Exemplo n.º 1
		public static Hashtable SaveQuestion(int entryK, int compK, string imageUrl, string questionString)
			var facebook = new FacebookGraphAPI(Facebook.Apps.MixmagVote);
			JObject user = facebook.GetObject("me", null);

			string email = user.Value<string>("email");
			string firstName = user.Value<string>("first_name");
			string lastName = user.Value<string>("last_name");

			MixmagComp c = null;
			MixmagEntry e = null;

			if (entryK > 0)
					e = new MixmagEntry(entryK);

			Hashtable ret = new Hashtable();

			if (e != null)
				//got an entry
				c = MixmagComp.GetByK(e.MixmagCompK);
			else if (imageUrl.Length > 0 && compK > 0)
				c = MixmagComp.GetByK(compK);
				MixmagEntrySet mes = new MixmagEntrySet(new Query(new And(new Q(MixmagEntry.Columns.MixmagCompK, compK), new Q(MixmagEntry.Columns.ImageUrl, imageUrl))));
				if (mes.Count > 0)
					e = mes[0];
					ret["Done"] = false;
					ret["Message"] = "Can't find this entry.";
					return ret;
				ret["Done"] = false;
				ret["Message"] = "Can't find this entry.";
				return ret;
			if (!c.Enabled)
				ret["Done"] = false;
				ret["Message"] = "This competition isn't enabled.";
				return ret;

			if (DateTime.Now > c.EndDate)
				ret["Done"] = false;
				ret["Message"] = "This competition is now closed.";
				return ret;

			if (DateTime.Now < c.StartDate)
				ret["Done"] = false;
				ret["Message"] = "This competition hasn't started yet.";
				return ret;

			if (e.K == 0)
				ret["Done"] = false;
				ret["Message"] = "Vote not found.";
				return ret;


			Query q = new Query(
				new And(
					new Q(Bobs.MixmagVote.Columns.MixmagEntryK, e.K),
					new Q(Bobs.MixmagVote.Columns.FacebookUID, facebook.Uid)
			MixmagVoteSet mvs = new MixmagVoteSet(q);
			if (mvs.Count == 0)
				ret["Done"] = false;
				ret["Message"] = "Vote not found.";
				return ret;

			Bobs.MixmagVote v = mvs[0];
			v.TextField1 = questionString;

			ret["Done"] = true;
			ret["MixmagVoteK"] = v.K;
			return ret;

Exemplo n.º 2
		public static Hashtable VoteNow(int entryK, int compK, string imageUrl)
			var facebook = new FacebookGraphAPI(Facebook.Apps.MixmagVote);
			JObject user = facebook.GetObject("me", null);

			string email = user.Value<string>("email");
			string firstName = user.Value<string>("first_name");
			string lastName = user.Value<string>("last_name");

			MixmagComp c = null;
			MixmagEntry e = null;

			if (entryK > 0)
					e = new MixmagEntry(entryK);
			Hashtable ret = new Hashtable();

			if (e != null)
				//got an entry
				c = MixmagComp.GetByK(e.MixmagCompK);
			else if (imageUrl.Length > 0 && compK > 0)
				c = MixmagComp.GetByK(compK);
				MixmagEntrySet mes = new MixmagEntrySet(new Query(new And(new Q(MixmagEntry.Columns.MixmagCompK, compK), new Q(MixmagEntry.Columns.ImageUrl, imageUrl))));
				if (mes.Count > 0)
					e = mes[0];
					//create a new skeleton entry for this image
					e = new MixmagEntry();
					e.DateTime = DateTime.Now;
					e.Email = "";
					e.FacebookUid = 0;
					e.FirstName = "";
					e.LastName = "";
					e.ImageUrl = imageUrl;
					e.MixmagCompK = c.K;
				ret["Done"] = false;
				ret["Message"] = "Can't find this entry.";
				return ret;
			if (!c.Enabled)
				ret["Done"] = false;
				ret["Message"] = "This competition isn't enabled.";
				return ret;

			if (DateTime.Now > c.EndDate)
				ret["Done"] = false;
				ret["Message"] = "This competition is now closed.";
				return ret;

			if (DateTime.Now < c.StartDate)
				ret["Done"] = false;
				ret["Message"] = "This competition hasn't started yet.";
				return ret;

			if (e.K > 0)
				Query q = new Query(
					new And(
						new Q(Bobs.MixmagVote.Columns.MixmagEntryK, e.K),
						new Q(Bobs.MixmagVote.Columns.FacebookUID, facebook.Uid)
				q.ReturnCountOnly = true;
				MixmagVoteSet mes = new MixmagVoteSet(q);
				if (mes.Count > 0)
					ret["Done"] = false;
					ret["Message"] = "You have already voted for this photo.";
					return ret;

