public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_blogDbContext.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            // Skip if column already exists
            if (_blogDbContext.Database.HasColumn("BlogPost", "plugin", "Published"))
                return(MigrationResult.Skipped("Column already exists."));

            // create column initially and allow null
            await _blogDbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [plugin].[BlogPost] ADD [Published] BIT NULL");

            // update the table, set default value
            await _blogDbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("UPDATE [plugin].[BlogPost] SET [Published] = 1");

            // add the not null constraint
            await _blogDbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [plugin].[BlogPost] ALTER COLUMN [Published] BIT NOT NULL");

            return(MigrationResult.Success("Added column [BlogPost].[Published]"));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            if (_connectDb.Database.TryTestConnection() == true)

            var cnInfo = _connectDb.Database.GetDbConnection();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cnInfo?.ConnectionString))
                var cnBuilder    = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(cnInfo.ConnectionString);
                var databaseName = cnBuilder.InitialCatalog;

                // can't connect to the db specified because it doesn't exist so setting
                // thus, connecting to master instead so we can create
                cnBuilder.InitialCatalog = "master";

                var connection = new SqlConnection(cnBuilder.ToString());

                using (var command = connection.CreateCommand())
                    command.CommandText = $"CREATE DATABASE [{databaseName}]";
                    await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

                return(MigrationResult.Success($"Created [{databaseName}]"));

            //else failed
            return(MigrationResult.Failed("Connetion string missing"));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_dbContext.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            // Skip if MonthView already exists
            if (_dbContext.Database.HasColumn("CalendarWidgetSetting", "plugin", "MonthView"))
                return(MigrationResult.Skipped("Column BlogPost.IsPrivate already exists."));

            await _dbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [plugin].[CalendarWidgetSetting] ADD [MonthView] BIT NOT NULL DEFAULT(1)");

            await _dbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [plugin].[CalendarWidgetSetting] ADD [WeekView] BIT NOT NULL DEFAULT(1)");

            await _dbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [plugin].[CalendarWidgetSetting] ADD [DayView] BIT NOT NULL DEFAULT(1)");

            await _dbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [plugin].[CalendarWidgetSetting] ADD [ListView] BIT NOT NULL DEFAULT(1)");

            return(MigrationResult.Success("Successfully added view columns."));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_NewsDbContext.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            // Skip if Tenant.Key already exists
            if (_NewsDbContext.Database.HasColumn("NewsPost", "plugin", "IsActive"))
                return(MigrationResult.Skipped("Column NewsPost.IsActive already exists."));

            // create column initially and allow null
            await _NewsDbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [plugin].[NewsPost] ADD [IsActive] BIT NULL DEFAULT (1)");

            // update the table, set all values to 0
            await _NewsDbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("UPDATE [plugin].[NewsPost] SET IsActive = 1");

            // add the not null constraint
            await _NewsDbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [plugin].[Newspost] ALTER COLUMN IsActive bit NOT NULL");

            return(MigrationResult.Success("Added column [NewsPost].[IsActive]"));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            var output = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_connectDb.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            // site for each environment
            List <string> siteDomains = new List <string>(new string[] { "", "localhost:60002", "", "" });
            List <string> siteIds     = new List <string>();
            Site          site        = new Site();

            siteIds = _connectDb.SiteDomains.Where(x => siteDomains.Any(y => y == x.DomainKey)).Select(id => id.SiteId).ToList();

            foreach (var siteId in siteIds)
                site.Id = siteId;

            return(MigrationResult.Success($"System Master Page created for Mobile County"));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_connectDb.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            if (_connectDb.Database.HasColumn("Page", "cms", "Keywords"))
                return(MigrationResult.Skipped("Column [Page].[Keywords] already exists."));

            // Keywords column
            await _connectDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(
                "ALTER TABLE [cms].[Page] ADD [Keywords] nvarchar(1000) NULL"

            // Summary column
            await _connectDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(
                "ALTER TABLE [cms].[Page] ADD [Summary] nvarchar(2000) NULL"

            return(MigrationResult.Success("Added Keywords & Summary columns."));
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            var announcementContentType = AnnouncementManager.CONTENT_TYPE_ANNOUNCEMENTPOST;

