Exemplo n.º 1
        public void reset()
            ship = new Ship(shipX, shipY, 10.0d, 0.5 * Math.PI);
            missile = new Missile(50.0d, 150.0d, 0.0d, 0.25 * Math.PI, program);

Exemplo n.º 2
 public override void Damage(Collider hitCollider, Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, Missile missile)
     killPosition = position;
     killDirection = direction;
     killPower = missile.GetPower();
     base.Damage(hitCollider, position, direction, missile);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void setMissle(Missile M)
     m = M;
     initialized = true;
     m.trail = this;
Exemplo n.º 4
 private void OnDisable()
     if (ps == null)
         ps = GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
     m = null;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public void RemoveMissile(Missile pMissile)
     if (!mMissilePool.ContainsKey(pMissile.vType))
         mMissilePool.Add(pMissile.vType, new Queue<Missile>());
Exemplo n.º 6
 public virtual void Damage(Collider hitCollider, Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, Missile missile)
     if (IsLive)
         ApplyDamage(missile.GetDamage(), missile.GetOwner());
         if (OnDamage != null)
             OnDamage(hitCollider, position, direction, missile.GetPower(), missile.GetDamage(), missile.GetOwner());
Exemplo n.º 7
    public override void OnMissileCollider(Missile pMissile)
        if (!aIsAlive)

        vHp -= pMissile.vPower;
        if (vHp <= 0)
Exemplo n.º 8
 public override void Damage(Collider hitCollider, Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, Missile missile)
     killPosition = position;
     killDirection = direction;
     killPower = missile.GetPower();
     var damageAmount = missile.GetDamage();
     if (hitCollider == HeadCollider)
         damageAmount *= 10f;
     base.Damage(hitCollider, position, direction, killPower, damageAmount, missile.GetOwner());
Exemplo n.º 9
 protected void OnEnable()
     m = GetComponent<Missile>();
     td = FindObjectOfType<TimerDisplay>();
     timerReadout = td.wir;
     rigid = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
     timer = 0;
     if (td.control != null)
         td.control.IsVisible = false;
     timerActive = true;
     if(RadarController.RC != null)
         RadarController.RC.radar.target = this.gameObject;
Exemplo n.º 10
    private void FireMissile(Enemy enemy)
        // Get the desired start position for the missile.
        var isOnLeft = enemy.transform.position.x < 0;
        var position = isOnLeft ? new Vector3(-10, -8, 0) : new Vector3(10, -8, 0);

        // Set the scale (to flip the missile).
        var scale = isOnLeft ? new Vector3(1, 1, 1) : new Vector3(-1, 1, 1);

        // Create the missile and set the target.
        _missile = Instantiate(MissilePrefab, position, Quaternion.identity) as Missile;
        _missile.transform.localScale = scale;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public void Trigger(Missile missile)
     //Debug.Log("MISSILE SENSOR TRIGGERED!!!!");
     var missileOwner = missile.GetOwner();
     if (missileOwner != null)
         var missileOwnerActor = missileOwner.GetComponentInParent<ActorAgent>();
         if (missileOwnerActor != null)
             if (missileOwnerActor.Team == opposingTeam)
                 var target = Targeting.FindNearest(opposingTeam, owner.GetVehicle().transform.position, 500f);
Exemplo n.º 12
    public void spawnMissileExplosion(Vector2 position, Missile.MissileType type)
        GameObject explosion;
        switch (type)
            case Missile.MissileType.Ballistic:
                explosion = TrashMan.spawn("FlashRingFlame03", position, new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0));
                TrashMan.despawnAfterDelay(explosion, 4f);
            case Missile.MissileType.AOE:
                explosion = TrashMan.spawn("Flame2", position, new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0));
                TrashMan.despawnAfterDelay(explosion, 4f);
            case Missile.MissileType.DOT:
                explosion = TrashMan.spawn("Explosion07", position, new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0));
                TrashMan.despawnAfterDelay(explosion, 4f);

Exemplo n.º 13
    /* Shoot()
     * shoots a bullet towards target
    void Shoot()
        GameObject bulletGO = (GameObject)Instantiate(bulletPrefab, firePoint.position, firePoint.rotation);
        // kind of annoying - havce to do this for every GO soooo
        Bullet       bullet     = bulletGO.GetComponent <Bullet>();
        Missile      missile    = bulletGO.GetComponent <Missile>();
        PoisonBullet poisBullet = bulletGO.GetComponent <PoisonBullet>();

        Destroy(bullet, 5f);
        Destroy(missile, 5f);
        Destroy(poisBullet, 5f);
        if (bullet != null)
        if (missile != null)
        if (poisBullet != null)
Exemplo n.º 14
 public void RemoveMissile(Missile missile)
Exemplo n.º 15
    public void AddMissile2()
        Missile missile = new Missile(x, y + 50, _player, 0f, 0f);                  // missle that KEEPS following

Exemplo n.º 16
 public override void execute(Missile missile)
     missile.thrust = 0.0d;
     missile.turn = 0.0d;
Exemplo n.º 17
    protected virtual void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        const float cos45 = 0.70710678118f;         //sqrt(2)/2 = 0.70710678118

        switch (other.gameObject.layer)
        case GameLayer.Units:
            Unit targetUnit = other.GetComponent <Unit>();
            if (targetUnit != null && targetUnit != owner)
                targetUnit.DamageSide(transform.position, damage, damageType);

                //Vector3 direction = other.transform.position - (transform.position - new Vector3(0, transform.position.y, 0));

                //float COS = Vector3.Dot(direction.normalized, targetUnit.view_direction.normalized);

                //if(COS > cos45)
                //	targetUnit.DamageBack(damage, damageType);
                //	targetUnit.AddEffect(effect);
                //else if(COS < -cos45)
                //	targetUnit.DamageFront(damage, damageType);
                //	targetUnit.AddEffect(effect);
                //	Vector3 right_direction = new Vector3(targetUnit.view_direction.z, targetUnit.view_direction.y, -targetUnit.view_direction.x);
                //	COS = Vector3.Dot(direction.normalized, right_direction.normalized);

                //	if(COS > cos45)
                //	{
                //		targetUnit.DamageLeft(damage, damageType);
                //		targetUnit.AddEffect(effect);
                //	}
                //	else if(COS < -cos45)
                //	{
                //		targetUnit.DamageRight(damage, damageType);
                //		targetUnit.AddEffect(effect);
                //	}


        case GameLayer.Missiles:
            Missile missile2 = other.GetComponent <Missile>();
            if (missile2 != null && missile2.owner != owner)
                Debug.Log("Missile " + name + " deleted by collision with another missile");

        case GameLayer.Default:
            //if(enabled == false) { Debug.Log("Disabled missile " + name + " going to be destroyed"); }
            Debug.Log("Missile " + name + " deleted by collision with " + other.name + " in default layer");

        case GameLayer.Destructibles:
            Destructible targetDestructible = other.GetComponent <Destructible>();
            if (!targetDestructible)
            targetDestructible.ReceiveDamage(damage, damageType);

        case GameLayer.DamageReceivers:
            DamageReceiver receiver = other.GetComponent <DamageReceiver>();

            if (receiver.owner != owner)
                receiver.ReceiveDamage(damage, damageType);