			Bobs.MixmagVote v = new Bobs.MixmagVote();
			v.DateTime = DateTime.Now;
			v.FacebookUID = facebook.Uid;
			v.MixmagEntryK = e.K;

			if (e.FacebookUid.HasValue && e.FacebookUid.Value > 0 && c.FacebookVoteMessage.Length > 0)
					Dictionary<string, object> par = new Dictionary<string, object>();
					par["picture"] = e.ImageUrl;
					par["link"] = "http://mixmag-vote.com/" + e.K;
					par["name"] = c.FacebookPostName;
					par["caption"] = c.FacebookPostCaption;
					par["description"] = c.FacebookPostDescription;
					facebook.PutWallPost(c.FacebookVoteMessage, par);
				catch { }

			ret["Done"] = true;
			ret["MixmagVoteK"] = v.K;

			return ret;
Exemplo n.º 3
		public static void SendUpdateEmails()
			//send updates

			MixmagComp c1 = MixmagComp.GetByK(2);
			if (c1.EndDate < System.DateTime.Now)

			List<string> emails = new List<string>();
			Query qEmails = new Query();
			qEmails.QueryCondition = new And(
				new Q(MixmagEntry.Columns.DateTime, QueryOperator.GreaterThan, System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-28)),
				new Q(MixmagEntry.Columns.SendDailyEmails, true));
			MixmagEntrySet mesEmails = new MixmagEntrySet(qEmails);
			foreach (MixmagEntry meEmail in mesEmails)
				if (emails.Contains(meEmail.Email))


				Query qComps = new Query();
				qComps.QueryCondition = new And(
					new Q(MixmagEntry.Columns.DateTime, QueryOperator.GreaterThan, System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-28)),
					new Q(MixmagEntry.Columns.SendDailyEmails, true),
					new Q(MixmagEntry.Columns.Email, meEmail.Email));
				qComps.OrderBy = new OrderBy(MixmagEntry.Columns.K);
				MixmagEntrySet mesComps = new MixmagEntrySet(qComps);
				//string s = "";
				if (mesComps.Count > 0)
					List<int> comps = new List<int>();

					foreach (MixmagEntry meComp in mesComps)
						if (comps.Contains(meComp.MixmagCompK))


						MixmagComp comp = MixmagComp.GetByK(meComp.MixmagCompK);
						Query qEntries = new Query();
						qEntries.QueryCondition = new And(
							new Q(MixmagEntry.Columns.DateTime, QueryOperator.GreaterThan, System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-28)),
							new Q(MixmagEntry.Columns.SendDailyEmails, true),
							new Q(MixmagEntry.Columns.Email, meComp.Email),
							new Q(MixmagEntry.Columns.MixmagCompK, meComp.MixmagCompK));
						qEntries.OrderBy = new OrderBy(MixmagEntry.Columns.K);
						MixmagEntrySet mesEntries = new MixmagEntrySet(qEntries);
						if (mesEntries.Count > 0)
							string s = comp.DailyEmailHtmlComp;

							int entryNumber = 1;
							foreach (MixmagEntry meEntry in mesEntries)
								if (mesEntries.Count > 1)
									s += comp.DailyEmailHtmlEntryMultiple.Replace("%1", entryNumber.ToString());


								Query qVoteCount = new Query();
								qVoteCount.QueryCondition = new Q(MixmagVote.Columns.MixmagEntryK, meComp.K);
								qVoteCount.ReturnCountOnly = true;
								MixmagVoteSet mvsVoteCount = new MixmagVoteSet(qVoteCount);

								int daysToGo = (int)(meEntry.DateTime.Value.AddDays(30) - System.DateTime.Now).TotalDays;
								if (daysToGo < 1)
									daysToGo = 1;

								s += comp.DailyEmailHtmlEntry
									.Replace("%1", meEntry.ImageUrl)
									.Replace("%2", mvsVoteCount.Count.ToString("#,##0"))
									.Replace("%3", mvsVoteCount.Count == 1 ? "" : "s")
									.Replace("%4", daysToGo.ToString("#,##0"))
									.Replace("%5", daysToGo == 1 ? "" : "s")
									.Replace("%6", "http://mixmag-vote.com/repost?entry=" + meEntry.K.ToString())
									.Replace("%7", "http://mixmag-vote.com/" + meEntry.K.ToString());
							s += @"
	To stop these daily emails, <a href=""http://mixmag-vote.com/stop?email=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(meEmail.Email) + @""">click here</a>.

							System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient c = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient();
							c.Host = Common.Properties.GetDefaultSmtpServer();
							System.Net.Mail.MailMessage m = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage();
							string fullBody = s;
							m.Body = fullBody.Replace("\n", "\n\r");
							m.From = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress("*****@*****.**");
							m.IsBodyHtml = true;
							m.Subject = comp.DailyEmailHtmlCompSubject;

							if (Vars.DevEnv)


