Exemplo n.º 1
        public List<Log> GetPage(string predicate, int page, int page_size, string order, string asc, string runclass, string username, out int total)
            using ( MongoDBUtility db = new MongoDBUtility() )
                var quer = db.GetIMongoCollection<Log>().Linq();

                if (runclass!=null&&runclass.Length>0)
                    quer = quer.Where(p => p.RunClassName == runclass);

                if ( username != null && username.Length > 0 )
                    quer = quer.Where(p => p.UserName == username);
                quer = quer.OrderSort(order, asc).ThenOrderSort(order, asc);

                total = quer.Count();

                return quer.Skip(( page - 1 ) * page_size).Take(page_size).ToList();

Exemplo n.º 2
        public List <Log> GetPage(string predicate, int page, int page_size, string order, string asc, string runclass, string username, out int total)
            using (MongoDBUtility db = new MongoDBUtility())
                var quer = db.GetIMongoCollection <Log>().Linq();

                if (runclass != null && runclass.Length > 0)
                    quer = quer.Where(p => p.RunClassName == runclass);

                if (username != null && username.Length > 0)
                    quer = quer.Where(p => p.UserName == username);

                quer = quer.OrderSort(order, asc).ThenOrderSort(order, asc);

                total = quer.Count();

                return(quer.Skip((page - 1) * page_size).Take(page_size).ToList());
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public BoundaryTest()
            _skill = new Skill
                SkillName            = ".Net core 3.1",
                SkillCategory        = SkillCategory.DotNet,
                SkillLevel           = SkillLevel.Intermediate,
                SkillType            = SkillType.Programming,
                SkillTotalExperiance = 1

            _user = new User
                FirstName = "Dnyati",
                LastName  = "Dube",
                Email     = "*****@*****.**",
                Mobile    = 9685744263,

            MongoDBUtility   = new MongoDBUtility();
            context          = MongoDBUtility.MongoDBContext;
            _userRepository  = new UserRepository(context);
            _skillRepository = new SkillRepository(context);

            _userService  = new UserService(_userRepository);
            _skillService = new SkillService(_skillRepository);
            config        = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.test.json").Build();
Exemplo n.º 4
        public BusinessLogicTest()
            MongoDBUtility mongoDBUtility = new MongoDBUtility();

            context = mongoDBUtility.MongoDBContext;

            _userRepository  = new UserRepository(context);
            _skillRepository = new SkillRepository(context);

            _userService  = new UserService(_userRepository);
            _skillService = new SkillService(_skillRepository);
            _skill        = new Skill
                SkillName            = ".Net core 3.1",
                SkillCategory        = SkillCategory.DotNet,
                SkillLevel           = SkillLevel.Intermediate,
                SkillType            = SkillType.Programming,
                SkillTotalExperiance = 1

            _user = new User
                FirstName = "anvi",
                LastName  = "patil",
                Email     = "*****@*****.**",
                Mobile    = 1236548978,
                MapSkills = 2
            config = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.test.json").Build();
        public BoundaryTest()
            _bill = new BillDetails
                Title       = "Electricity Bill",
                Catagory    = BillCategory.Office,
                Amount      = 1000,
                DateOfEntry = DateTime.Now,
                DueDate     = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30),
                PaymentMode = BillPaymentMode.Bank_Transfer,
                Status      = BillStatus.Unpaid

            _user = new User
                UserName        = "******",
                Password        = "******",
                ConfirmPassword = "******",
                Email           = "*****@*****.**",
                UserType        = UserType.Visitor
            _userLogin = new UserLogin
                UserName = "******",
                Password = "******",
            MongoDBUtility mongoDBUtility = new MongoDBUtility();

            context         = mongoDBUtility.MongoDBContext;
            _userRepository = new UserRepository(context);
            _billRepository = new BillRepository(context);
            _userService    = new UserService(_userRepository);
            _billService    = new BillService(_billRepository);
            config          = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.test.json").Build();
Exemplo n.º 6
        public ExceptionTest()
            taskGroup = new TaskGroup
                GroupName = "Academic Task",
                Active    = "Yes",
                Color     = "red"
            taskItem = new TaskItem
                Name          = "Training",
                Priority      = TaskPriority.High,
                TaskStatus    = TaskStatus.Yet_To_Start,
                TaskStartDate = DateTime.Now,
                TaskEndDate   = DateTime.Now.AddDays(5),
                TaskGroup     = "Academic Task",
                TaskColorCode = "purple"

