Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
/// Update the secondary criteria to match the slider
/// </summary>

        void UpdateSecondaryCriteria()
            QueryColumn qc = ColInfo.Qc;

            if (ItemFilter.Value == 0)
                ValueLabel.Text      = "(All)";
                qc.SecondaryCriteria = qc.SecondaryCriteriaDisplay = "";

            else if (ItemFilter.Value == Stats.DistinctValueList.Count + 1)
                ValueLabel.Text             = "(Blanks)";
                qc.SecondaryCriteria        = qc.MetaColumn.Name + " is null";
                qc.SecondaryCriteriaDisplay = qc.ActiveLabel + " is null";

                MobiusDataType mdt = Stats.DistinctValueList[ItemFilter.Value - 1];
                ValueLabel.Text = mdt.FormattedText;
                string normalizedString = mdt.FormatForCriteria();
                qc.SecondaryCriteria        = qc.MetaColumn.Name + " = " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(normalizedString);
                qc.SecondaryCriteriaDisplay = qc.ActiveLabel + " = " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(ValueLabel.Text);

            qc.SecondaryFilterType = FilterType.ItemSlider;
            FilterBasicCriteriaControl.SyncBaseQuerySecondaryCriteria(qc);             // sync any base query
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize marker shape rules for newly selected QueryColumn
        /// </summary>

        internal void InitializeShapeRules()
            CondFormatRule r;

            ShapeBy.Rules = new CondFormatRules();
            if (ShapeBy.QueryColumn == null)

            QueryColumn      qc    = ShapeBy.QueryColumn;
            ColumnStatistics stats = View.GetStats(qc);

            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < stats.DistinctValueList.Count; i1++)
                MobiusDataType mdt = stats.DistinctValueList[i1];
                r       = new CondFormatRule();
                r.Value = View.GetFormattedText(qc, mdt);
                if (i1 + 1 >= 25)
                    break;                               // limit number of items

            if (stats.NullsExist)
                r       = new CondFormatRule();
                r.Value = "(Blank)";
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Select a MoleculeMx object for a compound id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cid"></param>
        /// <param name="mt"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static MoleculeMx SelectMoleculeForCid(
            string cid,
            MetaTable mt = null)
            MoleculeMx mol = null;
            Stopwatch  sw  = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            mol = MoleculeCache.Get(cid);             // see if molecule in cache
            if (mol != null)

            if (ServiceFacade.UseRemoteServices)
                string mtName = mt?.Name;

                Mobius.Services.Native.INativeSession       nativeClient = ServiceFacade.CreateNativeSessionProxy();
                Services.Native.NativeMethodTransportObject resultObject =
                                                     new Services.Native.NativeMethodTransportObject(new object[] { cid, mtName }));            // , setStereoChemistryComments

                if (resultObject == null)
                byte[] ba = resultObject.Value as byte[];
                if (ba != null && ba.Length > 0)
                    MobiusDataType mdt = MobiusDataType.DeserializeBinarySingle(ba);
                    mol = mdt as MoleculeMx;

                mol = QEL.MoleculeUtil.SelectMoleculeForCid(cid, mt);

            if (MoleculeMx.IsDefined(mol))
                bool isUcdb = (mt != null && mt.Root.IsUserDatabaseStructureTable);                 // user compound database
                if (!isUcdb)
                    MoleculeCache.AddMolecule(cid, mol);                          // add to cache

            long ms = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;

Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Setup(ColumnInfo colInfo)
            MobiusDataType mdtLow, mdtHigh;

            InSetup = true;

            ColInfo = colInfo;             // save ref to colInfo

            Stats = colInfo.Rfld.GetStats();
            ItemFilter.Properties.Minimum = 0;
            ItemFilter.Properties.Maximum = Stats.DistinctValueList.Count + 2 - 1;                // (All) on left, (Blanks) on right

            ParsedSingleCriteria psc = MqlUtil.ParseSingleCriteria(ColInfo.Qc.SecondaryCriteria); // parse criteria

            ItemFilter.Value = 0;
            ValueLabel.Text  = "(All)";
            if (psc != null && psc.OpEnum == CompareOp.Eq && Stats.DistinctValueList.Count > 0)
                MetaColumnType type    = ColInfo.Mc.DataType;
                MobiusDataType lowVal  = MobiusDataType.New(type, psc.Value);
                MobiusDataType highVal = MobiusDataType.New(type, psc.Value);

                if (MetaColumn.IsDecimalMetaColumnType(type))
                {                 // adjust decimal comparison values by an epsilon
                    double e = MobiusDataType.GetEpsilon(Stats.MaxValue.FormattedText);
                    lowVal.NumericValue  -= e;
                    highVal.NumericValue += e;

                for (int i1 = 0; i1 < Stats.DistinctValueList.Count; i1++)
                    MobiusDataType mdt  = Stats.DistinctValueList[i1];
                    string         fTxt = mdt.FormattedText;

                    if (Lex.Eq(psc.Value, fTxt) ||
                        (mdt.CompareTo(lowVal) >= 0 && mdt.CompareTo(highVal) <= 0))
                        ItemFilter.Value = i1 + 1;
                        ValueLabel.Text  = Stats.DistinctValueList[i1].FormattedText;

            else if (psc != null && psc.OpEnum == CompareOp.IsNull)             // (Blanks)
                ItemFilter.Value = Stats.DistinctValueList.Count + 1;
                ValueLabel.Text  = "(Blanks)";

            InSetup = false;
Exemplo n.º 5
/// <summary>
/// Get unbound data
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>

        private void PivotGridControl_CustomUnboundFieldData(object sender, DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid.CustomFieldDataEventArgs e)
            MobiusDataType  mdt = null;
            NumberMx        nex;
            StringMx        sex;
            DateTimeMx      dex;
            QualifiedNumber qn;
            double          dVal;
            string          cid;
            int             iVal, rti, dri, dri2;

            //int t0 = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds();

            if (PivotGrid.DataSource == null)

            PivotGridFieldContext fc = GetPivotGridFieldContext(e.Field);

            dri = e.ListSourceRowIndex;
            object vo = Dtm.GetColumnValueWithRowDuplication(fc.ResultsField, dri);

            if (vo != null)
                Type voType = vo.GetType();
                if (MobiusDataType.IsMobiusDataType(vo))
                    if (vo is QualifiedNumber)
                        qn = vo as QualifiedNumber;
                        if (!Lex.IsDefined(qn.Qualifier))                         // if no qualifier then just use double NumberValue
                            vo = qn.NumberValue;

                    else                     // otherwise convert to a primitive
                        vo = MobiusDataType.ConvertToPrimitiveValue(vo);

                if (vo is DateTime)
                    vo = ((DateTime)vo).ToBinary();                     // handle DateTimes as int64 (longs) to avoid performance hit in Dx code

            e.Value = vo;

