Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void WaitForJob(Mujin.ControllerClient controllerClient, Options options, string jobPrimaryKey)
            string   jobStatus   = "";
            double   jobProgress = 0.0;
            bool     jobSeen     = false;
            DateTime startTime   = DateTime.Now;

            while (true)
                Dictionary <string, object> job = LookupJob(controllerClient, options, jobPrimaryKey);
                if (job == null)
                    // job has been seen before, so must be done now
                    if (jobSeen)

                    // perhaps job finished too quickly
                    if (DateTime.Now - startTime > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2))

                    // wait a bit more

                // we have now seen this job at least once
                jobSeen = true;
                double newProgress = double.Parse(job["progress"].ToString());
                string newStatus   = job["status_text"].ToString();
                newProgress = Math.Min(1.0, Math.Max(jobProgress, newProgress));

                if (newProgress != jobProgress || newStatus != jobStatus)
                    jobProgress = newProgress;
                    jobStatus   = newStatus;
                    Console.WriteLine("Progress {0}%: {1}", Math.Round(jobProgress * 100.0), jobStatus);

                string status = job["status"].ToString();
                switch (status)
                case "succeeded":

                case "lost":
                case "preempted":
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("Job has stopped unexpectedly: {0}", status));

Exemplo n.º 2
        private static Dictionary <string, object> GetTaskResult(Mujin.ControllerClient controllerClient, Options options, string taskPrimaryKey)
            Dictionary <string, object> task = controllerClient.GetSceneTask(options.ScenePrimaryKey, taskPrimaryKey);
            List <object> results            = (List <object>)task["binpickingresults"];

            if (results.Count == 0)
            Dictionary <string, object> result = (Dictionary <string, object>)results[0];

            return((Dictionary <string, object>)controllerClient.GetJsonMessage(Mujin.HttpMethod.GET, (string)result["uri"]));
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static Dictionary <string, object> LookupJob(Mujin.ControllerClient controllerClient, Options options, string jobPrimaryKey)
            Dictionary <string, object> jobs = controllerClient.GetJobs();

            foreach (Dictionary <string, object> job in (List <object>)jobs["objects"])
                if (job["pk"].ToString() == jobPrimaryKey)
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static void CancelPreviousJobs(Mujin.ControllerClient controllerClient, Options options)
            Dictionary <string, object> jobs = controllerClient.GetJobs();

            foreach (Dictionary <string, object> job in (List <object>)jobs["objects"])
                if (job["description"].ToString().Contains("/registration-"))
                    Console.WriteLine("Canceled previous job: {0}", job["pk"].ToString());
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static Dictionary <string, object> WaitForTaskResult(Mujin.ControllerClient controllerClient, Options options, string taskPrimaryKey)
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            while (true)
                Dictionary <string, object> result = GetTaskResult(controllerClient, options, taskPrimaryKey);
                if (result != null)

                if (DateTime.Now - startTime > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5))
                    throw new Exception("Timed out waiting for task result");

Exemplo n.º 6
        private static void DeletePreviousTasks(Mujin.ControllerClient controllerClient, Options options)
            Dictionary <string, object> sceneTasks = controllerClient.GetSceneTasks(options.ScenePrimaryKey);

            foreach (Dictionary <string, object> sceneTask in (List <object>)sceneTasks["objects"])
                if ((string)sceneTask["tasktype"] == taskType)
                        controllerClient.DeleteSceneTask(options.ScenePrimaryKey, sceneTask["pk"].ToString());
                        Console.WriteLine("Deleted previous task: {0}", sceneTask["pk"].ToString());
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine("Faield to delete previous task: {0}: {0}", sceneTask["pk"].ToString(), ex);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private async void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Button button1 = (Button)sender;

            button1.Enabled   = false;
            richTextBox1.Text = "Starting backup task ...";
                string command = "Backup";
                if (radioButton2_syncmasterfile.Checked)
                    command = "SyncMasterFile";
                string controllerurl      = controllerurl_input.Text;
                string controllerusername = username_input.Text;
                string controllerpassword = password_input.Text;
                string ftpusername        = ftpusername_input.Text;
                string ftppassword        = ftppassword_input.Text;
                string ftphost            = ftphost_input.Text;
                string ftpport            = ftpport_input.Text;
                string ftpremotePath      = ftpremotePath_input.Text;
                string masterFilePath     = masterFilePath_input.Text;

