tempCollection.get_Point(0), ref missing, ref missing);
            int Count = tempCollection.PointCount;

            double x1, x2, y1, y2;
            double tempArea = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Count - 1; i++)
                x1        = Convert.ToDouble(tempCollection.get_Point(i).X);
                y1        = Convert.ToDouble(tempCollection.get_Point(i).Y);
                x2        = Convert.ToDouble(tempCollection.get_Point(i + 1).X);
                y2        = Convert.ToDouble(tempCollection.get_Point(i + 1).Y);
                tempArea += (x1 * y2 - x2 * y1);

            tempArea = Math.Abs(tempArea) / 2;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void OnMouseDown(int Button, int Shift, int X, int Y)
            // TODO:  Add RouteQuery.OnMouseDown implementation
            if (networkanalasia == true)
                IPointCollection m_ipPoints;//输入点集合
                IPoint           ipNew;
                m_ipPoints = new MultipointClass();
                ipNew      = axMapControl.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(X, Y);
                object o = Type.Missing;
                m_ipPoints.AddPoint(ipNew, ref o, ref o);
                CreateFeature(inputFClass, m_ipPoints);//获取用鼠标点击最近点
                IElement     element;
                ITextElement textelement = new TextElementClass();
                element = textelement as IElement;
                ITextSymbol textSymbol = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.TextSymbol();

                textelement.Symbol = textSymbol;
                textelement.Text = clickedcount.ToString();
                element.Geometry = m_ipActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(X, Y);
                PGC.AddElement(element, 0);

                m_ipActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);
        public IPointCollection4 ToPointCollection(IGeometry geometry, out int nrPoints)
            IPointCollection4 result = null;

            nrPoints = 0;

            if (geometry != null)
                result = geometry as IPointCollection4;
                TypeOfLayer typeOfLayer = GetTypeOfLayer(geometry);

                if ((!geometry.IsEmpty) && (typeOfLayer == TypeOfLayer.Point) && (result == null) && IsPointMeasurement)
                    var pointc = geometry as IPoint;
                    result = new MultipointClass();

                if (result != null)
                    nrPoints = result.PointCount;

                    if ((nrPoints >= 2) && (typeOfLayer == TypeOfLayer.Polygon))
                        IPoint point1 = result.Point[0];
                        IPoint point2 = result.Point[nrPoints - 1];
                        nrPoints = (point1.Compare(point2) == 0) ? (nrPoints - 1) : nrPoints;

Exemplo n.º 5
        private static void GetNodeCollection(List <IFeature> listFeats, IFeatureClass pFeatureClass, IProximityOperator pProximity, double dSearchDist)
            IPointCollection pPntColTemp = new MultipointClass();

            for (int i = 0; i < listFeats.Count; i++)
                IFeature pFeature = listFeats[i];
                if (pFeature.Class.ObjectClassID != pFeatureClass.ObjectClassID)

                double dScreenSearchDist = pProximity.ReturnDistance(pFeature.Shape);
                if (dScreenSearchDist < 1.5 * dSearchDist)
                    if (pFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)
                        IPoint pPoint = pFeature.Shape as IPoint;
                        object befor  = Type.Missing;
                        object after  = Type.Missing;
                        m_PointCollection.AddPoint(pPoint, ref befor, ref after);
                        pPntColTemp.AddPoint(pPoint, ref befor, ref after);
                        IPointCollection pTempPtcln = pFeature.Shape as IPointCollection;

            m_dicPointCollection.Add(pPntColTemp, "Node");
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void ReadPolugon(this ImportSentinelData importProduct)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(importProduct.Footprint))

            string text = importProduct.Footprint;

            //"<gml:Polygon srsName=\"\" xmlns:gml=\"\"><gml:outerBoundaryIs><gml:LinearRing><gml:coordinates>45.308281,24.306789 45.711151,21.006590 47.207355,21.359417 46.803715,24.750584 45.308281,24.306789</gml:coordinates></gml:LinearRing></gml:outerBoundaryIs></gml:Polygon>";

            var doc  = XDocument.Parse(text);
            var elem = doc.Descendants(XName.Get("coordinates", "")).Select(node =>
                var pointCollection = new MultipointClass();
                node.Value.Split(' ').Select(p =>
                    var coords = p.Split(','); return(new Point {
                        X = coords[1].ParceToDouble(), Y = coords[0].ParceToDouble(), SpatialReference = EsriTools.Wgs84Spatialreference
                }).ToList().ForEach(p => pointCollection.AddPoint(p));


            importProduct.FootprintPoly = elem.FirstOrDefault();
Exemplo n.º 7
        private IFeature Convert_Point2MultiPoint_Class(IFeatureClass PointFeatureClass)
            IWorkspaceFactory contourWSF   = new ShapefileWorkspaceFactoryClass();
            IFeatureWorkspace contourFWS   = (IFeatureWorkspace)contourWSF.OpenFromFile(WorkSpaceName, 0);
            IFields           pFields      = CreateShapeFields(esriGeometryType.esriGeometryMultipoint);
            string            filename     = PointFeatureClass.AliasName + "_muilti";
            string            filename_shp = WorkSpaceName + @"/" + filename + ".shp";

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(filename_shp))
                System.IO.File.Delete(System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(filename_shp, ".dbf"));
                System.IO.File.Delete(System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(filename_shp, ".shx"));
            contourFWS.CreateFeatureClass(filename, pFields, null, null, esriFeatureType.esriFTSimple, "Shape", null);
            IFeatureClass    MultiFeatureClass = contourFWS.OpenFeatureClass(filename);
            IPointCollection pPointCollection  = new MultipointClass();

            for (int i = 0; i < PointFeatureClass.FeatureCount(null); i++)
                IFeature pFeature = PointFeatureClass.GetFeature(i);
                IPoint   pPoint   = pFeature.Shape as IPoint;
            IFeature MultiFeature = MultiFeatureClass.CreateFeature();

            MultiFeature.Shape = pPointCollection as IGeometry;
Exemplo n.º 8
        static void createWkbMultiLineString(byte[] wkb, ref int startIndex, BitConversion bitConversion, out IGeometry geometry)
            geometry = new PolylineClass();
            IPointCollection mp = (IPointCollection)geometry;

            // Get the number of line strings.
            UInt32 lineStringCnt;

            getWkbUInt32(wkb, ref startIndex, bitConversion, out lineStringCnt);

            UInt32 pointCnt;
            double x, y;
            object missing = Type.Missing;

            // Loop through each LineString.
            for (int i = 0; i < lineStringCnt; i++)
                startIndex += 5;  // Jump past useless header stuff.
                getWkbUInt32(wkb, ref startIndex, bitConversion, out pointCnt);

                IPointCollection tempPc = new MultipointClass();
                // Loop through each point.
                for (int j = 0; j < pointCnt; j++)
                    getWkbDouble(wkb, ref startIndex, bitConversion, out x);
                    getWkbDouble(wkb, ref startIndex, bitConversion, out y);
                    tempPc.AddPoint(createAoPoint(x, y), ref missing, ref missing);
        public void AddZToSketch(IEditSketch3 sketch)
            var    editor  = ArcUtils.Editor;
            var    editorZ = editor as IEditorZ;
            IPoint point   = sketch.LastPoint;

            if ((editorZ != null) && (point != null) && sketch.ZAware)
                double z = GetHeight(point.X, point.Y);
                editorZ.UseZOffset = true;
                editorZ.ZOffset    = z;

                IGeometry         geometry = sketch.Geometry;
                var               ptColl   = geometry as IPointCollection4;
                ISketchOperation2 sketchOp = new SketchOperationClass();
                IPoint pointc = null;

                if ((!geometry.IsEmpty) && (geometry is IPoint) && (ptColl == null))
                    pointc = geometry as IPoint;
                    ptColl = new MultipointClass();

                if (ptColl != null)
                    int nrPoints = ptColl.PointCount;

                    for (int i = 0; i < nrPoints; i++)
                        IPoint pointC = ptColl.Point[i];
                        // ReSharper disable CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator

                        if (pointC.Z == 0)
                            IPoint newPoint = new PointClass {
                                X = pointC.X, Y = pointC.Y, Z = z
                            ptColl.UpdatePoint(i, newPoint);

                        // ReSharper restore CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator

                sketch.Geometry = pointc ?? (ptColl as IGeometry);
                geometry        = sketch.Geometry;

                if (geometry != null)
                    sketchOp.Finish(geometry.Envelope, esriSketchOperationType.esriSketchOperationGeneral, geometry);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private IPointCollection Convert_Point2MultiPoint(IFeatureClass PointFeatureClass)
            IPointCollection pPointCollection = new MultipointClass();

            for (int i = 0; i < PointFeatureClass.FeatureCount(null); i++)
                IFeature pFeature = PointFeatureClass.GetFeature(i);
                IPoint   pPoint   = pFeature.Shape as IPoint;
Exemplo n.º 11
        private int ReportPointErrors(
            [NotNull] IDictionary <int, List <int> > pointIndexesById,
            int maxPointsId,
            [NotNull] Rings rings,
            [NotNull] IRow row)
            object missing = Type.Missing;

