Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Throws_UserNotAuthorizedForEntityException_When_User_Not_Part_Of_Same_Organization_As_Milestone()
            // Setup
            var org1 = new Organization();
            var org2 = new Organization();
            var user = new User {
                IsOrganizationAdmin = true, Organization = org1
            var ms = new MilestoneConfig {
                Organization = org2, IsStartingMilestone = true


            IProcess <MilestoneIdParams, MilestoneDisplayViewModel> process = new MilestoneQueryProcesses(_context);

            // Act
                process.Execute(new MilestoneIdParams {
                    MilestoneId = ms.Id, RequestingUserId = user.Id
                Assert.Fail("No exception was thrown");

            // Verify
            catch (UserNotAuthorizedForEntityException ex)
                Assert.AreEqual(typeof(MilestoneConfig), ex.EntityType, "Exception's entity type was incorrect");
                Assert.AreEqual(user.Id, ex.UserId, "Exception's user id value was incorrect");
                Assert.AreEqual(ms.Id, ex.IdValue, "Exception's id value was incorrect");
        public void Uncompleted_Jobsearch_Milestone_Doesnt_Progress_To_Next_Milestone()
            // Setup
            MilestoneConfig ms2 = new MilestoneConfig();
            MilestoneConfig ms1 = new MilestoneConfig {
                JobSearchMetrics = new JobSearchMetrics {
                    NumCompaniesCreated = 2
                }, NextMilestone = ms2
            JobSearch search = new JobSearch {
                Metrics = new JobSearchMetrics {
                    NumCompaniesCreated = 1
                }, CurrentMilestone = ms1


            Mock <JobSearchByIdQuery> jobSearchQuery = new Mock <JobSearchByIdQuery>(_unitOfWork);

            jobSearchQuery.Setup(x => x.WithJobSearchId(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(jobSearchQuery.Object);
            jobSearchQuery.Setup(x => x.Execute()).Returns(search);
            _serviceFactory.Setup(x => x.GetService <JobSearchByIdQuery>()).Returns(jobSearchQuery.Object);

            // Act
            new StartNextJobSearchMilestoneCommand(_serviceFactory.Object)
            .Execute(new StartNextJobSearchMilestoneCommandParams {
                JobSearchId = search.Id

            // Verify
            JobSearch result = _unitOfWork.JobSearches.Fetch().Single();

            Assert.AreEqual(ms1, result.CurrentMilestone, "Job search's CurrentMilestone was incorrect");
        public void Jobsearch_With_Current_Milestone_Does_Not_Get_Organization_Starting_Milestone_Propogated()
            // Setup
            var org    = new Organization();
            var search = new JobSearch {
                User = new User {
                    Organization = org
            var ms1 = new MilestoneConfig {
                IsStartingMilestone = true
            var ms2 = new MilestoneConfig {
                IsStartingMilestone = true

            search.CurrentMilestone = ms2;


            IProcess <JobSearchMilestonePropogationParams, JobSearchMilestoneChangedResultViewModel> process = new JobSearchMilestonePropogationProcesses(_context);

            // Verify
            var result = process.Execute(new JobSearchMilestonePropogationParams {
                JobSearchId = search.Id

            // Act
            Assert.IsFalse(result.JobSearchMilestoneChanged, "Process did not return the correct status");
            Assert.AreEqual(ms2, search.CurrentMilestone, "Job search's current milestone is incorrect");
        public void Jobsearch_That_Finished_Milestones_Already_Does_Not_Get_Organization_Starting_Milestone_Propogated()
            // Setup
            var org    = new Organization();
            var search = new JobSearch {
                User = new User {
                    Organization = org
                }, MilestonesCompleted = true
            var ms = new MilestoneConfig {
                IsStartingMilestone = true



            IProcess <JobSearchMilestonePropogationParams, JobSearchMilestoneChangedResultViewModel> process = new JobSearchMilestonePropogationProcesses(_context);

            // Verify
            var result = process.Execute(new JobSearchMilestonePropogationParams {
                JobSearchId = search.Id

