Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateMultipleChoice(int id, MultipleChoiceViewModel model)
            var folderId = Int32.Parse(Request.Form["folder"]);

            ViewBag.Categories = _categoryRepo.Categories;
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //create new multiple choice
                MultipleChoice newMC = new MultipleChoice();

                newMC.Name        = model.Name;
                newMC.Description = model.Description;

                newMC.A = model.A;
                newMC.B = model.B;
                newMC.C = model.C;
                newMC.D = model.D;

                newMC.Answer = model.Answer;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                //save changes ^^

                //create new post and pass it newly saved multiple choice's id as foreign key

                Post newPost = new Post();

                newPost.CourseId = _courseId;

                newPost.PostCategory = 1;
                newPost.AssignmentId = newMC.MultipleChoiceId;
                newPost.FolderId     = folderId;


                //everytime we add a post to a folder we update the edit time of the edit col in folder
                var folderToUpdate = _context.Folders.Where(f => f.FolderId == folderId && f.CourseId == id).First();
                folderToUpdate.WhenEdited = DateTime.Now;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                TempData["Success"] = "Assignment Successfully Created!";

                //to be used for views to show activity of Curse

                    controller = "Course",
                    action = "Show",
                    id = _courseId
        public ActionResult Index(string option)
            if (option != null)
                switch (option.ToLower())
                case "wordform":
                    _viewModel = new WordFormViewModel();
                    CreateLayoutView("Từ vựng");

                case "listening":
                    _viewModel = new ListeningViewModel();
                    CreateLayoutView("Tập nghe");

                case "reading":
                    _viewModel = new ReadingViewModel();
                    CreateLayoutView("Tập đọc");

                case "grammar":
                    _viewModel = new GrammarViewModel();
                    CreateLayoutView("Ngữ pháp");

                case "multiplechoice":
                    _viewModel = new MultipleChoiceViewModel();
                    CreateLayoutView("Trắc nghiệm");

                    _viewModel = new LearningViewModel();
                    CreateLayoutView("Tự học");
                _viewModel = new LearningViewModel();
                CreateLayoutView("Tự học");
                ViewBag.page = "Index";

            return(View("Index", "~/Views/Layout/_LearningLayout.cshtml", _viewModel));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public IActionResult submitMultipleChoice(int Id)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                MultipleChoiceViewModel model = new MultipleChoiceViewModel();
                model.selectedAnswer = 0;
                Question question = _context.Question.SingleOrDefault(quest => quest.Id == Id);

                model.theQuestion = question;
                return(RedirectToAction("MultipleChoiceView", new { Id = Id }));

        public ActionResult MultipleChoice()
            _viewModel = new MultipleChoiceViewModel();
            List <int>        randDomPost    = randomPosition();
            List <TracNghiem> dataTracNghiem = new List <TracNghiem>();

            List <int> listIDWord  = new List <int>();
            var        currentUser = _service.GetUserById(User.Identity.GetUserId());

            listIDWord = _detailOutWordService.listIdOutWord(currentUser.Id, -1);
            foreach (var id in listIDWord)
            MultipleChoiceViewModel.listTracNghiem = dataTracNghiem;
            return(PartialView("_MultipleChoice", MultipleChoiceViewModel));
Exemplo n.º 5
        //Multiple Choice Actions

        public IActionResult MultipleChoiceView(int Id, int topicId)
            ViewBag.Email = _userManager.GetUserName(HttpContext.User);

            MultipleChoiceViewModel model = new MultipleChoiceViewModel();

            Question question = _context.Question.SingleOrDefault(quest => quest.Id == Id);

            model.theQuestion = question;

            var questionInfo = from q in _context.Question
                               where q.TopicId == topicId
                               select q;

            var orderListLength = questionInfo.Count();

            model.orderListLength = orderListLength - 1;

            if (questionInfo != null)
                model.questionList = (from q in questionInfo
                                      select new Question()
                    Id = q.Id,
                    isMultipleChoice = q.isMultipleChoice,
                    TopicId = q.TopicId,
                    questionOrder = q.questionOrder

            var referenceInfo = from reference in _context.QuestionReferenceList
                                where reference.QuestionId == Id
                                select reference;

            if (referenceInfo != null)
                model.referenceList = (from reference in referenceInfo
                                       select new QuestionReferenceList()
                    Link = reference.Link,
                    Text = reference.Text

        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <ActionResult> MultipleChoiceToiec()
            _viewModel = new MultipleChoiceViewModel();
            List <int>        randDomPost    = randomPosition();
            List <TracNghiem> dataTracNghiem = new List <TracNghiem>();
            var listToiecQues = _toiecService.GetToiecExamList();

            foreach (var item in listToiecQues.data)
                TracNghiem tracnghiem = new TracNghiem();
                tracnghiem.Question = item.message;
                tracnghiem.UrlImage = item.imageURL;
                //Tạo random postion
                var   ramdomPo        = randomPosition();
                DapAn dapAnTracNghiem = new DapAn();
                if (item.DapAn == "a" || item.DapAn == "A")
                    dapAnTracNghiem.Checked = true;
                    tracnghiem.ABCD[0]      = dapAnTracNghiem;
                else if (item.DapAn == "b" || item.DapAn == "B")
                    dapAnTracNghiem.Checked = true;
                    tracnghiem.ABCD[1]      = dapAnTracNghiem;
                else if (item.DapAn == "c" || item.DapAn == "C")
                    dapAnTracNghiem.Checked = true;
                    tracnghiem.ABCD[2]      = dapAnTracNghiem;
                else if (item.DapAn == "d" || item.DapAn == "D")
                    dapAnTracNghiem.Checked = true;
                    tracnghiem.ABCD[3]      = dapAnTracNghiem;

            MultipleChoiceViewModel.listTracNghiem = dataTracNghiem;
            return(PartialView("_MultipleChoice", MultipleChoiceViewModel));
Exemplo n.º 7
        void GetViewModel(object effect)
            CurrentViewModel = null;
            var currentEffect = effect.ToString();

            enumValue = (Algorithm.Effects)Enum.Parse(typeof(Algorithm.Effects), currentEffect);
            if (currentEffect == "Canvas" ||
                currentEffect == "Quantize" ||
                currentEffect == "Edge" ||
                currentEffect == "Parabola" ||
                currentEffect == "Wave" ||
                currentEffect == "OilPaint"
                CurrentViewModel = new MultipleChoiceViewModel(enumValue);
            else if (currentEffect == "Sepia" ||
                     currentEffect == "Solarize" ||
                     currentEffect == "Outline"
                CurrentViewModel = new SliderSelectionViewModel(enumValue);
            else if (
                currentEffect == "Emboss" ||
                currentEffect == "XRay" ||
                currentEffect == "Dither")
                CurrentViewModel = new MultipleChoiceColourSelectionViewModel(enumValue);
            else if (
                currentEffect == "Glass")
                CurrentViewModel = new MultipleChoiceSliderViewModel(enumValue);
            else if (currentEffect == "Pixelate")
                CurrentViewModel = new DoubleSliderViewModel(enumValue);