Exemplo n.º 1
        public void runOnce(object inputVo)
                Thread cur_thread = Thread.CurrentThread;
                int    i          = cur_thread.ManagedThreadId;
                Debug.WriteLine("start : {0}", i);

                InputVo inputData = (InputVo)inputVo;

                searchVo.kreamUrl  = inputData.kreamUrl;
                searchVo.stockXUrl = inputData.stockXUrl;
                searchVo.threadNo  = inputData.no;

                MstInfo mstInfo = processingDataService.comparingData(searchVo);
                searchVo.mstInfo = mstInfo;
                _httpClient      = new HttpClient();
                //string url = "https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/797639331011231744/GN1RSE99hoWUw4ga9PdJi2XuQp9ZvNyi-jajXfQtKdA5e7G1lxIvDFfIyEZQQV85E3kD";
                string url = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/797639847309213706/nTgGce1csWdzq4kH912JMD5T99KJVNfqKik8zJ48qPPd924ThOOPGj65ZH1FWbE_V4RT";
                searchVo.webHookUrl = url;
                Webhook webhook = processingDataService.makeMstContent(searchVo);
                webhook.Username = "******";

                var content  = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(webhook), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                var response = _httpClient.PostAsync(url, content).Result;

                searchVo.mstInfo = null;
            catch (Exception e) {
                this.state = "error";
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void exec(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // [Thread start]

            //getting rawData => processingData => MstInfo
            SearchVo searchVo = new SearchVo();

            //form3(exec): 상세
            MstInfo mstInfo = processingDataService.comparingData(searchVo);

            searchVo.mstInfo = mstInfo;

            //webhook start
            //SearchVo searchVo = new SearchVo();
            _httpClient = new HttpClient();
            string url = "https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/797639331011231744/GN1RSE99hoWUw4ga9PdJi2XuQp9ZvNyi-jajXfQtKdA5e7G1lxIvDFfIyEZQQV85E3kD";

            searchVo.webHookUrl = url;
            Webhook webhook = processingDataService.makeMstContent(searchVo);

            webhook.Username = "******";

            var content  = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(webhook), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
            var response = _httpClient.PostAsync(url, content).Result;

            string test = "";

             * //sending to discord START
             * WebClient dwebClient = new WebClient();
             * //string url = "https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/797639331011231744/GN1RSE99hoWUw4ga9PdJi2XuQp9ZvNyi-jajXfQtKdA5e7G1lxIvDFfIyEZQQV85E3kD";
             * NameValueCollection discordValues = new NameValueCollection();
             * Webhook web = processingDataService.makeMstContent(searchVo);
             * discordValues.Add("username", "yuhaFromC#");
             * discordValues.Add("content", content);
             * dwebClient.UploadValues(url,discordValues);
             * //sending to discord END
            //24시간 단위

            //[Thread End] --특정 스레드 종료 버튼을 누른 경우

Exemplo n.º 3
        public void exectimerThread(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            try {
                MstInfo mstInfo = processingDataService.comparingData(searchVo);
                searchVo.mstInfo = mstInfo;
                _httpClient      = new HttpClient();
                //string url = "https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/797639331011231744/GN1RSE99hoWUw4ga9PdJi2XuQp9ZvNyi-jajXfQtKdA5e7G1lxIvDFfIyEZQQV85E3kD";
                string url = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/797639847309213706/nTgGce1csWdzq4kH912JMD5T99KJVNfqKik8zJ48qPPd924ThOOPGj65ZH1FWbE_V4RT";
                searchVo.webHookUrl = url;
                Webhook webhook = processingDataService.makeMstContent(searchVo);
                webhook.Username = "******";

                var content  = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(webhook), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                var response = _httpClient.PostAsync(url, content).Result;

                searchVo.mstInfo = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.state = "error";
         * author : yuha
         * funcName : comparingData
         * summary : 가격비교
         * input : searchVo
         * return : MstInfo
        public MstInfo comparingData(SearchVo searchVo)
            Dictionary <string, string> usKrSizeMap = sizeConstantMap.getUsKrSizeMap();
            float usdKrw = gettingInfoService.getUseKrw();

            searchVo.usdkrw = usdKrw;

            MstInfo mstInfo = new MstInfo();

            Dictionary <string, DetailInfo> stockXInfoMap = gettingInfoService.crawlingFromStockx(searchVo);
            Dictionary <string, DetailInfo> kreamInfoMap  = gettingInfoService.crawlingFromkream(searchVo);

            Dictionary <string, DetailInfo> detailInfoMap = new Dictionary <string, DetailInfo>();

            string sizeType = searchVo.sizeType.Replace(" ", "");

            foreach (string key in stockXInfoMap.Keys)
                DetailInfo detailInfo = new DetailInfo();
                /*kreamX 최근 판매가 널인경우 추가 2021-02-18*/
                if (kreamInfoMap.ContainsKey(key) && (int)kreamInfoMap[key].kreamLatestKrPrice == 0)
                    detailInfo.latestYn = "N";
                    detailInfo.latestYn = "Y";
                /*kreamX 최근 판매가 널인경우 추가 끝 2021-02-18*/
                int difference = 0;
                detailInfo.sizeLabel                = "US " + key + sizeType + " , " + stockXInfoMap[key].krSize; // us 4, 220
                detailInfo.stockXUsPriceLabel       = "$" + stockXInfoMap[key].stockXUsPrice.ToString();
                detailInfo.stockXLatestUsPriceLabel = "$" + stockXInfoMap[key].stockXLatestUsPrice.ToString();
                detailInfo.stockXKrPriceLabel       = "₩" + String.Format("{0:#,###}", (int)stockXInfoMap[key].stockXKrPrice);
                detailInfo.stockXLatestKrPriceLabel = "₩" + String.Format("{0:#,###}", (int)stockXInfoMap[key].stockXLatestKrPrice);
                difference = 0 - (int)stockXInfoMap[key].stockXKrPrice;
                int latestDifference = 0 - (int)stockXInfoMap[key].stockXLatestKrPrice;

