Exemplo n.º 1
        private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Opacity = 0;
            this.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch;
            this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
            this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;

            SplashForm sf = new SplashForm();

            this.panel1.AutoScroll = true;
            this.panel1.HorizontalScroll.Enabled = true;
            this.panel1.VerticalScroll.Enabled = true;

            MidiFile midiFile = new MidiFile("E:/Mozart__Rondo_Alla_Turca.mid");
            MidiOptions options = new MidiOptions(midiFile);
            sheetMusic1.Load(midiFile, options);
            float zoom = (float)sheetMusic1.Width / SheetMusic.PageWidth;

            this.Opacity = 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Override to add all values from all options
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override string ToString()
            var optionValues = new List <string>

            return(string.Join("; ", optionValues.Where(s => s.Length > 0)));
Exemplo n.º 3
        private Clef clef;                   /** FAB: clef of this staff */

        /** Create a new staff with the given list of music symbols,
         * and the given key signature.  The clef is determined by
         * the clef of the first chord symbol. The track number is used
         * to determine whether to join this left/right vertical sides
         * with the staffs above and below. The SheetMusicOptions are used
         * to check whether to display measure numbers or not.
        public Staff(List <MusicSymbol> symbols, KeySignature key, MidiOptions options, int staffH, int tracknum, int totaltracks)
            keysigWidth      = SheetMusic.KeySignatureWidth(key);
            this.tracknum    = tracknum;
            this.totaltracks = totaltracks;
            this.staffH      = staffH;

            // FAB
            //showMeasures = (options.showMeasures && tracknum == 0);
            showMeasures = options.showMeasures;

            measureLength = options.time.Measure;

            clef = FindClef(symbols);

            clefsym      = new ClefSymbol(clef, 0, false);
            keys         = key.GetSymbols(clef);
            this.symbols = symbols;

            this.Height = CalculateHeight();
            this.Height = staffH;

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the score sheetMusic on the panel pnlScrollView
        /// </summary>
        private void DrawScore()
            if (sequence1 == null)

            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            // set options
            options = new MidiOptions(sequence1)
                scrollVert = ScrollVert,
                transpose  = 0,
                key        = -1,
                time       = sequence1.Time,

            // Create object sheetMusic
            sheetmusic = new SheetMusic(sequence1, options, staffHeight)
                Parent = pnlScrollView,

            Cursor = Cursors.Default;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void ToStringTest()
            var midi = MidiOptions.Create()

            var iniMidi = midi.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual(iniMidi, "[midi]\r\n\r\nmpu401=intelligent\r\nmididevice=default\r\nmidiconfig=midicfg\r\n");
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void LoadDictionaryTest()
            var midi       = new MidiOptions();
            var dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "mpu401", "uart" },
                { "mididevice", "win32" },
                { "midiconfig", "midicfg" }


            Assert.AreEqual(midi.MPU401, MPU401.Uart);
            Assert.AreEqual(midi.MidiDevice, MidiDevice.Win32);
            Assert.AreEqual(midi.MidiConfig, "midicfg");
Exemplo n.º 7
        private int ytop; /** The y pixel of the top of the staff */

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public Staff(List<MusicSymbol> symbols, KeySignature key, 
            MidiOptions options,
            int tracknum, int totaltracks)
            keysigWidth = SheetMusic.KeySignatureWidth(key);
            this.tracknum = tracknum;
            this.totaltracks = totaltracks;
            showMeasures = (options.showMeasures && tracknum == 0);
            measureLength = options.time.Measure;
            Clef clef = FindClef(symbols);
            bitmapBrace = Resource.Brace;

