/// <summary>
        /// Returns the state of the changes made to the source. 
        /// The EnC manager calls this to determine whether there are any changes to the source 
        /// and if so whether there are any rude edits.
        /// </summary>
        public int GetENCBuildState(ShellInterop.ENC_BUILD_STATE[] pENCBuildState)
                using (NonReentrantContext)
                    Debug.Assert(pENCBuildState != null && pENCBuildState.Length == 1);

                    // GetENCBuildState is called outside of edit session (at least) in following cases:
                    // 1) when the debugger is determining whether a source file checksum matches the one in PDB.
                    // 2) when the debugger is setting the next statement and a change is pending
                    //    See CDebugger::SetNextStatement(CTextPos* pTextPos, bool WarnOnFunctionChange):
                    //    pENC2->ExitBreakState();
                    //    >>> hr = GetCodeContextOfPosition(pTextPos, &pCodeContext, &pProgram, true, true);
                    //    pENC2->EnterBreakState(m_pSession, GetEncBreakReason());
                    // The debugger seem to expect ENC_NOT_MODIFIED in these cases, otherwise errors occur.

                    if (_changesApplied || _encService.EditSession == null)
                        _lastEditSessionSummary = ProjectAnalysisSummary.NoChanges;
                        // Fetch the latest snapshot of the project and get an analysis summary for any changes 
                        // made since the break mode was entered.
                        var currentProject = _vsProject.VisualStudioWorkspace.CurrentSolution.GetProject(_vsProject.Id);
                        if (currentProject == null)
                            // If the project has yet to be loaded into the solution (which may be the case,
                            // since they are loaded on-demand), then it stands to reason that it has not yet
                            // been modified.
                            // TODO (https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/1204): this check should be unnecessary.
                            _lastEditSessionSummary = ProjectAnalysisSummary.NoChanges;
                            log.Write($"Project '{_vsProject.DisplayName}' has not yet been loaded into the solution");
                            _projectBeingEmitted = currentProject;
                            _lastEditSessionSummary = GetProjectAnalysisSummary(_projectBeingEmitted);


                    switch (_lastEditSessionSummary)
                        case ProjectAnalysisSummary.NoChanges:
                            pENCBuildState[0] = ShellInterop.ENC_BUILD_STATE.ENC_NOT_MODIFIED;

                        case ProjectAnalysisSummary.CompilationErrors:
                            pENCBuildState[0] = ShellInterop.ENC_BUILD_STATE.ENC_COMPILE_ERRORS;

                        case ProjectAnalysisSummary.RudeEdits:
                            pENCBuildState[0] = ShellInterop.ENC_BUILD_STATE.ENC_NONCONTINUABLE_ERRORS;

                        case ProjectAnalysisSummary.ValidChanges:
                        case ProjectAnalysisSummary.ValidInsignificantChanges:
                            // The debugger doesn't distinguish between these two.
                            pENCBuildState[0] = ShellInterop.ENC_BUILD_STATE.ENC_APPLY_READY;

                            throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable;

                    log.Write("EnC state of '{0}' queried: {1}{2}",
                        _encService.EditSession != null ? "" : " (no session)");

                    return VSConstants.S_OK;
            catch (Exception e) when (FatalError.ReportWithoutCrash(e))
                return VSConstants.E_FAIL;
        private void AddActiveStatements(Solution solution, ShellInterop.ENC_ACTIVE_STATEMENT[] vsActiveStatements)
            Debug.Assert(_activeMethods.Count == 0);
            Debug.Assert(_exceptionRegions.Count == 0);

            foreach (var vsActiveStatement in vsActiveStatements)
                log.DebugWrite("+AS[{0}]: {1} {2} {3} {4} '{5}'",

                // TODO (tomat):
                // Active statement is in user hidden code. The only information that we have from the debugger
                // is the method token. We don't need to track the statement (it's not in user code anyways),
                // but we should probably track the list of such methods in order to preserve their local variables.
                // Not sure what's exactly the scenario here, perhaps modifying async method/iterator? 
                // Dev12 just ignores these.
                if (vsActiveStatement.posType != TEXT_POSITION_ACTIVE_STATEMENT)

                var flags = (ActiveStatementFlags)vsActiveStatement.ASINFO;

                // Finds a document id in the solution with the specified file path.
                DocumentId documentId = solution.GetDocumentIdsWithFilePath(vsActiveStatement.filename)
                    .Where(dId => dId.ProjectId == _vsProject.Id).SingleOrDefault();

                if (documentId != null)
                    var document = solution.GetDocument(documentId);
                    Debug.Assert(document != null);

                    SourceText source = document.GetTextAsync(default(CancellationToken)).Result;
                    LinePositionSpan lineSpan = vsActiveStatement.tsPosition.ToLinePositionSpan();

