Exemplo n.º 1
        public static Models.HotelDealsData GetHotelDeals()
            var objSearchAtts = new Models.SearchAttributes();

            objSearchAtts.GetAllDeals = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult ShowHotelDeals(IFormCollection frmCollection)
            Models.HotelDealsData objHotelDealsData = null;
            var      objSearchAtts = new Models.SearchAttributes();
            DateTime TripStartDate = DateTime.MinValue;
            DateTime TripEndtDate  = DateTime.MinValue;

            objSearchAtts.Destination      = frmCollection["DestinationName"];
            objSearchAtts.MinTripStartDate = frmCollection["StartDate"];
            objSearchAtts.MaxTripStartDate = frmCollection["EndDate"];
            objSearchAtts.MinStarRating    = frmCollection["MinStarRate"];
            objSearchAtts.MaxStarRating    = frmCollection["MaxStarRate"];
            objSearchAtts.MinGuestRating   = frmCollection["MinGuestRate"];
            objSearchAtts.MaxGuestRating   = frmCollection["MaxGuestRate"];
            objSearchAtts.MinTotalRating   = frmCollection["MinTotalRate"];
            objSearchAtts.MaxTotalRating   = frmCollection["MaxTotalRate"];

            //Persist search criteria to be rendered back to the search form.
            TempData["Destination"]  = objSearchAtts.Destination;
            TempData["StartDate"]    = objSearchAtts.MinTripStartDate;
            TempData["EndDate"]      = objSearchAtts.MaxTripStartDate;
            TempData["MinStarRate"]  = objSearchAtts.MinStarRating;
            TempData["MaxStarRate"]  = objSearchAtts.MaxStarRating;
            TempData["MinGuestRate"] = objSearchAtts.MinGuestRating;
            TempData["MaxGuestRate"] = objSearchAtts.MaxGuestRating;
            TempData["MinTotalRate"] = objSearchAtts.MinTotalRating;
            TempData["MaxTotalRate"] = objSearchAtts.MaxTotalRating;

            if (objSearchAtts.MinTripStartDate != String.Empty)
                TripStartDate = DateTime.Parse(objSearchAtts.MinTripStartDate);
            if (objSearchAtts.MaxTripStartDate != String.Empty)
                TripEndtDate = DateTime.Parse(objSearchAtts.MaxTripStartDate);

            objSearchAtts.lengthOfStay = (int)(TripEndtDate.Subtract(TripStartDate).TotalDays);

            objHotelDealsData = HotelDeals.GetHotelDeals(objSearchAtts);

            if (objHotelDealsData == null)
Exemplo n.º 3
        /* Takes an object that contains all the search fields that were added by the user. If the attributes */
        /* GetAllDeals if true, then no search criteria was provided. */
        public static Models.HotelDealsData GetHotelDeals(Models.SearchAttributes oSearchAtts)
            Models.HotelDealsData objHotelDealsData = null;
            string url = "https://offersvc.expedia.com/offers/v2/getOffers?scenario=deal-finder&page=foo&uid=foo&productType=Hotel";

                if (!oSearchAtts.GetAllDeals)
                    string queryString = MakeQueryString(oSearchAtts);
                    url += queryString;
                var syncClient = new WebClient();
                var content    = syncClient.DownloadString(url);

                DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Models.HotelDealsData));
                using (var ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(content)))
                    objHotelDealsData = (Models.HotelDealsData)serializer.ReadObject(ms);

                if (objHotelDealsData.offers.Hotel.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var Hotel in objHotelDealsData.offers.Hotel)
                        //  this loop in case you need to do an processing on the returned returned data before send it back to  the controller.
                //Something went wrong
                //ToDO: Show an error message to the user.
Exemplo n.º 4
        /* Make the query string based on the search criteria entered by the user . This query string will be added to the API call to filter */
        /* the results */
        private static string MakeQueryString(Models.SearchAttributes oSearchAtts)
            string queryString = string.Empty;

            //add destination if a value is entered
            if (oSearchAtts.Destination.Length > 0)
                queryString = "&destinationName=" + oSearchAtts.Destination;

            // add minTripStartDate if a value is entered
            if (oSearchAtts.MinTripStartDate.Length > 0)
                //..but first change date format to yyyy-mm-dd as this what the API expects
                oSearchAtts.MinTripStartDate = DateTime.Parse(oSearchAtts.MinTripStartDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                queryString += "&minTripStartDate=" + oSearchAtts.MinTripStartDate;

            // add minTripStartDate if a value is entered
            if (oSearchAtts.MaxTripStartDate.Length > 0)
                //..but first change date format to yyyy-mm-dd as this what the API expects
                oSearchAtts.MaxTripStartDate = DateTime.Parse(oSearchAtts.MaxTripStartDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                queryString += "&maxTripStartDate=" + oSearchAtts.MaxTripStartDate;
            // add lengthOfStay if a value is entered
            if (oSearchAtts.lengthOfStay > 0)
                queryString += "&max.lengthOfStay=" + oSearchAtts.lengthOfStay.ToString();
            // add minStarRating if a value is entered
            if (oSearchAtts.MinStarRating.Length > 0)
                queryString += "&minStarRating=" + oSearchAtts.MinStarRating;
            // add maxStarRating if a value is entered
            if (oSearchAtts.MaxStarRating.Length > 0)
                queryString += "&maxStarRating=" + oSearchAtts.MaxStarRating;
            // add minTotalRate if a value is entered
            if (oSearchAtts.MinTotalRating.Length > 0)
                queryString += "&minTotalRate=" + oSearchAtts.MinTotalRating;
            // add maxTotalRate if a value is entered
            if (oSearchAtts.MaxTotalRating.Length > 0)
                queryString += "&maxTotalRate=" + oSearchAtts.MaxTotalRating;
            // add minGuestRating if a value is entered
            if (oSearchAtts.MinGuestRating.Length > 0)
                queryString += "&minGuestRating=" + oSearchAtts.MinGuestRating;
            // add maxGuestRating if a value is entered
            if (oSearchAtts.MaxGuestRating.Length > 0)
                queryString += "&maxGuestRating=" + oSearchAtts.MaxGuestRating;