Exemplo n.º 18
 public void RemoveMissileLock(Missile missile)
Exemplo n.º 19
 private void Start()
     player        = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
     missileScript = player.GetComponent <Missile>();
Exemplo n.º 20
 public void Trigger(Missile missile)
     if (onDetect != null)
Exemplo n.º 21
 public virtual void OnHit(Transform user, Missile projectile) // when the projectile hits something
    public void SpawnMissile(Missile missile, bool belongsToPlayer)
        var missileTransform = Instantiate(MissilePrefab);
        MissileHandler handler = missileTransform.GetComponent<MissileHandler>();

        var area = (belongsToPlayer ? PlayerMissileAreaGUI : OpponentMissileAreaGUI);
Exemplo n.º 23
 void Start()
     missile = GetComponentInParent<Missile>();
     sightArea = GetComponent<CircleCollider2D>();
     sightArea.radius = 0.001f;
Exemplo n.º 24
 private void AcquireTarget()
     float distance;
     missile = Targetable[0].GetComponent<Missile>();
     for (int i = 0; i < Targetable.Length; i++)
         distance = Vector2.Distance(transform.position, Targetable[i].transform.position);
         if (distance <= Vector2.Distance(transform.position, missile.transform.position))
             missile = Targetable[i].GetComponent<Missile>();
     if (missile.target == controller.hullRef.gameObject || missile.target == controller.gameObject)
     targetChange = true;
Exemplo n.º 25
 private void Update()
     if (doingDamage)
             missile.HP -= pdsturrets.Count * effectiveDamage * Time.deltaTime;
     Targetable = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(transform.position, effectiveRange, 1 << targetLayer);
     if (Targetable.Length == 0)//If missile out of range then it is no longer target
         if (missile == null)
         missile = null;
         targetChange = true;
     if (Targetable.Length >= 1)//More than 1 missile in range, pick closest
         targetTimer += Time.deltaTime;
         if (targetTimer > .2f)
             targetTimer = 0;
     if (targetChange)//Everytime a new target is picked it gives it to the pds turrets and updates their effective damage
         foreach (PDSTurret pds in pdsturrets)
             pds.assignTarget(effectiveDamage, missile);
             targetChange = false;
Exemplo n.º 26
    // Update is called once per frame
    void LateUpdate()
        //The Update logic does:
        //	Checks whether or not mecanim told us to check for a hit
        //		Mecanim is great for sending us this info because it can play animations at any speed, rather than calculate the time
        //		we use it to tell us the appropriate hit time
        //	Get UI input from keyboard, and mouse clicks
        //	Tells mecanim what animation we should be playing based on variables such as idling, pain or death
        //	Handle movement and direction
        if (hitCheck)       //hitCheck is a boolean variable, it gets set by mecanim attack states, if mecanim set it...then we need to do hit checks right now
            if (ahc < 1)
                ahc = 1;                //we may have a "double pulse" coming from Mecanim so...
            AbilityCollision abilColl = new AbilityCollision();
            abilColl = abilities[WeaponState].collChecks[abilities[WeaponState].collChecks.Count - ahc];
            if (abilColl.type == 0)
                //ANGLE RANGE which can be used for any angle/range including radial attacks
                for (int i = 0; i < enemies.Length; i++) //loop throught the enemies
                    CheckForHit(enemies[i], abilColl);   //ahc= ability hit counter, which is used for indexing a a one tow three punch combo for example...
                ahc -= 1;                                // some abilities have multiple checks, so when we use an ability, we set ahc to the number of hits in the ability (combo punches for example)
            else if (abilColl.type == 1)
                //are a special type, my enemies are its enemies, my damage is its damage, it needs to know who I am, and which of my abilities used it this time
                Transform tm = (Transform)Instantiate(abilColl.missile, abilColl.missile.position, abilColl.missile.rotation);
                Missile missile = tm.GetComponent <Missile>();
                missile.speed   = abilColl.speed;
                missile.damage  = abilColl.damage;
                missile.enemies = enemies;
                missile.abc     = this;
            if (abilColl.type == 2)
                Transform tm = (Transform)Instantiate(abilColl.missile, abilColl.missile.position, abilColl.missile.rotation);
                RayShot rayshot = tm.GetComponent <RayShot>();
                rayshot.damage  = abilColl.damage;
                rayshot.enemies = enemies;
                Vector3 tempPos = attackPos;
                tempPos.y = abilColl.missile.position.y;
                Vector3 tempdelta = Vector3.Normalize(tempPos - abilColl.missile.position);                 //this is the actual vector from the source point to the attack point normalized
                rayshot.endPos = tempdelta * abilColl.range;
                rayshot.abc    = this;

            hitCheck = false;            // we are done checking, reset the hitCheck bool

        RaycastHit hit;                                                     // RayCastHits hold very useful info such as hitnormal and location
        Ray        ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); //get a ray that goes from the camera -> "THROUGH" the mouse pointer - > and out into the scene

        if (!Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt))                                 //if we are not using the ALT key(camera control)...
            // floor goal
            if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))                      //is the left mouse button being clicked?
                if (floorPlane.Raycast(ray, out hit, 500.0f)) //check to see if that ray hits our "floor"
                    //Rungy, this is where you need to use a cursor object with a character controller on it
                    //placing the controller on the spot wherre you hit, getting the name of the object...doing another downward trce to it for the actual position

                    movementTarget.transform.position = hit.point;                    //mark it where it hit
                    movementTarget.enabled            = true;
                    lookAtPos    = hit.point;
                    lookAtPos.y  = transform.position.y;
                    wasAttacking = false;                    //we're moving now, not attacking

        switch (Input.inputString)       //get keyboard input, probably not a good idea to use strings here...Garbage collection problems with regards to local string usage are known to happen
        {                                //the garbage collection memory problem arises from local alloction of memory, and not freeing it up efficiently
        case "p":
            animator.SetTrigger("Pain"); //the animator controller will detect the trigger pain and play the pain animation

        case "a":
            animator.SetInteger("Death", 1);                    //the animator controller will detect death=1 and play DeathA

        case "b":
            animator.SetInteger("Death", 2);                    //the animator controller will detect death=2 and play DeathB

        case "c":
            animator.SetInteger("Death", 3);                    //the animator controller will detect death=3 and play DeathC

        case "n":
            animator.SetBool("NonCombat", true);                    //the animator controller will detect this non combat bool, and go into a non combat state "in" this weaponstate


        animator.SetInteger("WeaponState", WeaponState); // probably would be better to check for change rather than bashing the value in like this

        if (!Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt))              // if we're changing camera transforms, do not use "USE"
            if (Input.GetMouseButton(1))                 // are we using the right button?
                if (rightButtonDown != true)             // was it previously down? if so we are already using "USE" bailout (we don't want to repeat attacks 800 times a second...just once per press please
                    attackPlane.enabled = true;
                    if (attackPlane.Raycast(ray, out hit, 500.0f))
                        movementTarget.transform.position = transform.position; //we are attacking so lock our position to where we are
                        attackPos   = hit.point;                                // establish the point that we hit with the mouse
                        attackPos.y = transform.position.y;                     //use our height for the LOOKAT function, so we stay level and dont lean the character in weird angles
                        Vector3 attackDelta = attackPos - transform.position;   //we need the Vector delta which is an un-normalized direction vector
                        lookAtPos = attackPos;
                        animator.SetTrigger("Use");                             //tell mecanim to do the attack animation(trigger)

                        ahc = abilities[WeaponState].collChecks.Count;          //ahc=ability hit counter, used for animations that have multiple hits like combos
                        animator.SetBool("Idling", true);                       //stop moving
                        rightButtonDown = true;                                 //right button was not down before, mark it as down so we don't attack 800 frames a second
                        wasAttacking    = true;                                 //some mecanims will actually move us past the target, so we want to keep looking in one direction instead of spinning wildly around the target
                    attackPlane.enabled = false;

        if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1))        //ok, we can clear the right mouse button and use it for the next attack
            if (rightButtonDown == true)
                rightButtonDown = false;

        Debug.DrawLine((movementTarget.transform.position + transform.up * 2), movementTarget.transform.position);       //useful for visuals in editor

        //We need to handle elevation for mecanim here...we will be doing our ground check right now
        //GROUND check

        ray.direction = transform.up * -1;
        ray.origin    = transform.position + transform.up;

        //need two casts...one for velocity ahead of us
        //and one for where we are
        //we need the time from the last frame, as well as the distance traveled since that frame

