Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Awake()

            On.RoR2.RoR2Application.UnitySystemConsoleRedirector.Redirect += orig => { };
            var miniRpc = MiniRpc.CreateInstance(ModGuid);


            On.RoR2.Run.OnServerTeleporterPlaced += Run_OnServerTeleporterPlaced;
            On.RoR2.Run.BeginGameOver            += Run_BeginGameOver;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void Awake()
            var miniRpc = MiniRpc.CreateInstance(GUID);

            new Log(Logger, miniRpc);
            TimeScaleNetwork = miniRpc.RegisterAction(Target.Client, (NetworkUser _, float f) => { HandleTimeScale(f); });

            Log.Message("Harb's and 's Version. Original by Morris1927.", LogLevel.Info, Log.Target.Bepinex);/*Check github for the other contributor, lmao*/

Exemplo n.º 3
        private void Awake()
            On.RoR2.RoR2Application.UnitySystemConsoleRedirector.Redirect += orig => { };
            var miniRpc = MiniRpc.CreateInstance(ModGuid);


            config = new ConfigHandler();

            On.RoR2.Run.Awake += Run_Awake;
            On.RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath += GlobalEventManager_OnCharacterDeath;
            On.RoR2.UI.HUD.Start += HUD_Start;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void RegisterNetworking()
            var rpc = MiniRpc.CreateInstance(MODUID);

            if (NetRequestDoDamage == null)
                NetRequestDoDamage = rpc.RegisterAction <ServerDamageContainer>(Target.Server, RPCHandleServerDamage);
            if (NetRequestGiveBuff == null)
                NetRequestGiveBuff = rpc.RegisterAction <ServerBuffContainer>(Target.Server, RPCHandleServerBuff);
            if (NetRequestSpawnFx == null)
                NetRequestSpawnFx = rpc.RegisterAction <ClientFxContainer>(Target.Client, RPCHandleClientFx);
            if (NetServerRequestSpawnFx == null)
                NetServerRequestSpawnFx = rpc.RegisterAction <ClientFxContainer>(Target.Server, RPCHandleServerToClientFx);
            if (NetServerRequestAnimBool == null)
                NetServerRequestAnimBool = rpc.RegisterAction <ClientAnimatorBoolContainer>(Target.Server, RPCHandleServerAnimBool);
            if (NetClientRequestAnimBool == null)
                NetClientRequestAnimBool = rpc.RegisterAction <ClientAnimatorBoolContainer>(Target.Client, RPCHandleClientAnimBool);
            if (NetServerRequestAnimFloat == null)
                NetServerRequestAnimFloat = rpc.RegisterAction <ClientAnimatorFloatContainer>(Target.Server, RPCHandleServerAnimFloat);
            if (NetClientRequestAnimFloat == null)
                NetClientRequestAnimFloat = rpc.RegisterAction <ClientAnimatorFloatContainer>(Target.Client, RPCHandleClientAnimFloat);
            if (NetServerRequestAnimTrigger == null)
                NetServerRequestAnimTrigger = rpc.RegisterAction <ClientAnimatorTriggerContainer>(Target.Server, RPCHandleServerAnimTrigger);
            if (NetClientRequestAnimTrigger == null)
                NetClientRequestAnimTrigger = rpc.RegisterAction <ClientAnimatorTriggerContainer>(Target.Client, RPCHandleClientAnimTrigger);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void Awake()
            ClientsCanDrop       = Config.Wrap(section: "", key: "clients_can_drop", description: @"Allows client with the mod installed to drop their own items.", defaultValue: true);
            HostCanDropOthers    = Config.Wrap(section: "", key: "host_can_drop_others", description: @"Allows host drop other players' items.", defaultValue: true);
            ClientsCanDropOthers = Config.Wrap(section: "", key: "clients_can_drop_others", description: @"Allows clients with the mod installed to drop other players' items.", defaultValue: false);

            SceneManager.sceneUnloaded += OnSceneUnloaded;
            var miniRpc = MiniRpc.CreateInstance("com.kookehs.dropitems");

            SendDropItemRequest = miniRpc.RegisterAction(Target.Server, (user, x) => {
                var master = x.ReadGameObject();
                var itemid = x.ReadItemIndex();

                var inventory       = master.GetComponent <Inventory>();
                var characterMaster = master.GetComponent <CharacterMaster>();
                if (inventory == null || characterMaster == null)

                if (!IsAllowedToDrop(user, characterMaster))

