Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task WarnUserAsync(
            [Summary("The user to warn.")] SocketGuildUser user,
            [Summary("The reason to warn the user."), Remainder] string reason)
            UserData data = Data.UserData.GetUser(user.Id);

            EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder()

            bool   printInfractions    = data != null && data.Infractions?.Count > 0;
            string previousInfractions = null;

            // Collect the previous infractions before applying new ones, otherwise we will also collect this
            //  new infraction when printing them
            if (printInfractions)
                previousInfractions = string.Join('\n', data.Infractions.OrderByDescending(i => i.Time).Select(i => i.ToString()));

            Moderation.AddInfraction(user, Infraction.Create(Moderation.RequestInfractionID())

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithAdditionalInfo(previousInfractions), Context.Channel);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public override void InitiateClient(DiscordClient _client)
     _client.GetService <CommandService>().CreateCommand("purge")
     .Description("Clears messages from a channel.")
     .Parameter("number", type: ParameterType.Required)
     .Parameter("user", ParameterType.Optional)
     .Do(async e => {
         if (Config.INSTANCE.GetPermissionLevel(e.User, e.Server) > 1)
             var purgemessages = await e.Channel.DownloadMessages(Int32.Parse(e.Args[0]) + 1);
             if (e.GetArg("user") == "")
                 // Delete any messages
                 await e.Channel.DeleteMessages(purgemessages);
                 // Delete messages from specified user
                 foreach (Message msg in purgemessages)
                     if (msg.User == e.Message.MentionedUsers.First())
                         await msg.Delete();
         await e.Message.Delete();
         ModerationLog.LogToPublic($"User {e.User.Name} purged {e.GetArg("number")} messages in #{e.Channel.Name}", e.Server);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task BanAsync(
            [Summary("The user to ban.")] GuildUserProxy user,
            [Summary("The reason why to ban the user."), Remainder] string reason = DefaultReason)
            if (user.HasValue)
                await user.GuildUser.TrySendMessageAsync($"You were banned from **{Context.Guild.Name}** because of {reason}.");
            await Context.Guild.AddBanAsync(user.ID, _pruneDays, reason);

            Infraction infraction = Infraction.Create(Moderation.RequestInfractionID())

            // Normally it would be preferred to use the AddInfraction(IUser, Infraction) method but that one implicitly
            //  sends a DM to the target which will not be in the server anymore at this point AND this method already
            //  attempts to send a DM to the target.
            Moderation.AddInfraction(user.ID, infraction);

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithReason(reason), Context.Channel);
        public async Task ClearInfractionsAsync(
            [Summary("The user to clear the infractions from.")] GuildUserProxy user)
            ulong userId = user.HasValue ? user.GuildUser.Id : user.ID;

            int clearedInfractions = Moderation.ClearInfractions(userId);

            EmbedBuilder builder = GetDefaultBuilder()

            if (user.HasValue)
                builder.WithDescription($"**{clearedInfractions}** infraction(s) were cleared from {user.GuildUser}.");
                builder.WithDescription($"**{clearedInfractions}** infraction(s) were cleared from {userId}.");

            await builder.Build()

            if (clearedInfractions > 0)
                await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task KickUser(
            [Summary("The user to kick.")] GuildUserProxy user,
            [Summary("The reason to kick the user for."), Remainder] string reason = DefaultReason)
            if (!user.HasValue)
                throw new ArgumentException($"User with ID {user.ID} is not in the server!");

            await user.GuildUser.KickAsync(reason);

            Infraction infraction = Infraction.Create(Moderation.RequestInfractionID())

            if (user.HasValue)
                Moderation.AddInfraction(user.GuildUser, infraction);
                Moderation.AddInfraction(user.ID, infraction);

