Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <IActionResult> Update(int?id, string tab, string code)
            if (!_loginServices.isInAdminRoles(this.GetRoles()))
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Accounts"));
            var model = this._context.Privileges
                        .Include(i => i.Merchant)
                        .Include(i => i.PrivilegeImages)
                        .Include(i => i.Merchant.MerchantCategories)
                        .Include(i => i.PrivilegeCustomerClasses)
                        .Include(i => i.PrivilegeCodes)
                        .Where(w => w.PrivilegeID == id).FirstOrDefault();

            if (model != null)
                if (model.CustomerClassList.Count <= 0)
                    model.PrivilegeCustomerClasses = new List <PrivilegeCustomerClass>();

                int pageno = 1;
                if (this.RouteData.Values["pno"] != null)
                    pageno = NumUtil.ParseInteger(this.RouteData.Values["pno"].ToString());
                    if (pageno == 0)
                        pageno = 1;
                var modelcode = new ModelReportBaseDTO();
                modelcode.search_code      = code;
                modelcode.pno              = pageno;
                modelcode.pmax             = 10;
                modelcode.search_privilege = model.PrivilegeID;
                var codes = await _priRepo.ListCode(modelcode);

                ViewBag.ItemCount  = modelcode.totalrow;
                ViewBag.PageLength = (ViewBag.ItemCount / 10);
                if (ViewBag.ItemCount % 10 > 0)
                    ViewBag.PageLength += 1;
                ViewBag.PageNo       = pageno;
                model.PrivilegeCodes = codes;

                //if (model.PrivilegeCodeList.Count <= 0)
                //   model.PrivilegeCodes = new Collection<PrivilegeCode>() { new PrivilegeCode() { Status = StatusType.Active } };

                model.sDate = DateUtil.ToDisplayDate(model.StartDate);
                model.eDate = DateUtil.ToDisplayDate(model.EndDate);
                model.tab   = tab;
            ViewBag.ListMerchant      = this._context.Merchants.Include(i => i.MerchantCategories).OrderBy(o => o.MerchantName);
            ViewBag.ListType          = this._context.MerchantCategories.Where(w => w.Status == StatusType.Active).OrderBy(o => o.Index);
            ViewBag.TotalQuantity     = this._context.Redeems.Where(w => w.PrivilegeID == id).Count();
            ViewBag.ListCustomerClass = this._context.CustomerClasses;
            return(View("PrivilegeInfo", model));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <IEnumerable <PrivilegeCode> > ListCode(ModelReportBaseDTO model)
            using (IDbConnection conn = Connection)
                if (model.pmax == 0)
                    model.pmax = 25;
                var sQuery = new StringBuilder();
                sQuery.Append(" DECLARE @Page int");
                sQuery.Append(" SET @Page = " + model.pno);
                sQuery.Append(" DECLARE @Amount int");
                sQuery.Append(" SET @Amount = " + model.pmax);

                sQuery.Append(" SELECT c.*  ");
                sQuery.Append(" FROM(");
                sQuery.Append(" SELECT c.*,");
                sQuery.Append(" ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY c.ID desc) AS rownumber");
                sQuery.Append(" FROM PrivilegeCodes c");
                sQuery.Append(" WHERE 1 =1 ");

                if (model.search_privilege.HasValue)
                    sQuery.Append(" AND c.PrivilegeID = " + model.search_privilege);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_code))
                    var text = model.search_code.Replace(" ", "").ToLower().Trim();
                    sQuery.Append(" AND  REPLACE(c.Code,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                sQuery.Append(" ) as c");
                sQuery.Append(" WHERE rownumber >= (@Page)* @Amount-(@Amount - 1) AND rownumber <= (@Page) * @Amount");


                var sQueryCnt = sQuery.ToString().Replace("c.*  ", " COUNT(DISTINCT c.ID) ");
                sQueryCnt      = sQueryCnt.Replace("WHERE rownumber >= (@Page)* @Amount-(@Amount - 1) AND rownumber <= (@Page) * @Amount", "");
                model.totalrow = conn.Query <int>(sQueryCnt.ToString()).FirstOrDefault();

                sQuery.Append(" order by c.ID desc");

                var result = await conn.QueryAsync <PrivilegeCode>(sQuery.ToString());


Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <IEnumerable <Customer> > ListInviteRank(ModelReportBaseDTO model)
            using (IDbConnection conn = Connection)
                if (model.pmax > 0)
                    var sQuery = new StringBuilder();
                    sQuery.Append(" DECLARE @Page int");
                    sQuery.Append(" SET @Page = " + model.pno);
                    sQuery.Append(" DECLARE @Amount int");
                    sQuery.Append(" SET @Amount = " + model.pmax);

                    sQuery.Append(" SELECT c.*, u.* FROM(");
                    sQuery.Append(" SELECT c.*,");
                    sQuery.Append(" (Select Count(*) from CustomerPoints r  where r.TransacionTypeID  = 5 and c.ID = r.CustomerID   ) Friends,");
                    sQuery.Append(" ROW_NUMBER() OVER(");
                    sQuery.Append(" order by (Select Count(*) from CustomerPoints r  where r.TransacionTypeID  = 5 and c.ID = r.CustomerID ) desc");
                    sQuery.Append(" ) AS rownumber FROM Customers c");
                    sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN Users u on u.ID = c.UserID ");
                    sQuery.Append(" WHERE 1 =1 and  (Select Count(*) from CustomerPoints r  where r.TransacionTypeID  = 5 and c.ID = r.CustomerID   ) > 0");

                    if (model.customerClassID.HasValue)
                        sQuery.Append(" AND c.CustomerClassID = " + model.customerClassID);

                    if (model.search_user_type.HasValue)
                        sQuery.Append(" AND c.UserLevel = " + (int)model.search_user_type);

                    if (model.customer_chanal.HasValue)
                        sQuery.Append(" AND c.Channel = " + (int)model.customer_chanal);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_text))
                        var text = model.search_text.Replace(" ", "").ToLower().Trim();
                        sQuery.Append(" and (");
                        sQuery.Append("  REPLACE(c.NameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.SurNameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.Email,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(u.UserName,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.MoblieNo,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.IDCard,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.NameEn,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.SurNameEn,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.RefCode,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.FriendCode,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.NameTh + c.SurNameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" )");

                    sQuery.Append(" ) as c");
                    sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN Users u on u.ID = c.UserID ");
                    sQuery.Append(" WHERE rownumber >= (@Page)* @Amount-(@Amount - 1) AND rownumber <= (@Page) * @Amount");


                    var sQueryCnt = sQuery.ToString().Replace("c.*, u.*", " COUNT(DISTINCT c.ID) ");
                    sQueryCnt      = sQueryCnt.Replace("WHERE rownumber >= (@Page)* @Amount-(@Amount - 1) AND rownumber <= (@Page) * @Amount", "");
                    model.totalrow = conn.Query <int>(sQueryCnt.ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
                    sQuery.Append(" order by c.Friends desc");
                    var result = await conn.QueryAsync <Customer, User, Customer>(
                        sQuery.ToString(), (customer, user) =>
                        customer.User = user;

Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <IEnumerable <Customer> > ListRedeemRank(ModelReportBaseDTO model)
            using (IDbConnection conn = Connection)
                if (model.pmax > 0)
                    var sQuery = new StringBuilder();
                    sQuery.Append(" DECLARE @Page int");
                    sQuery.Append(" SET @Page = " + model.pno);
                    sQuery.Append(" DECLARE @Amount int");
                    sQuery.Append(" SET @Amount = " + model.pmax);

                    sQuery.Append(" SELECT c.*, u.*, cl.* FROM(");
                    sQuery.Append(" SELECT c.*,");
                    sQuery.Append(" (Select Count(*) from Redeems r where  r.CustomerID = c.ID   ) Redeemed,");
                    sQuery.Append(" ROW_NUMBER() OVER(");
                    sQuery.Append(" order by (Select Count(*) from Redeems r where  r.CustomerID = c.ID ) desc");
                    sQuery.Append(" ) AS rownumber FROM Customers c");
                    sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN Users u on u.ID = c.UserID ");
                    sQuery.Append(" WHERE 1 =1 and  (Select Count(*) from Redeems r where  r.CustomerID = c.ID   ) > 0");
                    if (model.customerClassID.HasValue)
                        sQuery.Append(" AND c.CustomerClassID = " + model.customerClassID);

                    if (model.search_user_type.HasValue)
                        sQuery.Append(" AND c.UserLevel = " + (int)model.search_user_type);

                    if (model.customer_chanal.HasValue)
                        sQuery.Append(" AND c.Channel = " + (int)model.customer_chanal);

                    //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_sdate))
                    //   var date = DateUtil.ToDate(model.search_sdate);
                    //   var datetimester = DateUtil.ToInternalDate(date);
                    //   sQuery.Append(" AND c.Create_On >= convert(datetime, '" + datetimester + "', 101)");
                    //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_edate))
                    //   var date = DateUtil.ToDate(model.search_edate).Value.AddDays(1);
                    //   var datetimester = DateUtil.ToInternalDate(date);
                    //   sQuery.Append(" AND c.Create_On <= convert(datetime, '" + datetimester + "', 101)");

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_text))
                        var text = model.search_text.Replace(" ", "").ToLower().Trim();
                        sQuery.Append(" and (");
                        sQuery.Append("  REPLACE(c.NameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.SurNameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.Email,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(u.UserName,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.MoblieNo,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.IDCard,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.NameEn,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.SurNameEn,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.RefCode,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.FriendCode,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.NameTh + c.SurNameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" )");

                    sQuery.Append(" ) as c");
                    sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN Users u on u.ID = c.UserID ");
                    sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN CustomerClasses cl on cl.ID = c.CustomerClassID ");
                    sQuery.Append(" WHERE rownumber >= (@Page)* @Amount-(@Amount - 1) AND rownumber <= (@Page) * @Amount");


                    var sQueryCnt = sQuery.ToString().Replace("c.*, u.*, cl.*", " COUNT(DISTINCT c.ID) ");
                    sQueryCnt      = sQueryCnt.Replace("WHERE rownumber >= (@Page)* @Amount-(@Amount - 1) AND rownumber <= (@Page) * @Amount", "");
                    model.totalrow = conn.Query <int>(sQueryCnt.ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
                    sQuery.Append(" order by c.Redeemed desc");
                    var result = await conn.QueryAsync <Customer, User, CustomerClass, Customer>(
                        sQuery.ToString(), (customer, user, cClass) =>
                        customer.User          = user;
                        customer.CustomerClass = cClass;


Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task <IEnumerable <CustomerClassChange> > ListClassChange(ModelReportBaseDTO model)
            using (IDbConnection conn = Connection)
                if (model.pmax > 0)
                    var sQuery = new StringBuilder();
                    sQuery.Append(" DECLARE @Page int");
                    sQuery.Append(" SET @Page = " + model.pno);
                    sQuery.Append(" DECLARE @Amount int");
                    sQuery.Append(" SET @Amount = " + model.pmax);

                    sQuery.Append(" SELECT cc.*, c.*, u.* FROM(");
                    sQuery.Append(" SELECT cc.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(");
                    sQuery.Append(" order by cc.Create_On desc");
                    sQuery.Append(" ) AS rownumber FROM CustomerClassChanges cc");
                    sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN Customers c on c.ID = cc.CustomerID");
                    sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN Users u on u.ID = c.UserID");
                    sQuery.Append(" WHERE 1 =1 ");