            IPointCollection points = new MultipointClass();


            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <int> > pair in pointIndexesById)
                int id = pair.Key;
                if (id == maxPointsId)

                List <int> pointIndexes = pair.Value;

                foreach (int pointIndex in pointIndexes)
                    IPoint point = rings.get_Point(pointIndex);
                    points.AddPoint(point, ref missing, ref missing);

            string description;

            if (rings.RingsCount > 1)
                description = string.Format(
                    "The point ids of these points differ from the most frequent point id {0} " +
                    "({1} occurrences) in the rings (outer ring = {2}. patch in multipatch)",
                    maxPointsId, pointIndexesById[maxPointsId].Count,
                    rings.FirstPatchIndex + 1);
                description = string.Format(
                    "The point ids of these points differ from the most frequent point id {0} " +
                    "({1} occurrences) in the ring ({2}. patch in Multipatch)",
                    maxPointsId, pointIndexesById[maxPointsId].Count,
                    rings.FirstPatchIndex + 1);

            return(ReportError(description, (IGeometry)points, Codes[Code.DifferentIdInRing],
                               TestUtils.GetShapeFieldName(row), row));
        public IGeometry GetMultipointGeometry()
            const double MultipointPointCount = 25;

            IPointCollection pPointCollection = new MultipointClass();

            for (int i = 0; i < MultipointPointCount; i++)
                pPointCollection.AddPoint(GetPoint(), ref pMissing, ref pMissing);

            return pPointCollection as IGeometry;
        public IGeometry GetMultipointGeometry()
            const double MultipointPointCount = 25;

            IPointCollection pPointCollection = new MultipointClass();

            for (int i = 0; i < MultipointPointCount; i++)
                pPointCollection.AddPoint(GetPoint(), ref pMissing, ref pMissing);

            return(pPointCollection as IGeometry);
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// 获得一个Geometry的所有顶点
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceGeom"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IMultipoint GetVertices(IGeometry pGeometry)
            if (pGeometry == null)

            IPointCollection pPointCollection = new MultipointClass();

            object obj = null;

            if (pGeometry is IPoint)
                pPointCollection.AddPoint(pGeometry as IPoint, ref obj, ref obj);
                return(pPointCollection as IMultipoint);
            else if (pGeometry is ISegment)
                ISegment pSegment = pGeometry as ISegment;
                pPointCollection.AddPoint(pSegment.FromPoint, ref obj, ref obj);
                pPointCollection.AddPoint(pSegment.ToPoint, ref obj, ref obj);
            else if (pGeometry is IEnvelope)
                IEnvelope pEnvelope = pGeometry as IEnvelope;
                pPointCollection.AddPoint(pEnvelope.UpperLeft, ref obj, ref obj);
                pPointCollection.AddPoint(pEnvelope.UpperRight, ref obj, ref obj);
                pPointCollection.AddPoint(pEnvelope.LowerLeft, ref obj, ref obj);
                pPointCollection.AddPoint(pEnvelope.LowerRight, ref obj, ref obj);
            else if (pGeometry is IGeometryCollection)
                IGeometryCollection pGeometryCollection = pGeometry as IGeometryCollection;
                for (int i = 0; i < pGeometryCollection.GeometryCount; i++)
                    IGeometry        pSubGeo             = pGeometryCollection.get_Geometry(i);
                    IPointCollection pSubPointCollection = GetVertices(pSubGeo) as IPointCollection;
                    if (pSubPointCollection != null)

            if (pPointCollection.PointCount == 0)
                return(pPointCollection as IMultipoint);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public IPolyline QueryTheRoue2(IPoint breakPoint, IMap pMap, IFeatureLayer featureLayer, string dbPath, ref IPoint rightPoint)
            IFeature feature  = null;
            double   distance = 0;
            int      distNum  = 0;

            rightPoint = DistanceUtil.GetNearestLineInFeatureLayer(featureLayer, breakPoint, ref feature, ref distance, ref distNum);
            if (rightPoint == null)
            IPointCollection lineCollection = feature.Shape as IPointCollection;
            IPointCollection routePointCollection = new MultipointClass();

            routePointCollection.AddPoint(lineCollection.get_Point(lineCollection.PointCount - 1));
            IPolyline polyline = UtilityNetWorkUtil.DistanceFun(pMap, dbPath, "roads", 1, routePointCollection, "length", 50);

Exemplo n.º 16
        private static IGeometry GetErrorGeometry([NotNull] LineListPolygon poly)
            object missing = Type.Missing;

            IPointCollection multiPoint = new MultipointClass();

            foreach (IRow pointRow in poly.Centroids)
                multiPoint.AddPoint(((IFeature)pointRow).Shape as Point, ref missing,
                                    ref missing);

Exemplo n.º 17
        private void updatePointToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IMultipoint multipoint;
            object      missing = Type.Missing;
            IPoint      point1  = new PointClass();

            point1.PutCoords(10, 10);
            IPoint point2 = new PointClass();

            point2.PutCoords(20, 20);
            IPointCollection pointCollection = new MultipointClass();

            pointCollection.AddPoint(point1, ref missing, ref missing);
            pointCollection.AddPoint(point2, ref missing, ref missing);
            point1 = new PointClass();
            point1.PutCoords(40, 10);
            pointCollection.UpdatePoint(1, point1);
            multipoint = pointCollection as IMultipoint;
            addFeature("multipoint", multipoint as IGeometry);
            System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("X = " + pointCollection.get_Point(1).X +
                                                 ", Y = " + pointCollection.get_Point(1).Y);
            this.axMapControl1.Extent = multipoint.Envelope;
Exemplo n.º 18
        private void btnDeleteLink_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataGridViewSelectedRowCollection rowCollection = this.dataGridViewX1.SelectedRows;
            int nCount    = rowCollection.Count;
            int nOriCount = m_OriginPoints.PointCount;

            IPointCollection tmpPointCollectionOri = new MultipointClass();
            IPointCollection tmpPointCollectionDst = new MultipointClass();

            for (int i = 0; i < nOriCount; i++)
                bool bFlag = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < nCount; j++)
                    if (i == rowCollection[j].Index)
                        bFlag = true;

                if (bFlag == false)

            m_OriginPoints.RemovePoints(0, m_OriginPoints.PointCount);
            m_TargetPoints.RemovePoints(0, m_TargetPoints.PointCount);
            for (int i = 0; i < tmpPointCollectionDst.PointCount; i++)


            //m_pMapCtr.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);
            //if (refreshLayer != null)
            //    refreshLayer();
Exemplo n.º 19
        private static void GetMidPntCollection(List <IFeature> listFeats, IFeatureClass pFeatureClass, IProximityOperator pProximity, double dSearchDist)
            IPointCollection pPntColTemp = new MultipointClass();

            for (int i = 0; i < listFeats.Count; i++)
                IFeature pFeature = listFeats[i];
                if (pFeature.Class.ObjectClassID != pFeatureClass.ObjectClassID)

                if (pFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline || pFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon)
                    double dScreenSearchDist = pProximity.ReturnDistance(pFeature.Shape);
                    if (dScreenSearchDist < 1.5 * dSearchDist)
                        IGeometryCollection pGeoCollection = pFeature.Shape as IGeometryCollection;
                        for (int j = 0; j < pGeoCollection.GeometryCount; j++)
                            IGeometry          pGeom    = pGeoCollection.get_Geometry(j);
                            ISegmentCollection pSegColl = pGeom as ISegmentCollection;

                            for (int k = 0; k < pSegColl.SegmentCount; k++)
                                ISegment pSeg      = pSegColl.get_Segment(k);
                                IPoint   pMidPoint = new PointClass();
                                double   x         = (pSeg.FromPoint.X + pSeg.ToPoint.X) / 2;
                                double   y         = (pSeg.FromPoint.Y + pSeg.ToPoint.Y) / 2;
                                pMidPoint.PutCoords(x, y);
                                object befor = Type.Missing;
                                object after = Type.Missing;
                                m_PointCollection.AddPoint(pMidPoint, ref befor, ref after);
                                pPntColTemp.AddPoint(pMidPoint, ref befor, ref after);

            m_dicPointCollection.Add(pPntColTemp, "MidPnt");
Exemplo n.º 20
        private void buttonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double dL = 0.0, dB = 0.0, dZJ = 0.0;
            bool   bL  = double.TryParse(textBoxLong.Text, out dL);   //经度
            bool   bB  = double.TryParse(textBoxLat.Text, out dB);    //纬度
            bool   bZJ = double.TryParse(textBoxLevel.Text, out dZJ); //震级

            time = textBoxTime.Text;                                  //时间

            IWorkspaceFactory pWorkspaceFactory = new AccessWorkspaceFactoryClass();
            IFeatureWorkspace pFeatureWorkspace = pWorkspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(dataFile, 0) as IFeatureWorkspace;
            IWorkspaceEdit    pWorkspaceEdit    = pFeatureWorkspace as IWorkspaceEdit;

