Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the list of monitored devices from the Connection Monitor Configuration file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deviceToReplace">OPTIONAL - If an instance of Device is passed, will replace what is read from the configuration with the instance data passed and returns the list. NOTE: this method does not save the configuration file so passing this instance does not write it out to the configuration, this is only reflected in memory, not persisted!</param>
        /// <returns>List of Device instances build from the configuration file</returns>
        private List <Device> getMonitoredDeviceList(Device deviceToReplace = null)
            List <Device>           devices             = new List <Device>();
            MonitoredDevicesSection mds                 = MonitoredDevicesSection.LoadConfiguration(this.conMonServiceConfigFileLocation);
            List <string>           deviceTypeOrderList = this.getDeviceTypeOrderList();

            foreach (string deviceTypeOrder in deviceTypeOrderList)
                foreach (MonitoredDeviceElement monitoredDeviceConfigElement in mds.Items)
                    if (string.Compare(monitoredDeviceConfigElement.DeviceType, deviceTypeOrder) == 0 ||
                        (deviceToReplace != null && string.Compare(deviceToReplace.DeviceType, deviceTypeOrder) == 0))
                        Device deviceItem = null;

                        if (deviceToReplace != null && deviceToReplace.DeviceName == monitoredDeviceConfigElement.Device)
                            deviceItem = deviceToReplace;
                            deviceItem = new Device(monitoredDeviceConfigElement);
                        deviceItem.MouseDoubleClick += new MouseButtonEventHandler(monitoredDeviceItem_MouseDoubleClick);

Exemplo n.º 2
        private bool updateMonitoredDevicesConfigurationSection(string configFilename)
            bool success = false;


                List <string> wirelessAdapters = GetWirelessAdapterList();
                if (wirelessAdapters == null)
                    throw new InstallException("Connection Monitor could not find any wireless adapters to manage.");

                bool saveMonitoredDevicesSection = false;

                MonitoredDevicesSection mds = MonitoredDevicesSection.LoadConfiguration(configFilename);
                if (mds == null)
                    throw new InstallException("MonitoredDevices section not found.");

                List <string> monitoredDevices = mds.Items.GetAllMonitoredDeviceNames();
                if (monitoredDevices == null)
                    throw new InstallException("Error occured getting all monitored devices.");

                foreach (string wirelessAdapter in wirelessAdapters)
                    if (!monitoredDevices.Contains(wirelessAdapter))
                        MonitoredDeviceElement wirelessDeviceElement = new MonitoredDeviceElement();
                        wirelessDeviceElement.Device     = wirelessAdapter;
                        wirelessDeviceElement.PnPDevice  = wirelessAdapter;
                        wirelessDeviceElement.DeviceType = "Wireless";

                        mds.Items.AddAt(mds.Items.StartingIndexForAddingWirelessMonitoredDevices(), wirelessDeviceElement);
                        saveMonitoredDevicesSection = true;

                if (saveMonitoredDevicesSection)
                    if (!MonitoredDevicesSection.SaveConfiguration(configFilename, mds))
                        throw new InstallException("Failed to save configuration file.");

                success = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new InstallException("Failed to update MonitoredDevices section of the configuration file.", ex);

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the device type ordering list from the configuration file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>List of device types in order as they appear in the configuration file</returns>
        private List <string> getDeviceOrderListFromConfig()
            List <string>           deviceTypes = new List <string>();
            MonitoredDevicesSection mds         = MonitoredDevicesSection.LoadConfiguration(this.conMonServiceConfigFileLocation);

            foreach (MonitoredDeviceElement monitoredDeviceConfigElement in mds.Items)
                if (!deviceTypes.Contains(monitoredDeviceConfigElement.DeviceType))