                    if (model.customerClassID.HasValue)
                        sQuery.Append(" AND cc.FromID = " + model.customerClassID);

                    if (model.customerClassID2.HasValue)
                        sQuery.Append(" AND cc.ToID = " + model.customerClassID2);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_sdate))
                        var date         = DateUtil.ToDate(model.search_sdate);
                        var datetimester = DateUtil.ToInternalDate(date);
                        sQuery.Append(" AND cc.Create_On >= convert(datetime, '" + datetimester + "', 101)");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_edate))
                        var date         = DateUtil.ToDate(model.search_edate).Value.AddDays(1);
                        var datetimester = DateUtil.ToInternalDate(date);
                        sQuery.Append(" AND cc.Create_On <= convert(datetime, '" + datetimester + "', 101)");

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_text))
                        var text = model.search_text.Replace(" ", "").ToLower().Trim();
                        sQuery.Append(" and (");
                        sQuery.Append("  REPLACE(c.NameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.SurNameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.Email,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(u.UserName,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.MoblieNo,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.IDCard,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.NameEn,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.SurNameEn,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.RefCode,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.FriendCode,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.NameTh + c.SurNameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" )");
                    if (model.pmax > 0)
                        sQuery.Append(" ) as cc");
                        sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN Customers c on c.ID = cc.CustomerID");
                        sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN Users u on u.ID = c.UserID");
                        sQuery.Append(" WHERE rownumber >= (@Page)* @Amount-(@Amount - 1) AND rownumber <= (@Page) * @Amount");

                    var sQueryCnt = sQuery.ToString().Replace("cc.*, c.*, u.*", " COUNT(DISTINCT cc.ID) ");
                    sQueryCnt = sQueryCnt.Replace("WHERE rownumber >= (@Page)* @Amount-(@Amount - 1) AND rownumber <= (@Page) * @Amount", "");
                    model.totalrow = conn.Query <int>(sQueryCnt.ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
                    sQuery.Append(" order by cc.Create_On desc");

                    var result = await conn.QueryAsync <CustomerClassChange, Customer, User, CustomerClassChange>(
                        sQuery.ToString(), (chage, customer, user) =>
                        chage.Customer      = customer;
                        chage.Customer.User = user;


Exemplo n.º 6
        public async Task <IEnumerable <Redeem> > ListRedeemAll(ModelReportBaseDTO model)
            using (IDbConnection conn = Connection)
                var sQuery = new StringBuilder();

                sQuery.Append(" SELECT r.*, c.* ");
                sQuery.Append(" FROM Redeems r");
                sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN Customers c on c.ID = r.CustomerID");
                sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN Users u on u.ID = c.UserID");
                sQuery.Append(" WHERE 1 =1 ");

                if (model.search_privilege.HasValue)
                    sQuery.Append(" AND r.PrivilegeID = " + model.search_privilege);

                if (model.search_redeemtype.HasValue)
                    sQuery.Append(" AND r.RedeemType = " + (int)model.search_redeemtype);