                    // If the PDB is out of sync with the source we might get bad spans.
                    var sourceLines = source.Lines;
                    if (lineSpan.End.Line >= sourceLines.Count || sourceLines.GetPosition(lineSpan.End) > sourceLines[sourceLines.Count - 1].EndIncludingLineBreak)
                        log.Write("AS out of bounds (line count is {0})", source.Lines.Count);

                    SyntaxNode syntaxRoot = document.GetSyntaxRootAsync(default(CancellationToken)).Result;

                    var analyzer = document.Project.LanguageServices.GetService<IEditAndContinueAnalyzer>();

                    s_pendingActiveStatements.Add(new VsActiveStatement(
                        new ActiveStatementSpan(flags, lineSpan)));

                    bool isLeaf = (flags & ActiveStatementFlags.LeafFrame) != 0;
                    var ehRegions = analyzer.GetExceptionRegions(source, syntaxRoot, lineSpan, isLeaf);

                    for (int i = 0; i < ehRegions.Length; i++)
                        _exceptionRegions.Add(new VsExceptionRegion(

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns information about exception handlers in the source.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Called by EnC manager.
        /// </remarks>
        public int GetExceptionSpans(uint celt, ShellInterop.ENC_EXCEPTION_SPAN[] rgelt, ref uint pceltFetched)
            Debug.Assert(celt == rgelt.Length);
            Debug.Assert(celt == _exceptionRegions.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < _exceptionRegions.Count; i++)
                rgelt[i] = new ShellInterop.ENC_EXCEPTION_SPAN()
                    id = (uint)i,
                    methodToken = _exceptionRegions[i].MethodToken,
                    tsPosition = _exceptionRegions[i].Span.ToVsTextSpan()

            pceltFetched = celt;
            return VSConstants.S_OK;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the state of the changes made to the source. 
        /// The EnC manager calls this to determine whether there are any changes to the source 
        /// and if so whether there are any rude edits.
        /// </summary>
        public int GetENCBuildState(ShellInterop.ENC_BUILD_STATE[] pENCBuildState)
                using (NonReentrantContext)
                    Debug.Assert(pENCBuildState != null && pENCBuildState.Length == 1);

                    // GetENCBuildState is called outside of edit session (at least) in following cases:
                    // 1) when the debugger is determining whether a source file checksum matches the one in PDB.
                    // 2) when the debugger is setting the next statement and a change is pending
                    //    See CDebugger::SetNextStatement(CTextPos* pTextPos, bool WarnOnFunctionChange):
                    //    pENC2->ExitBreakState();
                    //    >>> hr = GetCodeContextOfPosition(pTextPos, &pCodeContext, &pProgram, true, true);
                    //    pENC2->EnterBreakState(m_pSession, GetEncBreakReason());

                    if (_changesApplied)
                        _lastEditSessionSummary = ProjectAnalysisSummary.NoChanges;
                    else if (_encService.EditSession != null)
                        _projectBeingEmitted = _vsProject.VisualStudioWorkspace.CurrentSolution.GetProject(_vsProject.Id);
                        _lastEditSessionSummary = GetProjectAnalysisSummary(_projectBeingEmitted);

                    switch (_lastEditSessionSummary)
                        case ProjectAnalysisSummary.NoChanges:
                            pENCBuildState[0] = ShellInterop.ENC_BUILD_STATE.ENC_NOT_MODIFIED;

                        case ProjectAnalysisSummary.CompilationErrors:
                            pENCBuildState[0] = ShellInterop.ENC_BUILD_STATE.ENC_COMPILE_ERRORS;

                        case ProjectAnalysisSummary.RudeEdits:
                            pENCBuildState[0] = ShellInterop.ENC_BUILD_STATE.ENC_NONCONTINUABLE_ERRORS;

                        case ProjectAnalysisSummary.ValidChanges:
                        case ProjectAnalysisSummary.ValidInsignificantChanges:
                            // The debugger doesn't distinguish between these two.
                            pENCBuildState[0] = ShellInterop.ENC_BUILD_STATE.ENC_APPLY_READY;

                            throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable;

                    log.Write("EnC state of '{0}' queried: {1}{2}",
                        _encService.EditSession != null ? "" : " (no session)");

                    return VSConstants.S_OK;
            catch (Exception e) when(FatalError.Report(e))
                throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the debugger when entering a Break state. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="encBreakReason">Reason for transition to Break state.</param>
        /// <param name="pActiveStatements">Statements active when the debuggee is stopped.</param>
        /// <param name="cActiveStatements">Length of <paramref name="pActiveStatements"/>.</param>
        public int EnterBreakStateOnPE(Interop.ENC_BREAKSTATE_REASON encBreakReason, ShellInterop.ENC_ACTIVE_STATEMENT[] pActiveStatements, uint cActiveStatements)
                using (NonReentrantContext)
                    log.Write("Enter {2}Break Mode: project '{0}', AS#: {1}", _vsProject.DisplayName, pActiveStatements != null ? pActiveStatements.Length : -1, encBreakReason == ENC_BREAKSTATE_REASON.ENC_BREAK_EXCEPTION ? "Exception " : "");