            clefsym = new ClefSymbol(clef, 0, false);
            keys = key.GetSymbols(clef);
            this.symbols = symbols;
Exemplo n.º 8
        /** Given all the MusicSymbols for every track, create the staffs
         * for the sheet music.  There are two parts to this:
         * - Get the list of staffs for each track.
         *   The staffs will be stored in trackstaffs as:
         *   trackstaffs[0] = { Staff0, Staff1, Staff2, ... } for track 0
         *   trackstaffs[1] = { Staff0, Staff1, Staff2, ... } for track 1
         *   trackstaffs[2] = { Staff0, Staff1, Staff2, ... } for track 2
         * - Store the Staffs in the staffs list, but interleave the
         *   tracks as follows:
         *   staffs = { Staff0 for track 0, Staff0 for track1, Staff0 for track2,
         *              Staff1 for track 0, Staff1 for track1, Staff1 for track2,
         *              Staff2 for track 0, Staff2 for track1, Staff2 for track2,
         *              ... }
        private List<Staff> CreateStaffs(List<MusicSymbol>[] allsymbols, KeySignature key, 
            MidiOptions options, int measurelen)
            List<Staff>[] trackstaffs = new List<Staff>[ allsymbols.Length ];
            int totaltracks = trackstaffs.Length;

            for (int track = 0; track < totaltracks; track++) {
            List<MusicSymbol> symbols = allsymbols[ track ];
            trackstaffs[track] = CreateStaffsForTrack(symbols, measurelen, key, options, track, totaltracks);

            /* Update the EndTime of each Staff. EndTime is used for playback */
            foreach (List<Staff> list in trackstaffs) {
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count-1; i++) {
                list[i].EndTime = list[i+1].StartTime;

            /* Interleave the staffs of each track into the result array. */
            int maxstaffs = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < trackstaffs.Length; i++) {
            if (maxstaffs < trackstaffs[i].Count) {
                maxstaffs = trackstaffs[i].Count;
            List<Staff> result = new List<Staff>(maxstaffs * trackstaffs.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < maxstaffs; i++) {
            foreach (List<Staff> list in trackstaffs) {
                if (i < list.Count) {
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 9
        /** Create a new SheetMusic control, using the given midi filename.
         *  The options can be null.
        //public SheetMusic(string filename, MidiOptions options) {
        // MidiFile file = new MidiFile(filename);
        // init(file, options);
        /** Create a new SheetMusic control, using the given raw midi byte[] data.
         *  The options can be null.
        //public SheetMusic(byte[] data, string title, MidiOptions options) {
        //    MidiFile file = new MidiFile(data, title);
        //     init(file, options);
        // }
        /** Create a new SheetMusic control.
         * MidiFile is the parsed midi file to display.
         * SheetMusic Options are the menu options that were selected.
         * - Apply all the Menu Options to the MidiFile tracks.
         * - Calculate the key signature
         * - For each track, create a list of MusicSymbols (notes, rests, bars, etc)
         * - Vertically align the music symbols in all the tracks
         * - Partition the music notes into horizontal staffs
        public void Load(MidiFile file, MidiOptions options)
            if (options == null) {
            options = new MidiOptions(file);
            zoom = 1.0f;
            filename = file.FileName;

            SetColors(options.colors, options.shadeColor, options.shade2Color);
            pen = new Pen(Color.Black, 1);

            List<MidiTrack> tracks = file.ChangeMidiNotes(options);
            scrollVert = options.scrollVert;
            showNoteLetters= options.showNoteLetters;
            TimeSignature time = file.Time;
            if (options.time != null) {
            time = options.time;
            if (options.key == -1) {
            mainkey = GetKeySignature(tracks);
            else {
            mainkey = new KeySignature(options.key);

            numtracks = tracks.Count;

            int lastStart = file.EndTime() + options.shifttime;

            /* Create all the music symbols (notes, rests, vertical bars, and
             * clef changes).  The symbols variable contains a list of music
             * symbols for each track.  The list does not include the left-side
             * Clef and key signature symbols.  Those can only be calculated
             * when we create the staffs.
            List<MusicSymbol>[] symbols = new List<MusicSymbol> [ numtracks ];
            for (int tracknum = 0; tracknum < numtracks; tracknum++) {
            MidiTrack track = tracks[tracknum];
            ClefMeasures clefs = new ClefMeasures(track.Notes, time.Measure);
            List<ChordSymbol> chords = CreateChords(track.Notes, mainkey, time, clefs);
            symbols[tracknum] = CreateSymbols(chords, clefs, time, lastStart);

            List<LyricSymbol>[] lyrics = null;
            if (options.showLyrics) {
            lyrics = GetLyrics(tracks);