                if (model.customerClassID.HasValue)
                    sQuery.Append(" AND c.CustomerClassID = " + model.customerClassID);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_sdate))
                    var date         = DateUtil.ToDate(model.search_sdate);
                    var datetimester = DateUtil.ToInternalDate(date);
                    sQuery.Append(" AND r.RedeemDate >= convert(datetime, '" + datetimester + "', 101)");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_edate))
                    var date         = DateUtil.ToDate(model.search_edate).Value.AddDays(1);
                    var datetimester = DateUtil.ToInternalDate(date);
                    sQuery.Append(" AND r.RedeemDate <= convert(datetime, '" + datetimester + "', 101)");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_text))
                    var text = model.search_text.Replace(" ", "").ToLower().Trim();
                    sQuery.Append(" and (");
                    sQuery.Append("  REPLACE(c.NameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.SurNameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.Email,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(u.UserName,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.MoblieNo,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.IDCard,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.NameEn,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.SurNameEn,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.RefCode,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.FriendCode,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.NameTh + c.SurNameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(r.RedeemCode,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(r.Address,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" )");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_equal_text))
                    var text = model.search_equal_text;
                    sQuery.Append(" and (");
                    sQuery.Append(" c.NameTh = N'" + text + "'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  c.SurNameTh = N'" + text + "'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  c.Email = N'" + text + "'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  u.UserName = N'" + text + "'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  c.MoblieNo = N'" + text + "'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  c.IDCard = N'" + text + "'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  c.NameEn = N'" + text + "'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  c.SurNameEn = N'" + text + "'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  c.RefCode = N'" + text + "'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  c.FriendCode = N'" + text + "'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  c.NameTh + c.SurNameTh = N'" + text + "'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  r.RedeemCode = N'" + text + "'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  r.Address = N'" + text + "'");
                    sQuery.Append(" )");

                sQuery.Append(" order by r.RedeemDate desc");

                var result = await conn.QueryAsync <Redeem, Customer, Redeem>(
                    sQuery.ToString(), (point, customer) =>
                    point.Customer = customer;


Exemplo n.º 7
        public async Task <IEnumerable <Redeem> > ListRedeem(ModelReportBaseDTO model)
            using (IDbConnection conn = Connection)
                if (model.pmax > 0)
                    var sQuery = new StringBuilder();
                    sQuery.Append(" DECLARE @Page int");
                    sQuery.Append(" SET @Page = " + model.pno);
                    sQuery.Append(" DECLARE @Amount int");
                    sQuery.Append(" SET @Amount = " + model.pmax);

                    sQuery.Append(" SELECT r.*, c.* FROM(");
                    sQuery.Append(" SELECT r.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(");
                    sQuery.Append(" order by r.RedeemDate desc");
                    sQuery.Append(" ) AS rownumber FROM Redeems r");
                    sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN Customers c on c.ID = r.CustomerID");
                    sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN Users u on u.ID = c.UserID");
                    sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN Privileges p on r.PrivilegeID = p.PrivilegeID ");
                    sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN MerchantCategories mc ON p.CategoryID = mc.CategoryID");
                    sQuery.Append(" WHERE 1 =1 ");

                    if (model.search_category_id.HasValue)
                        sQuery.Append(" AND mc.CategoryID = " + model.search_category_id);

                    if (model.search_privilege.HasValue)
                        sQuery.Append(" AND r.PrivilegeID = " + model.search_privilege);

                    if (model.search_redeemtype.HasValue)
                        sQuery.Append(" AND r.RedeemType = " + (int)model.search_redeemtype);

                    if (model.customerClassID.HasValue)
                        sQuery.Append(" AND c.CustomerClassID = " + model.customerClassID);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_sdate))
                        var date         = DateUtil.ToDate(model.search_sdate);
                        var datetimester = DateUtil.ToInternalDate(date);
                        sQuery.Append(" AND r.RedeemDate >= convert(datetime, '" + datetimester + "', 101)");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_edate))
                        var date         = DateUtil.ToDate(model.search_edate).Value.AddDays(1);
                        var datetimester = DateUtil.ToInternalDate(date);
                        sQuery.Append(" AND r.RedeemDate <= convert(datetime, '" + datetimester + "', 101)");