                DropItem(inventory, itemid);
            SendDropEquipmentRequest = miniRpc.RegisterAction(Target.Server, (NetworkUser user, GameObject master) => {
                var inventory       = master.GetComponent <Inventory>();
                var characterMaster = master.GetComponent <CharacterMaster>();
                if (inventory == null || characterMaster == null)

                if (!IsAllowedToDrop(user, characterMaster))


            Debug.Log("Loaded DropItemsMod");
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void Awake()
            On.RoR2.RoR2Application.UnitySystemConsoleRedirector.Redirect += orig => { };
            var miniRpc = MiniRpc.CreateInstance(ModGuid);


            config = new ConfigHandler();

            var epochStart = new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 8, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc);
            int seed       = (int)((System.DateTime.UtcNow - epochStart).TotalSeconds / 2);

            Debug.Log("Seed: " + seed);
            random = new System.Random(seed);

            On.RoR2.Run.Awake += Run_Awake;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public DurabilityPlugin()
            _miniRpc             = MiniRpc.CreateInstance(ModRpcId);
            _cmdUpdateDurability = _miniRpc.RegisterAction(Target.Client, (Action <NetworkUser, UpdateDurabilityMessage>)OnUpdateDurability);

            On.RoR2.EquipmentSlot.ExecuteIfReady                += EquipmentSlotOnExecuteIfReady;
            On.RoR2.GenericPickupController.GrantEquipment      += GenericPickupControllerOnGrantEquipment;
            IL.RoR2.PickupDropletController.CreatePickupDroplet += PickupDropletControllerOnCreatePickupDroplet;
            IL.RoR2.PickupDropletController.OnCollisionEnter    += PickupDropletControllerOnOnCollisionEnter;

            On.RoR2.UI.EquipmentIcon.Update += EquipmentIconOnUpdate;

            On.RoR2.Console.Awake += (orig, self) =>
Exemplo n.º 8
        public RaincoatPlugin()
            var miniRpc = MiniRpc.CreateInstance(ModRpcId);

            if (RaincoatConfig.EnableRecentItemDropper.Value)
                _recentItemDroppper = new RecentItemDropper(miniRpc);

            if (RaincoatConfig.EnablePingImprovements.Value)
                _pingImprovements = new PingImprovements();

            if (RaincoatConfig.EnableTeamImprovements.Value)
                _teamImprovements = new TeamImprovements();

            if (RaincoatConfig.EnableAllyCardImprovements.Value)
                _allyCardImprovements = new AllyCardImprovements();

            if (RaincoatConfig.EnableBossShopDropping.Value)
                _bossShopDropper = new BossShopDropper();

            _dropItemKey = GetKey(RaincoatConfig.DropItemKey);
            if (_dropItemKey == null)
                Debug.LogError("Invalid key code specified for DropItemKey");
            _starterPackKey = GetKey(RaincoatConfig.StarterPackKey);
            if (_starterPackKey == null)
                Debug.LogError("Invalid key code specified for StarterPackKey");
        public CorpseBloomPlusPlus()
            var miniRpc = MiniRpc.CreateInstance(modGuid);

            updateReserveCommand = miniRpc.RegisterAction(Target.Client, (NetworkUser user, CorpseReserve cr) =>
                if (cr != null)
                    currentReserve = cr.currentReserve;
                    reserveMax     = cr.maxReserve;
                    //Debug.Log($"CR: {currentReserve}; MR: {reserveMax};");

            //This is to fix severe desync when a modded server communicates with a vanilla client. Ping the client and check for response before we send updates.
            clientPingCheck = miniRpc.RegisterFunc <bool, bool>(Target.Client, (user, x) =>
                Debug.Log($"[Client] HOST sent us: {x}, returning true");
                //return $"Hello from the server, received {x}!";
        public KookehsDropItemMod()
            var miniRpc = MiniRpc.CreateInstance(ModGuid);

            DropItemCommand = miniRpc.RegisterAction(Target.Server, (NetworkUser user, DropItemMessage dropItemMessage) => {
                var master = user.master;
                if (master == null)

                var body          = master.GetBody();
                var inventory     = master.inventory;
                var charTransform = body.GetFieldValue <Transform>("transform");

                var pickupIndex = dropItemMessage.IsItem
                                        ? new PickupIndex(dropItemMessage.ItemIndex)
                                        : new PickupIndex(dropItemMessage.EquipmentIndex);

                DropItemHandler.DropItem(charTransform, inventory, pickupIndex);
                DropItemHandler.CreateNotification(body, charTransform, pickupIndex);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void Start()
            var miniRpc = MiniRpc.CreateInstance(ModGuid);