            // Act
            Assert.IsFalse(result.JobSearchMilestoneChanged, "Process did not return the correct milestone changed status");
            Assert.IsNull(search.CurrentMilestone, "Job search's current milestone was not null");
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Returns_Organizations_Starting_Milestone_If_OrganizationId_Is_Given()
            // Setup
            var org     = new Organization();
            var config1 = new MilestoneConfig {
                IsStartingMilestone = true
            var config2 = new MilestoneConfig {
                IsStartingMilestone = true, Organization = org
            var config3 = new MilestoneConfig {
                IsStartingMilestone = true


            // Act
            MilestoneConfig result = new StartingMilestoneQuery(_context).Execute(new StartingMilestoneQueryParams {
                OrganizationId = org.Id

            // Verify
            Assert.AreEqual(config2, result, "The returned milestone was incorrect");
        public void JobSearch_With_No_Current_Or_Finished_Milestones_Gets_Organizations_Starting_Milestone()
            // Setup
            var org    = new Organization();
            var search = new JobSearch {
                User = new User {
                    Organization = org
            var ms = new MilestoneConfig {
                IsStartingMilestone = true



            IProcess <JobSearchMilestonePropogationParams, JobSearchMilestoneChangedResultViewModel> process = new JobSearchMilestonePropogationProcesses(_context);

            // Verify
            var result = process.Execute(new JobSearchMilestonePropogationParams {
                JobSearchId = search.Id

            // Act
            Assert.IsTrue(result.JobSearchMilestoneChanged, "Process did not return status that current milestone changed");
            Assert.AreEqual(ms, search.CurrentMilestone, "Job search's current milestone is incorrect");
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void Throws_EntityNotFoundException_If_User_Doesnt_Exist()
            // Setup
            var ms = new MilestoneConfig();


            IProcess <MilestoneIdParams, MilestoneDisplayViewModel> process = new MilestoneQueryProcesses(_context);
            int id = 5;

            // Act
                process.Execute(new MilestoneIdParams {
                    MilestoneId = ms.Id, RequestingUserId = id
                Assert.Fail("No exception was thrown");

            // Verify
            catch (MJLEntityNotFoundException ex)
                Assert.AreEqual(typeof(User), ex.EntityType, "Exception's entity type was incorrect");
                Assert.AreEqual(id.ToString(), ex.IdValue, "Exception's id value was incorrect");
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void Does_Not_Return_Starting_Milestone_For_Organization_If_None_Requested()
            // Setup
            var org     = new Organization();
            var config1 = new MilestoneConfig {
                IsStartingMilestone = true, Organization = org
            var config2 = new MilestoneConfig {
                IsStartingMilestone = true
            var config3 = new MilestoneConfig {
                IsStartingMilestone = true, Organization = org


            // Act
            MilestoneConfig result = new StartingMilestoneQuery(_context).Execute(new StartingMilestoneQueryParams());

            // Verify
            Assert.AreEqual(config2, result, "The returned milestone was incorrect");
        public void Jobsearch_Marked_As_Milestones_Completed_When_Last_Milestone_Is_Completed()
            // Setup
            var ms = new MilestoneConfig {
                JobSearchMetrics = new JobSearchMetrics()
            var search = new JobSearch {
                Metrics = new JobSearchMetrics(), CurrentMilestone = ms


            Mock <JobSearchByIdQuery> jobSearchQuery = new Mock <JobSearchByIdQuery>(_unitOfWork);

            jobSearchQuery.Setup(x => x.WithJobSearchId(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(jobSearchQuery.Object);
            jobSearchQuery.Setup(x => x.Execute()).Returns(search);
            _serviceFactory.Setup(x => x.GetService <JobSearchByIdQuery>()).Returns(jobSearchQuery.Object);

            // Act
            new StartNextJobSearchMilestoneCommand(_serviceFactory.Object)
            .Execute(new StartNextJobSearchMilestoneCommandParams {
                JobSearchId = search.Id

            // Verify
            Assert.IsTrue(search.MilestonesCompleted, "Job search is not marked as completing all milestones");
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void Throws_NotAuthorizedException_When_User_Not_Org_Admin()
            // Setup
            var org  = new Organization();
            var user = new User {
                Organization = org, IsOrganizationAdmin = false
            var m1 = new MilestoneConfig();



            IProcess <ByOrganizationIdParams, MilestoneDisplayListViewModel> process = new MilestoneQueryProcesses(_context);