Exemplo n.º 6
/// <summary>
/// Update the labels to reflect the current selected range of the control
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lowCriteriaDisplayText"></param>
/// <param name="lowCriteriaText"></param>
/// <param name="highCriteriaDisplayText"></param>
/// <param name="highCriteriaText"></param>

        void UpdateLabels(
            out string lowCriteriaDisplayText,
            out string lowCriteriaText,
            out string highCriteriaDisplayText,
            out string highCriteriaText)
            QualifiedNumber qn;

            lowCriteriaDisplayText = lowCriteriaText = highCriteriaDisplayText = highCriteriaText = "";
            if (ColInfo == null || Stats == null)
            QueryColumn qc = ColInfo.Qc;

            if (Stats.DistinctValueList.Count > 0)
                MobiusDataType mdtLow  = Stats.DistinctValueList[RangeFilter.Value.Minimum];
                MobiusDataType mdtHigh = Stats.DistinctValueList[RangeFilter.Value.Maximum];
                lowCriteriaDisplayText  = LowValueLabel.Text = mdtLow.FormattedText;
                lowCriteriaText         = mdtLow.FormatForCriteria();
                highCriteriaDisplayText = HighValueLabel.Text = mdtHigh.FormattedText;
                highCriteriaText        = mdtHigh.FormatForCriteria();

                if (qc.MetaColumn.DataType == MetaColumnType.QualifiedNo)
                    qn = (QualifiedNumber)mdtLow;
                    lowCriteriaDisplayText = QualifiedNumber.FormatNumber(qn.NumberValue, qc.ActiveDisplayFormat, qc.ActiveDecimals);                     // get basic QN textstats
                    qn = (QualifiedNumber)mdtHigh;
                    highCriteriaDisplayText = QualifiedNumber.FormatNumber(qn.NumberValue, qc.ActiveDisplayFormat, qc.ActiveDecimals);
                lowCriteriaDisplayText = highCriteriaDisplayText = "";              // no values
            LowValueLabel.Text  = lowCriteriaDisplayText;
            HighValueLabel.Text = highCriteriaDisplayText;

// Update label position and size

            int  width     = RangeFilter.Width - 10;        // decrease for overhangs
            Size labelSize = new Size(width / 2, LowValueLabel.Height);

            LowValueLabel.Size = labelSize;

            HighValueLabel.Left = RangeFilter.Left + RangeFilter.Width / 2;
            HighValueLabel.Size = labelSize;

Exemplo n.º 7
/// <summary>
/// Format a criteria value for display
/// </summary>
/// <param name="comOp"></param>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns></returns>

        string FormatCriteriaForDisplay(CompareOp comOp, string value)
            if (CompOp == CompareOp.Like)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
            MobiusDataType mdt            = MobiusDataType.New(ColInfo.Mc.DataType, value);
            string         formattedValue = mdt.FormatCriteriaForDisplay();

Exemplo n.º 8
/// <summary>
/// Format the hyperlink for a MobiusDataType object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="qc"></param>
/// <param name="mdt"></param>
/// <returns></returns>

        public string FormatHyperlink(
            CellInfo ci)
            MobiusDataType mdt = ci.DataValue as MobiusDataType;
            int            dri = ci.DataRowIndex;
            DataTableMx    dt  = Qm.DataTable;
            DataRowMx      dr  = null;

            if (dri >= 0 && dri < dt.Rows.Count)
                dr = dt.Rows[dri];
            FormattedFieldInfo ffi       = FormatField(ci.Rt, ci.TableIndex, ci.Rfld, ci.FieldIndex, dr, dri, mdt, -1, false);
            string             hyperlink = ffi.Hyperlink;

Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Get formatted text value for field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qc"></param>
        /// <param name="mdt"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        internal string GetFormattedText(QueryColumn qc, MobiusDataType mdt)
            if (qc == null || mdt == null)
            else if (mdt.FormattedText != null)

            ResultsFormatter   fmtr = Qm.ResultsFormatter;
            FormattedFieldInfo ffi  = fmtr.FormatField(qc, mdt);

            if (ffi.FormattedText == null)
                ffi.FormattedText = "";
            mdt.FormattedText = ffi.FormattedText;             // store back in the field
Exemplo n.º 10
/// <summary>
/// Store selected formatting information for possible use later needed later
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ffi"></param>
/// <param name="fieldValue"></param>
/// <param name="dr"></param>
/// <param name="ci"></param>
/// <param name="mdt"></param>

        void StoreFormattingInformationInMdt(FormattedFieldInfo ffi, object fieldValue, DataRowMx dr, CellInfo ci, MobiusDataType mdt)
            bool hyperLinked = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ffi.Hyperlink);

            if (ffi.ForeColor != Color.Black || ffi.BackColor != Color.Empty || hyperLinked)
            {                                                     // store any formatting info in a MDT so that it's available for the later display RowCellStyle event
                if (mdt == null && !NullValue.IsNull(fieldValue)) // need to create MDT?
                    //if (ci.Mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.Structure) ci = ci; // debug
                    mdt = MobiusDataType.New(ci.Mc.DataType, fieldValue);
                    dr.ItemArrayRef[ci.DataColIndex] = mdt;                     // store new value without firing event

                if (mdt.BackColor != ffi.BackColor)
                    mdt.BackColor = ffi.BackColor;                                                 // set in DataTable only if changed to avoid repaints
                if (mdt.ForeColor != ffi.ForeColor)
                    mdt.ForeColor = ffi.ForeColor;
                if (mdt.Hyperlink != ffi.Hyperlink)
                    mdt.Hyperlink = ffi.Hyperlink;
                if (mdt.Hyperlinked != hyperLinked)
                    mdt.Hyperlinked = hyperLinked;

                if (ffi.FormattedBitmap != null)
                    mdt.FormattedBitmap = ffi.FormattedBitmap;
                if (ffi.FormattedText != null)
                    mdt.FormattedText = ffi.FormattedText;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public DataTableMx _table;         // associated DataTableMx

        /// <summary>
        /// Get/set a single element in the ItemArray object array
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="columnIndex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public object this[int columnIndex]
                if (_itemArray == null)
                    DebugMx.InvalidConditionException("_itemArray == null");

                if (columnIndex < 0 || columnIndex >= _itemArray.Length)
                    DebugMx.InvalidConditionException("columnIndex = " + columnIndex + " out of range for DataRow of size = " + _itemArray.Length);

                object o = _itemArray[columnIndex];
                if (o == null || o is DBNull)

                else if (Table == null || Table.UseNativeDataTypes)


                _itemArray[columnIndex] = value;
                RowState = DataRowState.Modified;                 // say the row is now modified
                _table.CallDataChangedEventHandlers(ListChangedType.ItemChanged, this);
Exemplo n.º 12
        internal DataTableMx _nativeDataTableMx;         // native verion of table