Exemplo n.º 12
 private RpcService(string modGuid)
     _miniRpcInstance = MiniRpc.CreateInstance(modGuid);
Exemplo n.º 13
 private RpcService()
     _miniRpcInstance = MiniRpc.CreateInstance(new Guid().ToString());
Exemplo n.º 14
        public MiniRpcDemo()
            // Create a MiniRpcInstance that automatically registers all commands to our ModGuid
            // This lets us support multiple mods using the same command ID
            // We could also just generate new command ID's without "isolating" them by mod as well, so it would break if mod load order was different for different clients
            // I opted for the ModGuid instead of an arbitrary number or GUID to encourage mods not to set the same ID
            var miniRpc = MiniRpc.CreateInstance(ModGuid);

            // Define two commands, both transmitting a single string
            ExampleCommandHost   = miniRpc.RegisterAction(Target.Server, (NetworkUser user, string x) => Debug.Log($"[Host] {user?.userName} sent us: {x}"));
            ExampleCommandClient = miniRpc.RegisterAction(Target.Client, (NetworkUser user, string x) => Debug.Log($"[Client] Host sent us: {x}"));

            // Define two commands, both deserializing the data themselves

            // This command will be called by a client (including the host), and executed on the server (host)
            ExampleCommandHostCustom = miniRpc.RegisterAction(Target.Server, (user, x) =>
                // This is what the server will execute when a client invokes the IRpcAction

                var str   = x.ReadString();
                var int32 = x.ReadInt32();

                Debug.Log($"[Host] {user?.userName} sent us: {str} {int32}");

            // This command will be called by the host, and executed on all clients
            ExampleCommandClientCustom = miniRpc.RegisterAction(Target.Client, (user, x) =>
                // This is what all clients will execute when the server invokes the IRpcAction

                var str   = x.ReadString();
                var int32 = x.ReadInt32();

                Debug.Log($"[Client] Host sent us: {str} {int32}");

            // Here's three examples of RegisterFunc, where you also need to return a value to the caller
            ExampleFuncHost = miniRpc.RegisterFunc <bool, string>(Target.Server, (user, x) =>
                Debug.Log($"[Host] {user?.userName} sent us: {x}");
                return($"Hello from the server, received {x}!");

            ExampleFuncClient = miniRpc.RegisterFunc <bool, string>(Target.Client, (user, x) =>
                Debug.Log($"[Client] Host sent us: {x}");
                return($"Hello from the client, received {x}!");

            ExampleFuncClientObject = miniRpc.RegisterFunc(Target.Client, (NetworkUser user, ExampleObject obj) =>
                Debug.Log($"[Client] Host sent us: {obj}");
                obj.StringExample = "Edited client-side!";

            // By default, MiniRpcLib will create an ID based on the registration order (first command is ID 0, second command is ID 1, and so on
            // If you want to specify an ID manually, you can choose to do so by doing either of these:
            // RpcActions and RpcFuncs have separate IDs, so both an RpcFunc and an RpcAction can have the same ID without collisions.
            // That said, there's nothing stopping you from using the same Enum for both, as all ID values are valid.
            // (1, 2, 3 being Actions, 4 being a Func, 5 being an action again and so on is okay and valid)

            _ = miniRpc.RegisterFunc(Target.Client, (NetworkUser user, ExampleObject obj) =>
                Debug.Log($"[Client] Host sent us: {obj}");
                obj.StringExample = "Edited client-side!";
            }, 1234); // <-- Optional ID

            _ = miniRpc.RegisterFunc(Target.Client, (NetworkUser user, ExampleObject obj) =>
                Debug.Log($"[Client] Host sent us: {obj}");
                obj.StringExample = "Edited client-side!";
            }, CommandId.SomeCommandName); // <-- Optional ID

            // The "_ ="'s above mean that the return value will be ignored. In your code you should assign the return value to something to be able to call the function.
Exemplo n.º 15
        private void SetUpMiniRPC()
            // Fix the damn in-game console stealing our not-in-game consoles output.
            // Not related to the demo, just very useful.
            //On.RoR2.RoR2Application.UnitySystemConsoleRedirector.Redirect += orig => { };

            // Create a MiniRpcInstance that automatically registers all commands to our ModGuid
            // This lets us support multiple mods using the same command ID
            // We could also just generate new command ID's without "isolating" them by mod as well, so it would break if mod load order was different for different clients
            // I opted for the ModGuid instead of an arbitrary number or GUID to encourage mods not to set the same ID
            var miniRpc = MiniRpc.CreateInstance(ModGuid);