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithTarget(user), Context.Channel);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public async Task ClearMessagesAsync(
            [Summary("The user to clear messages of")] SocketGuildUser user,
            [Summary("The amount of messages to clear")] int count,
            [Summary("The history length to delete from")] int history = 100)
            int maxHistory = Context.Configuration.ClearMessageMaxHistory;

            if (history > maxHistory)
                history = maxHistory;

            var aMessages = await Context.Channel.GetMessagesAsync(history).FlattenAsync();

            var fMessages = aMessages.Where(m => m.Author.Id == user.Id)
                            .Where(m => (DateTimeOffset.Now - m.CreatedAt).Days < 14);

            if (fMessages.Count() > 0)
                var messages = fMessages.Take(count);
                await(Context.Channel as ITextChannel).DeleteMessagesAsync(messages);

                await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                                .WithReason($"Deleted {messages.Count()} message(s) of {user.Mention}")
                                                .WithChannel(Context.Channel as ITextChannel));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public async Task TempmuteAsync(
            [Summary("The user to mute.")] GuildUserProxy user,
            [Summary("The duration for the mute."), OverrideTypeReader(typeof(AbbreviatedTimeSpanTypeReader))] TimeSpan duration,
            [Summary("The reason why to mute the user."), Remainder] string reason = DefaultReason)
            if (!user.HasValue)
                throw new ArgumentException($"User with ID {user.ID} is not in the server!");

            bool   unlimitedTime         = (Context.User as IGuildUser).GetPermissionLevel(Data.Configuration) >= PermissionLevel.Moderator;
            double givenDuration         = duration.TotalMilliseconds;
            int    maxHelperMuteDuration = Data.Configuration.HelperMuteMaxDuration;

            if (!unlimitedTime && givenDuration > maxHelperMuteDuration)
                duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(maxHelperMuteDuration);

            await user.GuildUser.MuteAsync(Context);

            SetUserMuted(user.ID, true);

            Infraction infraction = Moderation.AddTemporaryInfraction(TemporaryInfractionType.TempMute, user.GuildUser, Context.User, duration, reason);

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithReason(reason), Context.Channel);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public async Task MuteAsync(
            [Summary("The user to mute.")] GuildUserProxy user,
            [Summary("The reason why to mute the user."), Remainder] string reason = DefaultReason)
            if (!user.HasValue)
                throw new ArgumentException($"User with ID {user.ID} is not in the server!");

            await user.GuildUser.MuteAsync(Context);

            SetUserMuted(user.ID, true);

            Infraction infraction = Infraction.Create(Moderation.RequestInfractionID())

            Moderation.AddInfraction(user.GuildUser, infraction);

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithReason(reason), Context.Channel);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public override void InitiateClient(DiscordClient _client)
            _client.GetService <CommandService>().CreateCommand("kick")
            .Description("Kicks a user.")
            .Do(async e => {
                if (Config.INSTANCE.GetPermissionLevel(e.User, e.Server) > 1)
                    String usersKicked = "";
                    foreach (User user in e.Message.MentionedUsers)
                        if (!user.IsBot)
                            usersKicked += (user.Name + " ");
                            await user.Kick();
                    ModerationLog.LogToPublic($"User {e.User.Name} kicked user(s) {usersKicked}", e.Server);

            _client.GetService <CommandService>().CreateCommand("ban")
            .Description("Bans a user.")
            .Do(async e => {
                if (Config.INSTANCE.GetPermissionLevel(e.User, e.Server) > 1)
                    String usersBanned = "";
                    foreach (User user in e.Message.MentionedUsers)
                        if (!user.IsBot)
                            usersBanned += (user.Name + " ");
                            await e.Server.Ban(user, 3);
                    ModerationLog.LogToPublic($"User {e.User.Name} banned user(s) {usersBanned}", e.Server);

            _client.GetService <CommandService>().CreateCommand("forcenick")
            .Description("Forces a user's nickname to be changed.")
            .Do(async e => {
                if (Config.INSTANCE.GetPermissionLevel(e.User, e.Server) > 1)
                    User user = e.Server.FindUsers(e.GetArg("user")).First();
                    await user.Edit(nickname: e.GetArg("nick"));
        private static void LogTransfer(IChatbotContext context, string moderatorUsername, string oldUsername, string newUsername)
            var logRecord = new ModerationLog
                Username         = moderatorUsername,
                Action           = ModerationAction.UsernameTransfer,
                ActionTakenTime  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                ExtraInformation = $"{moderatorUsername} has transferred {oldUsername}'s account to {newUsername}"