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_text))
                        var text = model.search_text.Replace(" ", "").ToLower().Trim();
                        sQuery.Append(" and (");
                        sQuery.Append("  REPLACE(c.NameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.SurNameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.Email,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(u.UserName,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.MoblieNo,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.IDCard,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.NameEn,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.SurNameEn,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.RefCode,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.FriendCode,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.NameTh + c.SurNameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(r.RedeemCode,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(r.Address,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" )");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_equal_text))
                        var text = model.search_equal_text;
                        sQuery.Append(" and (");
                        sQuery.Append(" c.NameTh = N'" + text + "'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  c.SurNameTh = N'" + text + "'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  c.Email = N'" + text + "'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  u.UserName = N'" + text + "'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  c.MoblieNo = N'" + text + "'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  c.IDCard = N'" + text + "'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  c.NameEn = N'" + text + "'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  c.SurNameEn = N'" + text + "'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  c.RefCode = N'" + text + "'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  c.FriendCode = N'" + text + "'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  c.NameTh + c.SurNameTh = N'" + text + "'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  r.RedeemCode = N'" + text + "'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  r.Address = N'" + text + "'");
                        sQuery.Append(" )");

                    if (model.pmax > 0)
                        sQuery.Append(" ) as r");
                        sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN Customers c on c.ID = r.CustomerID");
                        sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN Users u on u.ID = c.UserID");
                        sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN Privileges p on r.PrivilegeID = p.PrivilegeID ");
                        sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN MerchantCategories mc ON p.CategoryID = mc.CategoryID");
                        sQuery.Append(" WHERE rownumber >= (@Page)* @Amount-(@Amount - 1) AND rownumber <= (@Page) * @Amount");

                    var sQueryCnt = sQuery.ToString().Replace("r.*, c.*", " COUNT(DISTINCT r.RedeemID) ");
                    sQueryCnt = sQueryCnt.Replace("WHERE rownumber >= (@Page)* @Amount-(@Amount - 1) AND rownumber <= (@Page) * @Amount", "");
                    model.totalrow = conn.Query <int>(sQueryCnt.ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
                    sQuery.Append(" order by r.RedeemDate desc");

                    var result = await conn.QueryAsync <Redeem, Customer, Redeem>(
                        sQuery.ToString(), (point, customer) =>
                        point.Customer = customer;


Exemplo n.º 8
        public async Task <IEnumerable <CustomerPoint> > ListCustomerPointAll(ModelReportBaseDTO model)
            using (IDbConnection conn = Connection)
                var sQuery = new StringBuilder();

                sQuery.Append(" SELECT p.*, c.*, u.* ");
                sQuery.Append(" FROM CustomerPoints p");
                sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN Customers c on c.ID = p.CustomerID");
                sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN Users u on u.ID = c.UserID");
                sQuery.Append(" LEFT JOIN Products pd on pd.ProductID = p.ProductID");
                sQuery.Append(" WHERE 1 =1 ");

                if (model.search_product_id.HasValue)
                    sQuery.Append(" AND pd.ProductID = " + model.search_product_id);

                if (model.search_trantype.HasValue)
                    sQuery.Append(" AND p.TransacionTypeID = " + model.search_trantype);

                if (model.customerClassID.HasValue)
                    sQuery.Append(" AND c.CustomerClassID = " + model.customerClassID);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_sdate))
                    var date         = DateUtil.ToDate(model.search_sdate);
                    var datetimester = DateUtil.ToInternalDate(date);
                    sQuery.Append(" AND p.Create_On >= convert(datetime, '" + datetimester + "', 101)");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_edate))
                    var date         = DateUtil.ToDate(model.search_edate).Value.AddDays(1);
                    var datetimester = DateUtil.ToInternalDate(date);
                    sQuery.Append(" AND p.Create_On <= convert(datetime, '" + datetimester + "', 101)");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_text))
                    var text = model.search_text.Replace(" ", "").ToLower().Trim();
                    sQuery.Append(" and (");
                    sQuery.Append("  REPLACE(c.NameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.SurNameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.Email,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(u.UserName,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.MoblieNo,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.IDCard,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.NameEn,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.SurNameEn,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.RefCode,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.FriendCode,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.NameTh + c.SurNameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" )");

                sQuery.Append(" order by p.Create_On desc");

                var result = await conn.QueryAsync <CustomerPoint, Customer, User, CustomerPoint>(
                    sQuery.ToString(), (point, customer, user) =>
                    point.Customer      = customer;
                    point.Customer.User = user;


