Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task UpsertAsync_UpdatesTheRow_WhenItExists()
            await PrepareTodoTable();

            // insert a row and make sure it is inserted
            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                await store.InitializeAsync();

                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { new JObject()
                                                               { "id", "abc" },
                                                               { "text", "xyz" },
                                                               { "__createdAt", DateTime.Now }
                                                           } }, ignoreMissingColumns : false);

                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { new JObject()
                                                               { "id", "abc" },
                                                               { "__createdAt", new DateTime(200, 1, 1) }
                                                           } }, ignoreMissingColumns : false);

                JObject result = await store.LookupAsync(TestTable, "abc");

                Assert.AreEqual(result.Value <string>("id"), "abc");
                Assert.AreEqual(result.Value <string>("text"), "xyz");
                Assert.AreEqual(result.Value <string>("__createdAt"), "01/01/0200 00:00:00");
            long count = TestUtilities.CountRows(TestDbName, TestTable);

            Assert.AreEqual(count, 1L);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static async Task <MobileServiceSQLiteStore> SetupTestTable()
            if (!queryTableInitialized)
                TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName);

            store.DefineTable(TestTable, new JObject()
                { "col1", String.Empty },
                { "col2", 0L },
                { "col3", 0f },
                { "col4", DateTime.UtcNow },
                { "col5", false },
                { "col6", Guid.Empty }

            await store.InitializeAsync();

            if (!queryTableInitialized)
                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, testData, ignoreMissingColumns : false);

            queryTableInitialized = true;
        private static async Task <MobileServiceSQLiteStore> SetupMathTestTable(JObject[] mathTestData)
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, MathTestTable);

            // first create a table called todo
            var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName);

            store.DefineTable(MathTestTable, new JObject()
                { "id", String.Empty },
                { "val", 0f },
                { "expected", 0f }

            await store.InitializeAsync();

            foreach (JObject item in mathTestData)
                item[MobileServiceSystemColumns.Id] = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            await store.UpsertAsync(MathTestTable, mathTestData, ignoreMissingColumns : false);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task Upsert_Succeeds_IfCaseIsDifferentButNameIsSame()
            string tableName = "itemWithDate";


            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                store.DefineTable(tableName, new JObject()
                    { "id", String.Empty },
                    { "date", DateTime.Now }

                await store.InitializeAsync();

                await store.UpsertAsync("ITEMwithDATE", new[]
                    new JObject()
                        { "ID", Guid.NewGuid() },
                        { "dATE", DateTime.UtcNow }
                }, ignoreMissingColumns : false);
        public async Task SyncAsync()
            ReadOnlyCollection <MobileServiceTableOperationError> syncErrors = null;

                //await this._client.SyncContext.PushAsync();
                //var productList = await _productTable.ToListAsync();
                //productList.ForEach(p => _productTable.DeleteAsync(p));
                var deleteQuery = new Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MobileServices.Query.MobileServiceTableQueryDescription("Product");

                await _store.DeleteAsync(deleteQuery);

                var productList = await GetProductsAsyncAPI();

                //var productTableQuery = this._productTable.CreateQuery();
                await _store.UpsertAsync("Product", productList, true);


                //await this._productTable.PullAsync(
                //    //The first parameter is a query name that is used internally by the client SDK to implement incremental sync.
                //    //Use a different query name for each unique query in your program
                //    "availableProducts", productTableQuery);

            catch (MobileServicePushFailedException exc)
                if (exc.PushResult != null)
                    syncErrors = exc.PushResult.Errors;
            catch (Exception ex)
            // Simple error/conflict handling. A real application would handle the various errors like network conditions,
            // server conflicts and others via the IMobileServiceSyncHandler.
            if (syncErrors != null)
                foreach (var error in syncErrors)
                    if (error.OperationKind == MobileServiceTableOperationKind.Update && error.Result != null)
                        //Update failed, reverting to server's copy.
                        await error.CancelAndUpdateItemAsync(error.Result);
                        // Discard local change.
                        await error.CancelAndDiscardItemAsync();