Exemplo n.º 11
        public async Task UnbanAsync(
            [Summary("The user ID to unban.")] GuildUserProxy user)
            await Context.Guild.RemoveBanAsync(user.ID);

            Moderation.ClearTemporaryInfraction(TemporaryInfractionType.TempBan, user.ID);

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithTarget(user.ID), Context.Channel);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public async Task UnmuteAsync(
            [Summary("The user to unmute.")] SocketGuildUser user)
            await user.UnmuteAsync(Context);

            SetUserMuted(user.Id, false);

            Moderation.ClearTemporaryInfraction(TemporaryInfractionType.TempMute, user);

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithTarget(user), Context.Channel);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public async Task <ModerationLog> RecordModerationAsync(string action, DiscordGuild guild, DiscordUser subject, DiscordUser moderator = null, string reason = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(action))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("action");

            ModerationLog log = new ModerationLog(action, guild, subject, moderator, reason);
            await log.SaveAsync(DbContext);

            await ReportModerationLogAsync(log, guild, subject : subject, moderator : moderator);

Exemplo n.º 14
        private async Task ReportModerationLogAsync(ModerationLog log, DiscordGuild guild = null, DiscordUser subject = null, DiscordUser moderator = null)
            if (guild == null)
                guild = await Bot.Discord.GetGuildAsync(log.GuildId);

            if (moderator == null && log.ModeratorId > 0)
                moderator = await Bot.Discord.GetUserAsync(log.ModeratorId);

            if (subject == null && log.SubjectId > 0)
                subject = await Bot.Discord.GetUserAsync(log.SubjectId);

            //Figure out what hte guild modlog folder is
            var gs = await GuildSettings.GetGuildSettingsAsync(guild);

            if (gs.ModLogId > 0)
                StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();
                content.AppendFormat($"**{log.Action}** | {log.Id}\n");

                if (subject != null)
                    content.AppendLine($"**User** : {subject.Mention}  ( {subject.Id} )");

                if (moderator != null)
                    content.AppendLine($"**Moderator** : {moderator.Mention}  ( {moderator.Id} )");

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(log.Reason))
                    content.AppendLine($"**Reason**: ```{log.Reason}```");

                //Send the message and update our log
                var msg = await gs.GetModLogChannel().SendMessageAsync(content.ToString());

                log.Message = msg.Id;

                //Save the log
                await log.SaveAsync(DbContext);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public override async void ParseMessageAsync(Channel channel, Message message)
            foreach (string word in Config.INSTANCE.Blacklist)
                if (message.Text.ToLower().Contains(word) && !message.User.IsBot && Config.INSTANCE.GetPermissionLevel(message.User, message.Server) < 2)
                    ModerationLog.LogToPublic($"User {message.User} used blacklisted word {word} in channel #{channel.Name}. Message was as follows: \n {message}", message.Server);
                    await channel.DeleteMessages(new Message[] { message });

                    await channel.SendMessage("``` Message redacted for the sake of the Motherland. ```");

Exemplo n.º 16
        public async Task BanAsync(
            [Summary("The user to ban.")] GuildUserProxy user,
            [Summary("The reason why to ban the user."), Remainder] string reason = DefaultReason)
            if (user.HasValue)
                await user.GuildUser.TrySendMessageAsync($"You were banned from **{Context.Guild.Name}** because of {reason}.");
            await Context.Guild.AddBanAsync(user.ID, _pruneDays, reason);

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithReason(reason), Context.Channel);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public async Task KickUser(
            [Summary("The user to kick.")] SocketGuildUser user,
            [Summary("The reason to kick the user for."), Remainder] string reason = DefaultReason)
            await user.KickAsync(reason);

            Moderation.AddInfraction(user, Infraction.Create(Moderation.RequestInfractionID())

