Exemplo n.º 1
        public ScriptEvaluator Compile ()
            Message = null;
            HasError = false;

            var reportWriter = new System.IO.StringWriter ();
                var settings = new Mono.CSharp.CompilerSettings ();
                settings.GenerateDebugInfo = false;
                settings.LoadDefaultReferences = true;
                settings.Optimize = true;
                settings.WarningsAreErrors = false;  
                var reporter = new Mono.CSharp.ConsoleReportPrinter (reportWriter);

                var ctx = new Mono.CSharp.CompilerContext (settings, reporter);

                var scriptEngine = new Mono.CSharp.Evaluator (ctx);

                AddReference (this.GetType ());

                // add assemblies
                for (int i = 0; i < _assemblies.Count; i++)
                    scriptEngine.ReferenceAssembly (_assemblies[i]);   
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (Script))
                    throw new ArgumentNullException ("Expression");
                if (!scriptEngine.Run (Script))
                    throw new Exception (reportWriter.ToString ());

                if (reporter.ErrorsCount > 0)
                    throw new Exception (reportWriter.ToString ());

                _createMethod = scriptEngine.Compile ("new " + MainClassName + "()");

                if (reporter.ErrorsCount > 0)
                    throw new Exception (reportWriter.ToString ());
                if (_createMethod == null)
                    throw new Exception ("script method could be created");
            catch (Exception e)
                Message = e.Message;
                HasError = true;
            return this;
Exemplo n.º 2
        static private void ReferenceAllAssemblies()
            // See the detailed information about this hack at:
            //   http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/mono-csharp-evaluator.102162/
            // not relevant for new Mono.CSharp and Unity
//		for (int n = 0; n < 2;) {
            foreach (var assembly in System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
                if (assembly == null)
//				Mono.CSharp.Evaluator.ReferenceAssembly(assembly);
//			Mono.CSharp.Evaluator.Evaluate("null;");
//			n++;
//		}
Exemplo n.º 3
		static Assembly CompileCode( string classname, string code, string filename, string[] extra )
				using( var ms = new MemoryStream() )
					string assemblyFileName = "gen" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace( "-", "" ) + ".dll";

					CSharpCompilation compilation = CSharpCompilation.Create( assemblyFileName,
						new[] { CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText( fooSource ) },
						new MetadataFileReference(typeof (object).Assembly.Location)
						new CSharpCompilationOptions( OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary )

					compilation.Emit( ms );
					Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load( ms.GetBuffer() );
					return assembly;
					if( sw == null )
						sw = new StringWriter();
					if( rp == null )
						rp = new Mono.CSharp.StreamReportPrinter( sw );
					if( cc == null )
						cc = new Mono.CSharp.CompilerContext( new Mono.CSharp.CompilerSettings(), rp );
					if( r == null )
						r = new Mono.CSharp.Report( cc, rp );
					if( e == null )
						e = new Mono.CSharp.Evaluator( cc );
						e.ReferenceAssembly( Assembly.GetCallingAssembly() );
					Mono.CSharp.CompiledMethod m;
					long now;
					now = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                    Log.log( "About to compile" + (DateTime.Now.Ticks - now ));
					String s = e.Compile( code, out m );

					Log.log( "did compile    " + (DateTime.Now.Ticks - now ) );
					s = sw.ToString();
					if( !s.Contains( "error" ) )
						Assembly asm = ( (Type)e.Evaluate( "typeof(" + classname + ");" ) ).Assembly;
						Log.log( "got types   " + ( DateTime.Now.Ticks - now ) );
						return asm;
						Log.log( "Compile Failure: " + s );
			//code = "using System; using Voxelarium.Core; using Voxelarium.Core.Voxels;\nnamespace Voxelarium.Core.Voxels { " + code + "}";

			string codeBase = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase;
			UriBuilder uri = new UriBuilder( codeBase );
			string path = Uri.UnescapeDataString( uri.Path );
			string codeBase_common = Assembly.GetAssembly( typeof( Log ) ).CodeBase;
			UriBuilder uri_common = new UriBuilder( codeBase_common );
			string path_common = Uri.UnescapeDataString( uri_common.Path );