            IFeatureClass      pFeatureClassPoint = pFeatureLayerPoint.FeatureClass;
            IFeatureClassWrite fwritePoint        = pFeatureClassPoint as IFeatureClassWrite;
            IFeature           pFeaturePoint      = pFeatureClassPoint.CreateFeature();
            IPointCollection   pointCollection    = new MultipointClass();
            IPoint             pPoint             = new PointClass();
            IGeoDataset        pGeoDataset        = pFeatureClassPoint as IGeoDataset;
            ISpatialReference spatialReference = pGeoDataset.SpatialReference;

            pPoint.PutCoords(dL, dB);
            pPoint.SpatialReference = spatialReference;
            pointCollection.AddPoint(pPoint, ref _missing, ref _missing);
            pFeaturePoint.Shape = pointCollection as IGeometry;
            pFeaturePoint.set_Value(3, dZJ);
            pFeaturePoint.set_Value(5, time + "," + textBoxLevel.Text);

            pFeaturePoint = null;
            MessageBox.Show("操作成功!", "提示");
Exemplo n.º 21
        private static void GetNearestPntCollection(List <IFeature> listFeats, IFeatureClass pFeatureClass, IPoint pPnt, double dSearchDist)
            IPointCollection pPntColTemp = new MultipointClass();

            for (int i = 0; i < listFeats.Count; i++)
                IFeature pFeature = listFeats[i];
                if (pFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline || pFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon)
                    IProximityOperator pProximity  = pFeature.Shape as IProximityOperator;
                    IPoint             pNearestPnt = pProximity.ReturnNearestPoint(pPnt, esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension);
                    object             befor       = Type.Missing;
                    object             after       = Type.Missing;
                    m_PointCollection.AddPoint(pNearestPnt, ref befor, ref after);
                    pPntColTemp.AddPoint(pNearestPnt, ref befor, ref after);

            m_dicPointCollection.Add(pPntColTemp, "NearestPnt");
Exemplo n.º 22
        public IPointCollection ReadPoint(IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer)
            IFeatureCursor pFeatureCursor = pFeatureLayer.Search(null, false);

            IFeature pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature();
            IField   pField   = null;

            if (pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField("FID") != -1)
                pField = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField("FID"));
            else if (pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField("OBJECTID") != -1)
                pField = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField("OBJECTID"));

            string FirstFieldName = pField.AliasName;

            IQueryFilter pQueryFilter = new QueryFilterClass();

            pQueryFilter.WhereClause = FirstFieldName + ">=0";
            int number = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(pQueryFilter);

            IPointCollection pPointCollection = new MultipointClass();

            for (int i = 0; i < number; i++)
                IGeometry pGeometry = pFeature.Shape as IGeometry;
                IPoint    pPoint    = pGeometry as IPoint;


                pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature();

Exemplo n.º 23
        private static IMultipoint GetPointsAtMs([NotNull] IPolyline polyline,
                                                 params double[] mValues)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(polyline, nameof(polyline));

            var result = new MultipointClass {
                SpatialReference = polyline.SpatialReference

            if (GeometryUtils.IsZAware(polyline))

            var mSegmentation = (IMSegmentation3)polyline;

            object emptyRef = Type.Missing;

            foreach (double mValue in mValues)
                IGeometryCollection points = mSegmentation.GetPointsAtM(mValue, 0);

                int pointCount = points.GeometryCount;

                for (var i = 0; i < pointCount; i++)
                    result.AddPoint((IPoint)points.Geometry[i], ref emptyRef, ref emptyRef);

            // eliminate duplicates

Exemplo n.º 24
 public static IPoint Snapping(IActiveView activeView, esriGeometryHitPartType geometryHitPartType, IPoint queryPoint, double searchRaius)
     IPoint vetexPoint = null;
     IPoint hitPoint = new PointClass();
     IHitTest hitTest = null;
     IPointCollection pointCollection = new MultipointClass();
     IProximityOperator proximityOperator = null;
     double hitDistance = 0;
     int hitPartIndex = 0, hitSegmentIndex = 0;
     Boolean rightSide = false;
     IFeatureCache2 featureCache = new FeatureCacheClass();
     featureCache.Initialize(queryPoint, searchRaius);  //初始化缓存
     for (int i = 0; i < activeView.FocusMap.LayerCount; i++)
         IFeatureLayer featLayer = (IFeatureLayer)activeView.FocusMap.get_Layer(i);
         if (featLayer != null && featLayer.Visible == true &&
             (featLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline ||
             featLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon ||
             featLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint))                
             featureCache.AddFeatures(featLayer.FeatureClass, null);
             for (int j = 0; j < featureCache.Count; j++)
                 IFeature feature = featureCache.get_Feature(j);
                 hitTest = (IHitTest)feature.Shape;
                 if (hitTest.HitTest(queryPoint, searchRaius, geometryHitPartType, hitPoint, ref hitDistance, ref hitPartIndex, ref hitSegmentIndex, ref rightSide))
                     object obj = Type.Missing;
                     pointCollection.AddPoint(hitPoint, ref obj, ref obj);
     proximityOperator = (IProximityOperator)queryPoint;
     double minDistance = 0, distance = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < pointCollection.PointCount; i++)
         IPoint tmpPoint = pointCollection.get_Point(i);
         distance = proximityOperator.ReturnDistance(tmpPoint);
         if (i == 0)
             minDistance = distance;
             vetexPoint = tmpPoint;
             if (distance < minDistance)
                 minDistance = distance;
                 vetexPoint = tmpPoint;
     return vetexPoint;            
Exemplo n.º 25
        private KeyValuePair<IGeoDataset, IGeoDataset> computeWatershed(IPoint pour_point, IEnvelope analysisExtent)
                //bodge the input point into its nasty shell of arcobjects junk for analysis
                IHydrologyOp pHydrologyOp = new RasterHydrologyOp() as IHydrologyOp;
                IPointCollection3 tPointCollection = new MultipointClass();
                object tPointlessMissingObject = Type.Missing;
                tPointCollection.AddPoint(pour_point, ref tPointlessMissingObject, ref tPointlessMissingObject);

                // open the accumulation and direction datasets, hardcoded
                //IGeoDataset tAccum = OpenRasterDataset(data_path, accum_name) as IGeoDataset;
                //IGeoDataset tDirection = OpenRasterDataset(data_path, dir_name) as IGeoDataset;
                //bodge the input extent into its nasty shell of arcobjects junk
                IRasterAnalysisEnvironment tRasterAnalysisEnvironment = new RasterAnalysisClass();
                if (analysisExtent != null)
                    IRelationalOperator tCheckRequestedExtent = analysisExtent as IRelationalOperator;
                    if (tCheckRequestedExtent != null && tCheckRequestedExtent.Contains(pour_point))
                        // can anyone explain why these things have to be objects? Why can't there be interfaces
                        // for AnalysisExtentProvider and SnapObject that the datasets implement?
                        object tAnalysisEnvelopePointlesslyCastedToObject = (System.Object)analysisExtent;
                        object tAnotherPointlessMissingObject = Type.Missing;
                        //object tSnapObject = (System.Object)tDirection;
                        object tSnapObject = (System.Object)m_FlowDirDataset;
                            ref tAnalysisEnvelopePointlesslyCastedToObject, ref tSnapObject);
                        logger.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.warning, "create watershed", 8000,
                            "Input point was not within requested analysis extent. Analysis extent will be ignored (may be slow)!");
                    logger.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.warning, "create watershed", 8000,
                        "No analysis extent requested. Full extent will be used (may be slow)!");

                IExtractionOp tExtractionOp = new RasterExtractionOpClass();

                // Do the work: snap the point to a snapped-pour-point grid and use it to calcualte the watershed
                //IGeoDataset tPourPointGrid = tExtractionOp.Points(tDirection, tPointCollection, true);
                IGeoDataset tPourPointGrid = tExtractionOp.Points(m_FlowDirDataset, tPointCollection, true);
                //IGeoDataset snapRaster = pHydrologyOp.SnapPourPoint(tPourPointGrid, tAccum, 100);
                IGeoDataset snapRaster = pHydrologyOp.SnapPourPoint(tPourPointGrid, m_FlowAccDataset, 100);
                // check the snapping worked..?
                // calculate the watershed!
                //IGeoDataset watershedRaster = pHydrologyOp.Watershed(tDirection, snapRaster);
                IGeoDataset watershedRaster = pHydrologyOp.Watershed(m_FlowDirDataset, snapRaster);
                //  restore previous default analysis extent if we changed it (should = whole dataset)
                if (analysisExtent != null)
                // change it to a polygon feature (will have the area added) and return it
                IGeoDataset tWatershedPolygonGDS = ConvertAndUnionWatershed(watershedRaster);
                KeyValuePair<IGeoDataset, IGeoDataset> tRasterPolyPair = new KeyValuePair<IGeoDataset, IGeoDataset>(watershedRaster, tWatershedPolygonGDS);
                return tRasterPolyPair;
            catch (Exception e)
                logger.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.infoStandard, "Compute watershed error: ", 8000, e.Message);
                logger.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.infoStandard, "Compute watershed error: ", 8000, e.ToString());
                logger.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.infoStandard, "Compute watershed error: ", 8000, e.TargetSite.Name);
                logger.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.infoStandard, "Compute watershed error: ", 8000, e.StackTrace);
            return new KeyValuePair<IGeoDataset, IGeoDataset>();
Exemplo n.º 26
        private void zoom2selBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (mouseCmd == null || csvDataGrid.SelectedRows.Count == 0) return;

            int maxCount = 30;
            int i = 0;