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithTarget(user), Context.Channel);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public async Task BanAsync(
            [Summary("The user to ban")] GuildUserProxy user,
            [Summary("The duration for the ban."), OverrideTypeReader(typeof(AbbreviatedTimeSpanTypeReader))] TimeSpan duration,
            [Summary("The reason why to ban the user."), Remainder] string reason = DefaultReason)
            // Since the user cannot be found (we are using the GuildUserProxy) we don't need to attempt to message him
            await Context.Guild.AddBanAsync(user.ID, _pruneDays, reason);

            Moderation.AddTemporaryInfraction(TemporaryInfractionType.TempBan, user.ID, Context.User, duration, reason);

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithReason(reason), Context.Channel);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public async Task ClearMessagesAsync(
            [Summary("The amount of messages to clear")] int count)
            int maxHistory = Context.Configuration.ClearMessageMaxHistory;

            count = count + 1 > maxHistory ? maxHistory : count + 1;

            var messages = await Context.Channel.GetMessagesAsync(count).FlattenAsync();

            var validMessages = messages.Where(m => (DateTimeOffset.Now - m.CreatedAt).Days < 14);

            await(Context.Channel as ITextChannel).DeleteMessagesAsync(validMessages);

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithChannel(Context.Channel as ITextChannel));
Exemplo n.º 20
        private async Task AddModerationLog(ModerationLog.ModAction action, IGuildUser user, string reason)
            using (NekoDbContext dbContext = new NekoDbContext())
                ModerationLog newModerationLog = new ModerationLog
                    ExecutingUserId   = context.User.Id,
                    ExecutingUsername = context.User.Username,
                    TargetedUserId    = user.Id,
                    TargetUsername    = user.Username,
                    Reason            = reason,
                    Timestamp         = DateTime.UtcNow

                await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
Exemplo n.º 21
        public async Task TempmuteAsync(
            [Summary("The user to mute.")] SocketGuildUser user,
            [Summary("The duration for the mute."), OverrideTypeReader(typeof(AbbreviatedTimeSpanTypeReader))] TimeSpan duration,
            [Summary("The reason why to mute the user."), Remainder] string reason = DefaultReason)
            await user.MuteAsync(Context);

            SetUserMuted(user.Id, true);

            Moderation.AddTemporaryInfraction(TemporaryInfractionType.TempMute, user, Context.User, duration, reason);

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithReason(reason), Context.Channel);
Exemplo n.º 22
        public async Task ClearInfractionsAsync(
            [Summary("The user to clear the infractions from.")] SocketGuildUser user)
            int clearedInfractions = Moderation.ClearInfractions(user);

            await GetDefaultBuilder()
            .WithDescription($"{clearedInfractions} infraction(s) were cleared from {user.Mention}.")

            if (clearedInfractions > 0)
                await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
Exemplo n.º 23
        public async Task TempbanAsync(
            [Summary("The user to temporarily ban.")] SocketGuildUser user,
            [Summary("The duration for the ban."), OverrideTypeReader(typeof(AbbreviatedTimeSpanTypeReader))] TimeSpan duration,
            [Summary("The reason why to ban the user."), Remainder] string reason = DefaultReason)
            await user.TrySendMessageAsync($"You were banned from **{Context.Guild.Name}** for {duration.Humanize(7)} because of **{reason}**.");

            await user.BanAsync(_pruneDays, reason);

            Moderation.AddTemporaryInfraction(TemporaryInfractionType.TempBan, user, Context.User, duration, reason);

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithReason(reason), Context.Channel);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public async Task MuteAsync(
            [Summary("The user to mute.")] SocketGuildUser user,
            [Summary("The reason why to mute the user."), Remainder] string reason = DefaultReason)
            await user.MuteAsync(Context);

            SetUserMuted(user.Id, true);

            Moderation.AddInfraction(user, Infraction.Create(Moderation.RequestInfractionID())

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithReason(reason), Context.Channel);
Exemplo n.º 25
        public async Task UnmuteAsync(
            [Summary("The user to unmute.")] GuildUserProxy user)
            if (!user.HasValue)
                throw new ArgumentException($"User with ID {user.ID} is not in the server!");

            await user.GuildUser.UnmuteAsync(Context);

