Exemplo n.º 1
    public bool MinimumTranslationVectorWithContainment(Vector2[] vertices1, Vector2[] vertices2, out MinimumTranslationVector?mtv)
        double  overlap  = Double.PositiveInfinity;
        Vector2 smallest = default(Vector2);

        Vector2[] axes1 = GetAxes(vertices1);
        Vector2[] axes2 = GetAxes(vertices2);

        bool MTVWC(Vector2[] axes)
            for (int i = 0; i < axes.Length; i++)
                Vector2    axis = axes[i];
                Projection p1   = Project(vertices1, axis);
                Projection p2   = Project(vertices2, axis);
                if (!p1.Overlap(p2))
                    double o = p1.GetOverlap(p2);
                    if (p1.Contains(p2) || p2.Contains(p1))
                        double mins = Math.Abs(p1.Min - p2.Min);
                        double maxs = Math.Abs(p1.Max - p2.Max);
                        o += mins < maxs ? mins : maxs;

                    if (o < overlap)
                        overlap  = o;
                        smallest = axis;

        if (MTVWC(axes1) == false)
            mtv = default(MinimumTranslationVector?);

        if (MTVWC(axes2) == false)
            mtv = default(MinimumTranslationVector?);

        mtv = new MinimumTranslationVector(smallest, overlap);
Exemplo n.º 2
    public bool MinimumTranslationVector(Vector2[] vertices1, Vector2[] vertices2, out MinimumTranslationVector?mtv)
        double  overlap  = Double.PositiveInfinity;
        Vector2 smallest = default(Vector2);

        Vector2[] axes1 = GetAxes(vertices1);
        Vector2[] axes2 = GetAxes(vertices2);

        bool MTV(Vector2[] axes)
            for (int i = 0; i < axes.Length; i++)
                Vector2    axis = axes[i];
                Projection p1   = Project(vertices1, axis);
                Projection p2   = Project(vertices2, axis);
                if (!p1.Overlap(p2))
                    double o = p1.GetOverlap(p2);
                    if (o < overlap)
                        overlap  = o;
                        smallest = axis;

        if (MTV(axes1) == false)
            mtv = default(MinimumTranslationVector?);

        if (MTV(axes2) == false)
            mtv = default(MinimumTranslationVector?);

        mtv = new MinimumTranslationVector(smallest, overlap);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static bool OverlapsOnAxisOfShape(float[] verts1, int offset1, int count1, float[] verts2, int offset2, int count2, MinimumTranslationVector mtv, bool shapesShifted)
            int endA = offset1 + count1;
            int endB = offset2 + count2;

            // get axis of polygon A
            for (int i = offset1; i < endA; i += 2)
                float x1 = verts1[i];
                float y1 = verts1[i + 1];
                float x2 = verts1[(i + 2) % count1];
                float y2 = verts1[(i + 3) % count1];

                // Get the Axis for the 2 vertices
                float axisX = y1 - y2;
                float axisY = -(x1 - x2);
                float len   = (float)Math.Sqrt(axisX * axisX + axisY * axisY);

                // We got a normalized Vector
                axisX /= len;
                axisY /= len;
                float minA = float.MaxValue;
                float maxA = -float.MaxValue;

                // project shape a on axis
                for (int v = offset1; v < endA; v += 2)
                    float p = verts1[v] * axisX + verts1[v + 1] * axisY;
                    minA = Math.Min(minA, p);
                    maxA = Math.Max(maxA, p);

                float minB = float.MaxValue;
                float maxB = -float.MaxValue;

                // project shape b on axis
                for (int v = offset2; v < endB; v += 2)
                    float p = verts2[v] * axisX + verts2[v + 1] * axisY;
                    minB = Math.Min(minB, p);
                    maxB = Math.Max(maxB, p);

                // There is a gap
                if (maxA < minB || maxB < minA)
                    if (mtv != null)
                        float o = Math.Min(maxA, maxB) - Math.Max(minA, minB);
                        bool  aContainsB = minA <minB && maxA> maxB;
                        bool  bContainsA = minB <minA && maxB> maxA;

                        // if it contains one or another
                        float mins = 0;
                        float maxs = 0;
                        if (aContainsB || bContainsA)
                            mins = Math.Abs(minA - minB);
                            maxs = Math.Abs(maxA - maxB);
                            o   += Math.Min(mins, maxs);

                        if (mtv.depth > o)
                            mtv.depth = o;
                            bool condition;
                            if (shapesShifted)
                                condition = minA < minB;
                                axisX     = condition ? axisX : -axisX;
                                axisY     = condition ? axisY : -axisY;
                                condition = minA > minB;
                                axisX     = condition ? axisX : -axisX;
                                axisY     = condition ? axisY : -axisY;

                            if (aContainsB || bContainsA)
                                condition = mins > maxs;
                                axisX     = condition ? axisX : -axisX;
                                axisY     = condition ? axisY : -axisY;

                            mtv.normal.X = axisX;
                            mtv.normal.Y = axisY;

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Check whether polygons defined by the given vertex arrays overlap (clockwise or counter-clockwise wound doesn't matter). If
        /// they do, optionally obtain a Minimum Translation Vector indicating the minimum magnitude vector required to push the polygon
        /// defined by verts1 out of the collision with the polygon defined by verts2.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verts1">Vertices of the first polygon.</param>
        /// <param name="offset1">the offset of the verts1 array</param>
        /// <param name="count1">the amount that is added to the offset1</param>
        /// <param name="verts2">Vertices of the second polygon.</param>
        /// <param name="offset2">the offset of the verts2 array</param>
        /// <param name="count2">the amount that is added to the offset2</param>
        /// <param name="mtv">A Minimum Translation Vector to fill in the case of a collision, or null (optional).</param>
        /// <returns>Whether polygons overlap.</returns>
        public static bool OverlapConvexPolygons(float[] verts1, int offset1, int count1, float[] verts2, int offset2, int count2, MinimumTranslationVector mtv)
            bool overlaps;

            if (mtv != null)
                mtv.depth    = float.MaxValue;
                mtv.normal.X = 0;
                mtv.normal.Y = 0;

            overlaps = OverlapsOnAxisOfShape(verts2, offset2, count2, verts1, offset1, count1, mtv, true);
            if (overlaps)
                overlaps = OverlapsOnAxisOfShape(verts1, offset1, count1, verts2, offset2, count2, mtv, false);

            if (!overlaps)
                if (mtv != null)
                    mtv.depth    = 0;
                    mtv.normal.X = 0;
                    mtv.normal.Y = 0;


Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <remarks>@see#overlapConvexPolygons(float[], int, int, float[], int, int, MinimumTranslationVector)</remarks>
 public static bool OverlapConvexPolygons(float[] verts1, float[] verts2, MinimumTranslationVector mtv)
     return(OverlapConvexPolygons(verts1, 0, verts1.Length, verts2, 0, verts2.Length, mtv));
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Check whether convex polygons overlap (clockwise or counter-clockwise wound doesn't matter). If they do, optionally obtain
 /// a Minimum Translation Vector indicating the minimum magnitude vector required to push the polygon p1 out of collision with
 /// polygon p2.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="p1">The first polygon.</param>
 /// <param name="p2">The second polygon.</param>
 /// <param name="mtv">A Minimum Translation Vector to fill in the case of a collision, or null (optional).</param>
 /// <returns>Whether polygons overlap.</returns>
 public static bool OverlapConvexPolygons(Polygon p1, Polygon p2, MinimumTranslationVector mtv)
     return(OverlapConvexPolygons(p1.GetTransformedVertices(), p2.GetTransformedVertices(), mtv));