			using( Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider foo =
						new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider() )
				string[] externals;
				if( extra != null )
					externals = new string[2 + extra.Length];
					externals[0] = path;
					externals[1] = path_common;
					for( int i = 0; i < extra.Length; i++ )
						externals[i + 1] = extra[i];
					externals = new string[2];
					externals[0] = path;
					externals[1] = path_common;
				CompilerParameters parameters = new System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters( externals )
					// debug info doesn't load anyway?
					IncludeDebugInformation = true
					GenerateInMemory = false
					TempFiles = new TempFileCollection( Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable( "TEMP" ), true )
					, CompilerOptions = "/debug:pdbonly"

				// already part of the TempFileCollection
				//parameters.TempFiles.KeepFiles = true;

				string fileExtension = "pdb";
				if( ( parameters.CompilerOptions != null ) 
					&& ( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo.IndexOf(
						parameters.CompilerOptions, "/debug:pdbonly", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase ) != -1 ) )
					//parameters.TempFiles.AddExtension( fileExtension, true );
					//parameters.TempFiles.AddExtension( fileExtension );

				CompilerResults res = foo.CompileAssemblyFromSource( parameters, code );
				if( res.Errors.Count == 0 )
					if( AllowAssembly( res.CompiledAssembly ) )
						return res.CompiledAssembly;
					StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
					foreach( CompilerError err in res.Errors )
						sb.Append( filename + "(" + err.Line + ":" + err.Column + "):" );
						sb.Append( err.ErrorText );
						sb.Append( "\n" );
					MessageBox.Show( sb.ToString() );
					Log.log( sb.ToString() );
			return null;
Exemplo n.º 4
		void LoadGame( Context context )
			if( displayInterface != null )
			DataTable dt = new DataTable();
			Socket sock = null;
			Environment.CurrentDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath( Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile );
				sock = new Socket( SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.IPv6 );
			catch {
				try { sock = new Socket( SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.IP ); }
			string save_path = System.Environment.GetFolderPath( System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal );
			string[] files = { "BEPUphysics.dll"
				, "protobuf-net.dll"
				, "TrueTypeSharp.dll"
				, "Voxelarium.Common.dll"
				, "Voxelarium.Core.dll"
			string[] slist = context.Assets.List( "" );
			if (!File.Exists ( save_path + "/assets3.exported" ) ) {
				foreach (string file in files) {
					Stream input = context.Assets.Open (file);
					Stream output = File.Create (save_path + "/" + file);
					int size = 0;// = (int)input.Length;
					byte[] data = new byte[4096];
					while( ( size = input.Read( data, 0, 4096 ) ) > 0 ) {
						output.Write( data, 0, size );
				//Stream output2 = File.Create( save_path + "/assets3.exported" );


			//Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFile( save_path + "/Voxelarium.Core.dll" );

				if( sw == null )
					sw = new StringWriter();
				if( rp == null )
					rp = new Mono.CSharp.StreamReportPrinter( sw );
				if( cc == null )
					cc = new Mono.CSharp.CompilerContext( new Mono.CSharp.CompilerSettings(), rp );
				if( r == null )
					r = new Mono.CSharp.Report( cc, rp );
				if( e == null )
					e = new Mono.CSharp.Evaluator( cc );
					e.ReferenceAssembly( typeof(GLView1).Assembly );
				Mono.CSharp.CompiledMethod m;
				long now;
				now = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
				//Log.log( "About to compile" + (DateTime.Now.Ticks - now ));
				String s = e.Compile( @"
				using System;
				using System.Reflection;
				using Voxelarium.Android;
				namespace MyLoader {
				public class Loader{ 
					static Loader() { } 
					public Loader( string save_path, DisplayInterface ii, object dataTableRef, object socketRef ) { 
						Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFile( save_path + ""/Voxelarium.Core.dll"" );
						//Console.WriteLine( ""a is "" + a );
						Type gameType = null;
						Type displayType = null;
						Type[] types = a.GetTypes();
						foreach( Type t in types )
							if( String.Compare( t.ToString(), ""Voxelarium.Core.UI.Display"" ) == 0 )
								displayType = t;
							if( String.Compare( t.ToString(), ""Voxelarium.Core.VoxelGameEnvironment"" ) == 0 )
								gameType = t;
						object gameObject = Activator.CreateInstance( gameType );
						object displayObject = Activator.CreateInstance( displayType, new object[] { gameObject }, null );