            // Act
                var result = process.Execute(new ByOrganizationIdParams {
                    RequestingUserId = user.Id, OrganizationId = org.Id
                Assert.Fail("No exception was thrown");

            // Verify
            catch (UserNotAuthorizedForEntityException ex)
                Assert.AreEqual(org.Id, ex.IdValue, "Exception's id value was incorrect");
                Assert.AreEqual(typeof(Organization), ex.EntityType, "Exception's entity type was incorrect");
                Assert.AreEqual(user.Id, ex.UserId, "Exception's user id value was incorrect");
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void Can_Retrieve_Milestone_Data()
            // Setup
            var user = new User {
                IsOrganizationAdmin = true
            var org = new Organization();

            var ms3 = new MilestoneConfig {
                Organization = org

            var ms2 = new MilestoneConfig
                Organization     = org,
                Title            = "title",
                Instructions     = "instructions",
                NextMilestone    = ms3,
                JobSearchMetrics = new JobSearchMetrics
                    NumApplyTasksCompleted           = 1,
                    NumApplyTasksCreated             = 2,
                    NumCompaniesCreated              = 3,
                    NumContactsCreated               = 4,
                    NumInPersonInterviewTasksCreated = 5,
                    NumPhoneInterviewTasksCreated    = 6

            var ms1 = new MilestoneConfig {
                Organization = org, NextMilestone = ms2, IsStartingMilestone = true, Title = "previous title"


            IProcess <MilestoneIdParams, MilestoneDisplayViewModel> process = new MilestoneQueryProcesses(_context);

            // Act
            var result = process.Execute(new MilestoneIdParams {
                MilestoneId = ms2.Id, RequestingUserId = user.Id

            // Setup
            Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Process returned a null result");
            Assert.AreEqual(ms2.Id, result.Id, "Id value was incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(ms2.Title, result.Title, "Title was incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(ms2.Instructions, result.Instructions, "Instructions value was incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(ms2.CompletionDisplay, result.CompletionDisplay, "Completion display was incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(ms2.JobSearchMetrics, result.JobSearchMetrics, "Job Search metrics were incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(ms1.Id, result.PreviousMilestoneId, "Previous milestone id was incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(ms1.Title, result.PreviousMilestoneName, "Previous milestone title was icorrect");
        public void Can_Edit_Milestone()
            // Setup
            var org  = new Organization();
            var user = new User {
                Organization = org, IsOrganizationAdmin = true
            var ms = new MilestoneConfig();


            var param = new SaveMilestoneParams
                RequestingUserId = user.Id,
                Id                = ms.Id,
                Title             = "Title",
                Instructions      = "Instructions",
                CompletionDisplay = "Completion",
                JobSearchMetrics  = new DomainModel.Entities.Metrics.JobSearchMetrics
                    NumApplyTasksCompleted           = 1,
                    NumApplyTasksCreated             = 2,
                    NumCompaniesCreated              = 3,
                    NumContactsCreated               = 4,
                    NumInPersonInterviewTasksCreated = 5,
                    NumPhoneInterviewTasksCreated    = 6

            IProcess <SaveMilestoneParams, MilestoneIdViewModel> process = new MilestoneNonQueryProcesses(_context);

            // Act
            var result = process.Execute(param);

            // Verify
            var milestone = _context.MilestoneConfigs.SingleOrDefault();