        /// <summary>
        /// CreateCompatiblePrimitiveDataTable
        /// </summary>

        void CreateCompatiblePrimitiveDataTableMx()
            DataTableMx pt = new DataTableMx();             // create primitive table

            pt.UsePrimitiveDataTypes = true;

            this._primitiveDataTableMx = pt;          // link this native table to the primitive table
            pt._nativeDataTableMx      = this;        // link primitive table to native

            foreach (DataColumn c0 in Columns)        // create set of columns with "primitive" types
                DataColumn dc = new DataColumn();
                dc.ColumnName = c0.ColumnName;
                dc.Caption    = c0.Caption;
                foreach (string key in dc.ExtendedProperties.Keys)
                    c0.ExtendedProperties.Add(key, dc.ExtendedProperties[key]);

                dc.DataType = c0.DataType;

                if (c0.ExtendedProperties.ContainsKey("MobiusDataType"))
                {                 // if MobiusDataType specified then map to primitive type
                    Type type = c0.ExtendedProperties["MobiusDataType"] as Type;
                    if (type != null)
                        dc.DataType = MobiusDataType.ConvertToPrimitiveType(type);


            pt._rows = _rows;             // share the same set of rows
Exemplo n.º 13
/// <summary>
/// Format a hyperlink for a metacolumn where details are available
/// </summary>
/// <param name="qc"></param>
/// <param name="mdt"></param>
/// <returns></returns>

        public static string FormatDetailsAvailableHyperlink(
            QueryColumn qc,
            MobiusDataType mdt)
            string hyperlink, uri = "";
            int    drilldownLevel = 1;

            if (qc == null || qc.MetaColumn == null || qc.MetaColumn.MetaTable == null)

            MetaColumn     mc     = qc.MetaColumn;
            MetaTable      mt     = mc.MetaTable;
            MetaColumnType mcType = mc.DataType;

            MetaBrokerType mbt = qc.MetaColumn.MetaTable.MetaBrokerType;

            // Annotation table broker

            if (mbt == MetaBrokerType.Annotation)
                return(mdt.Hyperlink);                // just return already formatted hyperlink value

// Target-Assay broker

            else if (mbt == MetaBrokerType.TargetAssay)
                if (Lex.Eq(qc.MetaColumn.Name, "assy_nm"))
                    if (mdt.DbLink != "")
                        string[] sa     = mdt.DbLink.Split(',');
                        string   mtName = sa[0].Trim() + "_" + sa[1].Trim();
                        uri = "http://Mobius/command?" +
                              "ClickFunction ShowTableDescription " + mtName;

                else if (qc.MetaColumn.DetailsAvailable)
                    if (Lex.Eq(qc.MetaColumn.MetaTable.Name, MultiDbAssayDataNames.CombinedNonSumTableName))
                        drilldownLevel = 2;                         // level 2 goes from unsummarized unpivoted to warehouse details
                        drilldownLevel = 1;                      // level 1 goes from summarized to unsummarized (UNPIVOTED_ASSAY_RESULTS)
                    uri = "http://Mobius/command?" +
                          "ClickFunction DisplayDrilldownDetail " +
                          qc.MetaColumn.MetaTable.Name + " " + qc.MetaColumn.Name +
                          " " + drilldownLevel + " " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(mdt.DbLink);

// Pivot broker

            else if (mbt == MetaBrokerType.Pivot)
                string[] sa = mdt.DbLink.Split(',');
                if (sa.Length < 2 || sa[1] == "")
                uri = sa[1];
                if (uri.ToLower().StartsWith("www."))
                    uri = "http://" + uri;                                                   // fix shortcut for proper linking

// All other broker types

                int nValue = -1;
                if (mdt is QualifiedNumber)
                    nValue = ((QualifiedNumber)mdt).NValue;
                if ((qc.QueryTable.MetaTable.UseSummarizedData && nValue >= 0) || // link if there is a non-null n-value associated with number
                    qc.MetaColumn.DetailsAvailable)                               // or we explicitly know that details are available
                    uri = "http://Mobius/command?" +
                          "ClickFunction DisplayDrilldownDetail " +
                          qc.QueryTable.MetaTable.Name + " " + qc.MetaColumn.Name +
                          (qc.QueryTable.MetaTable.UseSummarizedData ? " 1 " : " 2 ") + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(mdt.DbLink);

Exemplo n.º 14
/// <summary>
/// Initialize coloring rules for newly selected QueryColumn
/// </summary>

#if false
        internal CondFormatRules InitializeRulesBasedOnDataValues()
            CondFormatRule r;

            Color[] colors = GetColors();

            CondFormatRules rules = new CondFormatRules();

            if (ResultsField == null)

            QueryColumn      qc    = ResultsField.QueryColumn;
            ColumnStatistics stats = ResultsField.GetStats();

            if (qc.MetaColumn.DataType == MetaColumnType.Structure)
            {             // setup substructure search rules if structures
                for (int i1 = 0; i1 < stats.DistinctValueList.Count; i1++)
                    MobiusDataType mdt = stats.DistinctValueList[i1];
                    r        = new CondFormatRule();
                    r.Op     = "SSS";
                    r.OpCode = CondFormatOpCode.SSS;
                    ChemicalStructureMx cs = mdt as ChemicalStructureMx;
                    if (cs != null)
                        r.Value = cs.ChimeString;
                    r.BackColor1 = colors[i1 % colors.Length];

            else             // setup equality rules for other types
                for (int i1 = 0; i1 < stats.DistinctValueList.Count; i1++)
                    MobiusDataType mdt = stats.DistinctValueList[i1];
                    r            = new CondFormatRule();
                    r.Op         = "Equal to";
                    r.OpCode     = CondFormatOpCode.Eq;
                    r.Value      = mdt.FormattedText;
                    r.BackColor1 = colors[i1 % colors.Length];
                    //				if (i1 + 1 >= 25) break; // limit number of items

            if (stats.NullsExist)
                r            = new CondFormatRule();
                r.Name       = "Missing Data";
                r.Op         = "Missing";
                r.OpCode     = CondFormatOpCode.NotExists;
                r.BackColor1 = CondFormatMatcher.DefaultMissingValueColor;

            SetRules(ResultsField, rules);             // put into the grid
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void Setup(ColumnInfo colInfo)
            InSetup = true;

            ColInfo = colInfo;             // save ref to colInfo
            QueryColumn qc = colInfo.Qc;

            Stats = colInfo.Rfld.GetStats();
            RangeFilter.Properties.Minimum = 0;
            RangeFilter.Properties.Maximum = Stats.DistinctValueList.Count - 1;

            ParsedSingleCriteria psc = MqlUtil.ParseSingleCriteria(ColInfo.Qc.SecondaryCriteria);             // parse criteria

            TrackBarRange tbr = new TrackBarRange(0, Stats.DistinctValueList.Count - 1);