            /* Vertically align the music symbols */
            SymbolWidths widths = new SymbolWidths(symbols, lyrics);
            // SymbolWidths widths = new SymbolWidths(symbols);
            AlignSymbols(symbols, widths);

            staffs = CreateStaffs(symbols, mainkey, options, time.Measure);
            CreateAllBeamedChords(symbols, time);
            if (lyrics != null) {
            AddLyricsToStaffs(staffs, lyrics);

            /* After making chord pairs, the stem directions can change,
             * which affects the staff height.  Re-calculate the staff height.
            foreach (Staff staff in staffs) {

            braces = CreateBraceSymbols(staffs);

            BackColor = Color.White;

            SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); // ��ֹ��������.
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
Exemplo n.º 10
        /** Given MusicSymbols for a track, create the staffs for that track.
         *  Each Staff has a maxmimum width of PageWidth (800 pixels).
         *  Also, measures should not span multiple Staffs.
        private List<Staff> CreateStaffsForTrack(List<MusicSymbol> symbols, int measurelen, 
            KeySignature key, MidiOptions options,
            int track, int totaltracks)
            int keysigWidth = KeySignatureWidth(key);
            int startindex = 0;
            List<Staff> thestaffs = new List<Staff>(symbols.Count / 50);

            while (startindex < symbols.Count) {
            /* startindex is the index of the first symbol in the staff.
             * endindex is the index of the last symbol in the staff.
            int endindex = startindex;
            int width = keysigWidth;
            int maxwidth;

            /* If we're scrolling vertically, the maximum width is PageWidth. */
            if (scrollVert) {
                maxwidth = SheetMusic.PageWidth;
            else {
                maxwidth = 2000000;

            while (endindex < symbols.Count &&
                   width + symbols[endindex].Width < maxwidth) {

                width += symbols[endindex].Width;

            /* There's 3 possibilities at this point:
             * 1. We have all the symbols in the track.
             *    The endindex stays the same.
             * 2. We have symbols for less than one measure.
             *    The endindex stays the same.
             * 3. We have symbols for 1 or more measures.
             *    Since measures cannot span multiple staffs, we must
             *    make sure endindex does not occur in the middle of a
             *    measure.  We count backwards until we come to the end
             *    of a measure.

            if (endindex == symbols.Count - 1) {
                /* endindex stays the same */
            else if (symbols[startindex].StartTime / measurelen ==
                     symbols[endindex].StartTime / measurelen) {
                /* endindex stays the same */
            else {
                int endmeasure = symbols[endindex+1].StartTime/measurelen;
                while (symbols[endindex].StartTime / measurelen ==
                       endmeasure) {
            int range = endindex + 1 - startindex;
            if (scrollVert) {
                width = SheetMusic.PageWidth;
            Staff staff = new Staff(symbols.GetRange(startindex, range),
                                    key, options, track, totaltracks);
            startindex = endindex + 1;
            return thestaffs;
Exemplo n.º 11
        /** Set the MidiFile to use.
         *  Save the list of midi notes. Each midi note includes the note Number
         *  and StartTime (in pulses), so we know which notes to shade given the
         *  current pulse time.
        public void SetMidiFile(MidiFile midifile, MidiOptions options)
            if (midifile == null) {
            notes = null;
            useTwoColors = false;

            List<MidiTrack> tracks = midifile.ChangeMidiNotes(options);
            MidiTrack track = MidiFile.CombineToSingleTrack(tracks);
            notes = track.Notes;

            maxShadeDuration = midifile.Time.Quarter * 2;

            /* We want to know which track the note came from.
             * Use the 'channel' field to store the track.
            for (int tracknum = 0; tracknum < tracks.Count; tracknum++) {
            foreach (MidiNote note in tracks[tracknum].Notes) {
                note.Channel = tracknum;

            /* When we have exactly two tracks, we assume this is a piano song,
             * and we use different colors for highlighting the left hand and
             * right hand notes.
            useTwoColors = false;
            if (tracks.Count == 2) {
            useTwoColors = true;

            showNoteLetters = options.showNoteLetters;