            SetUserMuted(user.ID, false);

            Moderation.ClearTemporaryInfraction(TemporaryInfractionType.TempMute, user.GuildUser);

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New
                                            .WithTarget(user), Context.Channel);
Exemplo n.º 26
        private async Task SetLockdown(bool lockdown = false)
            IRole            everyone       = Context.Guild.EveryoneRole;
            GuildPermissions newPermissions = everyone.Permissions.Modify(sendMessages: !lockdown);

            await everyone.ModifyAsync(x => x.Permissions = newPermissions);

            string message = $"Lockdown {(lockdown ? "enabled" : "disabled")}!";

            await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New

            await new EmbedBuilder()
Exemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Records a moderative action
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action"></param>
        /// <param name="moderator"></param>
        /// <param name="subject"></param>
        /// <param name="reason"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <ModerationLog> RecordModerationAsync(string action, DiscordMember moderator, DiscordUser subject, string reason)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(action))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("action");

            if (moderator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("moderator");

            //Get the moderation log and save it
            ModerationLog log = new ModerationLog(action, moderator, subject, reason);
            await log.SaveAsync(DbContext);

            //Report the log
            await ReportModerationLogAsync(log, moderator.Guild, subject : subject, moderator : moderator);

Exemplo n.º 28
        public async Task SlowModeAsync(
            [Summary("The duration of slowmode"), OverrideTypeReader(typeof(AbbreviatedTimeSpanTypeReader))] TimeSpan duration)
            EmbedBuilder builder          = new EmbedBuilder();
            int          slowmodeDuration = (int)duration.TotalSeconds;

            if (slowmodeDuration > _maxSlowMode || slowmodeDuration < 0)
                .WithDescription($"Duration ({duration.Humanize(3)}) out of bounds (0 - {_maxSlowMode / 3600} hours)!");

                if (slowmodeDuration == 0)
                    builder.WithDescription($"Slowmode is turned off!");
                    builder.WithDescription($"Slowmode is set to {duration.Humanize(3)}!");

                ITextChannel channel = await Context.Guild.GetTextChannelAsync(Context.Channel.Id);

                await channel.ModifyAsync(x => x.SlowModeInterval = slowmodeDuration);

                await ModerationLog.CreateEntry(ModerationLogEntry.New

            await builder.Build().SendToChannel(Context.Channel);
Exemplo n.º 29
        public override void InitiateClient(DiscordClient _client)
            _client.GetService <CommandService>().CreateGroup("blacklist", bgp => {
                .Do(async e => {
                    await e.Channel.SendIsTyping();

                    String line = "";
                    line       += "================== CURRENT BLACKLIST ================\n";
                    line       += $"   Blacklist contains {Config.INSTANCE.Blacklist.Count} words\n";
                    line       += "==================================================\n";

                    foreach (String word in Config.INSTANCE.Blacklist)
                        if (line.Length + word.Length + 1 <= MESSAGE_MAX_LENGTH)
                            line += word + '\n';
                            await e.Channel.SendMessage(line);
                            line = word + '\n';
                    if (line.Length > 0)
                        await e.Channel.SendMessage(line);

                    await e.Channel.SendMessage("================== BLACKLIST ENDS ===================");
                .Do(e => {
                    if (Config.INSTANCE.GetPermissionLevel(e.User, e.Server) > 1)
                        //String word = e.GetArg("word");
                        //bool is_pattern = word.StartsWith("/") && word.EndsWith("/");

                        if (Config.INSTANCE.Blacklist.Contains(e.GetArg("word")))
                            e.Channel.SendMessage($"Word \"{e.Args[0]}\" already in blacklist.");

                        ModerationLog.LogToPublic($"User {e.User} added the word {e.Args[0]} to the blacklist.", e.Server);
                        e.Channel.SendMessage($"Added \"{e.Args[0]}\" to the blacklist.");
                .Do(e => {
                    if (Config.INSTANCE.GetPermissionLevel(e.User, e.Server) > 1)
                        if (!Config.INSTANCE.Blacklist.Contains(e.GetArg("word")))
                            e.Channel.SendMessage($"Word \"{e.Args[0]}\" not in blacklist.");