                IPointCollection points = new MultipointClass();

                foreach (DataGridViewRow row in csvDataGrid.SelectedRows)
                    if (row.Cells["validAdres"].Value == null || row.Cells["validAdres"].Value.ToString() == "")

                    if( i > maxCount ) break;

                    string adres = row.Cells["validAdres"].Value.ToString();

                    string[] xy = adres.Split(new string[] {"|"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    double x; double y;
                    string adresType = "Manueel";
                    if (xy.Count() == 2)
                        bool xBool = Double.TryParse(xy[0], out x);
                        bool yBool = Double.TryParse(xy[1], out y);

                        if (!xBool || !yBool)
                            List<datacontract.locationResult> locs = loc.getAdresLocation(adres, 1);
                            if (locs.Count == 0) continue;
                            x = locs[0].Location.X_Lambert72;
                            y = locs[0].Location.Y_Lambert72;
                            adresType = locs[0].LocationType;
                        List<datacontract.locationResult> locs = loc.getAdresLocation(adres, 1);
                        if (locs.Count == 0) continue;
                        x = locs[0].Location.X_Lambert72;
                        y = locs[0].Location.Y_Lambert72;
                        adresType = locs[0].LocationType;

                    IPoint pt = new PointClass() { X = x, Y = y, SpatialReference = lam72 };
                    IPoint prjPt = geopuntHelper.Transform(pt, map.SpatialReference) as IPoint;

                    IRgbColor rgb = new RgbColorClass() { Red = 0, Blue = 255, Green = 255 };
                    IRgbColor black = new RgbColorClass() { Red = 0, Green = 0, Blue = 0 };
                    IElement grp = geopuntHelper.AddGraphicToMap(map, (IGeometry)prjPt, rgb, black, 5, true);

                if (points.PointCount == 0)
                else if (points.PointCount == 1)
                    IPoint xy = points.get_Point(0);
                    geopuntHelper.ZoomByRatioAndRecenter(view, 1, xy.X, xy.Y);
                    map.MapScale = 1000;
                    IEnvelope extent = ((IGeometry)points).Envelope;
                    view.Extent = extent;
            catch (WebException wex)
                if (wex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.Timeout)
                    MessageBox.Show("De connectie werd afgebroken." +
                        " Het duurde te lang voor de server een resultaat terug gaf.\n" +
                        "U kunt via de instellingen de 'timout'-tijd optrekken.", wex.Message);
                else if (wex.Response != null)
                    string resp = new StreamReader(wex.Response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
                    MessageBox.Show(resp, wex.Message);
                    MessageBox.Show(wex.Message, "Error");
            catch (Exception ex)
                 MessageBox.Show( ex.Message +" : "+ ex.StackTrace );
Exemplo n.º 27
 private void CreateMultiPoint(string filename)
         using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filename))
             string           str;
             int              num    = 0;
             IPointCollection points = new MultipointClass();
             object           before = Missing.Value;
             while ((str = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                 string str2;
                 IPoint inPoint = new PointClass();
                 string[] strArray = str.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                     if (strArray.Length < 2)
                         str2 = filename + " 中第 " + num.ToString() + "行数据有错误";
                         Logger.Current.Error("", null, str2);
                     inPoint.X = double.Parse(strArray[0]);
                     inPoint.Y = double.Parse(strArray[1]);
                     if (strArray.Length > 2)
                         inPoint.Z = double.Parse(strArray[2]);
                     if (strArray.Length > 3)
                         inPoint.M = double.Parse(strArray[3]);
                     points.AddPoint(inPoint, ref before, ref before);
                     str2 = filename + " 中第 " + num.ToString() + "行数据有错误";
                     Logger.Current.Error("", null, str2);
             this.SetZMProperty(points as IGeometry);
             IFeature feature =
                 feature.Shape = points as IGeometry;
             catch (Exception exception)
                 Logger.Current.Error("", exception, "");
             IActiveView pMap = (IActiveView)this.m_pMap;
     catch (Exception exception2)
         Logger.Current.Error("", exception2, "");
Exemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// �������
        /// </summary>
        /// <params name="CurPoint"></params>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private double CaculateArea(IPoint CurPoint)
            IPointCollection tempCollection = new MultipointClass();

            object missing = Type.Missing;
            for (int i = 0; i < m_ptCollection.PointCount; i++)
                IPoint dPoint = m_ptCollection.get_Point(i);
                tempCollection.AddPoint(dPoint, ref  missing, ref  missing);

            tempCollection.AddPoint(CurPoint, ref missing, ref missing);
            tempCollection.AddPoint(tempCollection.get_Point(0), ref missing, ref  missing);
            int Count = tempCollection.PointCount;

            double x1, x2, y1, y2;
            double tempArea = 0.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < Count - 1; i++)
                x1 = Convert.ToDouble(tempCollection.get_Point(i).X);
                y1 = Convert.ToDouble(tempCollection.get_Point(i).Y);
                x2 = Convert.ToDouble(tempCollection.get_Point(i + 1).X);
                y2 = Convert.ToDouble(tempCollection.get_Point(i + 1).Y);
                tempArea += (x1 * y2 - x2 * y1);

            tempArea = Math.Abs(tempArea) / 2;
            return tempArea;
        public IPointCollection ReadPoint(IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer)
            IFeatureCursor pFeatureCursor = pFeatureLayer.Search(null, false);

            IFeature pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature();
            IField   pField   = null;

            if (pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField("FID") != -1)
                pField = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField("FID"));
            else if (pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField("OBJECTID") != -1)
                pField = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField("OBJECTID"));

            string FirstFieldName = pField.AliasName;

            IQueryFilter pQueryFilter = new QueryFilterClass();

            pQueryFilter.WhereClause = FirstFieldName + ">=0";
            int number = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(pQueryFilter);

            //DataTable dt = AOFunctions.GDB.ITableUtil.GetDataTableFromITable(pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass as ITable, "");

            CustomizedControls.StatusForm frm = new CustomizedControls.StatusForm();
            frm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;

            IPointCollection pPointCollection = new MultipointClass();
            IPoint           PrevPT           = null;

                for (int i = 0; i < number; i++)
                    frm.Status = "处理点 " + i.ToString() + "/ " + number.ToString();
                    IGeometry pGeometry = pFeature.Shape as IGeometry;
                    IPoint    pt        = pGeometry as IPoint;
                    IPoint    pPoint    = new PointClass();

                    IZAware zpt = pPoint as IZAware;
                    zpt.ZAware = true;
                    IMAware mpt = pPoint as IMAware;
                    mpt.MAware = true;

                    pPoint.PutCoords(pt.X, pt.Y);
                    pPoint.Z = Convert.ToDouble(pFeature.Value[pFeature.Fields.FindField(EvConfig.CenterlineZField)]);

                    if (i == 0)
                        pPoint.M = 0;
                        PrevPT   = pPoint;
                        pPoint.M = PrevPT.M + DataAlignment.DataAlignment.CalculateDistanceBetween84TwoPoints(pPoint, PrevPT);

                        PrevPT = pPoint;

                    pFeature.Value[pFeature.Fields.FindField(EvConfig.CenterlineMeasureField)] = pPoint.M;

                    frm.Progress = Convert.ToInt16(Convert.ToDouble(i) / Convert.ToDouble(number) * 100);

                    pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature();
            catch (SystemException ex)

        private void btOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (cboBoxPointLayer.SelectedItem == null)
            if (txtLineFilePath.Text == "")
                string pPointFileName = cboBoxPointLayer.SelectedItem.ToString();
                ILayer pLayer         = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < pMapcontrol.LayerCount; i++)
                    if (pPointFileName == pMapcontrol.get_Layer(i).Name)
                        pLayer = pMapcontrol.get_Layer(i);
                psf = ((IGeoDataset)pLayer).SpatialReference;
                IFeatureLayer    pFeatureLayerPoint = pLayer as IFeatureLayer;
                IPointCollection PointCollection    = ReadPoint(pFeatureLayerPoint);

                if (File.Exists(txtLineFilePath.Text))
                    string pLineFile = txtLineFilePath.Text;
                    string pFilePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(pLineFile);
                    string pFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(pLineFile);

                    IWorkspaceFactory pWSF = new ShapefileWorkspaceFactoryClass();
                    IFeatureWorkspace pWS  = (IFeatureWorkspace)pWSF.OpenFromFile(pFilePath, 0);

                    IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayerClass();
                    pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass = pWS.OpenFeatureClass(pFileName);