                    Debug.WriteLine(@"Error executing sync operation. Item: {0} ({1}). Operation discarded.", error.TableName, error.Item["id"]);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public async Task UpsertAsync_DoesNotThrow_WhenItemIsEmpty()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                store.DefineTable(TestTable, new JObject()
                    { "id", String.Empty },
                    { "dob", DateTime.UtcNow }

                await store.InitializeAsync();

                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { new JObject() }, ignoreMissingColumns : true);

                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { new JObject() }, ignoreMissingColumns : false);
        public async Task UpsertAsync_CanProcessManyRecordsAtOnce()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                var template = new JObject
                    { "id", 0 },
                    { "value1", "Hello, world" },
                    { "value2", "Hello, world" },
                    { "value3", "Hello, world" },
                    { "value4", "Hello, world" },
                    { "value5", "Hello, world" }

                store.DefineTable(TestTable, template);

                //create the table
                await store.InitializeAsync();

                //add a whole bunch of items. We want {number of items} * {number of fields} to exceed sqlite's parameter limit
                const int insertedItemCount = 500;

                var itemsToInsert = Enumerable.Range(1, insertedItemCount)
                                    .Select(id =>
                    var o = new JObject(template)
                        ["id"] = id

                //Insert the items
                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, itemsToInsert, ignoreMissingColumns : false);

                JArray records = (JArray)await store.ReadAsync(MobileServiceTableQueryDescription.Parse(TestTable, "$orderby=id"));

                //Verify that all 500 records were inserted
                Assert.Equal(records.Count, insertedItemCount);

                //Verify that all fields are intact
                for (var i = 0; i < insertedItemCount; i++)
                    Assert.True(JToken.DeepEquals(itemsToInsert[i], records[i]), "Results retrieved from DB do not match input");
Exemplo n.º 8
        public async Task UpsertAsync_ThenReadAsync_AllTypes()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            // first create a table called todo
            using (MobileServiceSQLiteStore store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                store.DefineTable(TestTable, JObjectTypes.GetObjectWithAllTypes());

                await store.InitializeAsync();

                var upserted = new JObject()
                    { "id", "xyz" },
                    { "Object", new JObject()
                          { "id", "abc" }
                      } },
                    { "Array", new JArray()
                          new JObject()
                              { "id", 3 }
                      } },
                    { "Integer", 123L },
                    { "Float", 12.5m },
                    { "String", "def" },
                    { "Boolean", true },
                    { "Date", new DateTime(2003, 5, 6, 4, 5, 1, DateTimeKind.Utc) },
                    { "Bytes", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 } },
                    { "Guid", new Guid("AB3EB1AB-53CD-4780-928B-A7E1CB7A927C") },
                    { "TimeSpan", new TimeSpan(1234) }
                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { upserted }, false);

                var query = new MobileServiceTableQueryDescription(TestTable);
                var items = await store.ReadAsync(query) as JArray;

                Assert.AreEqual(items.Count, 1);

                var lookedup = items.First as JObject;
                Assert.AreEqual(upserted.ToString(Formatting.None), lookedup.ToString(Formatting.None));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public async Task UpsertAsync_InsertsTheRow_WhenItemHasNullValues()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            // insert a row and make sure it is inserted
            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                store.DefineTable(TestTable, new JObject()
                    { "id", String.Empty },
                    { "dob", DateTime.UtcNow },
                    { "age", 0 },
                    { "weight", 3.5 },
                    { "code", Guid.NewGuid() },
                    { "options", new JObject()
                      } },
                    { "friends", new JArray()
                      } },
                    { "__version", String.Empty }

                await store.InitializeAsync();

                var inserted = new JObject()
                    { "id", "abc" },
                    { "dob", null },
                    { "age", null },
                    { "weight", null },
                    { "code", null },
                    { "options", null },
                    { "friends", null },
                    { "__version", null }
                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { inserted }, ignoreMissingColumns : false);

                JObject read = await store.LookupAsync(TestTable, "abc");

                Assert.AreEqual(inserted.ToString(), read.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 10
        public async Task UpsertAsync_InsertsTheRow_WhenItDoesNotExist()
            await PrepareTodoTable();

            // insert a row and make sure it is inserted
            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                await store.InitializeAsync();