                        ModerationLog.LogToPublic($"User {e.User} removed the word {e.Args[0]} from the blacklist.", e.Server);
                        e.Channel.SendMessage($"Removed \"{e.Args[0]}\" from the blacklist.");
Exemplo n.º 30
        public override void InitiateClient(DiscordClient _client)
            // set up message checking timer
            removeMessagesTimer.Interval  = 15000; // 15 seconds
            removeMessagesTimer.Elapsed  += (sender, e) => MessageChecker(sender, e, _client);
            removeMessagesTimer.AutoReset = true;

            // check any outdated self-assignable roles without "group" properties
            int rolesFound = 0;

            foreach (SelfAssignRole r in Config.INSTANCE.selfAssignRoles)
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(r.group))
                    r.group = "";
            if (rolesFound > 0)

            // set up commands
            _client.GetService <CommandService>().CreateCommand("roles")
            .Description("Prints out all server roles.")
            .Do(e => {
                // check permissions
                if (Config.INSTANCE.GetPermissionLevel(e.User, e.Server) < 2)
                    e.Channel.SendMessage("Sorry, you don't have permission to do that.");

                // print all server roles
                String roleString = "```";
                for (int i = 0; i < e.Server.RoleCount; i++)
                    Role role   = e.Server.Roles.ElementAt(i);
                    roleString += $"{role.Name}" + (i == e.Server.RoleCount - 1 ? "" : ", ");
                roleString += "```";

                e.Channel.SendMessage($"Server roles ({e.Server.RoleCount}/{MAX_ROLES}):\n{roleString}");

            _client.GetService <CommandService>().CreateCommand("iam")
            .Description("Gives the user a self-assignable role.")
            .Parameter("role", ParameterType.Multiple)
            .Do(e => {
                String roleName = String.Join(" ", e.Args);
                Role role       = e.Server.FindRoles(roleName, true).FirstOrDefault();

                ModerationLog.LogToPublic($"User {e.User.Name} attempted to give themselves role {roleName} in #{e.Channel.Name}", e.Server);

                // check if role exists
                if (role == null)
                    GiveFeedback(e, $"Role `{roleName}` does not exist.");

                // check if role is self-assignable
                if (!RoleIsAssignable(role))
                    GiveFeedback(e, $"Role `{roleName}` is not self-assignable.");

                // assign role
                if (e.User.HasRole(role))
                    GiveFeedback(e, "You already have this role.");
                    GiveFeedback(e, $"Assigned role `{roleName}`.");

            _client.GetService <CommandService>().CreateCommand("iamn")
            .Description("Removes a self-assignable role from the user.")
            .Parameter("role", ParameterType.Multiple)
            .Do(e => {
                String roleName = String.Join(" ", e.Args);
                Role role       = e.Server.FindRoles(roleName, true).FirstOrDefault();

                // check if role exists
                if (role == null)
                    GiveFeedback(e, $"Role `{roleName}` does not exist.");

                // check if role is self-assignable
                if (!RoleIsAssignable(role))
                    GiveFeedback(e, $"Role `{roleName}` is not self-assignable.");

                // unassign role
                if (!e.User.HasRole(role))
                    GiveFeedback(e, "You do not have this role to remove.");
                    GiveFeedback(e, $"Unassigned role `{roleName}`.");
                    ModerationLog.LogToPublic($"User {e.User.Name} removed their role {roleName} in #{e.Channel.Name}", e.Server);

            _client.GetService <CommandService>().CreateGroup("aroles", egp => {
                .Description("Makes a role self-assignable, optionally adding it to a group.")
                .Parameter("group", ParameterType.Optional)
                .Do(e => {
                    // check permissions
                    if (Config.INSTANCE.GetPermissionLevel(e.User, e.Server) < 2)
                        e.Channel.SendMessage("Sorry, you don't have permission to do that.");