            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_announcementDbContext.Database.TryTestConnection() == false || _connectDbContext.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            // remove any versioning records that are in an invalid state
            await _connectDbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync($@"
                DELETE FROM cms.ContentVersion WHERE ContentType = '{announcementContentType}' AND JsonData IS NULL

            // Ensure UserId is set for remaining versions
            // NOTE: Will only affect QA / Dev environments where UserIds weren't being saved during early test versions
            await _announcementDbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(@"
                UPDATE cms.ContentVersion SET UserId = bp.UserId
                FROM plugin.AnnouncementPost bp
                WHERE cms.ContentVersion.ContentId = bp.Id
                    AND cms.ContentVersion.UserId IS NULL

            // Identify announcements with valid version data to skip in next step
            // NOTE: These won't exist on production but might exist in dev / test environments
            var announcementIdsToSkip = await _connectDbContext.ContentVersions
                                        .Where(x =>
                                               x.ContentType == announcementContentType &&
                                               x.JsonData != null
                                        .Select(x => x.ContentId).ToArrayAsync();

            // Identify announcement posts that have missing version data
            var announcementPostsToMigrate = await _announcementDbContext.AnnouncementPosts
                                             .Where(x => !announcementIdsToSkip.Contains(x.Id))

            // Insert the missing verision data
            foreach (var announcementPost in announcementPostsToMigrate)
                var version = new ContentVersion(announcementContentType, announcementPost.Id);

                version.VersionCode = announcementPost.VersionCode;
                version.Created     = announcementPost.Posted;
                version.Status      = announcementPost.Published ? ContentStatus.Published : ContentStatus.Draft;
                version.UserId      = announcementPost.UserId;
                version.JsonData    = SerializeVersionData(announcementPost);


            await _connectDbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(MigrationResult.Success($"Inserted {announcementPostsToMigrate.Count} missing AnnouncementPost version records"));
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            var output = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_connectDb.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            // Check if internal product already exists
            var exists = await _connectDb.Products.AnyAsync(x => x.Id == DbKeys.ProductIds.Internal);

            if (exists)
                // early terminate
                return(MigrationResult.Skipped("Product already exists"));

            // Register the product
            var internalProduct = new Product
                Id          = DbKeys.ProductIds.Internal,
                CategoryId  = DbKeys.ProductCategoryIds.Angelo,
                Name        = "Internal Corp Product",
                Description = "Internal product used for building PC|Mac demo sites.",
                SchemaFile  = "/schemas/products/Product-0-Internal.json",
                Active      = true

            await _connectDb.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Update the PcMac Product Mapping
            var productMapping = await _connectDb.ClientProductApps
                                 .Include(x => x.AddOns)
                x => x.Id == DbKeys.ClientProductAppIds.PcMacApp1

            productMapping.ProductId    = DbKeys.ProductIds.Internal;
            productMapping.Title        = internalProduct.Name;
            productMapping.MaxSiteCount = 500; // was previously 5

            // Remove any previously seeded add-ons (the new product doesn't support any)
            if (productMapping.AddOns != null)
                (productMapping.AddOns as List <ClientProductAddOn>).RemoveAll(x => true);

            // Done
            await _connectDb.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(MigrationResult.Success("Created product and mapped to PcMac client."));
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_NewsDbContext.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            // Skip if column already exists
            if (_NewsDbContext.Database.HasColumn("NewsPost", "plugin", "VersionCode"))
                return(MigrationResult.Skipped("Versioning columns already exists."));

            // drop documentid column
            await _NewsDbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [plugin].[NewsPost] DROP COLUMN [DocumentId]");

            // create column initially and allow null
            await _NewsDbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [plugin].[NewsPost] ADD [VersionCode] NVARCHAR(50) NULL");

            await _NewsDbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [plugin].[NewsPost] ADD [Status] INT NULL");