                    IField pField = null;
                    if (pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField("FID") != -1)
                        pField = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField("FID"));
                    else if (pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField("OBJECTID") != -1)
                        pField = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField("OBJECTID"));
                    string       FirstFieldName = pField.AliasName;
                    IQueryFilter pQueryFilter   = new QueryFilterClass();
                    pQueryFilter.WhereClause = FirstFieldName + ">=0";
                    int number = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(pQueryFilter);

                    IFeature pFeature;
                    if (FirstFieldName == "FID")
                        pFeature = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.GetFeature(number - 1);
                        pFeature = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.GetFeature(number);
                    IGeometry pGeometry = pFeature.Shape as IGeometry;
                    IPolyline pPolyline = pGeometry as IPolyline;

                    IPointCollection pPointCollection = new MultipointClass();

                    PointCollection.InsertPointCollection(0, pPointCollection);

                IPolyline Polyline = CreatePolyline(PointCollection);

                AddFeature(Polyline as IGeometry);


            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 31
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据输入的一系列点计算voronoi图
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="points">一系列点</param>
        /// <returns>一系列多变形</returns>
        public static IList <IGeometry> GeometryVoronoi(List <IPoint> points)
            // 判断点的数量是否合法
            if (points.Count < 3)
                throw new ArgumentException("Input must be a MultiPoint containing at least three points");

            // 初始化顶点列表
            List <SimplePoint> vertices = new List <SimplePoint>();

            // 加入所有初始提供的点
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                SimplePoint point = new SimplePoint(points[i].X, points[i].Y);

                // 除掉所有的多点,因为三角剖分算法不支持多点的引入
                if (!vertices.Contains(point))

            // 计算点集的数量,此时应该已经除掉了所有的重复点
            int numPoints = vertices.Count;

            // 判断点的数量是否合法
            if (numPoints < 3)
                throw new ArgumentException("Input must be a list of points containing at least three points");

            // 基于vertices中的顶点x坐标对indices进行sort

            IPointCollection pointCollection = new MultipointClass();

            foreach (SimplePoint p in vertices)
                pointCollection.AddPoint(new PointClass()
                    X = p.X, Y = p.Y

            IEnvelope envelope = (pointCollection as IGeometry).Envelope;

            // Width
            double dx = envelope.Width;

            // Height
            double dy = envelope.Height;

            // Maximum dimension
            double dmax = (dx > dy) ? dx : dy;

            // Centre
            double avgx = ((envelope.XMax - envelope.XMin) / 2) + envelope.XMin;
            double avgy = ((envelope.YMax - envelope.YMin) / 2) + envelope.YMin;

            // Create the points at corners of the supertriangle
            SimplePoint a = new SimplePoint(avgx - (2 * dmax), avgy - dmax);
            SimplePoint b = new SimplePoint(avgx + (2 * dmax), avgy - dmax);
            SimplePoint c = new SimplePoint(avgx, avgy + (2 * dmax));

            // Add the supertriangle vertices to the end of the vertex array

            double      radius;
            SimplePoint circumcentre;

            Triangulation.CalculateCircumcircle(a, b, c, out circumcentre, out radius);

            // 确定超级三角形,这个三角形应该包含所有点
            SimpleTriangle superTriangle = new SimpleTriangle(numPoints, numPoints + 1, numPoints + 2, circumcentre, radius);

            // 将超级三角形push到triangles列表
            List <SimpleTriangle> triangles = new List <SimpleTriangle>();


            List <SimpleTriangle> completedTriangles = new List <SimpleTriangle>();

            // 遍历基于indecies顺序的vertices中的每一个点
            for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
                // 初始化边缓存数组
                List <int[]> edges = new List <int[]>();

                // 遍历temp triangles中的每一个三角形
                for (int j = triangles.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                    // 如果该点在外接圆内
                    if (Distance(triangles[j].CircumCentre, vertices[i]) < triangles[j].Radius)
                        // 则该三角形不为Delaunay三角形,将三边保存至edge buffer
                        edges.Add(new int[] { triangles[j].A, triangles[j].B });
                        edges.Add(new int[] { triangles[j].B, triangles[j].C });
                        edges.Add(new int[] { triangles[j].C, triangles[j].A });

                        // 在temp中除掉该三角形
                    else if (vertices[i].X > triangles[j].CircumCentre.X + triangles[j].Radius)


                // 对edgebuffer进行去重
                for (int j = edges.Count - 1; j > 0; j--)
                    for (int k = j - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                        // Compare if this edge match in either direction
                        if (edges[j][0].Equals(edges[k][1]) && edges[j][1].Equals(edges[k][0]))
                            // 去重

                            // We've removed an item from lower down the list than where j is now, so update j

                // Create new triangles for the current point
                for (int j = 0; j < edges.Count; j++)
                    Triangulation.CalculateCircumcircle(vertices[edges[j][0]], vertices[edges[j][1]], vertices[i], out circumcentre, out radius);
                    SimpleTriangle t = new SimpleTriangle(edges[j][0], edges[j][1], i, circumcentre, radius);

            // 我们已经完成了三角剖分部分,接下来就是要完成构建voronoi图的过程

            IList <IGeometry> voronoiPolygon = new List <IGeometry>();

            for (var i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
                // 新建一个IGeometry来存放voronoi图
                IPointCollection mp = new MultipointClass();

                // 遍历所有三角形
                foreach (SimpleTriangle tri in completedTriangles)
                    // If the triangle intersects this point
                    if (tri.A == i || tri.B == i || tri.C == i)
                        mp.AddPoint(new PointClass()
                            X = tri.CircumCentre.X, Y = tri.CircumCentre.Y

                // Create the voronoi polygon from the convex hull of the circumcentres of intersecting triangles
                ITopologicalOperator topologicalOperator = mp as ITopologicalOperator;
                IGeometry            polygon             = topologicalOperator.ConvexHull();
                topologicalOperator = polygon as ITopologicalOperator;
                IGeometry result = topologicalOperator.Intersect(envelope, esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry2Dimension);
                if ((result != null) && (!result.IsEmpty))

Exemplo n.º 32
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate diagram voronoi from list of points
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="points">list of points</param>
        /// <returns>list of polygons</returns>
        public static IList<IGeometry> GeometryVoronoi(List<IPoint> points)
            // Check valid input
            if (points.Count < 3)
                throw new ArgumentException("Input must be a MultiPoint containing at least three points");

            // Initialise a list of vertices
            List<SimplePoint> vertices = new List<SimplePoint>();

            // Add all the original supplied points
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                SimplePoint point = new SimplePoint(points[i].X, points[i].Y);

                // MultiPoints can contain the same point twice, but this messes up Delaunay
                if (!vertices.Contains(point))

            // Important - count the number of points in the array as some duplicate points
            // may have been removed
            int numPoints = vertices.Count;

            // Check valid input
            if (numPoints < 3)
                throw new ArgumentException("Input must be a list of points containing at least three points");

            // Important! Sort the list so that points sweep from left - right

            IPointCollection pointCollection = new MultipointClass();
            foreach (SimplePoint p in vertices)
                pointCollection.AddPoint(new PointClass() { X = p.X, Y = p.Y });

            // Calculate the "supertriangle" that encompasses the pointset
            IEnvelope envelope = (pointCollection as IGeometry).Envelope;

            // Width
            double dx = envelope.Width;

            // Height
            double dy = envelope.Height;

            // Maximum dimension
            double dmax = (dx > dy) ? dx : dy;

            // Centre
            double avgx = ((envelope.XMax - envelope.XMin) / 2) + envelope.XMin;
            double avgy = ((envelope.YMax - envelope.YMin) / 2) + envelope.YMin;

            // Create the points at corners of the supertriangle
            SimplePoint a = new SimplePoint(avgx - (2 * dmax), avgy - dmax);
            SimplePoint b = new SimplePoint(avgx + (2 * dmax), avgy - dmax);
            SimplePoint c = new SimplePoint(avgx, avgy + (2 * dmax));

            // Add the supertriangle vertices to the end of the vertex array

            double radius;
            SimplePoint circumcentre;
            Triangulation.CalculateCircumcircle(a, b, c, out circumcentre, out radius);

            // Create a triangle from the vertices
            SimpleTriangle superTriangle = new SimpleTriangle(numPoints, numPoints + 1, numPoints + 2, circumcentre, radius);

            // Add the supertriangle to the list of triangles
            List<SimpleTriangle> triangles = new List<SimpleTriangle>();

            List<SimpleTriangle> completedTriangles = new List<SimpleTriangle>();

            // Loop through each point
            for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
                // Initialise the edge buffer
                List<int[]> edges = new List<int[]>();

                // Loop through each triangle
                for (int j = triangles.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                    // If the point lies within the circumcircle of this triangle
                    if (Distance(triangles[j].CircumCentre, vertices[i]) < triangles[j].Radius)
                        // Add the triangle edges to the edge buffer
                        edges.Add(new int[] { triangles[j].A, triangles[j].B });
                        edges.Add(new int[] { triangles[j].B, triangles[j].C });
                        edges.Add(new int[] { triangles[j].C, triangles[j].A });