            AddGainedItemsToPlayers = miniRpc.RegisterFunc(Target.Client, (NetworkUser user, string QueueGainedItemSpriteToString) => //--------------------HierSTuffMachen!!
                if (!ArtifactOfDoomConfig.disableSideBars.Value)
                    string[] QueueGainedItemSprite = QueueGainedItemSpriteToString.Split(' ');

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (var element in QueueGainedItemSprite)
                        if (element != "")
                            if (ArtifactOfDoomUI.listGainedImages[i].GetComponent <Image>() == null)
                                ArtifactOfDoomUI.listGainedImages[i].AddComponent <Image>();
                            ArtifactOfDoomUI.listGainedImages[i].GetComponent <Image>().sprite = ItemCatalog.GetItemDef(ItemCatalog.FindItemIndex(element)).pickupIconSprite;

            AddLostItemsOfPlayers = miniRpc.RegisterFunc(Target.Client, (NetworkUser user, string QueueLostItemSpriteToString) => //--------------------HierSTuffMachen!!
                if (!ArtifactOfDoomConfig.disableSideBars.Value)
                    string[] QueueLostItemSprite = QueueLostItemSpriteToString.Split(' ');

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (var element in QueueLostItemSprite)
                        if (element != "")
                            if (ArtifactOfDoomUI.listLostImages[i].GetComponent <Image>() == null)
                                ArtifactOfDoomUI.listLostImages[i].AddComponent <Image>();
                            ArtifactOfDoomUI.listLostImages[i].GetComponent <Image>().sprite = ItemCatalog.GetItemDef(ItemCatalog.FindItemIndex(element)).pickupIconSprite;

            UpdateProgressBar = miniRpc.RegisterFunc(Target.Client, (NetworkUser user, string killedNeededEnemies) => //--------------------HierSTuffMachen!!
                //Debug.LogWarning("in UpdateProgressBar");
                //Debug.LogError("ArtifactOfDoomConfig.disableItemProgressBar.Value"+ ArtifactOfDoomConfig.disableItemProgressBar.Value);
                //Debug.LogError("ArtifactOfDoomConfig.useArtifactOfSacreficeCalculation.Value"+ ArtifactOfDoomConfig.useArtifactOfSacreficeCalculation.Value);
                if (ArtifactOfDoomConfig.disableItemProgressBar.Value || calculationSacrifice)
                    return("Disabled Progress Bar");

                if (killedNeededEnemies == null)
                    Debug.Log("killedNeededEnemies == null");

                //Debug.LogWarning("string killedNeededEnemies für rpc: " + killedNeededEnemies);
                string[] stringkilledNeededEnemies = killedNeededEnemies.Split(',');
                //Debug.LogError("in line 276");
                if (stringkilledNeededEnemies == null)

                int enemiesKilled = Convert.ToInt32(stringkilledNeededEnemies[0]);
                int enemiesNeeded = Convert.ToInt32(stringkilledNeededEnemies[1]) + 2;

                //Debug.LogError("in line 279");
                if (itemGainBar == null)
                double progress = (double)enemiesKilled / ((double)enemiesNeeded);

                //                  Debug.LogError("in line 2282");
                if (itemGainBar.GetComponent <RectTransform>() == null)
                    return("Error while excecuting Update progress bar");

                if ((0.35f + (float)(progress * 0.3)) > 0.65f)
                    if (itemGainBar.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchorMax == null)

                    itemGainBar.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchorMax = new Vector2(0.65f, 0.06f);
                    itemGainBar.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchorMin = new Vector2(0.35f, 0.05f);
                    //                    Debug.LogError("in line 288");

                    itemGainBar.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchorMax = new Vector2(0.35f + (float)(progress * 0.3), 0.06f);
            IsArtifactActive = miniRpc.RegisterFunc(Target.Client, (NetworkUser user, bool isActive) => //--------------------HierSTuffMachen!!
                ArtifactIsActive = isActive;
            IsCalculationSacrifice = miniRpc.RegisterFunc(Target.Client, (NetworkUser user, bool isActive) => //--------------------HierSTuffMachen!!
                //Debug.LogError("Set CalculationSacrifice to " + isActive);
                calculationSacrifice = isActive;

            Debug.LogWarning("minirpc succsessfull set up");

            // The "_ ="'s above mean that the return value will be ignored. In your code you should assign the return value to something to be able to call the function.