            // update the value of the status column
            await _NewsDbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("UPDATE [plugin].[NewsPost] SET [Status] = 1 WHERE [Published] = 0");

            await _NewsDbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("UPDATE [plugin].[NewsPost] SET [Status] = 2 WHERE [Published] = 1");

            // update values for version code - tricky
            await _NewsDbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(@"
                UPDATE plugin.NewsPost SET VersionCode = ct.VersionCode 
                FROM cms.ContentTree ct 
                WHERE ContentTreeId = ct.Id"

            await _NewsDbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(@"
                UPDATE plugin.NewsPost SET VersionCode = 
                    SUBSTRING(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(NVARCHAR, Posted, 121), '-', ''), ':', ''), '.', ''), ' ', '-'), 1, 17)
                WHERE VersionCode IS NULL

            await _NewsDbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(@"
                UPDATE cms.ContentTree SET VersionCode = bp.VersionCode
                FROM plugin.NewsPost bp
                WHERE cms.ContentTree.Id = bp.ContentTreeId

            // add the not null constraint
            await _NewsDbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [plugin].[NewsPost] ALTER COLUMN [VersionCode] NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL");

            await _NewsDbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [plugin].[NewsPost] ALTER COLUMN [Status] INT NOT NULL");

            return(MigrationResult.Success("Added [NewsPost].[VersionCode], Added [NewsPost].[Status], Removed [NewsPost].[DocumentId]"));
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_connectDb.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            await _connectDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [cms].[NavigationMenuItem] ALTER COLUMN [TargetType] bit");

            return(MigrationResult.Success("Altered [TargetType] to bit"));
Exemplo n.º 11
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_dbContext.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            // Skip if bg color already exists
            if (_dbContext.Database.HasColumn("SlideShowSlide", "plugin", "UseVideoBackground"))
                return(MigrationResult.Skipped("Column SlideShowSlide.UseVideoBackground already exists."));

            // Skip if VideoUrl already exists
            if (_dbContext.Database.HasColumn("SlideShowSlide", "plugin", "VideoUrl"))
                return(MigrationResult.Skipped("Column SlideShowSlide.VideoUrl already exists."));

            // Skip if VideoSource already exists
            if (_dbContext.Database.HasColumn("SlideShowSlide", "plugin", "VideoSource"))
                return(MigrationResult.Skipped("Column SlideShowSlide.VideoSource already exists."));

            // Skip if EnableVideoSound already exists
            if (_dbContext.Database.HasColumn("SlideShowSlide", "plugin", "EnableVideoSound"))
                return(MigrationResult.Skipped("Column SlideShowSlide.EnableVideoSound already exists."));

            await _dbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(
                "ALTER TABLE [plugin].[SlideShowSlide] ADD [UseVideoBackground] [Bit] NULL Default(0)");

            await _dbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(
                "ALTER TABLE [plugin].[SlideShowSlide] ADD [VideoUrl][nvarchar](500) NULL");

            await _dbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(
                "ALTER TABLE [plugin].[SlideShowSlide] ADD [VideoSource][nvarchar](20) NULL");

            await _dbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(
                "ALTER TABLE [plugin].[SlideShowSlide] ADD [EnableVideoSound][Bit] NULL Default(0)");

            // update the table, set all values to 0
            await _dbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("UPDATE [plugin].[SlideShowSlide] SET UseVideoBackground = 0");

            // update the table, set all values to 0
            await _dbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("UPDATE [plugin].[SlideShowSlide] SET EnableVideoSound = 0");

                       "Added Video Background supporting columns"));
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_connectDb.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            await _connectDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [cms].[PageMaster] ADD [IsSystemPage] bit NOT NULL DEFAULT 0");

            return(MigrationResult.Success("Added [IsSystemPage] to PageMaster"));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_identityDb.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            await AddCorpUserClaimToCorpRoles();

            return(MigrationResult.Success("Successfully added the corp User"));
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            var output = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_identityDb.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            // Insert claim into Client RoleClaims
            var clients = await _connectDb.Clients.ToListAsync();

            foreach (Client client in clients)
                var roles = await _identityDb.Roles.Where(x => x.PoolId == client.SecurityPoolId && x.Name != "Registered Users").ToListAsync();

                var clientId = client.Id;

                foreach (Role role in roles)
                    await _identityDb.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($@"
                        INSERT INTO auth.RoleClaim (RoleId, ClaimType, ClaimValue)
                        VALUES ('{role.Id}', 'user-library-owner', '{clientId}')