                        // Remove this triangle from the list
                    else if (vertices[i].X > triangles[j].CircumCentre.X + triangles[j].Radius)
                        // If this triangle is complete


                // Remove duplicate edges
                for (int j = edges.Count - 1; j > 0; j--)
                    for (int k = j - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                        // Compare if this edge match in either direction
                        if (edges[j][0].Equals(edges[k][1]) && edges[j][1].Equals(edges[k][0]))
                            // Remove both duplicates

                            // We've removed an item from lower down the list than where j is now, so update j

                // Create new triangles for the current point
                for (int j = 0; j < edges.Count; j++)
                    Triangulation.CalculateCircumcircle(vertices[edges[j][0]], vertices[edges[j][1]], vertices[i], out circumcentre, out radius);
                    SimpleTriangle t = new SimpleTriangle(edges[j][0], edges[j][1], i, circumcentre, radius);

            // We've finished triangulation. Move any remaining triangles onto the completed list

            IList<IGeometry> voronoiPolygon = new List<IGeometry>();
            for (var i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
                // Initiliase a new geometry to hold the voronoi polygon
                IPointCollection mp = new MultipointClass();

                // Look through each triangle
                foreach (SimpleTriangle tri in completedTriangles)
                    // If the triangle intersects this point
                    if (tri.A == i || tri.B == i || tri.C == i)
                        mp.AddPoint(new PointClass() { X = tri.CircumCentre.X, Y = tri.CircumCentre.Y });

                // Create the voronoi polygon from the convex hull of the circumcentres of intersecting triangles
                ITopologicalOperator topologicalOperator = mp as ITopologicalOperator;
                IGeometry polygon = topologicalOperator.ConvexHull();
                topologicalOperator = polygon as ITopologicalOperator;
                IGeometry result = topologicalOperator.Intersect(envelope, esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry2Dimension);
                if ((result != null) && (!result.IsEmpty))

            return voronoiPolygon;
Exemplo n.º 33
        static void createWkbMultiLineString(byte[] wkb, ref int startIndex, BitConversion bitConversion, out IGeometry geometry)
            geometry = new PolylineClass();
            IPointCollection mp = (IPointCollection)geometry;

            // Get the number of line strings.
            UInt32 lineStringCnt;
            getWkbUInt32(wkb, ref startIndex, bitConversion, out lineStringCnt);

            UInt32 pointCnt;
            double x, y;
            object missing = Type.Missing;
            // Loop through each LineString.
            for (int i = 0; i < lineStringCnt; i++)
                startIndex += 5;  // Jump past useless header stuff.
                getWkbUInt32(wkb, ref startIndex, bitConversion, out pointCnt);

                IPointCollection tempPc = new MultipointClass();
                // Loop through each point.
                for (int j = 0; j < pointCnt; j++)
                    getWkbDouble(wkb, ref startIndex, bitConversion, out x);
                    getWkbDouble(wkb, ref startIndex, bitConversion, out y);
                    tempPc.AddPoint(createAoPoint(x, y), ref missing, ref missing);
        public IPointCollection ReadPoint(IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer)
            IFeatureCursor pFeatureCursor = pFeatureLayer.Search(null, false);

            IFeature pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature();
            IField   pField   = null;

            if (pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField("FID") != -1)
                pField = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField("FID"));
            else if (pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField("OBJECTID") != -1)
                pField = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField("OBJECTID"));

            string FirstFieldName = pField.AliasName;

            IQueryFilter pQueryFilter = new QueryFilterClass();

            pQueryFilter.WhereClause = FirstFieldName + ">=0";
            int number = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(pQueryFilter);

            //DataTable dt = AOFunctions.GDB.ITableUtil.GetDataTableFromITable(pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass as ITable, "");

            IPointCollection pPointCollection = new MultipointClass();
            IPoint           PrevPT           = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < number; i++)
                IGeometry pGeometry = pFeature.Shape as IGeometry;
                IPoint    pt        = pGeometry as IPoint;
                IPoint    pPoint    = new PointClass();

                IZAware zpt = pPoint as IZAware;
                zpt.ZAware = true;
                IMAware mpt = pPoint as IMAware;
                mpt.MAware = true;

                pPoint.PutCoords(pt.X, pt.Y);
                pPoint.Z = Convert.ToDouble(pFeature.Value[pFeature.Fields.FindField(EvConfig.CenterlineZField)]);

                if (i == 0)
                    pPoint.M = 0;
                    PrevPT   = pPoint;
                    pPoint.M = PrevPT.M + DataAlignment.DataAlignment.CalculateDistanceBetween84TwoPoints(pPoint, PrevPT);

                    PrevPT = pPoint;

                pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature();

Exemplo n.º 35
        private void zoom2selBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (resultGrid.SelectedRows.Count == 0) return;

            IPointCollection points = new MultipointClass();
                for (int i = 0; i < resultGrid.SelectedRows.Count; i++)
                    DataGridViewRow row = resultGrid.SelectedRows[i];
                    int id = (int)row.Cells[0].Value;

                    List<datacontract.poiLocation> qry = (from n in poiData.pois
                                                          where == id
                                                          select n.location).ToList<datacontract.poiLocation>();
                    if (qry.Count == 0) break;
                    if (qry[0].points == null || qry[0].points.Count == 0) break;

                    datacontract.geojsonPoint jsonPt = qry[0].points[0].Point;
                    IPoint wgsPt = geopuntHelper.geojson2esriPoint(jsonPt, 4326);
                    IPoint prjPt = (IPoint)geopuntHelper.Transform((IGeometry)wgsPt, map.SpatialReference);

                    points.AddPoint(prjPt, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
                if (points.PointCount == 0)
                else if (points.PointCount == 1)
                    IPoint xy = points.get_Point(0);
                    geopuntHelper.ZoomByRatioAndRecenter(view, 1, xy.X, xy.Y);
                    map.MapScale = 1000;
                    IEnvelope extent = ((IGeometry)points).Envelope;
                    view.Extent = extent;
            catch (WebException wex)
                if (wex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.Timeout)
                    MessageBox.Show("De connectie werd afgebroken." +
                        " Het duurde te lang voor de server een resultaat terug gaf.\n" +
                        "U kunt via de instellingen de 'timout'-tijd optrekken.", wex.Message);
                else if (wex.Response != null)
                    string resp = new StreamReader(wex.Response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
                    MessageBox.Show(resp, wex.Message);
                    MessageBox.Show(wex.Message, "Error");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + ": " + ex.StackTrace);
        //this method is called when the user clicks the "Compare Vertices" button at the bottom of the form
        private void cmdCompare_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (cboLayer1.SelectedItem.ToString() == "" || cboLayer2.SelectedItem.ToString() == "" || txtOID1.Text == "" || txtOID2.Text == "") //the double pipe is an or operator that "short circuts", meaning that it will bail out early if the condition is true, whereas the single pipe evaluates all conditions
                    MessageBox.Show("Choose polygon layer, or specify OBJECTID.", "Verify Selections...", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                //show busy mouse
                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor;

                IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer1 = null;
                IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer2 = null;

                IPointCollection pPtnCollMissingVertices = new MultipointClass(); //point collection for missing vertices and used for graphics layer
                IPoint           pPointMissing           = new PointClass();      //used for graphics layer

                //get access to polygon layer 1
                for (int i = 0; i < pMap.LayerCount; i++)
                    if (pMap.get_Layer(i) is IFeatureLayer)
                        if (pMap.get_Layer(i).Name.ToString() == cboLayer1.SelectedItem.ToString())
                            pFeatureLayer1 = pMap.get_Layer(i) as IFeatureLayer;

                //get access to polygon layer 2
                for (int i = 0; i < pMap.LayerCount; i++)
                    if (pMap.get_Layer(i) is IFeatureLayer)
                        if (pMap.get_Layer(i).Name.ToString() == cboLayer2.SelectedItem.ToString())
                            pFeatureLayer2 = pMap.get_Layer(i) as IFeatureLayer;

                //clear the x,y report list box

                //get vertices for feature 1
                //set up query filter for feature 1
                IQueryFilter pQueryFilter = new QueryFilter();
                pQueryFilter.WhereClause = "OBJECTID = " + txtOID1.Text;

                //set up feature cursor for feature 1
                IFeatureCursor pFeatureCursor = pFeatureLayer1.Search(pQueryFilter, false);

                //get feature 1
                IFeature pFeature1 = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature();

                //if no objectid is found
                if (pFeature1 == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("The provided OBJECTID was not found for layer: " + cboLayer1.SelectedItem, "ObjectID Not Found", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                //get feature 1 as a polygon
                IPolygon pPolygon1 = pFeature1.Shape as IPolygon;

                //get the point collection for feature 1
                IPointCollection pPointColl1 = pPolygon1 as IPointCollection;

                //get vertices for feature 2
                //set up query filter for feature 2
                pQueryFilter             = new QueryFilter();
                pQueryFilter.WhereClause = "OBJECTID = " + txtOID2.Text;

                //set up feature cursor for feature 2
                pFeatureCursor = null; //reuse the feature cursor from above
                pFeatureCursor = pFeatureLayer2.Search(pQueryFilter, false);

