public ReportPDFCreator(Model.ClientReportVM objModel, string Filename, System.Windows.Controls.Grid visualObj, Grid Recomend, Grid Dun, Grid Legend, double Totalport, bool openR)
            DpfName        = Filename;
            Hat            = new HatPrint();
            Pcp            = new PageContentPrint();
        = openR;
            _clientdetails = new string[]
                "Order : " + objModel.Order,
                "Name : " + objModel.FIO,
                "Date of Birth : " + objModel.DateofBirth,
                "Personal Consultant Number : " + objModel.Adviser,
                "Status : " + objModel.Status,

            _clientsummary    = objModel.AllocationCollection;
            this.CurrentP     = visualObj;
            this.RecomendPort = Recomend;
            this.Dynamic      = Dun;
            this.Legend       = Legend;
            this.Totalport    = Totalport;

            ActivesClasses = objModel.DiagrammValueCollection;
        public ClientPortfellVM()
            decimal totalMarkedValueUSD = 0; //Сумма текущих стоимостей всех инструментов
            decimal totalUSDprifit      = 0; //Сумма всех прибылей от каждого инструмента

            //..............<Заполнение таблицы Investment>....................
            InvestCollection      = new ObservableCollection <ToolsInvestmentDetails>();
            TotalInvestCollection = new ObservableCollection <TotalInvest>();
            // Actives
            DataTable tableInf = userDAL.GetInvestmentDetails.CurrActives(order);
            for (int i = 0; i < tableInf.Rows.Count; i++) // Сумма всех активов в USD , нужна для подсчета %
                string  _value      = tableInf.Rows[i][4].ToString();
                decimal _marketVUSD = Convert.ToDecimal(tableInf.Rows[i][3]);

                if (_value != "USD")
                    _marketVUSD = ValueOperation.ValueToUSD(_value, _marketVUSD);
                ActiveSumm += _marketVUSD;

            for (int i = 0; i < tableInf.Rows.Count; i++)
                string Type = tableInf.Rows[i][6].ToString();
                Type = (Type == "") ? "Alternative Invest" : Type;
                string  _value      = tableInf.Rows[i][4].ToString();
                decimal _marketVUSD = Convert.ToDecimal(tableInf.Rows[i][3]);

                if (_value != "USD")
                    _marketVUSD = ValueOperation.ValueToUSD(_value, _marketVUSD);
                decimal _nowQuote = QuteParse.QuoteByIsin(tableInf.Rows[i][0].ToString());
                decimal _aqpr     = Convert.ToDecimal(tableInf.Rows[i][1]);
                decimal _units    = Convert.ToDecimal(tableInf.Rows[i][2]);
                decimal _profit   = ((_units * _nowQuote) - (_units * _aqpr));
                _profit = (_marketVUSD == _aqpr) ?0:_profit;
                InvestCollection.Add(new ToolsInvestmentDetails()
                    Type           = Type,
                    Isin           = tableInf.Rows[i][0].ToString(),
                    Value          = _value,
                    currentDate    = (DateTime.Now.Date).ToString(),
                    Date           = tableInf.Rows[i][5].ToString(),
                    Markedvalue    = tableInf.Rows[i][3].ToString(),
                    MarkedvalueUSD = _marketVUSD.ToString("N2"),
                    Units          = _units.ToString(),
                    AqPr           = _aqpr.ToString(),
                    Quote          = _nowQuote.ToString(),
                    profit         = _profit.ToString("N2"),
                    Percent        = ((_units * _nowQuote) / ActiveSumm * 100).ToString("N2")

            // "Saxxxo", "IB"
                DataTable saxIbtable = userDAL.GetInvestmentDetails.GetInvestmentSaxoIb(Order);
                int       roxsTable  = saxIbtable.Rows.Count;
                InvestCollection.Add(new ToolsInvestmentDetails()
                    Type = "Transfer"
                if (roxsTable > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < roxsTable; i++)
                        InvestCollection.Add(new ToolsInvestmentDetails()
                            Type           = saxIbtable.Rows[i][0].ToString().ToUpper(),
                            Date           = saxIbtable.Rows[i][3].ToString(),
                            MarkedvalueUSD = saxIbtable.Rows[i][2].ToString(),
                            Value          = saxIbtable.Rows[i][1].ToString()

                InvestCollection.Add(new ToolsInvestmentDetails()
                    Type           = "TOTAL RESULTS",
                    MarkedvalueUSD = totalMarkedValueUSD.ToString("N2"),
                    Percent        = (totalMarkedValueUSD / ((Convert.ToDecimal(Cash) + totalMarkedValueUSD) / 100)).ToString("N2") + " %",
                    profit         = totalUSDprifit.ToString("N2")
            catch (Exception ex)
                // BOX.ShowError(ex.Message, ex.Source);

            //.............<Заполнение таблицы Inflow>.....................
            InflowDetailsCollection = new ObservableCollection <InflowTools>();
            DataTable tableIn = userDAL.GetInvestmentDetails.GetInflowDetails(order);
            for (int i = 0; i < tableIn.Rows.Count; i++)
                InflowDetailsCollection.Add(new InflowTools()
                    CashAccount = tableIn.Rows[i][0].ToString(),
                    aqprice     = tableIn.Rows[i][5].ToString(),
                    CashAccSumm = Convert.ToDecimal(tableIn.Rows[i][4]),
                    countPaper  = Convert.ToDecimal(tableIn.Rows[i][6]),
                    date        = Convert.ToDateTime(tableIn.Rows[i][7]),
                    Isin        = tableIn.Rows[i][2].ToString(),
                    security    = tableIn.Rows[i][3].ToString(),

            //......................<Заоплнение Outflow>.....................
            WithdrawDetailsCollection = new ObservableCollection <Withdraw>();
            DataTable table = userDAL.GetInvestmentDetails.OutFlow(order);
            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                WithdrawDetailsCollection.Add(new Withdraw()
                    Summ = table.Rows[i][0].ToString(),
                    Date = table.Rows[i][1].ToString()


            //..............<Заполнение таблицы CELL Summary>....................
            Collection = new ObservableCollection <ToolsInvestmentDetailsTotal>();
            Collection.Add(new ToolsInvestmentDetailsTotal()
                Type = "Cash Account", Balance = Cash.ToString("N2")
            Collection.Add(new ToolsInvestmentDetailsTotal()
                Type = "Market value of investments", Balance = Marcet
            Collection.Add(new ToolsInvestmentDetailsTotal()
                Type = "Fund Value", Balance = Found
            Collection.Add(new ToolsInvestmentDetailsTotal()
                Type = "Min Cash Allocation", Balance = MINCash
            Collection.Add(new ToolsInvestmentDetailsTotal()
                Type = "Encasment", Balance = Encasment

            Model.ClientReportVM report = new Model.ClientReportVM();
            var      tools          = report.Tools;
            var      toolstitle     = report.ToolsTitle;
            var      total          = report.totallSumm;
            RiscDict dic            = new RiscDict();
            decimal  totalmidCELLTV = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < toolstitle.Length; i++)
                if (toolstitle[i] != "leveraged_ETF")
                    decimal toolPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(tools.Rows[0][i]);
                    int     midd      = dic.MiddCELLTV(toolstitle[i]);
                    if (midd != 0)
                        var activeMidd = (toolPrice / midd) * 100;
                        totalmidCELLTV += activeMidd;
            decimal CELLTV = totalmidCELLTV / total;
            LTV = CELLTV;
            //Collection.Add(new ToolsInvestmentDetailsTotal() { Type= "CELLTV", Balance = (CELLTV).ToString("N2")+" %" });