            MongoDBUtility mongoDBUtility = new MongoDBUtility();

            context = mongoDBUtility.MongoDBContext;

            _taskRepository = new TaskRepository(context);
            _taskService    = new TaskService(_taskRepository);
            config          = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.test.json").Build();
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void btnAnalyze_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MongoDBUtility objMongoDBUtility = new MongoDBUtility();
            DataTable      dtNetworkData;
            String         strFilter  = txtAnalyze.Text.Trim();
            Int32          intMatches = 0;

            pbAnalyze.Value = 0;

            //Get the network data
            if (strFilter != String.Empty)
                pbAnalyze.Value = 70;

                //Get the matching network data
                dtNetworkData = objMongoDBUtility.GetData("NetworkData", "NetworkData", strFilter, out intMatches);

                //Bind the data to the grid view
                gvViewer.DataSource = dtNetworkData;

                lblCount.Text = intMatches.ToString() + " matches";

                pbAnalyze.Value = 100;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public bool Delete()
     using (MongoDBUtility db = new MongoDBUtility())
         db.GetIMongoCollection <Log>().Remove(p => p.GuID != null);
         return(db.GetIMongoCollection <Log>().Count() == 0);
Exemplo n.º 9
        //public Expression<Func<T, D>> GenerateOrder<T, D>(string order)
        //    ParameterExpression orderex = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "orderex");
        //    Expression<Func<T, D>> field =
        //         Expression.Lambda<Func<T, D>>(
        //             Expression.Property(
        //                 orderex,
        //                order
        //             ),
        //             new ParameterExpression[] { orderex }
        //         );
        //    return field;

        public object GetClassList()
            using (MongoDBUtility db = new MongoDBUtility())
                var quer = db.GetIMongoCollection <Log>().Linq().Select(p => p.RunClassName).ToList();
                return(quer.GroupBy(p => p).Select(p =>
                                                   { return new { name = p.Key.Split('.').Last(), value = p.Key }; }).ToList());
Exemplo n.º 10
 public object GetUserNamelist()
     using (MongoDBUtility db = new MongoDBUtility())
         var quer = db.GetIMongoCollection <Log>().Linq().Select(p => p.UserName).ToList();
         return(quer.GroupBy(p => p).Select(p =>
                                            { return new { name = p.Key, value = p.Key }; }).ToList());
Exemplo n.º 11
        //public Expression<Func<T, D>> GenerateOrder<T, D>(string order)
        //    ParameterExpression orderex = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "orderex");
        //    Expression<Func<T, D>> field =
        //         Expression.Lambda<Func<T, D>>(
        //             Expression.Property(
        //                 orderex,
        //                order
        //             ),
        //             new ParameterExpression[] { orderex }
        //         );
        //    return field;

        public object GetClassList()
            using ( MongoDBUtility db = new MongoDBUtility() )
                var quer = db.GetIMongoCollection<Log>().Linq().Select(p => p.RunClassName).ToList();
                return quer.GroupBy(p => p).Select(p =>
                    { return new { name = p.Key.Split('.').Last(), value = p.Key }; }).ToList();
Exemplo n.º 12
        public bool Delete()

            using ( MongoDBUtility db = new MongoDBUtility() )
                db.GetIMongoCollection<Log>().Remove(p => p.GuID != null);
                return db.GetIMongoCollection<Log>().Count() == 0;

        public ExceptionalTest()
            _bill = new BillDetails
                Title       = "Electricity Bill",
                Catagory    = BillCategory.Office,
                Amount      = 0,
                DateOfEntry = null,
                DueDate     = null,
                PaymentMode = BillPaymentMode.Bank_Transfer,
                Status      = BillStatus.Unpaid
            config = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.test.json").Build();
            MongoDBUtility mongoDBUtility = new MongoDBUtility();