            // Insert claim into Site RoleClaims
            var sites = await _connectDb.Sites.ToListAsync();

            foreach (Site site in sites)
                var roles = await _identityDb.Roles.Where(x => x.PoolId == site.SecurityPoolId && x.Name != "Registered Users").ToListAsync();

                var siteId = site.Id;

                foreach (Role role in roles)
                    await _identityDb.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($@"
                        INSERT INTO auth.RoleClaim (RoleId, ClaimType, ClaimValue)
                        VALUES ('{role.Id}', 'user-library-owner', '{siteId}')

            return(MigrationResult.Success("Added user-library-owner claim to roles."));
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            var output = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_identityDb.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            // Update the name for the wireless provider
            await _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync($"UPDATE [auth].[WirelessProvider] SET [Name] = 'Boost Mobile' WHERE [Id] = '{DbKeys.WirelessProviderIds.BoostMobile}'");

            return(MigrationResult.Success($"Updated Boost Mobile Name from  Boos Mobile to Boost Mobile"));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_dbContext.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            await _dbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [plugin].[SlideShowLayer] ALTER COLUMN [Title] [nvarchar](MAX) NULL");

            await _dbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [plugin].[SlideShowLayer] ALTER COLUMN [SourceUrl] [nvarchar](MAX) NULL");

            return(MigrationResult.Success("Successful Increase Title And Url Column Size "));
Exemplo n.º 17
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_connectDb.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            // Add the new column
            await _connectDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [cms].[Page] ADD [IsHomePage] BIT NOT NULL DEFAULT(0)");

            await UpdateFlagOnExistingSites();

            return(MigrationResult.Success("Successfully added Column IsHomePage to Pages."));
Exemplo n.º 18
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            string schemaName = "cms";
            string tableName  = "SiteAlert";
            var    output     = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_connectDb.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

                // CREATE TABLE
                if (_connectDb.Database.TableExists(tableName, schemaName) == false)
                    await _connectDb.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync($@"
                        CREATE TABLE [{schemaName}].[{tableName}](
                            [Id] nvarchar(50) NOT NULL,
                            [VersionCode] nvarchar(50)  NOT NULL,
                            [SiteId] nvarchar(50) NOT NULL, 
                            [UserId] nvarchar(50) NOT NULL,
                            [ContentTreeId] nvarchar(50) NOT NULL,
                            [Title] nvarchar(450) NULL,
                            [StartDate] datetime  NOT NULL,
                            [EndDate] datetime  NOT NULL,
                            [Status] int  NOT NULL,
                            [Posted] datetime  NOT NULL,
                            CONSTRAINT [PK_SiteAlert_Id] PRIMARY KEY (Id));
                    return(await Task.FromResult(MigrationResult.Failed($"Table already created: [{schemaName}].[{tableName}]. ")));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(await Task.FromResult(MigrationResult.Failed($"Error creating table. {e.Message}")));

            return(await Task.FromResult(MigrationResult.Success("Created table [cms].[SiteAlert]")));
Exemplo n.º 19
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            var output = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_identityDb.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            // Skip if Tenant.Key already exists
            if (_identityDb.Database.HasColumn("Tenant", "auth", "Key"))
                return(MigrationResult.Skipped("Column Tenant.Key already exists."));

            await _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [auth].[Tenant] ADD [Key] nvarchar(450) NULL");

            return(MigrationResult.Success("Added column [Tenant].[Key]"));
Exemplo n.º 20
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_connectDb.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            if (_connectDb.Database.HasColumn("ContentVersion", "cms", "JsonData"))
                return(MigrationResult.Skipped("Column [ContentVersion].[JsonData] already exists."));

            await _connectDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(
                "ALTER TABLE [cms].[ContentVersion] ADD [JsonData] nvarchar(max) NULL"