            RangeFilter.Value = tbr;

            if (psc != null && psc.OpEnum == CompareOp.Between && Stats.DistinctValueList.Count > 0)             // setup prev value
                MetaColumnType type    = ColInfo.Mc.DataType;
                MobiusDataType lowVal  = MobiusDataType.New(type, psc.Value);
                MobiusDataType highVal = MobiusDataType.New(type, psc.Value2);
                if (MetaColumn.IsDecimalMetaColumnType(type))
                {                 // adjust decimal comparison values by an epsilon
                    double e = MobiusDataType.GetEpsilon(Stats.MaxValue.FormattedText);
                    lowVal.NumericValue  += e;
                    highVal.NumericValue -= e;

                int lowPos = -1;
                for (int i1 = 0; i1 < Stats.DistinctValueList.Count; i1++)
                    MobiusDataType mdt  = Stats.DistinctValueList[i1];
                    string         fTxt = mdt.FormattedText;

                    if (mdt.CompareTo(lowVal) <= 0 || Lex.Eq(fTxt, psc.Value))
                        lowPos = i1;

                int highPos = -1;
                for (int i1 = Stats.DistinctValueList.Count - 1; i1 >= 0; i1--)
                    MobiusDataType mdt  = Stats.DistinctValueList[i1];
                    string         fTxt = mdt.FormattedText;

                    if (mdt.CompareTo(highVal) >= 0 || Lex.Eq(fTxt, psc.Value2))
                        highPos = i1;

                if (lowPos >= 0 && highPos >= 0)
                    tbr = new TrackBarRange(lowPos, highPos);
                    RangeFilter.Value = tbr;


            InSetup = false;
Exemplo n.º 16
/// <summary>
/// Delegate instance for formatting hyperlink
/// </summary>
/// <param name="qc"></param>
/// <param name="mdt"></param>
/// <returns></returns>

        public string FormatHyperlink(
            QueryColumn qc,
            MobiusDataType mdt)
            return(FormatDetailsAvailableHyperlink(qc, mdt));
Exemplo n.º 17
/// <summary>
/// When check state changes update the display to reflect
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>

        private void ItemList_ItemCheck(object sender, DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.ItemCheckEventArgs e)
            if (InSetup)

            InSetup = true;

            CheckedListBoxItemCollection items = ItemList.Items;
            string txt       = items[e.Index].Description;
            bool   isChecked = (e.State == CheckState.Checked);

            if (txt == "(All)")             // check/uncheck everything
                foreach (CheckedListBoxItem i in items)
                    i.CheckState = e.State;

            else if (txt == "(Non blanks)")
                foreach (CheckedListBoxItem i in items)
                    if (i.Description == "(All)" || i.Description == "(Blanks)")
                    i.CheckState = e.State;

            else if (e.State == CheckState.Unchecked)             // turned item off; turn off All & Non blanks as well
                items[AllPos].CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
                if (NonBlanksPos >= 0 && txt != "(Blanks)")
                    items[NonBlanksPos].CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;

            if (BlanksPos >= 0)             // if blanks allowed set (All) based on Blanks/Non blanks settings
                if (items[BlanksPos].CheckState == CheckState.Checked &&
                    items[NonBlanksPos].CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
                    items[AllPos].CheckState = CheckState.Checked;
                    items[AllPos].CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;

            InSetup = false;

// Generate new criteria from set of checks

            QueryColumn qc = ColInfo.Qc;

            if (items[AllPos].CheckState == CheckState.Checked)             // everything
                qc.SecondaryCriteria        = qc.MetaColumn.Name + " in ('(All)')";
                qc.SecondaryCriteriaDisplay = qc.ActiveLabel + " in list (All)";

            //else if (NonBlanksPos >= 0 && items[NonBlanksPos].CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
            //{ // just non-null
            //  qc.SecondaryCriteria = qc.MetaColumn.Name + " is not null";
            //  qc.SecondaryCriteriaDisplay = qc.ActiveLabel + " is not null";

            else             // build list of checked items possibly including "(Blanks)" and "(Non blanks)"
                int itemsChecked = 0;
                qc.SecondaryCriteria = qc.MetaColumn.Name + " in (";

                foreach (CheckedListBoxItem i in items)
                    string normalizedString;

                    if (i.CheckState != CheckState.Checked)

                    if (itemsChecked > 0)
                        qc.SecondaryCriteria += ", ";

                    normalizedString = i.Description;
                    if (i.Description == "(All)" || i.Description == "(Blanks)" || i.Description == "(Non blanks)")
                    }                       // these are always ok as is
                    else if (qc.MetaColumn.DataType == MetaColumnType.CompoundId ||
                             qc.MetaColumn.DataType == MetaColumnType.Date)
                    {                     // store these in internal format
                        MobiusDataType mdt = MobiusDataType.New(qc.MetaColumn.DataType, i.Description);
                        normalizedString = mdt.FormatForCriteria();
                    qc.SecondaryCriteria += Lex.AddSingleQuotes(normalizedString);

                qc.SecondaryCriteria       += ")";
                qc.SecondaryCriteriaDisplay = qc.ActiveLabel + " in list";

            qc.SecondaryFilterType = FilterType.CheckBoxList;

            FilterBasicCriteriaControl.SyncBaseQuerySecondaryCriteria(qc);             // sync any base query

Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Build click function and field value text string for output
        /// ClickFunction arguments may be defined in the clickfunction definition including col values
        /// indicated by fieldName.Value in the metacolumn clickfunction definition.
        /// If no args are defined in the clickfunction definition then a field value
        /// argument will be added by default, the keyValue if [keyvalue] or
        /// [rowcol] as a grid row and column to be returned if these appear in the
        /// ClickFunction definition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rf">Results field to display link for</param>
        /// <param name="vo">Vo contain tuple values</param>
        /// <param name="displayValue">Formatted display value for field</param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static string BuildClickFunctionText(
            ResultsField rf,
            DataRowMx dr,
            int dri,
            string displayValue)
            ResultsTable rt;
            MetaColumn   mc, mc2;
            MetaTable    mt;
            string       arg, arg2, argsString;
            int          ai, rfi, voi;

            if (rf == null || dr == null || dri < 0)

            rt = rf.ResultsTable;
            mc = rf.MetaColumn;
            mt = mc.MetaTable;
            object[] vo = dr.ItemArray;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(mc.ClickFunction))

            List <string> args     = Lex.ParseAllExcludingDelimiters(mc.ClickFunction, "( , )", false);
            string        funcName = args[0];      // click function name

            int fieldRefs = 0;

            for (ai = 1; ai < args.Count; ai++)
            {             // see how many mcName.Value references there are
                arg = args[ai];
                string suffix = ".Value";
                if (!Lex.EndsWith(arg, suffix))

                arg = arg.Substring(0, arg.Length - suffix.Length);
                if (mt.GetMetaColumnByName(arg) != null)

            if (fieldRefs == 0)             // if no field references add either the field value, key value or grid row and column
                if (Lex.Eq(funcName, "RunHtmlQuery") || Lex.Eq(funcName, "RunGridQuery") ||
                    Lex.Eq(funcName, "DisplayWebPage"))                     // fixups for old functions
                    args.Add(Lex.AddSingleQuotes(mt.Name));                 // add metatable name
                    args.Add(Lex.AddSingleQuotes(mc.Name));                 // add metacolumn name

                if (Lex.Contains(mc.ClickFunction, "[TableColumnValue]")) // convert to metatable, metacolumns, &value refDataTable row & col
                    args.RemoveAt(1);                                     // remove [TableColumnValue] arg
                    args.Add(mc.Name + ".Value");