            Assert.IsNotNull(milestone, "No milestone was created");
            Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Process returned a null result");
            Assert.AreEqual(milestone.Id, result.Id, "Result's id value and the milestone's id value did not match");
            Assert.AreEqual(ms, milestone, "Milestone in the database was incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(org, milestone.Organization, "Milestone's organization was incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(param.Title, milestone.Title, "Milestone's title was incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(param.Instructions, milestone.Instructions, "Milestone's instructions were incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(param.CompletionDisplay, milestone.CompletionDisplay, "Milestone's completion text was incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(param.JobSearchMetrics.NumApplyTasksCompleted, milestone.JobSearchMetrics.NumApplyTasksCompleted, "Milestones num apply tasks completed was incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(param.JobSearchMetrics.NumApplyTasksCreated, milestone.JobSearchMetrics.NumApplyTasksCreated, "Milestones num apply tasks created was incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(param.JobSearchMetrics.NumCompaniesCreated, milestone.JobSearchMetrics.NumCompaniesCreated, "Milestones num companies was incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(param.JobSearchMetrics.NumContactsCreated, milestone.JobSearchMetrics.NumContactsCreated, "Milestones num contacts was incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(param.JobSearchMetrics.NumInPersonInterviewTasksCreated, milestone.JobSearchMetrics.NumInPersonInterviewTasksCreated, "Milestones num InPersonInterview Tasks completed was incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(param.JobSearchMetrics.NumPhoneInterviewTasksCreated, milestone.JobSearchMetrics.NumPhoneInterviewTasksCreated, "Milestones Num InPersonInterview Tasks created was incorrect");
        public void Specifying_Previous_Milestone_Moves_Milestone_In_Between_Other_Milestones_In_Organization()
            // Setup
            var org  = new Organization();
            var user = new User {
                Organization = org, IsOrganizationAdmin = true
            var ms4 = new MilestoneConfig {
                IsStartingMilestone = true, Organization = new Organization()
            var ms3 = new MilestoneConfig();
            var ms2 = new MilestoneConfig {
                NextMilestone = ms3
            var ms1 = new MilestoneConfig {
                NextMilestone = ms2, IsStartingMilestone = true



            var param = new SaveMilestoneParams
                RequestingUserId = user.Id,
                Id = ms3.Id,
                PreviousMilestoneId = ms1.Id

            IProcess <SaveMilestoneParams, MilestoneIdViewModel> process = new MilestoneNonQueryProcesses(_context);

            // Act
            var result = process.Execute(param);

            // Verify
            Assert.IsFalse(ms3.IsStartingMilestone, "Milestone 3 was incorrectly set as the starting milestone");
            Assert.AreEqual(ms2, ms3.NextMilestone, "Milestone 3's next milestone was incorrect");
            Assert.IsTrue(ms1.IsStartingMilestone, "The previous starting milestone is no longer set as the starting milestone");
            Assert.AreEqual(ms3, ms1.NextMilestone, "Ms1's next milestone was incorrect");
            Assert.IsTrue(ms4.IsStartingMilestone, "Other organization's milestone was incorrectly set as non-starting");
        public void New_JobSearch_Queries_For_Organizations_Starting_MilestoneConfig_When_User_In_Organization()
            // Setup
            MilestoneConfig config = new MilestoneConfig();


            _startingMilestoneQuery.Setup(x => x.Execute(It.Is <StartingMilestoneQueryParams>(y => y.OrganizationId == _org.Id))).Returns(config);

            // Act
            new CreateJobSearchForUserCommand(_serviceFactory.Object).ForUserId(_user.Id).Execute();

            // Verify
            JobSearch result = _unitOfWork.JobSearches.Fetch().Single();

            Assert.AreEqual(config, result.CurrentMilestone, "Job Search's current milestone was incorrect");
        public void Specifying_Previous_Milestone_Of_Zero_Makes_It_The_Only_Starting_Milestone_For_Organization_When_Creating_Milestone()
            // Setup
            var org  = new Organization();
            var user = new User {
                Organization = org, IsOrganizationAdmin = true
            var ms3 = new MilestoneConfig {
                IsStartingMilestone = true, Organization = new Organization()
            var ms2 = new MilestoneConfig();
            var ms1 = new MilestoneConfig {
                NextMilestone = ms2, IsStartingMilestone = true


            var param = new SaveMilestoneParams
                RequestingUserId    = user.Id,
                OrganizationId      = org.Id,
                PreviousMilestoneId = 0

            IProcess <SaveMilestoneParams, MilestoneIdViewModel> process = new MilestoneNonQueryProcesses(_context);

            // Act
            var result = process.Execute(param);

            // Verify
            var newMs = _context.MilestoneConfigs.Where(x => x.Id != ms1.Id && x.Id != ms2.Id && x.Id != ms3.Id).Single();