        //RAMPS,Coming down from Jumps and Falling
        if (floorPlane.Raycast(ray, out hit, 1.0f))
            //always hit if we are going up
            if (hit.point.y > (transform.position.y + 0.02f))
                transform.position = hit.point;
                lookAtPos.y        = transform.position.y;
                fallspeed          = 0.0f;
        else if (floorPlane.Raycast(ray, out hit, 1.2f))
            //lower hit check for going down ramps specifically
            if (hit.point.y < (transform.position.y - 0.02f))
                transform.position = hit.point;
                lookAtPos.y        = transform.position.y;
                fallspeed          = 0.0f;
        {        //Falling
            transform.parent = null;
            lookAtPos        = transform.position;
            movementTarget.transform.position = transform.position;
            movementTarget.transform.parent   = null;

            fallspeed += 0.3f;
            Vector3 v = new Vector3(0.0f, fallspeed * Time.deltaTime, 0.0f);
            transform.position -= v;

        Debug.DrawLine((movementTarget.transform.position + transform.up * 2), lookAtPos + transform.up * 2);    //useful for visuals in editor

        if (transform.parent == floorPlane.transform)
            lookAtPos = movementTarget.transform.position;
        lookAtPos.y = transform.position.y;
        Quaternion tempRot = transform.rotation;                //save current rotation

        Quaternion hitRot = transform.rotation;                 // store the new rotation

        // now we slerp orientation
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(tempRot, hitRot, Time.deltaTime * rotateSpeed);

        if (Vector3.Distance(movementTarget.transform.position, transform.position) > 0.5f)
            animator.SetBool("Idling", false);
            animator.SetBool("Idling", true);
            movementTarget.enabled = false;
Exemplo n.º 27
        internal void GenerateDefaultProfiles()
            BuffProfile newProfile = new BuffProfile();

            BotBuffs botBuffs = new BotBuffs();

            newProfile.Commands = botBuffs.Commands;
            newProfile.Buffs    = botBuffs.Buffs;

            Banes banes = new Banes();

            newProfile.Commands = banes.Commands;
            newProfile.Buffs    = banes.Buffs;

            Finesse finesse = new Finesse();

            newProfile.Commands = finesse.Commands;
            newProfile.Buffs    = finesse.Buffs;

            Heavy heavy = new Heavy();

            newProfile.Commands = heavy.Commands;
            newProfile.Buffs    = heavy.Buffs;

            Light light = new Light();

            newProfile.Commands = light.Commands;
            newProfile.Buffs    = light.Buffs;

            Mage mage = new Mage();

            newProfile.Commands = mage.Commands;
            newProfile.Buffs    = mage.Buffs;

            Missile missile = new Missile();

            newProfile.Commands = missile.Commands;
            newProfile.Buffs    = missile.Buffs;

            Trades trades = new Trades();

            newProfile.Commands = trades.Commands;
            newProfile.Buffs    = trades.Buffs;

            TwoHand twoHand = new TwoHand();

            newProfile.Commands = twoHand.Commands;
            newProfile.Buffs    = twoHand.Buffs;

            VoidBuffs voidBuffs = new VoidBuffs();

            newProfile.Commands = voidBuffs.Commands;
            newProfile.Buffs    = voidBuffs.Buffs;

            XpChain xpChain = new XpChain();

            newProfile.Commands = xpChain.Commands;
            newProfile.Buffs    = xpChain.Buffs;
Exemplo n.º 28
 private void OnMissileSelected(object sender, Missile e)
     StartCoroutine("SetSelectedMissile", e);
Exemplo n.º 29
 public override void execute(Missile missile)
     missile.turn = missile.maxTurn * (percentageOfTurn / 100);
Exemplo n.º 30
 public virtual void MessUp(Transform user, Missile projectile) // manipulate how the projectile is created
Exemplo n.º 31
 /// <summary>
 /// Only keep this script around if we're the owner.
 /// </summary>
 protected override void OnStart()
     mMissile = firedObject.GetComponent<Missile>();
     if (mMissile == null) Debug.LogWarning("No missile found");
Exemplo n.º 32
    public void LaunchMissile(uint t, Vector3 c, Vector3 s, float v, int ext_id = 0, byte byStaticShow = 3)
    {                  //       形状     终点      起点       角度      外部数据id        起点终点显示状态
        Missile mis = GetAMissile(Time.time);

        if (mis != null)
            if (mis.alive)
                if (mis.mrMis != null)
                    mis.mrMis.enabled = false;
                mis.mrQuadSource.enabled = false;
                mis.mrQuadTarget.enabled = false;
                if (mis.bShowCone && mis.mrCone != null)
                    mis.mrCone.enabled = false;
                if (mis.bShowIcon && mis.mrShapeIcon != null)
                    mis.mrShapeIcon.enabled = false;
            mis.bShowCone   = bShowCone;
            mis.bShowIcon   = bShowIcon;
            mis.external_id = ext_id;
            mis.StaticShow  = byStaticShow;
            //        gtw, t, r, n, scale, o
            // function(e, t, c, s, f, v) {
            if (GTW.Instance.systems.ContainsKey((int)t))
                mis.style = t;
                mis.style = 1;

            if (mis.bShowIcon)
                if (mis.goShapeIcon == null)
                    mis.goShapeIcon = new GameObject();
                    mis.goShapeIcon.transform.parent = goMissileRoot.transform;
                    mis.mrShapeIcon      = mis.goShapeIcon.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                    mis.mfShapeIcon      = mis.goShapeIcon.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
                    mis.goShapeIcon.name = "Missile_" + mis.idx.ToString() + "_ShapeIcon_";

                if (mis.MatsShapIcon == null)
                    mis.MatsShapIcon = new Material[GTW.Instance.systems.Count];
                if (mis.MatsShapIcon[mis.style - 1] == null)
                    mis.MatsShapIcon[mis.style - 1] = new Material(GTW.Instance.bDark ? GTW.Instance.systems[(int)mis.style].DarkShapeIcon : GTW.Instance.systems[(int)mis.style].LightShapeIcon);

                mis.mrShapeIcon.sharedMaterial = mis.MatsShapIcon[mis.style - 1];
                mis.mfShapeIcon.sharedMesh     = meshIcon[(int)t];

            if (mis.goQuadSource == null)
                mis.goQuadSource = new GameObject();
                mis.goQuadSource.transform.parent = goMissileRoot.transform;
                mis.mrQuadSource = mis.goQuadSource.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                MeshFilter mf = mis.goQuadSource.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
                mf.sharedMesh         = meshQuad;
                mis.goQuadSource.name = "Missile_" + mis.idx.ToString() + "_Quad_Source_";
            if (mis.MatsQuadSource[mis.style - 1] == null)
                mis.MatsQuadSource[mis.style - 1] = new Material(GTW.Instance.bDark ? GTW.Instance.systems[(int)mis.style].DarkQuadSource : GTW.Instance.systems[(int)mis.style].LightQuadSource);

            mis.mrQuadSource.sharedMaterial = mis.MatsQuadSource[mis.style - 1];

            if (mis.goQuadTarget == null)
                mis.goQuadTarget = new GameObject();
                mis.goQuadTarget.transform.parent = goMissileRoot.transform;
                mis.mrQuadTarget = mis.goQuadTarget.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                MeshFilter mf = mis.goQuadTarget.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
                mf.sharedMesh         = meshQuad;
                mis.goQuadTarget.name = "Missile_" + mis.idx.ToString() + "_Quad_Target_";
            if (mis.MatsQuadTarget[mis.style - 1] == null)
                mis.MatsQuadTarget[mis.style - 1] = new Material(GTW.Instance.bDark ? GTW.Instance.systems[(int)mis.style].DarkQuadTarget : GTW.Instance.systems[(int)mis.style].LightQuadTarget);

            mis.mrQuadTarget.sharedMaterial = mis.MatsQuadTarget[mis.style - 1];

            if (mis.goQuadSourceStatic == null)
                mis.goQuadSourceStatic = new GameObject();
                mis.goQuadSourceStatic.transform.parent = goMissileRoot.transform;
                mis.mrQuadSourceStatic = mis.goQuadSourceStatic.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                MeshFilter mf = mis.goQuadSourceStatic.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
                mf.sharedMesh = meshQuad;
                mis.goQuadSourceStatic.name = "Missile_" + mis.idx.ToString() + "_Quad_Source_Static_";
            if (mis.MatsQuadSourceStatic[mis.style - 1] == null)
                mis.MatsQuadSourceStatic[mis.style - 1] = new Material(GTW.Instance.bDark ? GTW.Instance.systems[(int)mis.style].DarkQuadSourceStatic : GTW.Instance.systems[(int)mis.style].LightQuadSourceStatic);

