/// <summary>
        /// Get a string representation of this module for use in logging.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="module"></param>
        /// <returns>A string that represents the module passed in, with newlines.</returns>
        public static string Representation(this ModuleType module)
            int powGen       = module.getPowerGeneration(1, Planet.Quantity.High, Planet.Quantity.High);
            int powStore     = module.getPowerStorageCapacity(1);
            int powCollected = module.getPowerCollection(1);
            int sMax         = module.getMaxSize();
            int sMin         = module.getMinSize();
            var requiredType = module.getRequiredModuleType();

                ($"\n  NAME:     {module.getName()}" +
                 $"\n  SizeMax:  {sMax,2}\tSizeMin:  {sMin,2}\tHeight:  {module.getHeight(),4}" +
                 $"\n  POW_COL:  {powCollected}\tPOW_GEN:  {powGen}\tPOW_STO:   {powStore}" +
                 $"\n  UsersMax: {module.getMaxUsers()}" +
                 $"\n  O2_s1:    {module.getOxygenGeneration(1f)}" +
                 $"\n  REQUIRED: {requiredType}{(requiredType is null ? "(null)" : "")}");