                Dictionary <string, string> config = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "controllerurl", controllerurl },
                    { "controllerusername", controllerusername },
                    { "controllerpassword", controllerpassword },
                    { "ftpusername", ftpusername },
                    { "ftppassword", ftppassword },
                    { "ftphost", ftphost },
                    { "ftpport", ftpport },
                    { "ftpremotePath", ftpremotePath },
                    { "masterFilePath", masterFilePath }
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText("config.json", JSON.ToNiceJSON(config));

                // initialize mujincontrollerclient
                Mujin.ControllerClient c = new Mujin.ControllerClient(controllerusername, controllerpassword, controllerurl);

                // get scene pk
                string scenepk = c.GetCurrentSceneURI().Substring("mujin:/".Length);

                // create a new task
                Dictionary <string, object> taskdata = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                if (command == "Backup")
                    taskdata = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                            "taskparameters", new Dictionary <string, object>()
                                { "fileStorageInfo", new Dictionary <string, object>()
                                      { "type", "ftp" },
                                      { "username", ftpusername },
                                      { "password", ftppassword },
                                      { "host", ftphost },
                                      { "port", ftpport },
                                      { "remotePath", ftpremotePath },
                                  } },
                                { "command", "Backup" }
                        { "name", String.Format("registration-backup-{0}", DateTime.Now.ToString(@"yyyyMMdd-hhmmss")) },
                        { "tasktype", "registration" },
                else if (command == "SyncMasterFile")
                    taskdata = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                            "taskparameters", new Dictionary <string, object>()
                                { "fileStorageInfo", new Dictionary <string, object>()
                                      { "type", "ftp" },
                                      { "username", ftpusername },
                                      { "password", ftppassword },
                                      { "host", ftphost },
                                      { "port", ftpport },
                                      { "remotePath", ftpremotePath },
                                  } },
                                { "command", "SyncMasterFile" },
                                { "remoteMasterFilePath", masterFilePath }
                        { "name", String.Format("registration-syncmasterfile-{0}", DateTime.Now.ToString(@"yyyyMMdd-hhmmss")) },
                        { "tasktype", "registration" },

                // delete previous task
                Dictionary <string, object> sceneTasks = c.GetSceneTasks(scenepk);
                foreach (Dictionary <string, object> task in (List <object>)sceneTasks["objects"])
                    if ((string)task["tasktype"] == "registration")
                            c.DeleteSceneTask(scenepk, (string)task["pk"]);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Console.WriteLine("Faield to delete previous task: {0}", ex);
                Dictionary <string, object> response = c.CreateSceneTask(scenepk, taskdata);
                string taskpk = (string)response["id"];
                // trigger task to execute
                Dictionary <string, object> runTaskResponse = c.RunScenetaskAsync(scenepk, taskpk);
                await Progress(scenepk, taskpk, (string)runTaskResponse["jobpk"]);

                MessageBox.Show(button1, "Done!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                richTextBox1.Text = ex.ToString();
                button1.Enabled = true;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private async Task Progress(string scenepk, string taskpk, string jobpk)
            string controllerurl      = controllerurl_input.Text;
            string controllerusername = username_input.Text;
            string controllerpassword = password_input.Text;

            // initialize mujincontrollerclient
            Mujin.ControllerClient c = new Mujin.ControllerClient(controllerusername, controllerpassword, controllerurl);

            int      progress  = 0;
            bool     jobSeen   = false;
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            while (true)
                await Task.Delay(200);

                Dictionary <string, object> job  = null;
                Dictionary <string, object> jobs = c.GetJobs();
                foreach (Dictionary <string, object> j in (List <object>)jobs["objects"])
                    if (j["pk"].ToString() == jobpk)
                        job = j;

                if (job == null)
                    // job has been seen before, so must be done now
                    if (jobSeen)

                    // perhaps job finished too quickly
                    if (DateTime.Now - startTime > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2))