                    String roleName  = e.GetArg("role");
                    String groupName = e.GetArg("group").ToLower();
                    Role role        = e.Server.FindRoles(roleName, true).FirstOrDefault();

                    // check if role exists
                    if (role == null)
                        e.Channel.SendMessage($"Role `{roleName}` does not exist.");

                    // check if role is already self-assignable
                    if (RoleIsAssignable(role))
                        e.Channel.SendMessage($"Role `{roleName}` is already self-assignable.");

                    // set role as self-assignable
                    SelfAssignRole newRole = new SelfAssignRole {
                        server_id = role.Server.Id,
                        role_id   = role.Id,
                        group     = groupName
                    String groupText = String.IsNullOrEmpty(groupName) ? "." : $" (added to group \"{groupName}\")";
                    e.Channel.SendMessage($"Role `{roleName}` is now self-assignable{groupText}");
                    ModerationLog.LogToPublic($"User {e.User.Name} made role {roleName} self-assignable", e.Server);

                .Description("Removes a role from being self-assignable.")
                .Parameter("role", ParameterType.Multiple)
                .Do(e => {
                    // check permissions
                    if (Config.INSTANCE.GetPermissionLevel(e.User, e.Server) < 2)
                        e.Channel.SendMessage("Sorry, you don't have permission to do that.");

                    String roleName = String.Join(" ", e.Args);
                    Role role       = e.Server.FindRoles(roleName, true).FirstOrDefault();

                    // check if role exists
                    if (role == null)
                        e.Channel.SendMessage($"Role `{roleName}` does not exist.");

                    // check if role is self-assignable
                    if (!RoleIsAssignable(role))
                        e.Channel.SendMessage($"Role `{roleName}` is not self-assignable.");

                    // remove role from being self-assignable
                    foreach (SelfAssignRole r in Config.INSTANCE.selfAssignRoles)
                        if (r.server_id == e.Server.Id && r.role_id == role.Id)
                            e.Channel.SendMessage($"Role `{roleName}` is no longer self-assignable.");
                            ModerationLog.LogToPublic($"User {e.User.Name} removed role {roleName} from being self-assignable", e.Server);

                .Description("Prints all self-assignable roles.")
                .Parameter("group", ParameterType.Optional)
                .Do(e => {
                    // print all self-assignable roles
                    String roleString = "";
                    int saRoleCount   = 0;
                    SortedDictionary <String, List <Role> > groups = new SortedDictionary <String, List <Role> >();
                    String groupFilter = e.GetArg("group");

                    // compile all self-assignable roles by group
                    foreach (SelfAssignRole r in Config.INSTANCE.selfAssignRoles)
                        // only roles on this server
                        if (r.server_id == e.Server.Id)
                            // get valid role
                            Role role = e.Server.GetRole(r.role_id);
                            if (role == null)

                            // if group filter specified, exclude all roles not belonging to that group
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(groupFilter) && r.group != groupFilter)

                            // create group list if it doesn't exist
                            if (!groups.ContainsKey(r.group))
                                groups.Add(r.group, new List <Role>());

                            // add role to group list

                    // print roles
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <String, List <Role> > group in groups)
                        String groupName = group.Key == "" ? "Ungrouped" : group.Key;
                        roleString      += $"```{groupName} ({group.Value.Count}):\n";
                        for (int i = 0; i < group.Value.Count; i++)
                            Role role   = group.Value.ElementAt(i);
                            roleString += $"{role.Name}" + (i == group.Value.Count - 1 ? "" : ", ");
                        roleString += "```";

                    // print message
                    if (saRoleCount > 0)
                        roleString  = "Self-assignable roles" + (String.IsNullOrEmpty(groupFilter) ? ":\n" : $" in group `{groupFilter}`:\n") + roleString;
                        roleString += "\nThe above roles are self-assignable using the commands:\n";
                        roleString += "`!iam [role]`    -- assigns a role\n";
                        roleString += "`!iamn [role]`   -- removes a role";