            mis.mrQuadSourceStatic.sharedMaterial = mis.MatsQuadSourceStatic[mis.style - 1];
            mis.mrQuadSourceStatic.enabled        = false;

            if (mis.goQuadTargetStatic == null)
                mis.goQuadTargetStatic = new GameObject();
                mis.goQuadTargetStatic.transform.parent = goMissileRoot.transform;
                mis.mrQuadTargetStatic = mis.goQuadTargetStatic.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                MeshFilter mf = mis.goQuadTargetStatic.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
                mf.sharedMesh = meshQuad;
                mis.goQuadTargetStatic.name = "Missile_" + mis.idx.ToString() + "_Quad_Target_Static_";
            if (mis.MatsQuadTargetStatic[mis.style - 1] == null)
                mis.MatsQuadTargetStatic[mis.style - 1] = new Material(GTW.Instance.bDark ? GTW.Instance.systems[(int)mis.style].DarkQuadTargetStatic : GTW.Instance.systems[(int)mis.style].LightQuadTargetStatic);

            mis.mrQuadTargetStatic.sharedMaterial = mis.MatsQuadTargetStatic[mis.style - 1];
            mis.mrQuadTargetStatic.enabled        = false;

            if (mis.bShowCone)
                if (mis.goCone == null)
                    mis.goCone = new GameObject();
                    mis.goCone.transform.parent = goMissileRoot.transform;
                    mis.mrCone = mis.goCone.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                    MeshFilter mf = mis.goCone.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
                    mf.sharedMesh   = meshCone;
                    mis.goCone.name = "Missile_" + mis.idx.ToString() + "_Cone_";
                if (mis.MatsCone == null)
                    mis.MatsCone = new Material[GTW.Instance.systems.Count];
                if (mis.MatsCone[mis.style - 1] == null)
                    mis.MatsCone[mis.style - 1] = new Material(GTW.Instance.bDark ? GTW.Instance.systems[(int)mis.style].DarkCone : GTW.Instance.systems[(int)mis.style].LightCone);

                mis.mrCone.sharedMaterial = mis.MatsCone[mis.style - 1];

            if (s != Vector3.zero)
                mis.has_source   = true;
                mis.source_coord = s;
                mis.has_source = false;

            mis.start_time   = Time.time;
            mis.alive        = true;
            mis.target_coord = c;
            // if (this.style = t, this.shape = n.shapes[this.style], this.color = GTW.systems[this.style].color[e.palette].f, this.has_source = !! s, this.start_time = e.time, this.alive = !0, this.has_source && vec3.copy(this.source_coord, s), vec3.copy(this.target_coord, c), this.has_source) {
            if (mis.has_source)
                float p = Vector3.Distance(s, c); // var p = vec2.distance(s, c),
                float m = MLS_height * p;         // m = l.height * p,
                float d = (c[0] - s[0]) / p;      // d = (c[0] - s[0]) / p,
                float _ = (c[1] - s[1]) / p;      // _ = (c[1] - s[1]) / p,
                float b = 200f;                   // b = 200,
                float y = b * -_;                 // y = b * -_,
                float T = b * d;                  // T = b * d;
                // v = v || 0;
                float w = Mathf.Cos(v);
                float E = Mathf.Sin(v);
                //int x = 0;
                Vector3 A = MLS_i;
                Vector3 M = MLS_u;

                if (mis.verts == null)
                    mis.verts = new Vector3[missile_g * 2];
                    mis.texs  = new List <Vector4>(new Vector4[missile_g * 2]);
                Vector2 v2id = Hotspot.StoV2((short)(mis.idx + 1));
                mis.v3Offset = GetOffset(s, c);
                for (int R = 0; R < missile_g; ++R)                // for (var w = Math.cos(v), E = Math.sin(v), x = this.index * h, A = i, M = u, R = 0; g > R; ++R) {
                    float P = (float)R / (float)(missile_g - 1);   // var P = R / (g - 1);
                    M = Vector3.Lerp(s, c, P);                     // vec3.lerp(M, s, c, P);// 直线距离上的点
                    float L = m * Mathf.Sin(P * Mathf.PI) * 0.15f; // var L = m * Math.sin(P * Math.PI) * 0.15;// 距离相关的参数,距离远值就大些
                    // y、T为直线状态下每一段的偏移值d、 _并进行b缩放
                    //M[0] += E * L * y;// M[0] += E * L * y,
                    //M[1] += E * L * T;// M[1] += E * L * T,
                    M[2] += w * L * (Map.projection.dir < 0 ? 0.5f : 1f);// M[2] += w * L,

                    LanLonToV3(ref A, M);

                    // o[x + 0] = A[0],
                    // o[x + 1] = A[1],
                    // o[x + 2] = A[2],
                    // o[x + 3] = -P,
                    // o[x + 4] = A[0],
                    // o[x + 5] = A[1],
                    // o[x + 6] = A[2],
                    // o[x + 7] = P,
                    // x += 8

                    mis.verts[R << 1].Set(A[0], A[1], A[2]);
                    mis.texs[R << 1] = new Vector4(-P, 0f, v2id.x, v2id.y);
                    mis.verts[(R << 1) + 1].Set(A[0], A[1], A[2]);
                    mis.texs[(R << 1) + 1] = new Vector4(P, 0f, v2id.x, v2id.y);
                }// }

                if (mis.idxs == null)
                    mis.idxs = CreateTriangleStripIndex(mis.verts).ToArray();

                if (mis.goMissile == null)
                    mis.goMissile                         = new GameObject("Missiles_" + mis.idx.ToString());
                    mis.goMissile.layer                   = goMissileTraceRoot.layer;
                    mis.goMissile.transform.parent        = goMissileTraceRoot.transform;
                    mis.goMissile.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                    mis.goMissile.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
                    mis.goMissile.transform.localScale    = Vector3.one;
                    mis.mrMis = mis.goMissile.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                    MeshFilter mf = mis.goMissile.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
                    mis.mesh          = new Mesh();
                    mf.mesh           = mis.mesh;
                    mis.mesh.vertices = mis.verts;
                    mis.mesh.SetUVs(0, mis.texs);
                    mis.mesh.SetIndices(mis.idxs, MeshTopology.Triangles, 0);
                    mis.mesh.bounds = new Bounds(Vector3.zero, new Vector3(100f, 100f, 100f));
                    mis.mesh.vertices = mis.verts;
                    mis.mesh.SetUVs(0, mis.texs);
                mis.mrMis.enabled = true;
                if (mis.MatsMis[mis.style - 1] == null)
                    mis.MatsMis[mis.style - 1] = new Material(GTW.Instance.bDark ? GTW.Instance.systems[(int)mis.style].DarkMis : GTW.Instance.systems[(int)mis.style].LightMis);

                mis.mrMis.sharedMaterial = mis.MatsMis[mis.style - 1];
                // var D = 4 * this.index * h;
                // webgl.bindVertexBuffer(a),
                // gl.bufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, D, this.verts)
            }   // }