						MethodInfo mi = displayType.GetMethod( ""Display_UpdateFrame"" );
						ii.updateMethod = (UpdateMethod)mi.CreateDelegate( typeof(UpdateMethod), displayObject );

						mi = displayType.GetMethod( ""Display_RenderFrame"" );
						ii.displayMethod = (UpdateMethod)mi.CreateDelegate( typeof(UpdateMethod), displayObject );

						mi = displayType.GetMethod( ""Display_InvalidateContext"" );
						ii.invalidateContext = (UpdateMethod)mi.CreateDelegate( typeof(UpdateMethod), displayObject );

						mi = displayType.GetMethod( ""Display_SetExit"" );
						ii.setExit = (SetExit)mi.CreateDelegate( typeof(SetExit), displayObject );

						mi = displayType.GetMethod( ""Display_KeyDown"" );
						ii.onKeyDown = (KeyEvent)mi.CreateDelegate( typeof(KeyEvent), displayObject );

						mi = displayType.GetMethod( ""Display_KeyUp"" );
						ii.onKeyUp = (KeyEvent)mi.CreateDelegate( typeof(KeyEvent), displayObject );

						mi = displayType.GetMethod( ""Display_OnTouchEvent"" );
						ii.onTouchEvent = (TouchEvent)mi.CreateDelegate( typeof(TouchEvent), displayObject );

						mi = displayType.GetMethod( ""Display_SetDisplayParams"" );
						ii.setDisplayParams = (SetDisplayParams)mi.CreateDelegate( typeof(SetDisplayParams), displayObject );					
						//Console.WriteLine( ""Success?"" );
				}}", out m );

				//Log.log( "did compile    " + (DateTime.Now.Ticks - now ) );
				s = sw.ToString();
				if( !s.Contains( "error" ) )
					object val = e.Evaluate( "typeof( MyLoader.Loader );" );
					if( val != null )
						displayInterface = new DisplayInterface();
						looderObject = Activator.CreateInstance( (Type)val, new object[] { save_path, displayInterface, dt, sock }, null );

						displayInterface.setExit( this, typeof( GLView1 ).GetMethod( "Exit" ) );

						//displayInterface.setDevices( Keyboard, Mouse );


				//	Log.log( "Compile Failure: " + s );
			string command = Environment.CommandLine;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public ScriptEvaluator CompileAndCreateModel()
            Message  = null;
            HasError = false;
            Result   = false;

            var reportWriter = new System.IO.StringWriter();

                var settings = new Mono.CSharp.CompilerSettings();
                settings.GenerateDebugInfo     = false;
                settings.LoadDefaultReferences = true;
                settings.Optimize          = true;
                settings.WarningsAreErrors = false;

                var reporter = new Mono.CSharp.ConsoleReportPrinter(reportWriter);

                var ctx = new Mono.CSharp.CompilerContext(settings, reporter);

                var scriptEngine = new Mono.CSharp.Evaluator(ctx);



                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Script))
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("Expression");

                if (!scriptEngine.Run(Script))
                    throw new Exception(reportWriter.ToString());

                if (reporter.ErrorsCount > 0)
                    throw new Exception(reportWriter.ToString());

                object model = scriptEngine.Evaluate("new EvaluatorDynamicScript();");

                if (reporter.ErrorsCount > 0)
                    throw new Exception(reportWriter.ToString());

                Model = model as IAWSRedshiftPluginDynamicScript;

                //Mono.CSharp.CompiledMethod method = scriptEngine.Compile ("myClass.Test1 ();");

                //if (reporter.ErrorsCount > 0)
                //    throw new Exception (reportWriter.ToString ());
                //if (method == null)
                //    throw new Exception ("script method not found");

                // execute method
                //object result = null;
                //method (ref result);

                //// check result
                //if (result is bool)
                //    Result = (bool)result;
                //    Result = false;
            catch (Exception e)
                Message  = e.Message;
                HasError = true;