                //get feature 2
                IFeature pFeature2 = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature();

                //if no objectid is found
                if (pFeature2 == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("The provided OBJECTID was not found for layer: " + cboLayer1.SelectedItem, "ObjectID Not Found", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                //get feature 1 as a polygon
                IPolygon pPolygon2 = pFeature2.Shape as IPolygon;

                //get the point collection for feature 1
                IPointCollection pPointColl2 = pPolygon2 as IPointCollection;

                //loop through point collection and check for missing vertices
                IPoint  pPoint1;
                IPoint  pPoint2;
                Boolean blnFound;

                //loop through each point in the first collection and check for missing
                for (int i = 0; i < pPointColl1.PointCount; i++)
                    pPoint1 = pPointColl1.get_Point(i);

                    //loop through all the points in the second collection and check for the point from the above collection
                    blnFound = false;
                    for (int j = 0; j < pPointColl2.PointCount; j++)
                        pPoint2 = pPointColl2.get_Point(j);

                        //check for overlapping points
                        if (pPoint1.X == pPoint2.X && pPoint1.Y == pPoint2.Y)
                            blnFound = true;

                    //if no overlapping points were found, report the missing x,y location to the listbox
                    if (blnFound == false)
                        lstMissingVertices.Items.Add(pPoint1.X + " " + pPoint1.Y + " " + " Feet" + " (missing from polygon 2)");

                        //add the missing point to a new collection for display on map

                //loop through each point in the first collection and check for missing
                for (int i = 0; i < pPointColl2.PointCount; i++)
                    pPoint2 = pPointColl2.get_Point(i);

                    //loop through all the points in the second collection and check for the point from the above collection
                    blnFound = false;
                    for (int j = 0; j < pPointColl1.PointCount; j++)
                        pPoint1 = pPointColl1.get_Point(j);

                        //check for overlapping points
                        if (pPoint2.X == pPoint1.X && pPoint2.Y == pPoint1.Y)
                            blnFound = true;

                    //if no overlapping points were found, report the missing x,y location to the listbox
                    if (blnFound == false)
                        lstMissingVertices.Items.Add(pPoint2.X + " " + pPoint2.Y + " " + " Feet" + " (missing from polygon 1)");

                        //add the missing point to a new collection for display on map

                //if no missing vertices were found, inform the user
                if (lstMissingVertices.Items.Count < 1)
                    lstMissingVertices.Items.Add("No Missing Vertices Found");

                //display vertices if checkbox is checked
                if (chkDisplayVertices.Checked == true)
                    //show busy mouse
                    System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor;

                    //set up the graphics layer for the display of vertices
                    ICompositeGraphicsLayer2 pCompositeGraphicLayer = pMap.BasicGraphicsLayer as ICompositeGraphicsLayer2;
                    ICompositeLayer          pCompositeLayer        = pCompositeGraphicLayer as ICompositeLayer;
                    ILayer             pLayer;
                    IGraphicsLayer     pGraphicsLayer;
                    IGraphicsContainer pGraphicsContainer;

                    //loop through the graphics layer and check for the missing vertices layer.  if found, delete it
                    for (int i = 0; i < pCompositeLayer.Count; i++)
                        pLayer = pCompositeLayer.Layer[i];
                        if (pLayer.Name == "MissingVertices")

                    //set up a new 'missing vertices' graphics layer
                    pGraphicsLayer           = pCompositeGraphicLayer.AddLayer("MissingVertices", null);
                    pMap.ActiveGraphicsLayer = pGraphicsLayer as ILayer;
                    pGraphicsContainer       = pCompositeGraphicLayer.FindLayer("MissingVertices") as IGraphicsContainer;

                    //define the color
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IRgbColor rgbColorCls = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.RgbColorClass();
                    rgbColorCls.Red   = 250;
                    rgbColorCls.Green = 0;
                    rgbColorCls.Blue  = 0;

                    //define the font
                    stdole.IFontDisp stdFontCls = new stdole.StdFontClass() as stdole.IFontDisp;
                    stdFontCls.Name = "ESRI Surveyor Marker"; //this one has a thin-line hollow circle
                    stdFontCls.Name = "ESRI Surveyor";        //this one has a bold-line hollow circle
                    stdFontCls.Size = 16;

                    //set the character marker symbol's properties
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.ICharacterMarkerSymbol charMarkerSymb = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.CharacterMarkerSymbolClass();
                    charMarkerSymb.Angle          = 0;
                    charMarkerSymb.CharacterIndex = 47;
                    charMarkerSymb.Color          = rgbColorCls;
                    charMarkerSymb.Font           = stdFontCls;
                    charMarkerSymb.Size           = 16;
                    charMarkerSymb.XOffset        = 0;
                    charMarkerSymb.YOffset        = 0;

                    //place the graphics on the map
                    for (int i = 0; i < pPtnCollMissingVertices.PointCount; i++)
                        pPointMissing = pPtnCollMissingVertices.Point[i];
                        IElement pElement = new MarkerElement();
                        pElement.Geometry = pPointMissing;
                        IMarkerElement pMarkerElement = pElement as IMarkerElement;
                        pMarkerElement.Symbol = charMarkerSymb;
                        pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement, 0);

                    //refresh the map, in order to see the newly added graphics
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error Message: " + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                "Error Source: " + Environment.NewLine + ex.Source + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                "Error Location:" + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace,
                                "AGRC Custom Tools ArcMap Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
        private void SetPINValue()
            //The Theory.
            //Select polygons that intersect the sketch.
            //Construct one polyline from the boundaries and intersect with sketch.
            //Sort resulting intersection locations (multipoint) by distance of the intersect
            // from the start of the sketch and create new ordered multipoint.
            //Loop through new ordered multipoint, select underlying parcel and calc pin.

            IFeatureLayer featLayer = m_editLayers.CurrentLayer;

            m_curve = m_edSketch.Geometry as IPolyline;

            //Search parcel polys by graphic to get feature cursor
            ISpatialFilter spatialFilter = new SpatialFilter();

            spatialFilter.Geometry      = m_curve;
            spatialFilter.GeometryField = m_editLayers.CurrentLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeFieldName;
            spatialFilter.SpatialRel    = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelCrosses;

            IFeatureCursor featCursor = featLayer.Search(spatialFilter, true);
            IFeature       feature    = featCursor.NextFeature();

            //If we have no intersects then exit
            if (feature == null)

            //Make a GeomBag of the polygons boundaries (polylines)
            IGeometryCollection geomBag = new GeometryBagClass();
            object missing = Type.Missing;

            while (feature != null)
                ITopologicalOperator poly = feature.Shape as ITopologicalOperator;
                geomBag.AddGeometry(poly.Boundary, ref missing, ref missing);
                feature = featCursor.NextFeature();

            //Make one polyline from the boundaries
            IPolyline            polyLineU = new PolylineClass();
            ITopologicalOperator topoOp    = polyLineU as ITopologicalOperator;

            topoOp.ConstructUnion(geomBag as IEnumGeometry);

            //Get the intersections of the boundaries and the curve
            IPointCollection pointCol = topoOp.Intersect(m_curve, esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry0Dimension) as IPointCollection;

            //The point collection is not ordered by distance along the curve so
            //need to create a new collection with this info

            int[]  pointOrder = new int[pointCol.PointCount];
            double dac = 0, dfc = 0;
            bool   bRS = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < pointCol.PointCount; i++)
                IPoint queryPoint = new PointClass();
                pointCol.QueryPoint(i, queryPoint);
                m_curve.QueryPointAndDistance(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, queryPoint, false, null, ref dac, ref dfc, ref bRS);
                pointOrder[i] = (int)dac;

            //use built in bubble sort

            //Loop through the sorted array and calc midpoint between parcel boundaries
            IPointCollection midPoints = new MultipointClass();

            for (int i = 0; i < pointOrder.Length - 1; i++)
                //Get the midpoint distance
                double midPointDist = (pointOrder[i] + pointOrder[i + 1]) / 2;

                //create a point at the distance and store in point collection
                IPoint queryPoint = new PointClass();
                m_curve.QueryPoint(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, midPointDist, false, queryPoint);
                midPoints.AddPoint(queryPoint, ref missing, ref missing);

            //If ends of sketch are included then add them as points
            if (chkEnds.Checked)
                object before = 0 as object;
                midPoints.AddPoint(m_curve.FromPoint, ref before, ref missing);
                midPoints.AddPoint(m_curve.ToPoint, ref missing, ref missing);