            // this.has_source ?
            //  (this.source_coord[2] < 0.015 ?
            //      r(this.source_mat, this.source_coord, f, e), this.draw_source_impact = !0
            //      :
            //      this.draw_source_impact = !1)
            //  (l.ff_impacts && (this.start_time -= 1), r(this.target_mat, this.target_coord, f, e))
Exemplo n.º 33
 public void AddNewMissile(Missile missile)
Exemplo n.º 34
 public void SetMissile(Missile missile)
     this.pMissile = missile;
Exemplo n.º 35
 public override void bounce(Missile proj)
Exemplo n.º 36
        internal Missile Move()
            float ProposedX;
            float ProposedY;
            Missile ret = null;
            TankEnviroment env = SetupEnviroment();
            var movements = _controller.Move(env)
                .GroupBy(m => m)
                .Select(m => m.First());
            foreach (var m in movements)
                switch (m)
                    case TankAction.Shoot:
                        if (_cooldown == 0)
                            var newShot = NewShotLocation();
                            ret = new Missile()
                                Angle = this.TurretAngle,
                                X = newShot.X,
                                Y = newShot.Y,
                                R = this.R,
                                G = this.G,
                                B = this.B,
                            _cooldown = Game.MISSLE_COOLDOWN;
                    case TankAction.TankClockwise:
                        this.Angle += Game.TANK_TURN_SPEED;
                    case TankAction.TankCounterclockwise:
                        this.Angle -= Game.TANK_TURN_SPEED;
                    case TankAction.TurretClockwise:
                        this.TurretAngle += Game.TURRET_TURN_SPEED;
                    case TankAction.TurretCounterclockwise:
                        this.TurretAngle -= Game.TURRET_TURN_SPEED;
                    case TankAction.MoveBackward:
                        ProposedX = this.X - (float)Math.Sin(this.Angle) * Game.TANK_SPEED;
                        ProposedY = this.Y - (float)Math.Cos(this.Angle) * Game.TANK_SPEED;
                        if (IsTankInbounds((float)ProposedX,(float) ProposedY))
                            this.X = ProposedX;
                            this.Y = ProposedY;
                    case TankAction.MoveForward:
                        ProposedX = this.X + (float)Math.Sin(this.Angle) * Game.TANK_SPEED;
                        ProposedY = this.Y + (float)Math.Cos(this.Angle) * Game.TANK_SPEED;
                        if (IsTankInbounds((float)ProposedX,(float) ProposedY))
                            this.X = ProposedX;
                            this.Y = ProposedY;

            if (_cooldown > 0)

            while (Angle > 2 * Math.PI)
                Angle -= 2 * (float)Math.PI;
            while (Angle < 0)
                Angle += 2 * (float)Math.PI;
            while (TurretAngle > 2 * Math.PI)
                TurretAngle -= 2 * (float)Math.PI;
            while (TurretAngle < 0)
                TurretAngle += 2 * (float)Math.PI;

            return ret;
Exemplo n.º 37
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the missile lock.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='missile'>
 /// Missile.
 /// </param>
 public void AddMissileLock(Missile missile)
Exemplo n.º 38
    void Missile(GameObject shooter, int Rarity, int Index, bool isVamp, bool IsReinforce)
        Missile[] bullets = new Missile[5];
        Vector3   scale   = Vector3.one;

        if (GameManager.Inst().Player.GetBossMode())
            scale *= 0.5f;
        if (IsReinforce)
            scale *= 1.5f;
        float rad = GameManager.Inst().UpgManager.BData[(int)Bullet.BulletType.MISSILE].GetDuration();

        switch (Rarity)
        case 0:
            Objs[0] = GameManager.Inst().ObjManager.MakeBullet("Missile", Index);
            Objs[0].transform.position   = SpreadPos[0].transform.position;
            Objs[0].transform.rotation   = SpreadPos[0].transform.rotation;
            Objs[0].transform.localScale = scale;

            bullets[0]        = Objs[0].gameObject.GetComponent <Missile>();
            bullets[0].IsVamp = isVamp;
            bullets[0].Vamp   = shooter;

            bullets[0].SearchArea.GetComponent <SearchArea>().SetArea(rad);

        case 1:
        case 2:
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                Objs[i] = GameManager.Inst().ObjManager.MakeBullet("Missile", Index);
                Objs[i].transform.position   = SpreadPos[i + 1].transform.position;
                Objs[i].transform.rotation   = SpreadPos[i + 1].transform.rotation;
                Objs[0].transform.localScale = scale;

                bullets[i]             = Objs[0].gameObject.GetComponent <Missile>();
                bullets[i].IsVamp      = isVamp;
                bullets[i].Vamp        = shooter;
                bullets[i].IsReinforce = IsReinforce;

                bullets[i].SearchArea.GetComponent <SearchArea>().SetArea(rad);

        case 3:
        case 4:
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                Objs[i] = GameManager.Inst().ObjManager.MakeBullet("Missile", Index);
                Objs[i].transform.position   = SpreadPos[i].transform.position;
                Objs[i].transform.rotation   = SpreadPos[i].transform.rotation;
                Objs[0].transform.localScale = scale;

                bullets[i]             = Objs[i].gameObject.GetComponent <Missile>();
                bullets[i].IsVamp      = isVamp;
                bullets[i].Vamp        = shooter;
                bullets[i].IsReinforce = IsReinforce;

                bullets[i].SearchArea.GetComponent <SearchArea>().SetArea(rad);

Exemplo n.º 39
    private void Create()
        // Create root gameobject

        GameObject gameObject = new GameObject("NewMissile");

        Selection.activeGameObject = gameObject;

        // Create 3D model

        if (missileModel != null)
            GameObject meshObject = Instantiate(missileModel, gameObject.transform);
            meshObject.name = "Model";
            meshObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            meshObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        // Create the visual effects

        if (exhaustVisualEffects != null)
            GameObject exhaustVisualEffectsObject = Instantiate(exhaustVisualEffects, gameObject.transform);
            exhaustVisualEffectsObject.name = "ExhaustVisualEffects";
            exhaustVisualEffectsObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            exhaustVisualEffectsObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        // ************************ AUDIO ***************************

        // Create an object to store the audio under
        GameObject audioObject = new GameObject("Audio");

        audioObject.transform.parent        = gameObject.transform;
        audioObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
        audioObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        // Create the launch audio

        if (launchAudioClip != null)
            GameObject launchAudioObject = new GameObject("LaunchAudio");
            launchAudioObject.transform.parent        = audioObject.transform;
            launchAudioObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            launchAudioObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            AudioSource launchAudioSource = launchAudioObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
            launchAudioSource.clip        = launchAudioClip;
            launchAudioSource.playOnAwake = true;
            launchAudioSource.loop        = false;

        // Create the exhaust audio

        if (exhaustAudioClip != null)
            GameObject exhaustAudioObject = new GameObject("ExhaustAudio");
            exhaustAudioObject.transform.parent        = audioObject.transform;
            exhaustAudioObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            exhaustAudioObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            AudioSource exhaustAudioSource = exhaustAudioObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
            exhaustAudioSource.clip        = exhaustAudioClip;
            exhaustAudioSource.playOnAwake = true;
            exhaustAudioSource.loop        = true;

        // ************************ Main Components ***************************

        // Add a rigidbody

        Rigidbody rBody = gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();

        rBody.useGravity = false;

        // Add the Missile component

        Missile          missile   = gameObject.AddComponent <Missile>();
        SerializedObject missileSO = new SerializedObject(missile);


        // Add a Target Locker

        TargetLocker     targetLocker   = gameObject.AddComponent <TargetLocker>();
        SerializedObject targetLockerSO = new SerializedObject(targetLocker);


        targetLockerSO.FindProperty("lockingEnabled").boolValue = false;

        // Add a target leader

        TargetLeader     targetLeader   = gameObject.AddComponent <TargetLeader>();
        SerializedObject targetLeaderSO = new SerializedObject(targetLeader);


        // Add engines

        VehicleEngines3D engines   = gameObject.AddComponent <VehicleEngines3D>();
        SerializedObject enginesSO = new SerializedObject(engines);


        // Add a guidance system

        GuidanceController guidanceController   = gameObject.AddComponent <GuidanceController>();
        SerializedObject   guidanceControllerSO = new SerializedObject(guidanceController);


        // Update the guidance system settings
        guidanceControllerSO.FindProperty("engines").objectReferenceValue = engines;

        // Add a Detonator

        Detonator        detonator   = gameObject.AddComponent <Detonator>();
        SerializedObject detonatorSO = new SerializedObject(detonator);


        if (explosion != null)
            detonatorSO.FindProperty("detonatingDuration").floatValue         = 2;
            detonatorSO.FindProperty("detonatingStateSpawnObjects").arraySize = 1;
            detonatorSO.FindProperty("detonatingStateSpawnObjects").GetArrayElementAtIndex(0).objectReferenceValue = explosion;