            return(MigrationResult.Success("Added Keywords & Summary columns."));
Exemplo n.º 21
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_dbContext.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            // Skip if sort already exists
            if (_dbContext.Database.HasColumn("DocumentListDocument", "plugin", "Sort"))
                return(MigrationResult.Skipped("Column DocumentListDocument.Sort already exists."));

            await _dbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [plugin].[DocumentListDocument] ADD [Sort] INT NULL");

            await _dbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [plugin].[DocumentListDocument] ADD [FolderId] [nvarchar](50) NULL");

            if (_dbContext.Database.TableExists("DocumentListFolder", "plugin"))
                return(MigrationResult.Skipped("Table DocumentListFolder is already created."));

            //add the folder table
            await _dbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync(@"
                    CREATE TABLE [plugin].[DocumentListFolder](
                        [Id] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
                        [WidgetId] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
                        [Title] [nvarchar](500) NULL,
                        [Sort] [int] NULL,
                        CONSTRAINT [PK_DocumentListFolder] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC)

            //Update the sort column default value (fix issue in SQL 2008)
            await _dbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("UPDATE [plugin].[DocumentListDocument] SET Sort = 0");

            return(MigrationResult.Success("Added column [DocumentListDocument].[Sort] and created DocumentListFolder"));
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            //    [nvarchar] (7) NOT NULL DEFAULT '_self',

            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_dbContext.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            // Skip if MonthView already exists
            if (_dbContext.Database.HasColumn("CalendarEvent", "plugin", "LinkTarget"))
                return(MigrationResult.Skipped("Column CalendarEvent.LinkTarget already exists."));

            await _dbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [plugin].[CalendarEvent] ADD [LinkTarget] [nvarchar] (7) NOT NULL DEFAULT '_self'");

            return(MigrationResult.Success("Successfully Add Target To Event Url."));
Exemplo n.º 23
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_identityDb.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            // Skip if User.TenantId already exists
            if (_identityDb.Database.HasColumn("User", "auth", "TenantId"))
                return(MigrationResult.Skipped("Column [User].[TenantId] already exists."));

            // Create the column - allowing nulls temporarily
            // This will be changed in the 2nd part of this job (A26015)
            await _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [auth].[User] ADD [TenantId] nvarchar(450) NULL");

            return(MigrationResult.Success("Added column [auth].[User].[TenantId]."));
Exemplo n.º 24
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_identityDb.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            var oldClaimType = "resource-calendar-event-edit";
            var newClaimType = Calendar.Security.CalendarClaimTypes.CalendarAuthor;

            // Update any existing user claims
            await _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync($"UPDATE [auth].[UserClaim] SET [ClaimType] = '{newClaimType}' WHERE [ClaimType] = '{oldClaimType}'");

            // Update any existing role claims
            await _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync($"UPDATE [auth].[RoleClaim] SET [ClaimType] = '{newClaimType}' WHERE [ClaimType] = '{oldClaimType}'");

            // Update any existing group claims
            await _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync($"UPDATE [auth].[GroupClaim] SET [ClaimType] = '{newClaimType}' WHERE [ClaimType] = '{oldClaimType}'");

            return(MigrationResult.Success($"Updated ClaimType {oldClaimType} to {newClaimType}"));
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_dbContext.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            // Skip if bg color already exists
            if (_dbContext.Database.HasColumn("SlideShowLayer", "plugin", "BgColor"))
                return(MigrationResult.Skipped("Column SlideShowLayer.BgColor already exists."));

            await _dbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [plugin].[SlideShowLayer] ADD [BgColor] [nvarchar](50) NULL");

            await _dbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [plugin].[SlideShowLayer] ADD [FontWeight] [nvarchar](50) NULL");

            await _dbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [plugin].[SlideShowLayer] ADD [FontStyle] [nvarchar](50) NULL");

            await _dbContext.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [plugin].[SlideShowLayer] ADD [TextDecoration] [nvarchar](50) NULL");

            return(MigrationResult.Success("Added columns [SlideShowLayer].[BgColor], [FontWeight], [FontStyle], [TextDecoration] "));
Exemplo n.º 26
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            var output = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_identityDb.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            // We'll be introducing a new FK constraint.
            // If it already exist, that means we should skip this process
            if (_identityDb.Database.ConstraintExists("User", "auth", "FK_User_Tenant_TenantId"))