            context         = mongoDBUtility.MongoDBContext;
            _userRepository = new UserRepository(context);
            _billRepository = new BillRepository(context);
            _userService    = new UserService(_userRepository);
            _billService    = new BillService(_billRepository);
Exemplo n.º 14
        protected DataTable GetData(ExportData xExportData)
            DataTable spData = new DataTable();

            if (xExportData.SourceDatabase == "EF-MONGO")
                if (xExportData.SQLQuery == "GET_ENQUIRY_DATA")
                    MongoDBUtility mongDB = new MongoDBUtility();
                    int            i      = mongDB.GetEnquiries();
                    _log.Info($"Records added {xExportData.SQLQuery} : {i}");
                efDataExtporter.Helpers.MSSqlDbUtility sqlu = new Helpers.MSSqlDbUtility(xExportData.SourceDatabase);
                if (xExportData.SQLQuery.Trim().Contains(" "))
                    string[] param = xExportData.SQLQuery.Split(' ');
                    xExportData.SQLQuery = param[0];
                    List <SqlParameter> sqlParam = new List <SqlParameter>()
                        new SqlParameter("Days", SqlDbType.Int)
                            Value = param[1]
                    spData = sqlu.executeStoredProc(xExportData.SQLQuery, sqlParam);
                    spData = sqlu.executeStoredProc(xExportData.SQLQuery, null);

 public DatabaseConnectionTest()
     MongoDBUtility = new MongoDBUtility();
     config         = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.test.json").Build();
Exemplo n.º 16
        public override InvokeContext Action(InvokeContext context)
            context = base.Action(context);
            if (context.MethodName == "Add" || context.MethodName == "Edit" || context.MethodName == "Remove" || context.MethodName == "TrueRemove" || context.MethodName == "SetUseConfigrByKey" || context.MethodName == "AddUserTo" || context.MethodName == "setRoleButtons" || context.MethodName == "setButtons")
                var Session = HttpContext.Current.Session;

                T_UserInfo userinfo = new RUserInfo().GetUserInfoBySession();

                Document Dmodel   = new Document();
                Log      logmodel = new Log();

                OperationType optype = new OperationType();

                List <string> liststr  = userinfo.T_Rolels.Select(p => p.RoleName).ToList();
                string        Rolelist = string.Join("|", liststr);
                var           quer     = context.Parameters.FirstOrDefault();
                switch (context.MethodName)
                case "Add":
                case "Edit":
                    optype = OperationType.Insert;
                    if (context.MethodName == "Edit")
                        optype = OperationType.Update;
                    if (quer != null)
                        foreach (var item in quer.GetType().GetProperties())
                            var    value  = item.GetValue(quer, null);
                            string strval = value != null?value.ToString() : "";

                            Dmodel.Add(item.Name, strval);
                    logmodel = new Log()
                        Model = Dmodel, MethodName = context.MethodName, RunClassName = context.ClassFullName.ToString(), OperationTime = DateTime.Now, OperationType = optype, UserID = userinfo.T_User.ID, SaveChangesint = context.Result.ToString(), UserName = userinfo.T_User.TrueName != null?userinfo.T_User.TrueName.Trim() : userinfo.T_User.UserName.Trim(), PurviewName = Rolelist


                case "Remove":
                    optype = OperationType.Delete;
                    Dmodel.Add("ID", context.Parameters[0] != null ? context.Parameters[0].ToString() : "");
                    logmodel = new Log()
                        Model = Dmodel, MethodName = context.MethodName, RunClassName = context.ClassFullName.ToString(), OperationTime = DateTime.Now, OperationType = optype, UserID = userinfo.T_User.ID, SaveChangesint = context.Result.ToString(), UserName = userinfo.T_User.TrueName != null?userinfo.T_User.TrueName.Trim() : userinfo.T_User.UserName.Trim(), PurviewName = Rolelist


                case "TrueRemove":
                    optype = OperationType.TrueDelete;
                    Dmodel.Add("ID", context.Parameters[0] != null ? context.Parameters[0].ToString() : "");
                    logmodel = new Log()
                        Model = Dmodel, MethodName = context.MethodName, RunClassName = context.ClassFullName.ToString(), OperationTime = DateTime.Now, OperationType = optype, UserID = userinfo.T_User.ID, SaveChangesint = context.Result.ToString(), UserName = userinfo.T_User.TrueName != null?userinfo.T_User.TrueName.Trim() : userinfo.T_User.UserName.Trim(), PurviewName = Rolelist


                case "SetUseConfigrByKey":
                    optype = OperationType.UseConfigrByKey;