                else if (Lex.Contains(mc.ClickFunction, "[keyvalue]"))
                    args.Add(mt.KeyMetaColumn.Name + ".value");                     // pass key value rather than this col value
                    args.Add(mc.Name + ".value");                  // pass column value

            argsString = "";
            for (ai = 1; ai < args.Count; ai++)
                arg = args[ai];

                string suffix = ".Value";
                if (!arg.EndsWith(suffix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                arg2 = arg.Substring(0, arg.Length - suffix.Length);
                mc2  = mt.GetMetaColumnByName(arg2);

                if (mc2 == null)
                    continue;                              // assume unquoted string constant & pass as is
                else if (mc2.IsKey && rt.Fields[0].MetaColumn.Name != mc2.Name)
                {                                      // see if undisplayed key value
                    voi = rt.Fields[0].VoPosition - 1; // position in vo

                else                 // find the field name in the list of report fields
                    for (rfi = 0; rfi < rt.Fields.Count; rfi++)
                        if (Lex.Eq(mc2.Name, rt.Fields[rfi].MetaColumn.Name))

                    if (rfi >= rt.Fields.Count)
                        throw new Exception("Column name not selected in query: " + mc2.Name);
                    voi = rt.Fields[rfi].VoPosition;

                if (vo[voi] == null)
                    args[ai] = "";
                    arg = vo[voi].ToString();
                    if (vo[voi] is MobiusDataType)
                    {                     // use dblink if defined
                        MobiusDataType mdt = vo[voi] as MobiusDataType;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mdt.DbLink))
                            arg = mdt.DbLink;

                    args[ai] = arg;

            for (ai = 1; ai < args.Count; ai++)
                arg = args[ai];
                if (!Lex.IsDouble(arg) && !arg.StartsWith("'") && !arg.StartsWith("["))                 // quote if string
                    arg = Lex.AddSingleQuotes(arg);
                if (argsString != "")
                    argsString += ",";
                argsString += arg;

            string txt =             // build full string including link & display value
                         "<a href=\"http:////Mobius/command?ClickFunction " +
                         funcName + "(" + argsString + ")\">" + displayValue + "</a>";

Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle conversion of Mobius custom data types between the grid and the underlying DataSet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>

        void ProcessCustomUnboundColumnDataEvent(object sender, CustomColumnDataEventArgs e)
            MobiusDataType     mdt   = null;
            FormattedFieldInfo ffi   = null;
            bool           formatted = false;
            NumberMx       numberEx;
            StringMx       stringEx;
            ImageMx        imageMx;
            DateTimeMx     dateTimeEx;
            DataRowMx      dr = null;
            BandedGridView mbgv;
            int            nonNullDri;
            string         debugMsg;

            if (DebugMx.False)             // fillValuesImmediately debug test
                e.Value = "XXX";

            DateTime t0     = DateTime.Now;
            int      callId = ++UnboundCalls;        // get id for this call

            if (sender is BandedGridView)
                mbgv = sender as BandedGridView;

            if (Grid.DataSource == null)
            CellInfo ci = Grid.GetDataTableCellInfo(e.ListSourceRowIndex, e.Column);

            //if (e.ListSourceRowIndex == 2 && ci.DataRowIndex == 1) e = e; // debug
            //if (ci.Mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.CompoundId && ci.DataRowIndex > 0) ci = ci; // debug
            //DebugLog.Message("CustomUnboundColumnData " + ci.DataRowIndex + ", " + ci.DataColIndex + ", " + ci.DataValue.ToString());
            if (ci.Rfld == null)

            QueryManager     qm   = Grid.QueryManager;
            ResultsFormatter fmtr = qm.ResultsFormatter;
            ResultsFormat    rf   = qm.ResultsFormat;

            if (e.ListSourceRowIndex == GridControl.NewItemRowHandle || e.ListSourceRowIndex >= Qm.DataTable.Rows.Count)             // new row being created
                if (NewRow == null)
                    NewRow = Qm.DataTable.NewRow();
                dr = NewRow;

            else if (e.ListSourceRowIndex >= 0 && ci.DataRowIndex >= 0)             // row exist in DataTable (i.e. not new row)
                if (ci.DataRowIndex >= 0)
                    dr = DataTable.Rows[ci.DataRowIndex];
                    if (ci.DataRowIndex == 0)

                if (DebugDetails)
                    ClientLog.Message("Fail 1");
                return;                 // something else, ignore

            // Store edited data for unbound column in DataTable

            if (e.IsSetData)
                SetGridData(e, ci);

            else if (!e.IsGetData)
                return;                                // just return if not GetData as expected
// Get data from underlying unbound dataset & return in format for grid

            //if (ci.Mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.Structure) ci = ci; // debug
            //if (ci.Mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.String) ci = ci; // debug
            //if (ci.DataValue is StringEx && ((StringEx)ci.DataValue).Value == " ") ci = ci; // debug


            if (dr == null)
                e.Value = null;
                if (DebugDetails)
                    ClientLog.Message("Fail 2");                               // debug

            if (Dtm.IsRetrievingDataMessageRow(dr) && ci.Mc != null && !ci.Mc.IsGraphical)
                //if (ci.Mc.IsKey) // show retrieving data message for key field
                e.Value = "Retrieving data...";


            object fieldValue = dr[ci.DataColIndex];

            if (DebugDetails && fieldValue is MoleculeMx)             // debug
                MoleculeMx     cs      = fieldValue as MoleculeMx;
                MoleculeFormat csType  = cs.PrimaryFormat;
                string         csValue = cs.PrimaryValue;
                int            csLen   = cs.PrimaryValue.Length;
                string         molfile = cs.GetMolfileString();
                molfile = molfile;

                // If already formatted use existing formatting info

                ffi = null;
                if (fieldValue is MobiusDataType)
                    mdt = (MobiusDataType)fieldValue;
                    if (mdt.FormattedBitmap != null)
                        ffi = new FormattedFieldInfo();
                        ffi.FormattedBitmap = mdt.FormattedBitmap;

                    else if (mdt.FormattedText != null)
                        ffi = new FormattedFieldInfo();
                        ffi.FormattedText = mdt.FormattedText;

                    if (ffi != null)                     // if formatted then copy other format attributes as well
                        ffi.BackColor = mdt.BackColor;
                        ffi.ForeColor = mdt.ForeColor;
                        ffi.Hyperlink = mdt.Hyperlink;

                // If not formatted then format

                if (ffi == null)                 // need to format?
// Format non-image field (including structures)

                    if (ci.Mc.DataType != MetaColumnType.Image)                     // format other than image immediately
                        //if (ci.Mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.Structure)  // debug
                        //	DebugLog.Message(fieldValue.ToString());
                        //	UIMisc.Beep();

                        ffi = fmtr.FormatField(ci.Rt, ci.TableIndex, ci.Rfld, ci.FieldIndex, dr, e.ListSourceRowIndex, fieldValue, ci.DataRowIndex, false);

                        if (ci.Mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.Structure)

                        StoreFormattingInformationInMdt(ffi, fieldValue, dr, ci, mdt);
                        formatted = true;