            Assert.IsTrue(newMs.IsStartingMilestone, "New milestone was not set at the starting milestone");
            Assert.AreEqual(ms1, newMs.NextMilestone, "New milestone's next milestone was incorrect");
            Assert.IsFalse(ms1.IsStartingMilestone, "The previous starting milestone is still set as the starting milestone");
            Assert.AreEqual(ms2, ms1.NextMilestone, "Ms1's next milestone was incorrect");
            Assert.IsTrue(ms3.IsStartingMilestone, "Other organization's milestone was incorrectly set as non-starting");
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void Can_Calculate_NumContactsCreatedProgress()
            // Setup
            MilestoneConfig milestone = new MilestoneConfig {
                JobSearchMetrics = new JobSearchMetrics {
                    NumContactsCreated = 5
            JobSearch jobSearch = new JobSearch
                Metrics = new JobSearchMetrics {
                    NumContactsCreated = 2
                CurrentMilestone = milestone

            // Execute
            JobSearchMilestoneProgress result = new JobSearchMilestoneProgress(jobSearch);

            // Verify
            Assert.AreEqual(((decimal)2 / (decimal)5), result.NumContactsCreatedProgress, "NumContactsCreatedProgress's value was incorrect");
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void Progess_Is_One_When_Milestone_NumInPersonInterviewTasksCreated_Is_Zero()
            // Setup
            MilestoneConfig milestone = new MilestoneConfig {
                JobSearchMetrics = new JobSearchMetrics {
                    NumInPersonInterviewTasksCreated = 0
            JobSearch jobSearch = new JobSearch
                Metrics = new JobSearchMetrics {
                    NumInPersonInterviewTasksCreated = 2
                CurrentMilestone = milestone

            // Execute
            JobSearchMilestoneProgress result = new JobSearchMilestoneProgress(jobSearch);

            // Verify
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.NumInPersonInterviewTasksCreatedProgress, "NumInPersonInterviewTasksCreatedProgress's value was incorrect");
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void Progress_Is_One_When_JobSearch_NumCompaniesCreated_Is_Greater_Than_Milestone()
            // Setup
            MilestoneConfig milestone = new MilestoneConfig {
                JobSearchMetrics = new JobSearchMetrics {
                    NumCompaniesCreated = 3
            JobSearch jobSearch = new JobSearch
                Metrics = new JobSearchMetrics {
                    NumCompaniesCreated = 4
                CurrentMilestone = milestone

            // Execute
            JobSearchMilestoneProgress result = new JobSearchMilestoneProgress(jobSearch);

            // Verify
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.NumCompaniesCreatedProgress, "NumCompaniesCreatedProgress's value was incorrect");
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void Can_Retrieve_Milestones_For_Organization()
            // Setup
            var org1 = new Organization();
            var org2 = new Organization();
            var user = new User {
                Organization = org1, IsOrganizationAdmin = true
            var m1 = new MilestoneConfig();
            var m2 = new MilestoneConfig();
            var m3 = new MilestoneConfig {
                IsStartingMilestone = true, NextMilestone = m1



            IProcess <ByOrganizationIdParams, MilestoneDisplayListViewModel> process = new MilestoneQueryProcesses(_context);

            // Act
            var result = process.Execute(new ByOrganizationIdParams {
                RequestingUserId = user.Id, OrganizationId = org1.Id

            // Verify
            Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Process returned a null result");
            Assert.IsNotNull(result.Milestones, "Process returned a null list of milestones");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Milestones.Count, "Process returned a incorrect number of milestones");
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Milestones.Any(x => x.Id == m1.Id), "Results did not have the first milestone");
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Milestones.Any(x => x.Id == m3.Id), "Results did not have the third milestone");
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void Can_Retrieve_First_Seen_Starting_Milestone()
            // Setup
            MilestoneConfig config1 = new MilestoneConfig {
                IsStartingMilestone = false
            MilestoneConfig config2 = new MilestoneConfig {
                IsStartingMilestone = true
            MilestoneConfig config3 = new MilestoneConfig {
                IsStartingMilestone = false


            // Act
            MilestoneConfig result = new StartingMilestoneQuery(_context).Execute(new StartingMilestoneQueryParams());

            // Verify
            Assert.AreEqual(config2, result, "The returned milestone configuration was incorrect");
Exemplo n.º 21
        public void Milestone_List_Is_Ordered_In_Milestone_Order()
            // Setup
            var org1 = new Organization();
            var user = new User {
                Organization = org1, IsOrganizationAdmin = true
            var m1 = new MilestoneConfig();
            var m2 = new MilestoneConfig();
            var m3 = new MilestoneConfig();


            m2.IsStartingMilestone = true;
            m2.NextMilestone       = m1;
            m1.NextMilestone       = m3;