                    Dmodel.Add("ID", context.Parameters[0] != null ? context.Parameters[0].ToString() : "");
                    Dmodel.Add("ConfigJson", context.Parameters[1] != null ? context.Parameters[1].ToString() : "");
                    logmodel = new Log()
                        Model = Dmodel, MethodName = context.MethodName, RunClassName = context.ClassFullName.ToString(), OperationTime = DateTime.Now, OperationType = optype, UserID = userinfo.T_User.ID, SaveChangesint = context.Result.ToString(), UserName = userinfo.T_User.TrueName != null?userinfo.T_User.TrueName.Trim() : userinfo.T_User.UserName.Trim(), PurviewName = Rolelist

                case "AddUserTo":
                    optype = OperationType.UserRolesUpdate;

                    Dmodel.Add("ID", context.Parameters[0] != null ? context.Parameters[0].ToString() : "");
                        int[] roleids = (int[])context.Parameters[1];
                        Dmodel.Add("roleids", roleids.Length > 1 ? string.Join(",", roleids) : roleids[0].ToString());
                    catch (Exception)
                        Dmodel.Add("roleids", "日志存储异常");

                    logmodel = new Log()
                        Model = Dmodel, MethodName = context.MethodName, RunClassName = context.ClassFullName.ToString(), OperationTime = DateTime.Now, OperationType = optype, UserID = userinfo.T_User.ID, SaveChangesint = context.Result.ToString(), UserName = userinfo.T_User.TrueName != null?userinfo.T_User.TrueName.Trim() : userinfo.T_User.UserName.Trim(), PurviewName = Rolelist

                case "setRoleButtons":
                    optype = OperationType.RoleNavButtons;

                    //   Dmodel.Add("ID", context.Parameters[0] != null ? context.Parameters[0].ToString() : "");
                    Dmodel.Add("Data", context.Parameters[0] != null ? context.Parameters[0].ToString() : "");

                    logmodel = new Log()
                        Model = Dmodel, MethodName = context.MethodName, RunClassName = context.ClassFullName.ToString(), OperationTime = DateTime.Now, OperationType = optype, UserID = userinfo.T_User.ID, SaveChangesint = context.Result.ToString(), UserName = userinfo.T_User.TrueName != null?userinfo.T_User.TrueName.Trim() : userinfo.T_User.UserName.Trim(), PurviewName = Rolelist

                case "setButtons":
                    optype = OperationType.NavButtons;

                    Dmodel.Add("ID", context.Parameters[0] != null ? context.Parameters[0].ToString() : "");
                        int[] roleids = (int[])context.Parameters[1];
                        Dmodel.Add("btns", roleids.Length > 1 ? string.Join(",", roleids) : roleids[0].ToString());
                    catch (Exception)
                        Dmodel.Add("btns", "日志存储异常");
                    logmodel = new Log()
                        Model = Dmodel, MethodName = context.MethodName, RunClassName = context.ClassFullName.ToString(), OperationTime = DateTime.Now, OperationType = optype, UserID = userinfo.T_User.ID, SaveChangesint = context.Result.ToString(), UserName = userinfo.T_User.TrueName != null?userinfo.T_User.TrueName.Trim() : userinfo.T_User.UserName.Trim(), PurviewName = Rolelist
                using (MongoDBUtility db = new MongoDBUtility())
                    db.GetIMongoCollection <Log>().Insert(logmodel);

Exemplo n.º 17
        public async Task ExceptionTestFor_NewTaskGroup_FailWithException()
            var result = string.Empty;

                MongoDBUtility mongoDBUtility = new MongoDBUtility(new TaskGroup());
                //_mockContext = mongoDBUtility.MockContext;
                //_mockCollectionGroup = mongoDBUtility.MockCollectionGroup;
                //_mockOptions = mongoDBUtility.MockOptions;
                //context = mongoDBUtility.MongoDBContext;