                    Debug.Assert(cActiveStatements == (pActiveStatements != null ? pActiveStatements.Length : 0));
                    Debug.Assert(s_breakStateProjectCount < s_debugStateProjectCount);
                    Debug.Assert(s_breakStateProjectCount > 0 || _exceptionRegions.Count == 0);
                    Debug.Assert(s_breakStateProjectCount == s_breakStateEnteredProjects.Count);

                    if (s_breakStateEntrySolution == null)
                        _encService.OnBeforeDebuggingStateChanged(DebuggingState.Run, DebuggingState.Break);

                        s_breakStateEntrySolution = _vsProject.VisualStudioWorkspace.CurrentSolution;

                        // TODO: This is a workaround for a debugger bug in which not all projects exit the break state.
                        // Reset the project count.
                        s_breakStateProjectCount = 0;

                    ProjectReadOnlyReason state;
                    if (pActiveStatements != null)
                        AddActiveStatements(s_breakStateEntrySolution, pActiveStatements);
                        state = ProjectReadOnlyReason.None;
                        // unfortunately the debugger doesn't provide details:
                        state = ProjectReadOnlyReason.NotLoaded;

                    // If pActiveStatements is null the EnC Manager failed to retrieve the module corresponding 
                    // to the project in the debuggee. We won't include such projects in the edit session.
                    s_breakStateEnteredProjects.Add(KeyValuePair.Create(_vsProject.Id, state));

                    // EnC service is global, but the debugger calls this for each project.
                    // Avoid starting the edit session until all projects enter break state.
                    if (s_breakStateEnteredProjects.Count == s_debugStateProjectCount)
                        Debug.Assert(_encService.EditSession == null);
                        Debug.Assert(s_pendingActiveStatements.TrueForAll(s => s.Owner._activeStatementIds.Count == 0));

                        var byDocument = new Dictionary<DocumentId, ImmutableArray<ActiveStatementSpan>>();

                        // note: fills in activeStatementIds of projects that own the active statements:
                        GroupActiveStatements(s_pendingActiveStatements, byDocument);

                        // When stopped at exception: All documents are read-only, but the files might be changed outside of VS.
                        // So we start an edit session as usual and report a rude edit for all changes we see.
                        bool stoppedAtException = encBreakReason == ENC_BREAKSTATE_REASON.ENC_BREAK_EXCEPTION;

                        var projectStates = ImmutableDictionary.CreateRange(s_breakStateEnteredProjects);

                        _encService.StartEditSession(s_breakStateEntrySolution, byDocument, projectStates, stoppedAtException);


                        // When tracking is started the tagger is notified and the active statements are highlighted.
                        // Add the handler that notifies the debugger *after* that initial tagger notification,
                        // so that it's not triggered unless an actual change in leaf AS occurs.
                        _trackingService.TrackingSpansChanged += TrackingSpansChanged;

                // The debugger ignores the result.
                return VSConstants.S_OK;
            catch (Exception e) when (FatalError.ReportWithoutCrash(e))
                return VSConstants.E_FAIL;
                // TODO: This is a workaround for a debugger bug.
                // Ensure that the state gets reset even if if `GroupActiveStatements` throws an exception.
                if (s_breakStateEnteredProjects.Count == s_debugStateProjectCount)
                    // we don't need these anymore:
                    s_breakStateEntrySolution = null;
 public int GetENCBuildState(ShellInterop.ENC_BUILD_STATE[] pENCBuildState)
     return EditAndContinueImplOpt?.GetENCBuildState(pENCBuildState) ?? VSConstants.E_FAIL;
 public int GetExceptionSpans(uint celt, ShellInterop.ENC_EXCEPTION_SPAN[] rgelt, ref uint pceltFetched)
     return EditAndContinueImplOpt?.GetExceptionSpans(celt, rgelt, ref pceltFetched) ?? VSConstants.E_FAIL;
 public int EnterBreakStateOnPE(EncInterop.ENC_BREAKSTATE_REASON encBreakReason, ShellInterop.ENC_ACTIVE_STATEMENT[] pActiveStatements, uint cActiveStatements)
     return EditAndContinueImplOpt?.EnterBreakStateOnPE(encBreakReason, pActiveStatements, cActiveStatements) ?? VSConstants.S_OK;
Exemplo n.º 9
		override ModelingDocData CreateDocData(string fileName, VsShell.IVsHierarchy hierarchy, uint itemId)
			return new ORMDesignerDocData(this.ServiceProvider, ORMDesignerEditorFactory.Id);
 public int GetENCBuildState(ShellInterop.ENC_BUILD_STATE[] pENCBuildState)
     return EditAndContinueImplOpt.GetENCBuildState(pENCBuildState);