            // [1] Update existing records with TenantId
            await _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(@"
                UPDATE [auth].[User]
                    TenantId = dir.TenantId
                    [auth].[Directory] dir
                    DirectoryId = dir.Id

            // [2] Update column to not allow nulls
            await _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(@"
                ALTER TABLE [auth].[User] ALTER COLUMN [TenantId] nvarchar(450) NOT NULL

            // [3] Add FK Constraint on Tenant table
            await _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(@"
                ALTER TABLE [auth].[User]
                ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_User_Tenant_TenantId] 
                    FOREIGN KEY ([TenantId]) 
                    REFERENCES [auth].[Tenant] ([Id])

            // [4] Change UserName from varchar(max) to varchar(450) max can't be used in constraints
            await _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(@"
                ALTER TABLE [auth].[User] ALTER COLUMN [UserName] nvarchar(450) NOT NULL

            // [5] Add a unique constraint (alternate key) on TenantId & UserName
            await _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(@"
                ALTER TABLE [auth].[User]
                    ADD CONSTRAINT [AK_TenantId_UserName] UNIQUE (TenantId, UserName); 

            // [6] Create an index on TenantId
            await _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(@"
                CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_User_TenantId]
                    ON [auth].[User]([TenantId] ASC);

            return(MigrationResult.Success("Updated table data and created constraints."));
Exemplo n.º 27
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_connectDb.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            // Skip if Tenant.Key already exists
            if (_connectDb.Database.HasColumn("NavigationMenu", "cms", "Scope"))
                return(MigrationResult.Skipped("Column [NavigationMenu].[Scope] already exists."));

            // [1]
            // Add the new column
            await _connectDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync("ALTER TABLE [cms].[NavigationMenu] ADD [Scope] nvarchar(450) NULL");

            // [2]
            // Fix NavMenus that previously had their ID "hacked" as a way to identify the main menu
            // Use the new Scope column instead to identify the main menu

            // [2.1] DROP FK and PK ID constraints since we'll be operating on Ids
            await _connectDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(@"
                ALTER TABLE [cms].[NavigationMenuItem] 
                    DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_NavigationMenuItem_NavigationMenu_NavMenuId]

            await _connectDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(@"
                ALTER TABLE [cms].[NavigationMenu] 
                    DROP CONSTRAINT [PK_NavigationMenu]

            // [2.2]
            // UPDATE the Hacky 'main-' Ids. Use scope = main instead
            await _connectDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(@"
                UPDATE [cms].[NavigationMenu]
                    [Id] = REPLACE([Id], 'main-', ''),
                    [Scope] = 'main'
                    [Id] LIKE 'main-%'

            await _connectDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(@"
                UPDATE [cms].[NavigationMenuItem]
                    [NavMenuId] = REPLACE([NavMenuId], 'main-', '')
                    [NavMenuId] LIKE 'main-%'

            // [2.3]
            // Add the PK and FK constraints back
            await _connectDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(@"
                ALTER TABLE [cms].[NavigationMenu]
                    ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_NavigationMenu] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC)

            await _connectDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(@"
                ALTER TABLE [cms].[NavigationMenuItem]
                ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_NavigationMenuItem_NavigationMenu_NavMenuId] 
                    FOREIGN KEY ([NavMenuId]) 
                    REFERENCES [cms].[NavigationMenu] ([Id])