        UnityEventTools.AddBoolPersistentListener(detonator.onDetonating, engines.SetRigidbodyKinematic, true);
        UnityEventTools.AddBoolPersistentListener(detonator.onDetonated, gameObject.SetActive, false);
        UnityEventTools.AddBoolPersistentListener(detonator.onReset, engines.SetRigidbodyKinematic, false);

        // Add Health Modifier

        HealthModifier   healthModifier   = gameObject.AddComponent <HealthModifier>();
        SerializedObject healthModifierSO = new SerializedObject(healthModifier);


        if (areaDamage)
            // Add a damage receiver scanner for the area damage

            GameObject areaDamageScannerObject = new GameObject("AreaDamageScanner");
            areaDamageScannerObject.transform.parent        = gameObject.transform;
            areaDamageScannerObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            areaDamageScannerObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            // Add a kinematic rigidbody

            Rigidbody areaDamageScannerRigidbody = areaDamageScannerObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();
            areaDamageScannerRigidbody.isKinematic = true;

            // Add a sphere trigger collider and set the radius

            SphereCollider areaDamageScannerCollider = areaDamageScannerObject.AddComponent <SphereCollider>();
            areaDamageScannerCollider.isTrigger = true;
            areaDamageScannerCollider.radius    = 20;

            // Add a damage receiver scanner

            DamageReceiverScanner areaDamageScanner   = areaDamageScannerObject.AddComponent <DamageReceiverScanner>();
            SerializedObject      areaDamageScannerSO = new SerializedObject(areaDamageScanner);
            areaDamageScannerSO.FindProperty("scannerTriggerCollider").objectReferenceValue = areaDamageScannerCollider;

            healthModifierSO.FindProperty("areaDamageReceiverScanner").objectReferenceValue = areaDamageScanner;

        // Add a collision scanner

        CollisionScanner collisionScanner   = gameObject.AddComponent <CollisionScanner>();
        SerializedObject collisionScannerSO = new SerializedObject(collisionScanner);


        // Collision scanner settings
        if (areaDamage)
            UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(collisionScanner.onHitDetected, healthModifier.RaycastHitAreaDamage);
            UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(collisionScanner.onHitDetected, healthModifier.RaycastHitDamage);

        UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(collisionScanner.onHitDetected, detonator.Detonate);

        if (targetProximityDetonation)
            // Add a target proximity trigger to the root transform

            TargetProximityTrigger targetProximityTrigger   = gameObject.AddComponent <TargetProximityTrigger>();
            SerializedObject       targetProximityTriggerSO = new SerializedObject(targetProximityTrigger);

            // Create an object for the proximity scanner trigger collider

            GameObject proximityTriggerColliderObject = new GameObject("TargetProximityScanner");
            proximityTriggerColliderObject.transform.parent        = gameObject.transform;
            proximityTriggerColliderObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            proximityTriggerColliderObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            // Add a kinematic rigidbody

            Rigidbody proximityTriggerColliderRigidbody = proximityTriggerColliderObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();
            proximityTriggerColliderRigidbody.isKinematic = true;

            // Add a sphere trigger collider and set the radius

            SphereCollider sphereCollider = proximityTriggerColliderObject.AddComponent <SphereCollider>();
            sphereCollider.isTrigger = true;
            sphereCollider.radius    = 20;

            // Add a damage receiver scanner

            DamageReceiverScanner damageReceiverScanner   = proximityTriggerColliderObject.AddComponent <DamageReceiverScanner>();
            SerializedObject      damageReceiverScannerSO = new SerializedObject(damageReceiverScanner);

            // Link the collider to the damage receiver scanner

            damageReceiverScannerSO.FindProperty("scannerTriggerCollider").objectReferenceValue = sphereCollider;

            // Link the scanner to the proximity trigger

            targetProximityTriggerSO.FindProperty("scanner").objectReferenceValue = damageReceiverScanner;

            UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(targetProximityTrigger.onTriggered, healthModifier.EmitDamage);
            UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(targetProximityTrigger.onTriggered, detonator.Detonate);

            UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(targetLocker.onLocked, targetProximityTrigger.SetTarget);

        // Update the target locker settings

        UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(targetLocker.onLocked, targetLeader.SetTarget);
        UnityEventTools.AddVoidPersistentListener(targetLocker.onNoLock, targetLeader.ClearTarget);
        UnityEventTools.AddFloatPersistentListener(targetLocker.onNoLock, detonator.BeginDelayedDetonation, 4);

        // Update the target leader settings
        UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(targetLeader.onLeadTargetPositionUpdated, guidanceController.SetTargetPosition);

        missileSO.FindProperty("targetLocker").objectReferenceValue = targetLocker;
Exemplo n.º 40
 void MissileRelease()
     tempMissile = null;
     busy        = false;
Exemplo n.º 41
Arquivo: Map.cs Projeto: cynic/HvZ
        internal void PopulateFromSerializedData(string serialized)
            // sorry, spanish people.  Maybe I'll fix this up some year.
            System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            var dataItems = serialized.Split('|')
                            .Where(x => x.Length > 0)
                            .Select(x => x.Split(':'))
                            .Select(x => new { Key = x[0], Values = x[1].Split(',') });

            // clear everything.
            // parse-back functions.  Not the most secure in the world, but time is pressing...
            Func <string, string, Position> parsePos = (a, b) => new Position(Double.Parse(a), Double.Parse(b));
            Action <string[]> Z = xs => {
                var id   = UInt32.Parse(xs[0]);
                var x    = Double.Parse(xs[1]);
                var y    = Double.Parse(xs[2]);
                var life = Int32.Parse(xs[3]);
                var head = Double.Parse(xs[4]);
                var name = HvZ.Networking.Internal.fromBase64(xs[5]);
                var z    = new Zombie(id, name, this, x, y, head);
                zombies.Add(id, z);
                walkers.Add(id, z);
            Func <string, SupplyItem[]> parseItems = s => s.Select(x => x == 'f' ? SupplyItem.Food : SupplyItem.Sock).ToArray();
            Action <string[]>           H          = xs => {
                var id    = UInt32.Parse(xs[0]);
                var x     = Double.Parse(xs[1]);
                var y     = Double.Parse(xs[2]);
                var life  = Int32.Parse(xs[3]);
                var head  = Double.Parse(xs[4]);
                var items = parseItems(xs[5]);
                var name  = HvZ.Networking.Internal.fromBase64(xs[6]);
                var h     = new Human(id, name, this, x, y, head);
                foreach (var i in items)
                humans.Add(id, h);
                walkers.Add(id, h);
            Action <string[]> SP = xs => {
                var x = Double.Parse(xs[0]);
                var y = Double.Parse(xs[1]);
                var r = Double.Parse(xs[2]);
                spawners.Add(new SpawnPoint(x, y, r));
            Action <string[]> O = xs => {
                var x = Double.Parse(xs[0]);
                var y = Double.Parse(xs[1]);
                var r = Double.Parse(xs[2]);
                obstacles.Add(new Obstacle(x, y, r));
            Action <string[]> R = xs => {
                var id     = UInt32.Parse(xs[0]);
                var x      = Int32.Parse(xs[1]);
                var y      = Int32.Parse(xs[2]);
                var supply = parseItems(xs[3]);
                var r      = new ResupplyPoint(id, x, y);
            Action <string[]> M = xs => {
                var id       = xs[0];
                var lifespan = Int32.Parse(xs[1]);
                var x        = Double.Parse(xs[2]);
                var y        = Double.Parse(xs[3]);
                var h        = Double.Parse(xs[4]);
                var m        = new Missile(id, lifespan, x, y, h);
            Action <string[]> WH = xs => {
                Width  = Int32.Parse(xs[0]);
                Height = Int32.Parse(xs[1]);