                if (kreamInfoMap.ContainsKey(key))
                    detailInfo.kreamKrPriceLabel       = "₩" + String.Format("{0:#,###}", (int)kreamInfoMap[key].kreamKrPrice);
                    detailInfo.kreamKrLatestPriceLabel = "₩" + String.Format("{0:#,###}", (int)kreamInfoMap[key].kreamLatestKrPrice);
                    difference       += (int)kreamInfoMap[key].kreamKrPrice;
                    latestDifference += (int)kreamInfoMap[key].kreamLatestKrPrice;
                    if (difference > 0)
                        detailInfo.differenceLabel = "₩" + String.Format("{0:#,###}", Math.Abs(difference));
                        detailInfo.roiLabel        = ((int)(((difference / kreamInfoMap[key].kreamKrPrice)) * 100)).ToString() + "%";
                        detailInfo.latestRoiLabel  = ((int)(((latestDifference / kreamInfoMap[key].kreamLatestKrPrice)) * 100)).ToString() + "%";
                        detailInfoMap.Add(key, detailInfo);
                        detailInfo.differenceLabel = "No Result";
                        detailInfo.roiLabel        = "No Result";
                    detailInfo.kreamKrPriceLabel = "No Result";
                    difference = 0;
                    detailInfo.differenceLabel = "No Result";
                    detailInfo.roiLabel        = "No Result";
                detailInfo.difference = difference;
                //detailInfoMap.Add(key, detailInfo);
            mstInfo.thumbnailUrl  = searchVo.thumbnailUrl;
            mstInfo.detailInfoMap = detailInfoMap;
            mstInfo.prdNm         = stockXInfoMap.First().Value.prdNm;

            mstInfo.thumbnailUrl = searchVo.thumbnailUrl;

         * author : yuha
         * funcName : makeMstContent
         * summary : 웹훅 string content 생성
         * input : SearchVo
         * return : string
        public Webhook makeMstContent(SearchVo searchVo)
            Webhook webhook = new Webhook(searchVo.webHookUrl);
            MstInfo mstInfo = searchVo.mstInfo;
            Dictionary <string, DetailInfo> detailMap = mstInfo.detailInfoMap;

            List <Embed>      embeds    = new List <Embed>();
            List <EmbedField> fileds    = new List <EmbedField>();
            Embed             embed1    = new Embed();
            EmbedThumbnail    thumbnail = new EmbedThumbnail();

            string title        = "product name : [" + mstInfo.prdNm + "]\n";
            string description  = "stockX url : [stockX](" + searchVo.stockXUrl + ")\nkream url : [kream](" + searchVo.kreamUrl + ")";
            string thumbnailUrl = mstInfo.thumbnailUrl;

            thumbnail.Url = thumbnailUrl;

            if (detailMap.Count > 0)
                foreach (string key in detailMap.Keys)
                    EmbedField field = new EmbedField();
                    field.Name = detailMap[key].sizeLabel;
                    if (detailMap[key].latestYn.Equals("N"))
                    { /*kreamX 최근 판매가 널인경우 추가 2021-02-18*/
                        field.Value += detailMap[key].stockXUsPriceLabel
                                       + " | " + detailMap[key].stockXKrPriceLabel
                                       + " | " + detailMap[key].kreamKrPriceLabel
                                       + " | " + detailMap[key].differenceLabel + " | " + detailMap[key].roiLabel;
                        field.Value += detailMap[key].stockXUsPriceLabel
                                       + "(" + detailMap[key].stockXLatestUsPriceLabel + ")"
                                       + " | " + detailMap[key].stockXKrPriceLabel
                                       + "(" + detailMap[key].stockXLatestKrPriceLabel + ")"
                                       + " | " + detailMap[key].kreamKrPriceLabel
                                       + "(" + detailMap[key].kreamKrLatestPriceLabel + ")"
                                       + " | " + detailMap[key].differenceLabel + " | " + detailMap[key].roiLabel
                                       + "(" + detailMap[key].latestRoiLabel + ")";

                embed1.Fields = fileds;
                description += "\n\n**No Mapped fields**";

            embed1.Title       = title;
            embed1.Description = description;
            embed1.Thumbnail   = thumbnail;


            webhook.Embeds = embeds;

             * string content = "";
             * content = "product name : [" + mstInfo.prdNm + "]\n";
             * Dictionary<string, DetailInfo> detailMap = mstInfo.detailInfoMap;
             * content += "[size] | [stockX_price] | [stockX_Krprice] | [kream_Krprice] | [difference_price] \n";
             * foreach (string key in detailMap.Keys)
             * {
             *  content += detailMap[key].sizeLabel + " | " + detailMap[key].stockXUsPriceLabel + " | " + detailMap[key].stockXKrPriceLabel +
             *       " | " + detailMap[key].kreamKrPriceLabel + " | " + detailMap[key].differenceLabel + "\n";
             * }