            // [2.4]
            // Fix NavMenuId's in the Navigation Widget Table
            // Note: The widget table does not have a FK constraint on Navigation Menu
            //       so okay to do this last
            if (_connectDb.Database.TableExists("NavMenuWidget", "plugin"))
                await _connectDb.Database.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(@"
                        [NavMenuId] = REPLACE([NavMenuId], 'main-', '')
                        [NavMenuId] LIKE 'main-%'

            return(MigrationResult.Success("Added column [NavigationMenu].[Scope]. Updated scope values for site menus."));
Exemplo n.º 28
        public async Task <MigrationResult> ExecuteAsync()
            var output = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            // Fail if cannot connect to db
            if (_identityDb.Database.TryTestConnection() == false)
                return(MigrationResult.Failed("Cannot connect to database."));

            var existingTenants = await _identityDb.Tenants.ToListAsync();

            // Skip if any Tenant.Key data exists (all should be null)
            if (existingTenants.Any(x => x.Key != null))
                return(MigrationResult.Skipped("No action required"));

            // 1) Remove Index and Foreign Key Constraints for Tenant.Id (temporarily)

            // Directories
            _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQuery("ALTER TABLE [auth].[Directory] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_Directory_Tenant_TenantId]");
            _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQuery("DROP INDEX [IX_Directory_TenantId] ON [auth].[Directory]");

            // Security Pools
            _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQuery("ALTER TABLE [auth].[SecurityPool] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_SecurityPool_Tenant_TenantId]");
            _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQuery("DROP INDEX [IX_SecurityPool_TenantId] ON [auth].[SecurityPool]");

            // Tenant Uris
            _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQuery("ALTER TABLE [auth].[TenantUri] DROP CONSTRAINT [PK_TenantUri]");
            _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQuery("ALTER TABLE [auth].[TenantUri] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_TenantUri_Tenant_TenantId]");

            // Tenant
            _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQuery("ALTER TABLE [auth].[Tenant] DROP CONSTRAINT [PK_Tenant]");

            output.Append("Dropping Constraints. ");

            // 2) Update existing data tenant and related data

            foreach (var tenant in existingTenants)
                var tenantId  = KeyGen.NewGuid();
                var tenantKey = tenant.Id;

                    UPDATE [auth].[Tenant] SET [Id] = '{tenantId}', [Key] = '{tenantKey}'
                    WHERE [Id] = '{tenantKey}';

                    UPDATE [auth].[TenantUri] SET [TenantId] = '{tenantId}'
                    WHERE [TenantId] = '{tenantKey}';

                    UPDATE [auth].[SecurityPool] SET [TenantId] = '{tenantId}'
                    WHERE [TenantId] = '{tenantKey}';

                    UPDATE [auth].[Directory] SET [TenantId] = '{tenantId}'
                    WHERE [TenantId] = '{tenantKey}';  

            output.Append($"Migrated {existingTenants.Count} tenants. ");

            // 3) Add back all previously existing Constraints

            // Tenants (also adding new alternate key constraint on Tenant.Key)
            _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQuery("ALTER TABLE [auth].[Tenant] ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_Tenant] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC)");
            _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQuery("ALTER TABLE [auth].[Tenant] ADD CONSTRAINT [AK_Tenant_Key] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED ([Key] ASC)");

            // Tenant Uris
            _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQuery("ALTER TABLE [auth].[TenantUri] ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_TenantUri] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([TenantId] ASC, [Type] ASC, [Uri] ASC)");
            _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQuery("ALTER TABLE [auth].[TenantUri] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_TenantUri_Tenant_TenantId] FOREIGN KEY ([TenantId]) REFERENCES [auth].[Tenant] ([Id])");

            // Directories
            _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQuery("ALTER TABLE [auth].[Directory] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Directory_Tenant_TenantId] FOREIGN KEY ([TenantId]) REFERENCES [auth].[Tenant] ([Id])");
            _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQuery("CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Directory_TenantId] ON [auth].[Directory]([TenantId] ASC)");

            // Security Pools
            _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQuery("ALTER TABLE [auth].[SecurityPool] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_SecurityPool_Tenant_TenantId] FOREIGN KEY ([TenantId]) REFERENCES [auth].[Tenant] ([Id])");
            _identityDb.Database.ExecuteNonQuery("CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_SecurityPool_TenantId] ON [auth].[SecurityPool]([TenantId] ASC)");

            output.Append("Recreated constraints.");

            // DONE