                        if (Config.INSTANCE.GetPermissionLevel(e.User, e.Server) < 2)
                            // feedback messages to non-mods are temporary
                            GiveFeedback(e, roleString);
                            // feedback messages to mods are regular messages
                    else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(groupFilter))
                        GiveFeedback(e, $"There are no self-assignable roles in group `{groupFilter}`.");
                        GiveFeedback(e, "There are no self-assignable roles on this server.");

                .Description("Add a self-assignable role to a group for organization.")
                .Do(e => {
                    // check permissions
                    if (Config.INSTANCE.GetPermissionLevel(e.User, e.Server) < 2)
                        e.Channel.SendMessage("Sorry, you don't have permission to do that.");

                    String roleName  = e.GetArg("role");
                    String groupName = e.GetArg("group").ToLower();
                    Role role        = e.Server.FindRoles(roleName, true).FirstOrDefault();

                    // check if role exists
                    if (role == null)
                        e.Channel.SendMessage($"Role `{roleName}` does not exist.");

                    // check if role is self-assignable
                    if (!RoleIsAssignable(role))
                        e.Channel.SendMessage($"Role `{roleName}` is not self-assignable.");

                    // set role group
                    foreach (SelfAssignRole r in Config.INSTANCE.selfAssignRoles)
                        if (r.server_id == e.Server.Id && r.role_id == role.Id)
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(r.group))
                                // add new group to role
                                e.Channel.SendMessage($"Role `{roleName}` added to group `{groupName}`.");
                                ModerationLog.LogToPublic($"User {e.User.Name} added role {roleName} to group {groupName}", e.Server);
                                // move role to other group
                                e.Channel.SendMessage($"Role `{roleName}` moved from group `{r.group}` to `{groupName}`.");
                                ModerationLog.LogToPublic($"User {e.User.Name} moved role {roleName} from group {r.group} to {groupName}", e.Server);
                            r.group = groupName;

                .Description("Remove a self-assignable role from a group.")
                .Parameter("role", ParameterType.Multiple)
                .Do(e => {
                    // check permissions
                    if (Config.INSTANCE.GetPermissionLevel(e.User, e.Server) < 2)
                        e.Channel.SendMessage("Sorry, you don't have permission to do that.");

                    String roleName = e.GetArg("role");
                    Role role       = e.Server.FindRoles(roleName, true).FirstOrDefault();

                    // check if role exists
                    if (role == null)
                        e.Channel.SendMessage($"Role `{roleName}` does not exist.");

                    // check if role is self-assignable
                    if (!RoleIsAssignable(role))
                        e.Channel.SendMessage($"Role `{roleName}` is not self-assignable.");

                    // remove role group
                    foreach (SelfAssignRole r in Config.INSTANCE.selfAssignRoles)
                        if (r.server_id == e.Server.Id && r.role_id == role.Id)
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(r.group))
                                e.Channel.SendMessage($"Role `{roleName}` already not in any group.");
                                e.Channel.SendMessage($"Role `{roleName}` removed from group `{r.group}`.");
                                ModerationLog.LogToPublic($"User {e.User.Name} removed role {roleName} to group {r.group}", e.Server);
                                r.group = "";

                .Description("Rename a group containing self-assignable roles.")
                .Do(e => {
                    // check permissions
                    if (Config.INSTANCE.GetPermissionLevel(e.User, e.Server) < 2)
                        e.Channel.SendMessage("Sorry, you don't have permission to do that.");

                    String currName = e.GetArg("current").ToLower();
                    String newName  = e.GetArg("new").ToLower();

                    // change group property on matching roles
                    int foundRoles = 0;
                    foreach (SelfAssignRole r in Config.INSTANCE.selfAssignRoles)
                        if (r.group == currName)
                            r.group = newName;

                    // save changes
                    if (foundRoles > 0)
                        e.Channel.SendMessage($"Group `{currName}` renamed to `{newName}`.");
                        ModerationLog.LogToPublic($"User {e.User.Name} renamed role group {currName} to {newName}", e.Server);
                        e.Channel.SendMessage($"Group `{currName}` does not exist.");