                //_mockCollectionGroup.Setup(op => op.InsertOneAsync(taskGroup, null,
                //_mockContext.Setup(c => c.GetCollection<TaskGroup>(typeof(TaskGroup).Name)).Returns(_mockCollectionGroup.Object);
                //var taskService = new TaskService(context);
                taskGroup = null;
                result = await _taskService.NewTaskGroup(taskGroup);

                if (result == "New Group Added")
                    testResult = "ExceptionTestFor_NewTaskGroup_FailWithException=" + "False";
                    // Write test case result in text file

                    // Write test case result in xml file
                    if (config["env"] == "development")
                        cases newcase = new cases
                            TestCaseType   = "Exception",
                            Name           = "ExceptionTestFor_NewTaskGroup_FailWithException",
                            expectedOutput = "False",
                            weight         = 2,
                            mandatory      = "False",
                            desc           = "na"
                        await new FileUtility().WriteTestCaseResuItInXML(newcase);
                    // Assert
            catch (Exception exception)
                var error = exception;
                testResult = "ExceptionTestFor_NewTaskGroup_FailWithException=" + "True";
                // Write test case result in text file

                // Write test case result in xml file
                if (config["env"] == "development")
                    cases newcase = new cases
                        TestCaseType   = "Exception",
                        Name           = "ExceptionTestFor_NewTaskGroup_FailWithException",
                        expectedOutput = "True",
                        weight         = 2,
                        mandatory      = "True",
                        desc           = "na"
                    await new FileUtility().WriteTestCaseResuItInXML(newcase);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public override InvokeContext Action(InvokeContext context)
            context = base.Action(context);
            if ( context.MethodName == "Add" || context.MethodName == "Edit" || context.MethodName == "Remove" || context.MethodName == "TrueRemove" || context.MethodName == "SetUseConfigrByKey" || context.MethodName == "AddUserTo" || context.MethodName == "setRoleButtons" || context.MethodName == "setButtons" )
                var Session = HttpContext.Current.Session;

                T_UserInfo userinfo = new RUserInfo().GetUserInfoBySession();
                Document Dmodel = new Document();
                Log logmodel = new Log();

                OperationType optype = new OperationType();
                List<string> liststr = userinfo.T_Rolels.Select(p => p.RoleName).ToList();
                string Rolelist = string.Join("|", liststr);
                var quer = context.Parameters.FirstOrDefault();
                switch ( context.MethodName )
                    case "Add":
                    case "Edit":
                        optype = OperationType.Insert;
                        if ( context.MethodName == "Edit" )
                            optype = OperationType.Update;
                        if ( quer != null )
                            foreach ( var item in quer.GetType().GetProperties() )
                                var value = item.GetValue(quer, null);
                                string strval = value != null ? value.ToString() : "";
                                Dmodel.Add(item.Name, strval);
                        logmodel = new Log() { Model = Dmodel, MethodName=context.MethodName, RunClassName = context.ClassFullName.ToString(), OperationTime = DateTime.Now, OperationType = optype, UserID = userinfo.T_User.ID, SaveChangesint = context.Result.ToString(), UserName = userinfo.T_User.TrueName != null ? userinfo.T_User.TrueName.Trim() : userinfo.T_User.UserName.Trim(), PurviewName = Rolelist };

                    case "Remove":
                        optype = OperationType.Delete;
                        Dmodel.Add("ID", context.Parameters[0] != null ? context.Parameters[0].ToString() : "");
                        logmodel = new Log() { Model = Dmodel, MethodName = context.MethodName, RunClassName = context.ClassFullName.ToString(), OperationTime = DateTime.Now, OperationType = optype, UserID = userinfo.T_User.ID, SaveChangesint = context.Result.ToString(), UserName = userinfo.T_User.TrueName != null ? userinfo.T_User.TrueName.Trim() : userinfo.T_User.UserName.Trim(), PurviewName = Rolelist };

                    case "TrueRemove":
                        optype = OperationType.TrueDelete;
                        Dmodel.Add("ID", context.Parameters[0] != null ? context.Parameters[0].ToString() : "");
                        logmodel = new Log() { Model = Dmodel, MethodName = context.MethodName, RunClassName = context.ClassFullName.ToString(), OperationTime = DateTime.Now, OperationType = optype, UserID = userinfo.T_User.ID, SaveChangesint = context.Result.ToString(), UserName = userinfo.T_User.TrueName != null ? userinfo.T_User.TrueName.Trim() : userinfo.T_User.UserName.Trim(), PurviewName = Rolelist };

                    case "SetUseConfigrByKey":
                        optype = OperationType.UseConfigrByKey;