Exemplo n.º 9
        public async Task <IEnumerable <Customer> > List(ModelReportBaseDTO model)
            using (IDbConnection conn = Connection)
                if (model.pmax > 0)
                    var sQuery = new StringBuilder();
                    sQuery.Append(" DECLARE @Page int");
                    sQuery.Append(" SET @Page = " + model.pno);
                    sQuery.Append(" DECLARE @Amount int");
                    sQuery.Append(" SET @Amount = " + model.pmax);

                    sQuery.Append(" SELECT c.*, u.*, cl.* FROM(");
                    sQuery.Append(" SELECT c.*,");
                    sQuery.Append(" (Select Sum( p.Point ) from CustomerPoints p where p.CustomerID = c.ID) Point, ");
                    sQuery.Append(" (Select  Sum(  r.Point) from Redeems r where  r.CustomerID = c.ID) RedeemPoint,");
                    sQuery.Append(" ROW_NUMBER() OVER(");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.orderby))
                        sQuery.Append(" order by c." + model.orderby);
                        sQuery.Append(" order by c.NameTh, c.SurNameTh");
                    sQuery.Append(" ) AS rownumber FROM Customers c");
                    sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN Users u on u.ID = c.UserID ");
                    sQuery.Append(" WHERE 1 =1 ");
                    if (model.customerClassID.HasValue)
                        sQuery.Append(" AND c.CustomerClassID = " + model.customerClassID);

                    if (model.search_user_type.HasValue)
                        sQuery.Append(" AND c.UserLevel = " + (int)model.search_user_type);

                    if (model.customer_chanal.HasValue)
                        sQuery.Append(" AND c.Channel = " + (int)model.customer_chanal);

                    if (model.search_birthday.HasValue)
                        sQuery.Append(" AND Day(c.DOB) = " + model.search_birthday);
                    if (model.search_birthmonth.HasValue)
                        sQuery.Append(" AND Month(c.DOB) = " + model.search_birthmonth);
                    if (model.search_birthyear.HasValue)
                        sQuery.Append(" AND Year(c.DOB) = " + model.search_birthyear);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_sdate))
                        var date         = DateUtil.ToDate(model.search_sdate);
                        var datetimester = DateUtil.ToInternalDate(date);
                        sQuery.Append(" AND c.Create_On >= convert(datetime, '" + datetimester + "', 101)");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_edate))
                        var date         = DateUtil.ToDate(model.search_edate).Value.AddDays(1);
                        var datetimester = DateUtil.ToInternalDate(date);
                        sQuery.Append(" AND c.Create_On <= convert(datetime, '" + datetimester + "', 101)");
                    if (model.dup == 1)
                        sQuery.Append(" AND c.Idcard in (select IDCard from CustomerDups)");
                        sQuery.Append(" AND c.Idcard is not null and c.idcard <> ''");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_idcard))
                        var text = model.search_idcard.Replace(" ", "").ToLower().Trim();
                        sQuery.Append(" and REPLACE(c.IDCard,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_mobileno))
                        var text = model.search_mobileno.Replace(" ", "").ToLower().Trim();
                        sQuery.Append(" and REPLACE(c.MoblieNo,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_email))
                        var text = model.search_email.Replace(" ", "").ToLower().Trim();
                        sQuery.Append(" and REPLACE(c.Email,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_text))
                        var text = model.search_text.Replace(" ", "").ToLower().Trim();
                        sQuery.Append(" and (");
                        sQuery.Append("  REPLACE(c.NameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.SurNameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        //sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.Email,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(u.UserName,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        //sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.MoblieNo,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        //sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.IDCard,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.NameEn,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.SurNameEn,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        //sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.RefCode,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        //sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.FriendCode,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.NameTh + c.SurNameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                        sQuery.Append(" )");