                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { new JObject()
                                                               { "id", "abc" },
                                                               { "__createdAt", DateTime.Now }
                                                           } }, ignoreMissingColumns : false);
            long count = TestUtilities.CountRows(TestDbName, TestTable);

            Assert.AreEqual(count, 1L);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public async Task UpsertAsync_Throws_WhenColumnInItemIsNotDefinedAndItIsLocal()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                store.DefineTable(TestTable, new JObject()
                    { "id", String.Empty },
                    { "dob", DateTime.UtcNow }

                await store.InitializeAsync();

                var ex = await ThrowsAsync <InvalidOperationException>(() => store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { new JObject()
                                                                                                                      { "notDefined", "okok" }
                                                                                                                  } }, ignoreMissingColumns: false));

                Assert.AreEqual(ex.Message, "Column with name 'notDefined' is not defined on the local table 'todo'.");
Exemplo n.º 12
        public async Task <JsonResult> Get(string username)
                MobileServiceSQLiteStore Store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore("local.db");
                Store.DefineTable <Player>();
                await Store.InitializeAsync();

                var result = await Store.LookupAsync("Player", username);

                Player p = null;
                    p = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Player>(result.ToString());
                if (p == null)
                    p = new Player()
                        id = username, Roundssurvived = 1

                await Store.UpsertAsync("Player", new List <JObject>() { JObject.FromObject(p) }, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new JsonResult(ex.Message));
            return(new JsonResult("200"));
        public async Task Upsert_ThenLookup_ThenUpsert_ThenDelete_ThenLookup()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                // define item with all type of supported fields
                var originalItem = new JObject()
                    { "id", "abc" },
                    { "bool", true },
                    { "int", 45 },
                    { "double", 123.45d },
                    { "guid", Guid.NewGuid() },
                    { "date", testDate },
                    { "options", new JObject(){ {"class", "A"} } },  
                    { "friends", new JArray(){ "Eric", "Jeff" } }
                store.DefineTable(TestTable, originalItem);

                // create the table
                await store.InitializeAsync();

                // first add an item
                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { originalItem }, ignoreMissingColumns: false);

                // read the item back
                JObject itemRead = await store.LookupAsync(TestTable, "abc");

                // make sure everything was persisted the same
                Assert.AreEqual(originalItem.ToString(), itemRead.ToString());

                // change the item
                originalItem["double"] = 111.222d;

                // upsert the item
                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { originalItem }, ignoreMissingColumns: false);

                // read the updated item
                JObject updatedItem = await store.LookupAsync(TestTable, "abc");

                // make sure the float was updated
                Assert.AreEqual(updatedItem.Value<double>("double"), 111.222d);

                // make sure the item is same as updated item
                Assert.AreEqual(originalItem.ToString(), updatedItem.ToString());

                // make sure item is not same as its initial state
                Assert.AreNotEqual(originalItem.ToString(), itemRead.ToString());

                // now delete the item
                await store.DeleteAsync(TestTable, new[] { "abc" });

                // now read it back
                JObject item4 = await store.LookupAsync(TestTable, "abc");

                // it should be null because it doesn't exist
Exemplo n.º 14
        public async Task Upsert_ThenLookup_ThenUpsert_ThenDelete_ThenLookup()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                // define item with all type of supported fields
                var originalItem = new JObject()
                    { "id", "abc" },
                    { "bool", true },
                    { "int", 45 },
                    { "double", 123.45d },
                    { "guid", Guid.NewGuid() },
                    { "date", testDate },
                    { "options", new JObject()
                          { "class", "A" }
                      } },
                    { "friends", new JArray()
                          "Eric", "Jeff"
                      } }
                store.DefineTable(TestTable, originalItem);

                // create the table
                await store.InitializeAsync();

                // first add an item
                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { originalItem }, ignoreMissingColumns : false);

                // read the item back
                JObject itemRead = await store.LookupAsync(TestTable, "abc");

                // make sure everything was persisted the same
                Assert.AreEqual(originalItem.ToString(), itemRead.ToString());

                // change the item
                originalItem["double"] = 111.222d;

                // upsert the item
                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { originalItem }, ignoreMissingColumns : false);

