Exemplo n.º 1
        public void DoTheStuffMocked()
            // Arrange
            const string EXPECTED_RESULT = TypesAndConsts.MOCK_STRING;

            // The following line not only returns an instance of a MOCK of the
            // depended on class, it also registers the mock as the REAL THING
            // So...if one were to create an instance of IoCExampleClass, the
            // class that it depends on WOULD BE THIS MOCK, NOT THE REAL THING!
            // If one wants to access the Real Thing, use:
            // vMockClass.Object; is the Real IoCDependedOnClass
            Mock <IIoCDependedOnClass> vMockDependedOnClass =
                MockInstanceFactory.GetMock <IIoCDependedOnClass>();

            // Now, fixup the method in the depended on class such that it will
            // return something OTHER than the TypesAndConsts.REAL_STRING value.
            // This will demonstrate that the mock and it's new method are what
            // are being executed and tested against.
                (m => m.DoTheDependedOnStuff()).Returns(EXPECTED_RESULT);

            // Act
            IoCExampleClass vClass      = MockInstanceFactory.GetActual <IoCExampleClass>();
            string          vRealResult = vClass.DoTheStuff();

            // Assert
            Assert.That(vRealResult, Is.EqualTo(EXPECTED_RESULT));
        public void TestDoTheStuffMoq()
            // Arrange
            IIoCExampleClass vClass =
                MockInstanceFactory.GetActual <IoCExampleClass>();
            Mock <IIoCDependedOnClass> vMockDependedOnClass =
                MockInstanceFactory.GetMock <IIoCDependedOnClass>();

                (m => m.DoTheDependedOnStuff()).Returns(Consts.MOCK_STRING);

            // Act
            string vResult = vClass.DoTheStuff();

            // Assert
        public void TestDoTheStuffActual()
            // Arrange
            IIoCExampleClass vClass =
                MockInstanceFactory.GetActual <IoCExampleClass>();

            //The following line not only returns an instance of the MOCK of the
            //depended on class,it alsoregistersthe mockasthe REAL THING.
            //So...if one were to create an instance of IoCExampleClass, the class
            //that it depends on WOULD BE THIS MOCK, NOT THE REAL THING. If, for
            //some reason, access to the actual Real Thing is needed, use
            Mock <IIoCDependedOnClass> vMockDependedOnClass =
                MockInstanceFactory.GetMock <IIoCDependedOnClass>();

                (m => m.DoTheDependedOnStuff()).Returns(Consts.REAL_STRING);

            // Act
            string vResult = vClass.DoTheStuff();

            // Assert