//JIRA-746 CHanges by Ravi on 05/03/2019 -- End

        protected void gvCatalogueDetails_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
                if (e.CommandName == "dblClk")
                    GridViewRow row   = (GridViewRow)((Control)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer;
                    string      catNo = (row.FindControl("lblCatNo") as Label).Text;
                    //string trackListingId = (row.FindControl("hdnTrackListingId") as HiddenField).Value;

                    string catnoLegacy = string.Empty;
                    missingParticipantsBL = new MissingParticipantsBL();
                    string isTrackListingExist = missingParticipantsBL.IsTrackListingExist(catNo, out catnoLegacy, out errorId);
                    missingParticipantsBL = null;

                    //WUIN-502 - change
                    //display Track Listing screen if CATNO.LEGACY = 'N' and Track Listing exists for CATNO
                    //Else display Catalogue Maintenance
                    if (isTrackListingExist == "Y" && catnoLegacy == "N")
                        Response.Redirect("../Participants/TrackListing.aspx?CatNo=" + catNo + "", false);
                        Response.Redirect("../Participants/CatalogueMaintenance.aspx?CatNo=" + catNo + "", false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionHandler("Error in redirecting to track listing screen.", ex.Message);
        private void BindGrid(DataTable gridData)

            //WUIN-746 clearing sort hidden files
            hdnSortExpression.Value = string.Empty;
            hdnSortDirection.Value  = string.Empty;

            //WUIN-215 - changes
            //If search returns only one result - display Track Listing or CATNO depending on data (don't display grid for only one product)
            if (gridData.Rows.Count == 1)
                if (hdnIsNewRequest.Value != "N") //If redirected from other screen (hdnIsNewRequest.Value = "N") then just bind the data
                    string catNo = Convert.ToString(gridData.Rows[0]["catno"]);

                    //string trackListingId = Convert.ToString(gridData.Rows[0]["track_listing_id"]);
                    string catnoLegacy = string.Empty;
                    missingParticipantsBL = new MissingParticipantsBL();
                    string isTrackListingExist = missingParticipantsBL.IsTrackListingExist(catNo, out catnoLegacy, out errorId);
                    missingParticipantsBL = null;

                    //WUIN-502 - change
                    //display Track Listing screen if CATNO.LEGACY = 'N' and Track Listing exists for CATNO
                    //Else display Catalogue Maintenance
                    if (isTrackListingExist == "Y" && catnoLegacy == "N")
                        Response.Redirect("../Participants/TrackListing.aspx?CatNo=" + catNo + "", false);
                        Response.Redirect("../Participants/CatalogueMaintenance.aspx?CatNo=" + catNo + "", false);
                    gvCatalogueDetails.DataSource = gridData;
                PopulateGridPage(1, gridData);
                //PopulateGridPage(hdnPageIndex.Value == "" ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(hdnPageIndex.Value));