                // read the updated item
                JObject updatedItem = await store.LookupAsync(TestTable, "abc");

                // make sure the float was updated
                Assert.AreEqual(updatedItem.Value <double>("double"), 111.222d);

                // make sure the item is same as updated item
                Assert.AreEqual(originalItem.ToString(), updatedItem.ToString());

                // make sure item is not same as its initial state
                Assert.AreNotEqual(originalItem.ToString(), itemRead.ToString());

                // now delete the item
                await store.DeleteAsync(TestTable, new[] { "abc" });

                // now read it back
                JObject item4 = await store.LookupAsync(TestTable, "abc");

                // it should be null because it doesn't exist
Exemplo n.º 15
        public async Task <int> SaveItemAsync(Patient item)
            await database.UpsertAsync("Patient", new List <JObject>() { JObject.FromObject(item) }, true);

        public async Task UpsertAsync_Throws_WhenColumnInItemIsNotDefinedAndItIsLocal()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                store.DefineTable(TestTable, new JObject()
                    { "id", String.Empty },
                    { "dob", DateTime.UtcNow }

                await store.InitializeAsync();

                var ex = await ThrowsAsync<InvalidOperationException>(() => store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { new JObject() { { "notDefined", "okok" } } }, ignoreMissingColumns: false));

                Assert.AreEqual(ex.Message, "Column with name 'notDefined' is not defined on the local table 'todo'.");
Exemplo n.º 17
        public async Task UpsertAsync_Throws_WhenInsertingRecordsWhichAreTooLarge()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                var template = new JObject
                    { "id", 0 },

                //SQLite limits us to 999 "parameters" per prepared statement
                for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                    template["column" + i] = "Hello, world";

                store.DefineTable(TestTable, template);

                //create the table
                await store.InitializeAsync();

                //attempt to insert a couple of items
                var item1 = new JObject(template);
                item1["id"] = 1;

                var item2 = new JObject(template);
                item1["id"] = 2;

                InvalidOperationException ex = await AssertEx.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { item1, item2 }, ignoreMissingColumns: false));

                Assert.AreEqual("The number of fields per entity in an upsert operation is limited to 800.", ex.Message);
        public async Task UpsertAsync_InsertsTheRow_WhenItemHasNullValues()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            // insert a row and make sure it is inserted
            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                store.DefineTable(TestTable, new JObject()
                    { "id", String.Empty },
                    { "dob", DateTime.UtcNow },
                    { "age", 0},
                    { "weight", 3.5 },
                    { "code", Guid.NewGuid() },   
                    { "options", new JObject(){} },  
                    { "friends", new JArray(){} },  
                    { "version", String.Empty }

                await store.InitializeAsync();

                var inserted = new JObject() 
                    { "id", "abc" }, 
                    { "dob", null },
                    { "age", null },
                    { "weight", null },
                    { "code", null }, 
                    { "options", null },  
                    { "friends", null },  
                    { "version", null }
                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { inserted }, ignoreMissingColumns: false);

                JObject read = await store.LookupAsync(TestTable, "abc");

                Assert.AreEqual(inserted.ToString(), read.ToString());
        public async Task UpsertAsync_DoesNotThrow_WhenItemIsEmpty()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                store.DefineTable(TestTable, new JObject()
                    { "id", String.Empty },
                    { "dob", DateTime.UtcNow }

                await store.InitializeAsync();

                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { new JObject() }, ignoreMissingColumns: true);
                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { new JObject() }, ignoreMissingColumns: false);
        public async Task UpsertAsync_InsertsTheRow_WhenItDoesNotExist()
            await PrepareTodoTable();

            // insert a row and make sure it is inserted
            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                await store.InitializeAsync();
                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[]{new JObject() 
                    { "id", "abc" }, 
                    { "createdAt", DateTime.Now } 
                }}, ignoreMissingColumns: false);
            long count = TestUtilities.CountRows(TestDbName, TestTable);
            Assert.AreEqual(count, 1L);
        public async Task UpsertAsync_UpdatesTheRow_WhenItExists()
            await PrepareTodoTable();