            //Loop through calculated midpoints, select polygon and calc pin
            for (int i = 0; i < midPoints.PointCount; i++)
                IPoint midPoint = midPoints.get_Point(i);
                spatialFilter               = new SpatialFilter();
                spatialFilter.Geometry      = midPoint;
                spatialFilter.GeometryField = m_editLayers.CurrentLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeFieldName;
                spatialFilter.SpatialRel    = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelWithin;

                featCursor = featLayer.Search(spatialFilter, false);
                while ((feature = featCursor.NextFeature()) != null)
                    feature.set_Value(feature.Fields.FindField(cmbPINField.Text), m_lotNum);
                    m_lotNum += int.Parse(txtlotinc.Text);
            txtlot.Text = m_lotNum.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 38
        private void GeometryCoordConvert(ref IGeometry pConvertGeometry, double A1, double B1, double C1, double A2, double B2, double C2, double A3, double C3)
            object a      = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
            object b      = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
            bool   isRing = false;

            if (pConvertGeometry.GeometryType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)//如果为线要素或面要素
                IArray pArrayPoint    = new ArrayClass();
                IArray pGeometryArray = new ArrayClass();
                IGeometryCollection pGeometryCollection = pConvertGeometry as IGeometryCollection;
                for (int i = 0; i < pGeometryCollection.GeometryCount; i++)
                    IGeometry pGeometry = pGeometryCollection.get_Geometry(i);
                    if (pGeometry.GeometryType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)//
                        if (pGeometry.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryRing)
                            isRing = true;

                        if (pGeometry.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon)
                            pGeometry = CommonFunction.GetPolygonBoundary((IPolygon)pGeometry);

                        ISegmentCollection pSegmentCol    = (ISegmentCollection)pGeometry;
                        ISegmentCollection pNewSegmentCol = new PolylineClass();
                        for (int k = 0; k < pSegmentCol.SegmentCount; k++)//遍历几何形体的每个节(片断)
                            if (pSegmentCol.get_Segment(k).GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryLine)
                                IPointCollection pPointCol1 = new MultipointClass();
                                ILine            pLine      = (ILine)pSegmentCol.get_Segment(k);

                                IPoint pFromPoint = pLine.FromPoint;
                                pPointCol1.AddPoint((IPoint)pFromPoint, ref a, ref b);
                                IPoint pToPoint = pLine.ToPoint;
                                pPointCol1.AddPoint((IPoint)pToPoint, ref a, ref b);

                                PointCollCoordConvert(A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2, A3, C3, ref pPointCol1);//对点集做镜像

                                pLine.FromPoint = pPointCol1.get_Point(0);
                                pLine.ToPoint   = pPointCol1.get_Point(1);

                                pNewSegmentCol.AddSegment((ISegment)pLine, ref a, ref b);
                            else if (pSegmentCol.get_Segment(k).GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryCircularArc)
                                IPointCollection pPointCol2 = new MultipointClass();

                                ICircularArc pCircularArc = (ICircularArc)pSegmentCol.get_Segment(k);

                                    IPoint pCenterPoint = pCircularArc.CenterPoint;
                                    pPointCol2.AddPoint((IPoint)pCenterPoint, ref a, ref b);
                                    IPoint pFromPoint = pCircularArc.FromPoint;
                                    pPointCol2.AddPoint((IPoint)pFromPoint, ref a, ref b);
                                    IPoint pToPoint = pCircularArc.ToPoint;
                                    pPointCol2.AddPoint((IPoint)pToPoint, ref a, ref b);

                                    PointCollCoordConvert(A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2, A3, C3, ref pPointCol2);//对点集做镜像

                                    ICircularArc pArc = new CircularArcClass();
                                    pArc.PutCoords(pPointCol2.get_Point(0), pPointCol2.get_Point(1), pPointCol2.get_Point(2),
                                                   (pCircularArc.IsCounterClockwise ? esriArcOrientation.esriArcCounterClockwise : esriArcOrientation.esriArcClockwise));

                                    pNewSegmentCol.AddSegment((ISegment)pArc, ref a, ref b);
                                catch { }
                            else if (pSegmentCol.get_Segment(k).GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryBezier3Curve)
                                IPointCollection pPointCol3   = new MultipointClass();
                                IBezierCurve     pBezierCurve = (IBezierCurve)pSegmentCol.get_Segment(k);

                                IPoint pFromPoint = new PointClass();
                                pBezierCurve.QueryCoord(0, pFromPoint);
                                pPointCol3.AddPoint(pFromPoint, ref a, ref b);
                                IPoint pFromTangentPoint = new PointClass();
                                pBezierCurve.QueryCoord(1, pFromTangentPoint);
                                pPointCol3.AddPoint(pFromTangentPoint, ref a, ref b);
                                IPoint pToTangentPoint = new PointClass();
                                pBezierCurve.QueryCoord(2, pToTangentPoint);
                                pPointCol3.AddPoint(pToTangentPoint, ref a, ref b);
                                IPoint pToPoint = new PointClass();
                                pBezierCurve.QueryCoord(3, pToPoint);
                                pPointCol3.AddPoint(pToPoint, ref a, ref b);

                                PointCollCoordConvert(A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2, A3, C3, ref pPointCol3);//对点集做镜像

                                pBezierCurve.PutCoord(0, pPointCol3.get_Point(0));
                                pBezierCurve.PutCoord(1, pPointCol3.get_Point(1));
                                pBezierCurve.PutCoord(2, pPointCol3.get_Point(2));
                                pBezierCurve.PutCoord(3, pPointCol3.get_Point(3));

                                pNewSegmentCol.AddSegment((ISegment)pBezierCurve, ref a, ref b);
                        }//end for 遍历几何形体的每个节(片断)

                        CommonFunction.GeometryToArray(pNewSegmentCol as IGeometry, pArrayPoint);

                        IPolycurve2 pPolycurve2 = CommonFunction.BuildPolyLineFromSegmentCollection(pNewSegmentCol);

                        pGeometry = (IGeometry)pPolycurve2;

                    if (pConvertGeometry.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon)//由线构成面
                        pGeometry = CommonFunction.PolylineToPolygon(pGeometry as IPolyline);
                if (pGeometryArray.Count > 1)
                    pConvertGeometry = pGeometryArray.get_Element(0) as IGeometry;
                    if (isRing == true)
                        for (int i = 1; i < pGeometryArray.Count; i++)
                            pConvertGeometry = CommonFunction.DiffenceGeometry(pConvertGeometry, pGeometryArray.get_Element(i) as IGeometry);
                        for (int i = 1; i < pGeometryArray.Count; i++)
                            pConvertGeometry = CommonFunction.UnionGeometry(pConvertGeometry, pGeometryArray.get_Element(i) as IGeometry);
                    pConvertGeometry = pGeometryArray.get_Element(0) as IGeometry;

                CommonFunction.AddZMValueForGeometry(ref pConvertGeometry, pArrayPoint);
                PointCoordConvert(ref pConvertGeometry, A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2, A3, C3);
Exemplo n.º 39
        /// <summary>
        /// 获得缓冲区域内的点集合
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pBuff">缓冲区域</param>
        /// <returns>缓冲区域内的点集合(IPointCollection)</returns>
        private IPointCollection pntColl(IGeometry pBuff)
            string pFld = m_Parameters[1].ToString().Trim();
            object o    = Type.Missing;

            IPointCollection pPointColl = new MultipointClass();
            ISpatialFilter   pFilter    = new SpatialFilterClass();
            ILayer        pLyr  = m_Parameters[0] as ILayer;
            IFeatureLayer pFLyr = pLyr as IFeatureLayer;

            if (pFLyr == null)

            IFeatureClass pFCls = pFLyr.FeatureClass;

            pFilter.Geometry      = pBuff;
            pFilter.GeometryField = pFCls.ShapeFieldName;
            pFilter.SpatialRel    = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelContains;

            IFeatureCursor pOutFeatureCursor = pFCls.Search(pFilter, false);

            IFeature pFeature = pOutFeatureCursor.NextFeature();

            while (pFeature != null)
                IGeometry pGeometry = pFeature.Shape;
                if (pGeometry != null)
                    if (pFld == "Z")
                        #region  中'Z'字段
                        if (pGeometry is IPoint)
                            IPoint pPnt = pGeometry as IPoint;
                            if (pPnt.Z > -999)
                                pPointColl.AddPoint(pPnt, ref o, ref o);
                            IPointCollection pPnts = pGeometry as IPointCollection;
                            for (int i = 0; i < pPnts.PointCount; i++)
                                IPoint pPnt = pPnts.get_Point(i);
                                if (pPnt.Z <= -999)
                                    pPointColl.AddPoint(pPnt, ref o, ref o);
                        #region  中其他字段

                        if (pGeometry is IPoint)
                            IPoint pPnt = pGeometry as IPoint;
                            pPnt.Z = Convert.ToDouble(pFeature.get_Value(pFCls.Fields.FindField(pFld)).ToString().Trim());
                            if (pPnt.Z != -999)
                                pPointColl.AddPoint(pPnt, ref o, ref o);
                            IPointCollection pPnts = pGeometry as IPointCollection;
                            for (int i = 0; i < pPnts.PointCount; i++)
                                IPoint pPnt = pPnts.get_Point(i);
                                pPnt.Z = Convert.ToDouble(pFeature.get_Value(pFCls.Fields.FindField(pFld)).ToString().Trim());
                                if (pPnt.Z != -999)
                                    pPointColl.AddPoint(pPnt, ref o, ref o);
                pFeature = pOutFeatureCursor.NextFeature();
            catch (Exception ex)