            // quick loop to process each item
            foreach (var di in dataItems)
                switch (di.Key)
                case "z": Z(di.Values); break;

                case "h": H(di.Values); break;

                case "sp": SP(di.Values); break;

                case "o": O(di.Values); break;

                case "r": R(di.Values); break;

                case "wh": WH(di.Values); break;

                case "m": M(di.Values); break;

                default: throw new Exception(String.Format("Map is corrupt? I don't know what the '{0}' key means.", di.Key));
            if (OnMapChange != null)
                OnMapChange(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Exemplo n.º 42
 /// <summary>
 /// 将投掷物加入池
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="missile">投掷物组件</param>
 public static int MissileBirth(Missile missile)
Exemplo n.º 43
 /// <summary> Sets some missile variables </summary>
 /// <param name="missile"> Missile </param>
 public void InitializeMissileMovement(Missile missile)
     detectionRange     = missile.detectionRange;
     missileSpeed       = missile.speed;
     sprRenderer.sprite = missile.missileSprite;
Exemplo n.º 44
 private void OnMissileFinished(Missile missile)
Exemplo n.º 45
Arquivo: Unit.cs Projeto: Mokbii/TemFa
 public virtual void OnMissileCollider(Missile pMissile)
Exemplo n.º 46
        public void Do(Unit self, Unit targetUnit, Vector3 target)
            if (srvDoFunc == 27)
                // teleport

            if (srvDoFunc == 1)
                Item           weapon   = self.equip == null ? null : self.equip.GetWeapon();
                int            damage   = 10;
                WeaponHitClass hitClass = WeaponHitClass.HandToHand;
                bool           ranged   = false;
                if (weapon != null)
                    WeaponInfo weaponInfo = weapon.info.weapon;
                    hitClass = weaponInfo.hitClass;
                    if (weaponInfo.twoHanded)
                        damage = Random.Range(weaponInfo.twoHandedMinDamage, weaponInfo.twoHandedMaxDamage + 1);
                        damage = Random.Range(weaponInfo.minDamage, weaponInfo.maxDamage + 1);

                    ranged = weapon.info.type.shoots != null;

                if (ranged)
                    var missile = Missile.Create("arrow", target, self);
                    missile.weaponDamage = damage;
                else if (targetUnit != null && IsRangeOk(self, targetUnit, target))
                    AudioManager.instance.Play(hitClass.hitSound, targetUnit.transform.position);
                    targetUnit.Hit(damage, self);
            else if (srvDoFunc == 17)
                // charged bold, bolt sentry
                int boltCount = 7;
                for (int i = 0; i < boltCount; ++i)
                    var offset = new Vector3(Random.Range(-boltCount / 2f, boltCount / 2f), Random.Range(-boltCount / 2f, boltCount / 2f));
                    Missile.Create(clientMissileA, self.iso.pos, target + offset, self);
            else if (srvDoFunc == 22)
                // nova, poison nova, howl
                int missileCount = 64;
                Missile.CreateRadially(clientMissileA, self.iso.pos, self, missileCount);
            else if (srvDoFunc == 31)
                // raise skeleton, raise skeletal mage
                var pos     = Iso.MapToWorld(target);
                var monster = global::Diablerie.Game.World.WorldBuilder.SpawnMonster(summon, pos, summoner: self);
                monster.overrideMode = summode;
                Missile.Create(clientMissileA, target, target, self);
            else if (srvDoFunc == 45)
                // traps
                var pos     = Iso.MapToWorld(target);
                var monster = global::Diablerie.Game.World.WorldBuilder.SpawnMonster(summon, pos, summoner: self);
                monster.overrideMode = summode;
                Missile.Create(clientMissileA, target, target, self);
            else if (srvDoFunc == 56 || srvDoFunc == 57)
                // 57 iron golem, 56 other golems
                var pos     = Iso.MapToWorld(target);
                var monster = global::Diablerie.Game.World.WorldBuilder.SpawnMonster(summon, pos, summoner: self);
                monster.overrideMode = summode;
            else if (srvDoFunc == 114)
                // raven
                var pos     = Iso.MapToWorld(target);
                var monster = global::Diablerie.Game.World.WorldBuilder.SpawnMonster(summon, pos, summoner: self);
                monster.overrideMode = summode;
            else if (srvDoFunc == 119)
                // summon grizzly, wolves, spirits
                var pos     = Iso.MapToWorld(target);
                var monster = global::Diablerie.Game.World.WorldBuilder.SpawnMonster(summon, pos, summoner: self);
                monster.overrideMode = summode;
            else if (srvDoFunc == 68)
                // barbarian howls
                int missileCount = 64;
                Missile.CreateRadially(clientMissileA, self.iso.pos, self, missileCount);
                if (clientMissileA != null)
                    Missile.Create(clientMissileA, self.iso.pos, target, self);

            if (clientMissile != null)
                Missile.Create(clientMissile, self.iso.pos, target, self);
Exemplo n.º 47
    protected override IEnumerator FindEnemies()
        if (Placed)
            Hit   = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(transform.position, Radius + 0.1f);
            Enemy = null;
            Collider2D Target2  = null;
            float      Distance = 0;
            foreach (Collider2D enemy in Hit)
                if (enemy.tag == "Enemy" && Distance <= enemy.GetComponent <BaseEnemy>().DistanceTravelled)
                    if (enemy.GetComponent <BaseEnemy>().isCamo == false)
                        Enemy    = enemy.GetComponent <BaseEnemy>();
                        Distance = Enemy.DistanceTravelled;
                    else if (enemy.GetComponent <BaseEnemy>().isCamo == true && canSeeCamo == true)
                        Enemy    = enemy.GetComponent <BaseEnemy>();
                        Distance = Enemy.DistanceTravelled;
            if (DoubleRockets)
                foreach (Collider2D enemy in Hit)
                    if (enemy.tag == "Enemy" && Distance >= enemy.GetComponent <BaseEnemy>().DistanceTravelled)
                        if (enemy.GetComponent <BaseEnemy>().isCamo == false)
                            Distance = enemy.GetComponent <BaseEnemy>().DistanceTravelled;
                            Target2  = enemy;
                        else if (enemy.GetComponent <BaseEnemy>().isCamo == true && canSeeCamo == true)
                            Distance = enemy.GetComponent <BaseEnemy>().DistanceTravelled;
                            Target2  = enemy;

            if (Enemy != null)
                Missile Missile = Instantiate(missile, firePoint.transform.position, firePoint.transform.rotation).GetComponent <Missile>();
                Missile.damage       = Damage;
                Missile.speed        = MissileSpeed;
                Missile.radius       = MissileRadius;
                Missile.moneyUpgrade = MoneyUpgrade;
                Missile.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(firePoint.transform.position.x, firePoint.transform.position.y, 0);
                Missile.sender = this;
                Missile.target = Enemy.gameObject;
            if (DoubleRockets)
                if (Target2 != null)
                    Missile Missile = Instantiate(missile, FirePoint3.transform.position, firePoint.transform.rotation).GetComponent <Missile>();
                    Missile.damage       = Damage;
                    Missile.speed        = MissileSpeed;
                    Missile.radius       = MissileRadius;
                    Missile.moneyUpgrade = MoneyUpgrade;
                    Missile.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(firePoint.transform.position.x, firePoint.transform.position.y, 0);
                    Missile.sender = this;
                    Missile.target = Target2.gameObject;
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(FireRate));