                    // wait a bit more

                jobSeen           = true;
                richTextBox1.Text = job["status_text"].ToString();

                double progressRaw = double.Parse(job["progress"].ToString());
                progress = Math.Min(100, Math.Max(progress, (int)Math.Round(progressRaw * 100)));
                progressBar1.Invoke(new Action(() => {
                    progressBar1.Value = progress;

            int objectCount = 0;
            Dictionary <string, object> task = c.GetSceneTask(scenepk, taskpk);
            List <object> resultsInfoList    = (List <object>)task["binpickingresults"];

            if (resultsInfoList.Count > 0)
                Dictionary <string, object> resultInfo = (Dictionary <string, object>)resultsInfoList[0];
                Dictionary <string, object> result     = c.GetJsonMessage(Mujin.HttpMethod.GET, (string)resultInfo["uri"]);
                Console.WriteLine("{0}", JSON.ToNiceJSON(result));

                if (result.ContainsKey("output"))
                    Dictionary <string, object> output = (Dictionary <string, object>)result["output"];
                    if (output.ContainsKey("objects"))
                        List <object> objects = (List <object>)output["objects"];
                        objectCount = objects.Count;
            richTextBox1.Text = String.Format("Backed up {0} objects.", objectCount);
            progressBar1.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                progressBar1.Value = 100;
Exemplo n.º 9
        private static void Run(Options options)
            Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(options.ConsoleEncoding);

            string command = "";

            if (options.Backup)
                if (command.Length > 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Cannot specify both --backup and --syncMasterFile at the same time.");
                command = "Backup";
            if (options.MasterFilePath.Length > 0)
                if (command.Length > 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Cannot specify both --backup and --syncMasterFile at the same time.");
                command = "SyncMasterFile";
            if (command.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Have to specify either --backup or --syncMasterFile in command line.");

            string taskName = String.Format("registration-{0}-{1}", command.ToLower(), DateTime.Now.ToString(@"yyyyMMdd-HHmmss"));

            Console.WriteLine("Using task name: {0}", taskName);

            if (options.OutputFilename.Length == 0)
                options.OutputFilename = String.Format("{0}.json", taskName);

            Mujin.ControllerClient controllerClient = new Mujin.ControllerClient(options.ControllerUsername, options.ControllerPassword, options.ControllerUrl);

            // cancel previous running jobs
            CancelPreviousJobs(controllerClient, options);

            // get scenepk
            if (options.ScenePrimaryKey.Length == 0)
                options.ScenePrimaryKey = controllerClient.GetCurrentSceneURI().Substring("mujin:/".Length);
                Console.WriteLine("Using current scene: {0}", options.ScenePrimaryKey);

            // delete previous task
            DeletePreviousTasks(controllerClient, options);

            // create new task
            string taskPrimaryKey = CreateTask(controllerClient, options, command, taskName);

            Console.WriteLine("Task created: {0}", taskPrimaryKey);

            // trigger task to execute
            string jobPrimaryKey = RunTaskAsync(controllerClient, options, taskPrimaryKey);

            Console.WriteLine("Task started: {0}", jobPrimaryKey);

            // wait for job
            WaitForJob(controllerClient, options, jobPrimaryKey);
            Console.WriteLine("Task finished");

            // wait until result is written
            Dictionary <string, object> result = WaitForTaskResult(controllerClient, options, taskPrimaryKey);

            Console.WriteLine("Result fetched");

            // write to file
            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(options.OutputFilename, JSON.ToNiceJSON(result));
            Console.WriteLine("Output written to file: {0}", options.OutputFilename);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static string RunTaskAsync(Mujin.ControllerClient controllerClient, Options options, string taskPrimaryKey)
            Dictionary <string, object> runSceneTaskResponse = controllerClient.RunScenetaskAsync(options.ScenePrimaryKey, taskPrimaryKey);

Exemplo n.º 11
        private static string CreateTask(Mujin.ControllerClient controllerClient, Options options, string command, string taskName)
            Dictionary <string, object> createSceneTaskResponse = controllerClient.CreateSceneTask(options.ScenePrimaryKey, PrepareTaskData(options, command, taskName));