// Image: start asynch call to get image in background as necessary since it is too slow to wait for it here

                        if (fieldValue is ImageMx)
                            imageMx = fieldValue as ImageMx;

                            imageMx = new ImageMx();
                            if (fieldValue != null)
                                if (fieldValue is MobiusDataType)
                                    imageMx.DbLink = (fieldValue as MobiusDataType).DbLink;
                                    imageMx.DbLink = fieldValue.ToString();                                  // store field value as dblink
                            dr.ItemArrayRef[ci.DataColIndex] = imageMx;                             // store new image object without firing event

                        mdt = imageMx;                         // copy image object to general  MobiusDataType
                        ffi = new FormattedFieldInfo();

                        if (imageMx.FormattedBitmap != null)                         // already have bitmap?
                            ffi.FormattedBitmap = imageMx.FormattedBitmap;

                        else if (imageMx.Value != null)                                                        // have the bitmap, just need to scale it
                            int fieldWidth   = ci.Rfld.FieldWidth;                                             // current field width in milliinches
                            int desiredWidth = (int)((fieldWidth / 1000.0) * GraphicsMx.LogicalPixelsX * 1.0); // width in pixels

                            imageMx.FormattedBitmap = BitmapUtil.ScaleBitmap(imageMx.Value, desiredWidth);
                            ffi.FormattedBitmap     = imageMx.FormattedBitmap;

                        else if (imageMx.IsRetrievingValue)                         // already retrieving?
                            ffi.FormattedBitmap = (Bitmap)RetrievingImageMsg.Image; // put up the processing image
                        else if (SS.I.AsyncImageRetrieval)                          // start async image retrieval
                            GetImageBitmapAsync(ci, dr, e.ListSourceRowIndex, fieldValue, imageMx, callId);
                            ffi.FormattedBitmap = (Bitmap)RetrievingImageMsg.Image;                             // put up the processing image

                        else                         // do synchronous image retrieval
                            GetImageBitmap(ci, dr, e.ListSourceRowIndex, fieldValue, imageMx, callId);
                            ffi.FormattedBitmap = imageMx.FormattedBitmap;
                            formatted           = true;

                //if (ci.Mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.CompoundId && String.IsNullOrEmpty(fmtdFld.Hyperlink)) ci = ci; // debug
                //if (mdt is CompoundId) mdt = mdt; // debug

                if (e.Column.ColumnEdit is RepositoryItemPictureEdit)
                    if (ffi != null && ffi.FormattedBitmap != null)
                        e.Value = ffi.FormattedBitmap;
                        e.Value = new Bitmap(1, 1);                              // avoid no-image data message
                    //ffi.FormattedBitmap.Save(@"c:\download\test.bmp"); // debug

                    e.Value = ffi.FormattedText;                   // non-picture column
                if (ci.DataRowIndex == DataTable.Rows.Count - 1 && // if at end of DataTable && more rows available, request them
                    //Progress.Show("Retrieving data..."); // put up progress dialog if not already up

                    //if (WaitForMoreDataStartTime.Equals(DateTime.MinValue)) // say we've started waiting for data
                    //  WaitForMoreDataStartTime = DateTime.Now;
                    //  ClientLog.Message("Set WaitForMoreDataStartTime: " + WaitForMoreDataStartTime.ToLongTimeString());

                    if (Dtm.RowRetrievalState == RowRetrievalState.Paused)
                        Dtm.StartRowRetrieval();                         // .ReadNextRowsFromQueryEngine(); // restart retrieval

                else if (Lex.StartsWith(Progress.GetCaption(), "Retrieving data...") || Lex.IsUndefined(Progress.GetCaption()))
                {                 // hide any "Retrieving data..." message

                Grid.LastRowRendered = e.ListSourceRowIndex;

                if (DebugDetails)
                    debugMsg =
                        "Grid.GetData: " + callId + ", e.Row = " + e.ListSourceRowIndex +
                        ", e.Col = " + e.Column.AbsoluteIndex + ", Formatted = " + (formatted ? "T" : "F") + ", Time(ms) = " + TimeOfDay.Delta(t0) +
                        ", ColLabel = " + ci.Qc.ActiveLabel;
                    debugMsg += ", FieldValue = ";
                    if (fieldValue != null)
                        debugMsg += fieldValue.ToString();
                    debugMsg += ", e.Value = ";
                    if (e.Value != null)
                        debugMsg += e.Value.ToString();
                        debugMsg += "null";

                // TODO: This does a some unnecessary hides which cause flashing of the window frame
                // This happens when we are not at the end of the DataTable but don't know if any additional requests
                // for rendering will occur. May be better to move this to DataTableManger when we detect
                // that we have retrieved a row that is below the level of those displayed in the grid or all rows have been retrieved.
                // Also maybe in MoleculeGridControl.RetrievalMonitorTimer_Tick

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (e.Column.ColumnEdit is RepositoryItemPictureEdit)
                    e.Value = new Bitmap(1, 1);                     // avoid no-image data message
                    e.Value = ex.Message;

                string msg = "ColumnView_CustomUnboundColumnData Exception";
                if (ci.Rfld != null)
                    msg += ",  MetaColumn: " + ci.Rfld.MetaColumn.MetaTable.Name + "." + ci.Rfld.MetaColumn.Name;
                msg += ",  DataColIndex: " + ci.DataColIndex + ",  DataRowIndex: " + ci.DataRowIndex;
                if (fieldValue != null)
                    msg += ",  Value: " + fieldValue.ToString();

            //			t0 = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds() - t0;
            //			ClientLog.Message("CustomUnboundColumnData event time: " + t0);
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Build tooltip for data row
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dri">Data row index</param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        internal SuperToolTip BuildDataRowTooltip(
            TooltipDimensionDef ttDim,
            int dri)
            ColumnMapMsx cm;
            QueryTable   qt;
            QueryColumn  qc;
            MetaTable    mt;
            MetaColumn   mc;
            int          i1, i2;

            if (BaseQuery == null || BaseQuery.Tables.Count == 0 || Dtm == null)
            qt = BaseQuery.Tables[0];

            SuperToolTip s = new SuperToolTip();

            s.MaxWidth      = 200;
            s.AllowHtmlText = DefaultBoolean.True;

            ToolTipItem i = new ToolTipItem();

            i.AllowHtmlText = DefaultBoolean.True;
            i.Appearance.TextOptions.WordWrap = WordWrap.Wrap;

            ColumnMapCollection cml2 = new ColumnMapCollection();             // list of fields we'll actually display

            int strPos = -1;