        if (ShootAnim != null)
Exemplo n.º 48
Arquivo: Map.cs Projeto: cynic/HvZ
 internal void MoveMissile(Missile missile)
     missile = missiles.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == missile.Id);
     if (missile == null)
         return; // missile already destroyed, perhaps by collision with another missile.
     // hrmmmmm.  There may be an off-by-one in the lifespan calculation because of the lifespan check below...?
     // I wonder if I should care more.
     if (missile.Position.X < 0 || missile.Position.Y < 0 || missile.Position.X > Width || missile.Position.Y > Height || missile.Lifespan == 0)
         missiles.Remove(missile); // out of sight, out of mind.
         if (OnMapChange != null)
             OnMapChange(this, EventArgs.Empty);
     // double-check against walkers.
     foreach (var kvp in walkers)
         if (kvp.Value.Intersects(missile))
             // kill the missile, in any case.
             if (IsZombie(kvp.Key))
                 ((Zombie)kvp.Value).Stun(); // stun it.  (I know, I'm stunned too.)
             } // otherwise, if it's a human, leave it unaffected.  No friendly fire.
             if (OnMapChange != null)
                 OnMapChange(this, EventArgs.Empty);
     // double-check against obstacles.
     foreach (var o in Obstacles)   // capital-O Obstacles.  Includes spawnpoints.
         if (o.Intersects(missile))
             missiles.Remove(missile); // g'bye, missile.
             if (OnMapChange != null)
                 OnMapChange(this, EventArgs.Empty);
     // and now check if it runs into any other missiles.  If so, destroy them both.
     foreach (var mx in missiles)
         if (mx.Id == missile.Id)
             continue;                      // don't check for intersection against myself...
         if (missile.Intersects(mx))
             if (OnMapChange != null)
                 OnMapChange(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Exemplo n.º 49
    public void Fire(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, ITarget target, Color color)
        var missile = Missile.Instantiate(missilePrefab, transform);

        missile.Initialize(position, rotation, target, color);
Exemplo n.º 50
    public void AddMissile()
        Missile missile = new Missile(x - 300, y, null, _player.x, _player.y, false, true);  // missle that moves to position when spawned

Exemplo n.º 51
 public static void AddMissile(Missile misile)
Exemplo n.º 52
 public void AddMissile(Missile missile)
Exemplo n.º 53
        private void FireRightWeapon(Game game, Ship enemy)
            switch (rightWeapon)
                case 0:
                    if (rightBulletAmt > 0 && currTime - lastRightBullet > 100)
                        rightBulletAmt -= 1;
                        Bullet bullet = new Bullet(game);
                        bullet.direction = Direction;
                        bullet.up = Up;
                        bullet.right = Right;

                        Vector3 offset = new Vector3(200, 400, 0);
                        offset = Vector3.TransformNormal(offset, World);
                        bullet.position = new Vector3(Position.X + offset.X, Position.Y + offset.Y, Position.Z + offset.Z);

                        lastRightBullet = currTime;
                        vibrationRight = 0.4f;
                case 1:
                    if (currTime - lastRightMissile > 5000 && rightMissileAmt > 0)
                        rightMissileAmt -= 1;

                        Missile missile = new Missile(game, enemy);
                        missile.direction = Direction;
                        missile.up = Up;
                        missile.right = Right;

                        Vector3 offset = new Vector3(900, 400, 0);
                        offset = Vector3.TransformNormal(offset, World);
                        missile.position = new Vector3(Position.X + offset.X, Position.Y + offset.Y, Position.Z + offset.Z);

                        lastRightMissile = currTime;
                        vibrationRight = 0.8f;
Exemplo n.º 54
 public static void ReturnMissileToObjectPool(Missile missile)
Exemplo n.º 55
    private void Update()
        if (int.Parse(lifeText.text) != (int)lifePoint)//Update la vie du worm
            lifeText.text = ((int)lifePoint).ToString();

        if (isControledWorms)//S'il est controler (set par le GameManager)
            if (Input.GetButton("Jump"))
                //"Désactive" le rigidbody2D
                if (rb2D.bodyType == RigidbodyType2D.Dynamic)
                    rb2D.bodyType = RigidbodyType2D.Static;

                //Direction donnée par la souris
                dirMouse = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition) - (transform.position + Vector3.up * 0.2f);
                dirMouse.z = 0.0f;

                //S'il n'est pas créer => créer le missile / récupere son script / Init direction-puissance / active le feedback de direction
                if (!isOnFire)
                    isOnFire   = true;
                    shootForce = 1.0f;
                    GameObject missile = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate("MissilePrefab", transform.position + Vector3.up * 0.2f, Quaternion.identity, 0);
                    missileScript          = missile.GetComponent <Missile>();
                    missileScript.launcher = this;
                    missileScript.SetDirPui(dirMouse, shootForce);

                    //Update de la direction du missile et du feedback
                    if (missileScript != null)
                        missileScript.SetDirPui(dirMouse, shootForce);

                    feedTarget.transform.localPosition = Vector3.up * 20.0f;

                    Quaternion rot = Quaternion.LookRotation(feedTarget.transform.forward, new Vector3(feedTarget.transform.forward.x, feedTarget.transform.forward.y, 0.0f) + dirMouse);
                    feedTarget.transform.rotation = rot;

                    feedTarget.transform.localPosition += dirMouse.normalized * (5.0f * shootForce);

                //Augmente la puissance avec le temps
                if (shootForce < 10.0f)
                    shootForce += Time.deltaTime * 1.5f;
                    shootForce = 10.0f;
                //"Réactive" le rigidbody2D
                if (rb2D.bodyType == RigidbodyType2D.Static)
                    rb2D.bodyType = RigidbodyType2D.Dynamic;

                //Déplacement horizontal
                Vector2 moveX           = Vector2.zero;
                float   InputHorizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
                moveX.x = InputHorizontal * scaleDeplacement * Time.deltaTime + rb2D.position.x;

                //Flip du sprite (gauche, droit)
                if (InputHorizontal > 0)
                    isFlip = true;
                else if (InputHorizontal < 0)
                    isFlip = false;

                anim.SetFloat("Speed", Mathf.Abs(InputHorizontal));

                view.RPC("UpdateFlipSprite", PhotonTargets.AllBuffered, isFlip);

                //Physic2D => test si le worm est grounded
                Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position - transform.up, Color.red, 1.0f);
                RaycastHit2D hit;
                hit = Physics2D.BoxCast(transform.position - (Vector3.up * 0.115f), new Vector2(0.2f, 0.01f), 0.0f, -transform.up, 0.0f);
                if (hit.collider != null)
                    isGrounded = true;
                    isGrounded = false;

                if ((Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow)) && isGrounded)
                    velocity.y = 1.0f;
                if (!isGrounded)
                    velocity.y -= rb2D.gravityScale * Time.deltaTime;

                rb2D.velocity = velocity;
                moveX.y       = rb2D.position.y;
                rb2D.position = moveX;

                if (isOnFire)//Lance le missile
                    if (missileScript != null)
                        shootForce = 1.0f;
                        missileScript.rb2D.bodyType = RigidbodyType2D.Dynamic;
                        missileScript.col2D.enabled = true;
                    isOnFire = false;

        //Update life
        if (lifePoint < 1 && isAlive)
            isControledWorms = false;
            isAlive          = false;
            rb2D.velocity    = Vector3.zero;
            anim.SetBool("isDead", true);
Exemplo n.º 56
 private void MoveMissle(Missile missle)
     if (_arena.Boundary.Contains(new System.Drawing.PointF((float)missle.X, (float)missle.Y)))
         missle.X += (float)Math.Sin(missle.Angle) * MISSLE_SPEED;
         missle.Y += (float)Math.Cos(missle.Angle) * MISSLE_SPEED;
         missle.IsActive = false;
Exemplo n.º 57
 //public Vector3 Pos { get; set; }
 public World(Missile rock, Vector3 pos)
     //Pos = pos;
     rocket = rock;
     G      = 9.8f;
Exemplo n.º 58
 public override void OnHit(Transform user, Missile projectile)
Exemplo n.º 59
Arquivo: Tank.cs Projeto: faloi/tegece
 protected void shoot()
     var flightTimeOfLastMissile = 0f;
     foreach (var missile in missilesShooted) {
         if (flightTimeOfLastMissile == 0f)
             flightTimeOfLastMissile = missile.flightTime;
         else if (flightTimeOfLastMissile < missile.flightTime) {
             flightTimeOfLastMissile = missile.flightTime;
     if (INTERVAL_BETWEEN_MISSILES<=flightTimeOfLastMissile || missilesShooted.Count==0) {
         var newMissile = new Missile(realPosition, this.initMissileRotation);
         TgcStaticSound sound = new TgcStaticSound();