public async Task Test_MockProvider_AuthenticateRequestAsync()
            // Create a new instance of the MockProvider.
            IProvider provider = new MockProvider(true);

            // Create an empty message to authenticate.
            var message = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, new Uri(""));

            // Use the provider to authenticate the message.
            await provider.AuthenticateRequestAsync(message);

            // Check for the absence of the SdkVersion header value on the empty message.
            bool sdkVersionHeaderExists = message.Headers.TryGetValues("SdkVersion", out _);

            Assert.IsFalse(sdkVersionHeaderExists, "SdkVersion header values should not exist on an empty request that does not originate from the SDK.");

            // Check for the authorization header
            Assert.IsNotNull(message.Headers.Authorization, "Authorization header was not found.");
            Assert.AreEqual("Bearer", message.Headers.Authorization.Scheme);
            Assert.AreEqual("{token:}", message.Headers.Authorization.Parameter);