                        Dmodel.Add("ID", context.Parameters[0] != null ? context.Parameters[0].ToString() : "");
                        Dmodel.Add("ConfigJson", context.Parameters[1] != null ? context.Parameters[1].ToString() : "");
                        logmodel = new Log() { Model = Dmodel, MethodName = context.MethodName, RunClassName = context.ClassFullName.ToString(), OperationTime = DateTime.Now, OperationType = optype, UserID = userinfo.T_User.ID, SaveChangesint = context.Result.ToString(), UserName = userinfo.T_User.TrueName != null ? userinfo.T_User.TrueName.Trim() : userinfo.T_User.UserName.Trim(), PurviewName = Rolelist };
                    case "AddUserTo":
                        optype = OperationType.UserRolesUpdate;

                        Dmodel.Add("ID", context.Parameters[0] != null ? context.Parameters[0].ToString() : "");
                            int[] roleids = (int[]) context.Parameters[1];
                            Dmodel.Add("roleids", roleids.Length > 1 ? string.Join(",", roleids) : roleids[0].ToString());
                        catch ( Exception )
                            Dmodel.Add("roleids",  "日志存储异常");
                        logmodel = new Log() { Model = Dmodel, MethodName = context.MethodName, RunClassName = context.ClassFullName.ToString(), OperationTime = DateTime.Now, OperationType = optype, UserID = userinfo.T_User.ID, SaveChangesint = context.Result.ToString(), UserName = userinfo.T_User.TrueName != null ? userinfo.T_User.TrueName.Trim() : userinfo.T_User.UserName.Trim(), PurviewName = Rolelist }; 
                    case "setRoleButtons":
                        optype = OperationType.RoleNavButtons;

                     //   Dmodel.Add("ID", context.Parameters[0] != null ? context.Parameters[0].ToString() : ""); 
                        Dmodel.Add("Data", context.Parameters[0] != null ? context.Parameters[0].ToString() : "");

                        logmodel = new Log() { Model = Dmodel, MethodName = context.MethodName, RunClassName = context.ClassFullName.ToString(), OperationTime = DateTime.Now, OperationType = optype, UserID = userinfo.T_User.ID, SaveChangesint = context.Result.ToString(), UserName = userinfo.T_User.TrueName != null ? userinfo.T_User.TrueName.Trim() : userinfo.T_User.UserName.Trim(), PurviewName = Rolelist };
                    case "setButtons":
                        optype = OperationType.NavButtons;

                        Dmodel.Add("ID", context.Parameters[0] != null ? context.Parameters[0].ToString() : "");
                            int[] roleids = (int[]) context.Parameters[1];
                            Dmodel.Add("btns", roleids.Length > 1 ? string.Join(",", roleids) : roleids[0].ToString());
                        catch ( Exception )
                            Dmodel.Add("btns", "日志存储异常");
                        logmodel = new Log() { Model = Dmodel, MethodName = context.MethodName, RunClassName = context.ClassFullName.ToString(), OperationTime = DateTime.Now, OperationType = optype, UserID = userinfo.T_User.ID, SaveChangesint = context.Result.ToString(), UserName = userinfo.T_User.TrueName != null ? userinfo.T_User.TrueName.Trim() : userinfo.T_User.UserName.Trim(), PurviewName = Rolelist };

                using ( MongoDBUtility db = new MongoDBUtility() )
            return context;
Exemplo n.º 19
 public object GetUserNamelist()
     using ( MongoDBUtility db = new MongoDBUtility() )
         var quer = db.GetIMongoCollection<Log>().Linq().Select(p => p.UserName).ToList();
         return quer.GroupBy(p => p).Select(p =>
         { return new { name = p.Key, value = p.Key }; }).ToList();