            IProcess <ByOrganizationIdParams, MilestoneDisplayListViewModel> process = new MilestoneQueryProcesses(_context);

            // Act
            var result = process.Execute(new ByOrganizationIdParams {
                RequestingUserId = user.Id, OrganizationId = org1.Id

            // Verify
            Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Milestones.Count, "Milestone count was incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(m2.Id, result.Milestones[0].Id, "First milestone was incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(m1.Id, result.Milestones[1].Id, "Second milestone was incorrect");
            Assert.AreEqual(m3.Id, result.Milestones[2].Id, "Third milestone was incorrect");
        public void Throws_UserNotAuthorizedForEntityException_When_Editing_Milestone_And_User_Not_Admin_For_Organization()
            // Setup
            var org  = new Organization();
            var user = new User {
                Organization = org, IsOrganizationAdmin = false
            var ms = new MilestoneConfig();


            var param = new SaveMilestoneParams
                RequestingUserId = user.Id,
                Id = ms.Id

            IProcess <SaveMilestoneParams, MilestoneIdViewModel> process = new MilestoneNonQueryProcesses(_context);

            // Act
                var result = process.Execute(param);
                Assert.Fail("No exception was thrown");

            // Verify
            catch (UserNotAuthorizedForEntityException ex)
                Assert.AreEqual(typeof(Organization), ex.EntityType, "Exception's type was incorrect");
                Assert.AreEqual(user.Id, ex.UserId, "Exception's user id value was incorrect");
                Assert.AreEqual(org.Id, ex.IdValue, "Exception's entity id value was incorrect");
        public MilestoneIdViewModel Execute(SaveMilestoneParams procParams)
            MilestoneConfig milestone;

            // Determine if we are creating a new milestone or editing an existing one
            if (procParams.Id == 0)
                var org = _context.Organizations.Where(x => x.Id == procParams.OrganizationId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (!org.Members.Any(x => x.Id == procParams.RequestingUserId && x.IsOrganizationAdmin))
                    throw new UserNotAuthorizedForEntityException(typeof(Organization), procParams.OrganizationId, procParams.RequestingUserId);

                milestone = Mapper.Map <SaveMilestoneParams, MilestoneConfig>(procParams);
                milestone.Organization = org;

                milestone = _context.MilestoneConfigs
                            .Where(x => x.Id == procParams.Id)
                            .Include(x => x.Organization)

                // Make sure the user is authorized to edit the milestone
                if (milestone.Organization != null)
                    if (!milestone.Organization.Members.Any(x => x.Id == procParams.RequestingUserId && x.IsOrganizationAdmin))
                        throw new UserNotAuthorizedForEntityException(typeof(Organization), milestone.Organization.Id, procParams.RequestingUserId);

                milestone = Mapper.Map <SaveMilestoneParams, MilestoneConfig>(procParams, milestone);

            // Place the milestone in it's specified spot
            var startingMilestone = milestone.Organization.MilestoneConfigurations.Where(x => x.IsStartingMilestone).FirstOrDefault();

            if (startingMilestone == null)
                // There should be no milestones since none is starting
                milestone.IsStartingMilestone = true;

                // First loop through all the milestones and unlink the current milestone
                MilestoneConfig currentMilestone = startingMilestone;
                while (currentMilestone != null)
                    if (currentMilestone.NextMilestone == milestone)
                        currentMilestone.NextMilestone = milestone.NextMilestone;

                    currentMilestone = currentMilestone.NextMilestone;

                // If the previous milestone id is zero, set it as the starting milestone
                if (procParams.PreviousMilestoneId == 0)
                    milestone.IsStartingMilestone         = true;
                    milestone.NextMilestone               = startingMilestone;
                    startingMilestone.IsStartingMilestone = false;

                    // Do a second loop to add the milestone back into it's correct position
                    currentMilestone = startingMilestone;
                    while (currentMilestone != null)
                        if (currentMilestone.Id == procParams.PreviousMilestoneId)
                            milestone.NextMilestone        = currentMilestone.NextMilestone;
                            currentMilestone.NextMilestone = milestone;

                        currentMilestone = currentMilestone.NextMilestone;

            return(new MilestoneIdViewModel {
                Id = milestone.Id