            ColumnMapCollection cml = ttDim.Fields;

            if (cml.Count == 0)

            for (i1 = 0; i1 < cml.Count; i1++)
                cm = cml[i1];
                qc = cm.QueryColumn;
                if (qc == null || !cm.Selected)
                //if (qc.IsKey) continue;
                if (qc.MetaColumn.DataType == MetaColumnType.Structure)
                    strPos = i1;

                for (i2 = 0; i2 < cml2.Count; i2++)                 // see if already have the column
                    if (qc == cml2[i2].QueryColumn)
                if (i2 < cml2.Count)


            if (cml2.Count == 0)
                return(null);                             // no fields
            if (strPos < 0 && ttDim.IncludeStructure)
            {                                  // include str if requested & not already included
                qc     = qt.FirstStructureQueryColumn;
                strPos = cml2.Count;           // put str at end
                //strPos = keyPos + 1; // place str after key
                if (qc != null && qc.Selected) // regular selected Qc?
                    cml2.ColumnMapList.Insert(strPos, ColumnMapMsx.BuildFromQueryColumn(qc));

                else                 // look in root table for a structure
                    mt = qt.MetaTable.Root;
                    if (mt.FirstStructureMetaColumn != null)
                        qt            = new QueryTable(mt);
                        qc            = new QueryColumn();              // add qc with no vo pos as indicator that must be selected
                        qc.MetaColumn = mt.FirstStructureMetaColumn;
                        qc.Selected   = true;
                        cml2.ColumnMapList.Insert(strPos, ColumnMapMsx.BuildFromQueryColumn(qc));

            string keyVal = "";

            foreach (ColumnMapMsx fli0 in cml2.ColumnMapList)             // format each field
                qc = fli0.QueryColumn;
                mc = qc.MetaColumn;

                i.Text += "<b>";                 // build label
                if (!Lex.IsNullOrEmpty(fli0.ParameterName))
                    i.Text += fli0.ParameterName;
                    i.Text += fli0.QueryColumn.ActiveLabel;
                i.Text += ": </b>";

                if (qc.VoPosition >= 0)
                    int       ti   = qc.QueryTable.TableIndex;
                    int       dri2 = Dtm.AdjustDataRowToCurrentDataForTable(dri, ti, true);
                    DataRowMx dr   = Qm.DataTable.Rows[dri2];
                    if (dr == null)
                    ResultsTable rt         = Rf.Tables[ti];
                    object       fieldValue = dr[qc.VoPosition];
                    if (!NullValue.IsNull(fieldValue))
                        if (qc.IsKey)
                            keyVal = fieldValue.ToString();
                        MobiusDataType     mdt = MobiusDataType.ConvertToMobiusDataType(qc.MetaColumn.DataType, fieldValue);
                        FormattedFieldInfo ffi = Qm.ResultsFormatter.FormatField(qc, mdt);

                        if (mc.DataType != MetaColumnType.Structure)
                            i.Text += ffi.FormattedText;
                            i.Text += "<br>";
                            i = ToolTipUtil.AppendBitmapToToolTip(s, i, ffi.FormattedBitmap);

                        i.Text += "<br>";                      // no data

                else if (!Lex.IsNullOrEmpty(keyVal))                 // select structure from db (may already have)
                    MoleculeMx cs = MoleculeUtil.SelectMoleculeForCid(keyVal, qc.MetaColumn.MetaTable);
                    if (cs != null)
                        int width = ResultsFormatFactory.QcWidthInCharsToDisplayColWidthInMilliinches(mc.Width, ResultsFormat);
                        FormattedFieldInfo ffi = Qm.ResultsFormatter.FormatStructure(cs, new CellStyleMx(), 's', 0, width, -1);
                        i = ToolTipUtil.AppendBitmapToToolTip(s, i, ffi.FormattedBitmap);

            if (i.Text.Length > 0)

            if (s.Items.Count == 0)
            {             // show something by default
                i            = new ToolTipItem();
                i.Text       = "No fields selected";
                i.LeftIndent = 6;
                i.Appearance.TextOptions.WordWrap = WordWrap.Wrap;

            //ToolTipTitleItem ti = new ToolTipTitleItem();
            //ti.Text = "Dude";

            //ToolTipItem i = new ToolTipItem();
            //i.Text = "Subtext that is fairly long longer longest";
            //i.LeftIndent = 6;
            //i.Appearance.TextOptions.WordWrap = WordWrap.Wrap;

            //i = new ToolTipItem();
            //Image img = Bitmap.FromFile(@"C:\Mobius_OpenSource\Mobius-3.0\ClientComponents\Resources\Mobius76x76DkBlueBack.bmp");
            //i.Image = img;

            //ToolTipSeparatorItem si = new ToolTipSeparatorItem();


            //ChartPanel.ToolTipController.ToolTipLocation = ToolTipLocation.TopCenter;
            //ChartPanel.ToolTipController.AllowHtmlText = true;
            //string s = point.SeriesPointID.ToString();
            //s = "This <b>SuperToolTip</b> supports <i>HTML formatting</i>";
Exemplo n.º 21
        object IInvokeServiceOps.InvokeServiceOperation(int opCode, object[] args)
            MobiusCompoundUtilService op = (MobiusCompoundUtilService)opCode;

            switch (op)
            case MobiusCompoundUtilService.DoesCidExist:
                string cid               = (string)args[0];
                string mtName            = (string)args[1];
                Mobius.Data.MetaTable mt = (mtName == null) ? null : Mobius.Data.MetaTableCollection.Get(mtName);
                bool cidExists           = Qel.CompoundIdUtil.Exists(cid, mt);

            case MobiusCompoundUtilService.SelectMoleculeFromCid:
                string cid                           = (string)args[0];
                string mtName                        = (string)args[1];
                Mobius.Data.MetaTable mt             = (mtName == null) ? null : Mobius.Data.MetaTableCollection.Get(mtName);
                Data.MoleculeMx       nativeMolecule =
                    Qel.MoleculeUtil.SelectMoleculeForCid(cid, mt);

                if (ClientState.MobiusClientVersionIsAtLeast(6, 0))                                 // Helm version or newer
                    byte[] ba = MobiusDataType.SerializeBinarySingle(nativeMolecule);

                    ChemicalStructure transferMolecule =
                        _transHelper.Convert <Mobius.Data.MoleculeMx, ChemicalStructure>(nativeMolecule);

            case MobiusCompoundUtilService.SelectMoleculesForCidList:
                List <string>         cidList = (List <string>)args[0];
                string                mtName  = (string)args[1];
                Mobius.Data.MetaTable mt      = (mtName == null) ? null : Mobius.Data.MetaTableCollection.Get(mtName);
                Dictionary <string, Data.MoleculeMx> csDict =
                    Qel.MoleculeUtil.SelectMoleculesForCidList(cidList, mt);


            case MobiusCompoundUtilService.GetAllSaltForms:
                string        cid           = (string)args[0];
                string        normalizedCid = Data.CompoundId.Normalize(cid);
                List <string> cidList       = new List <string>(new string[] { normalizedCid });
                Dictionary <string, List <string> > cidDict = Qel.MoleculeUtil.GetAllSaltForms(cidList);
                List <string> results = null;
                if (cidDict.ContainsKey(cid))
                    results = cidDict[cid] as List <string>;

            case MobiusCompoundUtilService.GetAllSaltFormsForList:
                List <string> cidList = (List <string>)args[0];
                Dictionary <string, List <string> > allSaltIds = Qel.MoleculeUtil.GetAllSaltForms(cidList);