                    sQuery.Append(" ) as c");
                    sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN Users u on u.ID = c.UserID ");
                    sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN CustomerClasses cl on cl.ID = c.CustomerClassID ");
                    sQuery.Append(" WHERE rownumber >= (@Page)* @Amount-(@Amount - 1) AND rownumber <= (@Page) * @Amount");


                    var sQueryCnt = sQuery.ToString().Replace("c.*, u.*, cl.*", " COUNT(DISTINCT c.ID) ");
                    sQueryCnt      = sQueryCnt.Replace("WHERE rownumber >= (@Page)* @Amount-(@Amount - 1) AND rownumber <= (@Page) * @Amount", "");
                    model.totalrow = conn.Query <int>(sQueryCnt.ToString()).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.orderby))
                        sQuery.Append(" order by c." + model.orderby);
                        sQuery.Append(" order by c.NameTh, c.SurNameTh");
                    var result = await conn.QueryAsync <Customer, User, CustomerClass, Customer>(
                        sQuery.ToString(), (customer, user, cClass) =>
                        //customer.Point = GetPoint(customer.ID);
                        customer.User          = user;
                        customer.CustomerClass = cClass;


Exemplo n.º 10
        public async Task <IEnumerable <Customer> > ListAll(ModelReportBaseDTO model)
            using (IDbConnection conn = Connection)
                var sQuery = new StringBuilder();

                sQuery.Append(" SELECT c.*, u.*, cl.* FROM Customers c");
                sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN Users u on u.ID = c.UserID ");
                sQuery.Append(" INNER JOIN CustomerClasses cl on cl.ID = c.CustomerClassID ");
                sQuery.Append(" WHERE 1 =1 ");
                if (model.customerClassID.HasValue)
                    sQuery.Append(" AND c.CustomerClassID = " + model.customerClassID);

                if (model.search_user_type.HasValue)
                    sQuery.Append(" AND c.UserLevel = " + (int)model.search_user_type);

                if (model.customer_chanal.HasValue)
                    sQuery.Append(" AND c.Channel = " + (int)model.customer_chanal);

                if (model.search_birthday.HasValue)
                    sQuery.Append(" AND Day(c.DOB) = " + model.search_birthday);
                if (model.search_birthmonth.HasValue)
                    sQuery.Append(" AND Month(c.DOB) = " + model.search_birthmonth);
                if (model.search_birthyear.HasValue)
                    sQuery.Append(" AND Year(c.DOB) = " + model.search_birthyear);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_sdate))
                    var date         = DateUtil.ToDate(model.search_sdate);
                    var datetimester = DateUtil.ToInternalDate(date);
                    sQuery.Append(" AND c.Create_On >= convert(datetime, '" + datetimester + "', 101)");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_edate))
                    var date         = DateUtil.ToDate(model.search_edate).Value.AddDays(1);
                    var datetimester = DateUtil.ToInternalDate(date);
                    sQuery.Append(" AND c.Create_On <= convert(datetime, '" + datetimester + "', 101)");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.search_text))
                    var text = model.search_text.Replace(" ", "").ToLower().Trim();
                    sQuery.Append(" and (");
                    sQuery.Append("  REPLACE(c.NameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.SurNameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.Email,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(u.UserName,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.MoblieNo,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.IDCard,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.NameEn,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.SurNameEn,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.RefCode,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.FriendCode,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" OR  REPLACE(c.NameTh + c.SurNameTh,' ','') like N'%" + text + "%'");
                    sQuery.Append(" )");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.orderby))
                    sQuery.Append(" order by c." + model.orderby);
                    sQuery.Append(" order by c.NameTh, c.SurNameTh");
                var result = await conn.QueryAsync <Customer, User, CustomerClass, Customer>(
                    sQuery.ToString(), (customer, user, cClass) =>
                    //customer.Point = GetPoint(customer.ID);
                    customer.User          = user;
                    customer.CustomerClass = cClass;

