Exemplo n.º 1
	public void Run(MovementGraph graph)
		Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch();

		s.Start ();

		List<MGraphNode> Q = new List<MGraphNode>();		//Set of unvisited nodes
		dist = new Dictionary<MGraphNode, int>();			//Distances to each node, from the origin
		prev = new Dictionary<MGraphNode, MGraphNode>();	//Previous node to each node on the path

		foreach(MGraphNode v in graph.nodeArray)			//initializing sets
			if (v == null)
			dist [v] = int.MaxValue;
			prev [v] = null;
			Q.Add (v);							

		dist [graph.origin] = 0;							//distance cost from the origin to the origin

		MGraphNode u;
		int alt;

		while (Q.Count > 0) {
			u = getLowestDistance (Q);						//origin will be selected first
			Q.Remove (u);									//equivalent to visiting the node u

			foreach (MGraphNode v in u.neighbors) {
				if (!Q.Contains (v)) continue; 				//We dont want neighbors that have already been visited

				alt = dist [u] + v.moveCost;

				if(alt < dist[v])							//New shortest path to v was found
					dist [v] = alt;
					prev [v] = u;

		s.Stop ();
		UnityEngine.Debug.Log ("Dijkstra's algorithm just finished taking " + s.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms");

		origin = graph.origin;
		goal = graph.goal;
Exemplo n.º 2
	public void rebuildMovementGraph(Position origin)
		movementGraph = new MovementGraph ();
		movementGraph.build (origin, buildMovementArray ());