            case MobiusCompoundUtilService.InsertSalts:
                List <string> cidList = (List <string>)args[0];
                List <string> result  = Qel.MoleculeUtil.InsertSalts(cidList);

            case MobiusCompoundUtilService.GroupSalts:
                List <string> cidList = (List <string>)args[0];
                List <string> result  = Qel.MoleculeUtil.GroupSalts(cidList);

            case MobiusCompoundUtilService.ValidateList:
                string listText      = (string)args[0];
                string rootTableName = (string)args[1];
                string result        = Qel.CompoundIdUtil.ValidateList(listText, rootTableName);

            case MobiusCompoundUtilService.GetRelatedCompoundIds:
                StructureSearchType searchTypes =                                 // default for old client that doesn't supply this parm
                                                  StructureSearchType.FullStructure |
                                                  StructureSearchType.MolSim |
                                                  StructureSearchType.MatchedPairs |

                int    argIdx = 0;
                string cid    = (string)args[argIdx++];
                string mtName = (string)args[argIdx++];
                string chime  = (string)args[argIdx++];
                if (args.Length > 4)
                    searchTypes = (StructureSearchType)args[argIdx++];
                int searchId = (int)args[argIdx++];

                string result = Qel.MoleculeUtil.GetRelatedMatchCounts(cid, mtName, chime, searchTypes, searchId);

            case MobiusCompoundUtilService.GetRelatedStructures:
                string cid    = (string)args[0];
                string mtName = (string)args[1];

                string result = Qel.MoleculeUtil.GetRelatedMatchRowsSerialized(cid, mtName);

            case MobiusCompoundUtilService.ExecuteSmallWorldPreviewQuery:
                string   serializedQuery = (string)args[0];
                object[] oa = Qel.MoleculeUtil.ExecuteSmallWorldPreviewQuerySerialized(serializedQuery);
Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Text changed, update filter flags accordingly
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>

        private void Value_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MobiusDataType mdt = null, mdt2 = null;
            string         criteriaString = null, criteriaDisplayString = null, criteriaString2 = null, criteriaDisplayString2 = null;

            if (InSetup)

            QueryColumn qc = ColInfo.Qc;

            qc.SecondaryFilterType = FilterType.BasicCriteria;
            qc.SecondaryCriteria   = qc.SecondaryCriteriaDisplay = "";
            bool validInput = true;

            if (Value.Visible && Value.Text.Trim() == "")             // no filter if nothing entered
                qc.SecondaryCriteria = qc.SecondaryCriteriaDisplay = "";

            else if (CompOp == CompareOp.Like)             // keep criteria in literal text form for like
                qc.SecondaryCriteria        = qc.MetaColumn.Name + " like " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(Value.Text.Trim());
                qc.SecondaryCriteriaDisplay = qc.ActiveLabel + " contains " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(Value.Text.Trim());

            else             // normalize for comparison for other filter types
                string op  = CompareOpString.Values[(int)CompOp];
                string opd = CompareOpDisplayString.Values[(int)CompOp];

                if (Value.Visible)                 // get first value
                    if (MobiusDataType.TryParse(qc.MetaColumn.DataType, Value.Text, out mdt))
                        criteriaString        = mdt.FormatForCriteria();
                        criteriaDisplayString = mdt.FormatCriteriaForDisplay();
                        validInput = false;

                if (CompOp == CompareOp.Between)                 // get 2nd value
                    if (MobiusDataType.TryParse(qc.MetaColumn.DataType, Value2.Text, out mdt2))
                        criteriaString2        = mdt2.FormatForCriteria();
                        criteriaDisplayString2 = mdt2.FormatCriteriaForDisplay();
                        validInput = false;

                if (validInput)
                    qc.SecondaryCriteria        = qc.MetaColumn.Name + " " + op;
                    qc.SecondaryCriteriaDisplay = qc.ActiveLabel + " " + opd;

                    if (mdt != null)
                        qc.SecondaryCriteria        += " " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(criteriaString);
                        qc.SecondaryCriteriaDisplay += " " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(criteriaDisplayString);

                    if (mdt2 != null)
                        qc.SecondaryCriteria        += " and " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(criteriaString2);
                        qc.SecondaryCriteriaDisplay += " and " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(criteriaDisplayString2);

                    qc.SecondaryCriteria        = qc.MetaColumn.Name + " like 'No-Match-String'";              // assure no matches
                    qc.SecondaryCriteriaDisplay = qc.ActiveLabel + " " + opd + " invalid value";

            QueryManager.QueryResultsControl.UpdateFiltering(ColInfo); // Update the filters and the associated view
            SyncBaseQuerySecondaryCriteria(qc);                        // sync any base query

Exemplo n.º 23
/// <summary>
/// Summarize pivoted data
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sumLevel"></param>
/// <param name="sumMethod"></param>
/// <returns></returns>

        public QueryManager SummarizePivoted(
            TargetAssaySummarizationLevel sumLevel,
            SummarizationType sumMethod,
            ColumnsToTransform colsToSumm,
            OutputDest outputDest,
            TargetMap targetMap)
            QueryManager      qm2;
            QueryTable        qt;
            DataRow           dr, dr2;
            DataRowAttributes dra;
            string            cid = "", currentCid;
            int rti, rfi;

            qm2 = InitializeSubqueryQm(MultiDbAssayDataNames.CombinedNonSumTableName);

#if false
// Get the data for a compound, summarize & add results to data for charting

            DataTableManager dtm = Qm0.DataTableManager;

            for (int dri = 0; dri < dtm.DataTable.Rows.Count; dri++)
                DataRow           dr  = dtm.DataTable.Rows[dri];
                DataRowAttributes dra = GetRowAttributes(dr);

                string keyVal = dr[KeyValueVoPos] as string;

                if (keyVal != curKeyVal || Rf.Tables.Count <= 1)                 // going to new key
                    curKeyVal  = keyVal;
                    curKeyRow  = dri;
                    rowsForKey = 0;


                object o = dr[dci];
//				if (o is string && ((string)o) == "") o = o; // debug
                if (NullValue.IsNull(o))
                    if (rowsForKey == 0 ||                                               // count as null if first row for key
                        dra.TableRowState[colInfo.TableIndex] != RowStateEnum.Undefined) // or real row data but col is null
                        stats.NullsExist = true;

                else if (o is MobiusDataType)
                {                 // create a MobiusDataType that we can point to
                    o       = MobiusDataType.New(o);
                    dr[dci] = o;
                MobiusDataType val = o as MobiusDataType;

                    if (val.FormattedText == null)                     // get formatted text if not done yet
                        val = QueryManager.ResultsFormatter.FormatField(rt, ti, rfld, fi, dr, dri, val, -1, false);
                    dictKey = val.FormattedText.ToUpper();

                    if (!stats.DistinctValueDict.ContainsKey(dictKey))
                        DistinctValueAndPosition dvp = new DistinctValueAndPosition();
                        dvp.Value = val;
                        stats.DistinctValueDict[dictKey] = dvp;
                catch (Exception ex) { val = val; }
            }             // row loop