            // insert a row and make sure it is inserted
            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                await store.InitializeAsync();

                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[]{new JObject() 
                    { "id", "abc" }, 
                    { "text", "xyz" },
                    { "createdAt", DateTime.Now } 
                }}, ignoreMissingColumns: false);

                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[]{new JObject() 
                    { "id", "abc" }, 
                    { "createdAt", new DateTime(200,1,1) } 
                }}, ignoreMissingColumns: false);

                JObject result = await store.LookupAsync(TestTable, "abc");

                Assert.AreEqual(result.Value<string>("id"), "abc");
                Assert.AreEqual(result.Value<string>("text"), "xyz");
                Assert.AreEqual(result.Value<string>("createdAt"), "01/01/0200 00:00:00");
            long count = TestUtilities.CountRows(TestDbName, TestTable);
            Assert.AreEqual(count, 1L);
        public async Task UpsertAsync_Throws_WhenInsertingRecordsWhichAreTooLarge()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                var template = new JObject
                    { "id", 0 },

                //SQLite limits us to 999 "parameters" per prepared statement
                for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                    template["column" + i] = "Hello, world";

                store.DefineTable(TestTable, template);

                //create the table
                await store.InitializeAsync();

                //attempt to insert a couple of items
                var item1 = new JObject(template);
                item1["id"] = 1;

                var item2 = new JObject(template);
                item1["id"] = 2;

                InvalidOperationException ex = await AssertEx.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { item1, item2 }, ignoreMissingColumns: false));

                Assert.AreEqual("The number of fields per entity in an upsert operation is limited to 800.", ex.Message);
        public async Task UpsertAsync_ThenReadAsync_AllTypes()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            // first create a table called todo
            using (MobileServiceSQLiteStore store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                store.DefineTable(TestTable, JObjectTypes.GetObjectWithAllTypes());

                await store.InitializeAsync();

                var upserted = new JObject()
                    { "id", "xyz" },
                    { "Object", new JObject() { {"id", "abc"} }},
                    { "Array", new JArray() { new JObject(){{"id", 3}} } },
                    { "Integer", 123L },
                    { "Float", 12.5m },
                    { "String", "def" },
                    { "Boolean", true },
                    { "Date", new DateTime(2003, 5, 6, 4, 5, 1, DateTimeKind.Utc) },
                    { "Bytes", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3} },
                    { "Guid", new Guid("AB3EB1AB-53CD-4780-928B-A7E1CB7A927C") },
                    { "TimeSpan", new TimeSpan(1234) }
                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { upserted }, false);

                var query = new MobileServiceTableQueryDescription(TestTable);
                var items = await store.ReadAsync(query) as JArray;
                Assert.AreEqual(items.Count, 1);

                var lookedup = items.First as JObject;
                Assert.AreEqual(upserted.ToString(Formatting.None), lookedup.ToString(Formatting.None));
        public async Task UpsertAsync_CanProcessManyRecordsAtOnce()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                var template = new JObject 
                    { "id", 0 },
                    { "value1", "Hello, world" },
                    { "value2", "Hello, world" },
                    { "value3", "Hello, world" },
                    { "value4", "Hello, world" },
                    { "value5", "Hello, world" }

                store.DefineTable(TestTable, template);

                //create the table
                await store.InitializeAsync();

                //add a whole bunch of items. We want {number of items} * {number of fields} to exceed sqlite's parameter limit
                const int insertedItemCount = 500;

                var itemsToInsert = Enumerable.Range(1, insertedItemCount)
                                              .Select(id =>
                                                  var o = new JObject(template);
                                                  o["id"] = id;
                                                  return o;

                //Insert the items
                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, itemsToInsert, ignoreMissingColumns: false);

                JArray records = (JArray)await store.ReadAsync(MobileServiceTableQueryDescription.Parse(TestTable, "$orderby=id"));

                //Verify that all 500 records were inserted
                Assert.AreEqual(records.Count, insertedItemCount);

                //Verify that all fields are intact
                for (var i = 0; i < insertedItemCount; i++)
                    Assert.IsTrue(JToken.DeepEquals(itemsToInsert[i], records[i]), "Results retrieved from DB do not match input");