protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                // The following code gets the client context that represents the host web.
                string contextToken = TokenHelper.GetContextTokenFromRequest(Page.Request);

                // Because this is an Autohosted App, SharePoint will pass in the host Url in the querystring.
                // Therefore, we'll retrieve it so that we can use it in GetClientContextWithContextToken method call
                string hostWeb = Page.Request["SPHostUrl"];

                // Then we'll build our context, exactly as implemented in the Visual Studio template for Autohosted apps
                clientContext = TokenHelper.GetClientContextWithContextToken(hostWeb, contextToken, Request.Url.Authority);

                // Now we will use some pretty standard CSOM operations to enumerate the
                // document libraries in the host web...
                hostingWeb = clientContext.Web;
                Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ListCollection libs = hostingWeb.Lists;
                bool foundLibrary = false;
                foreach (Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List lib in libs)
                    if (lib.BaseType == Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.BaseType.DocumentLibrary)
                        // We know that we have at least one library,
                        // so we'll set the foundLibrary variable to true...
                        foundLibrary = true;
                        // ... and add the library title to the dropdown list on the page
                        CreateDocumentLink.CssClass = "tile tileOrange";
                        CreateDocumentLink.Text     = "Click here to create a document\nin the selected library";
                        CreateDocumentLink.Enabled  = true;
                SiteTitle.Text = "Office Open XML (OOXML) Document Creator: " + hostingWeb.Title;
                // If no libraries have been found, inform the user
                if (!foundLibrary)
                    CreateDocumentLink.CssClass = "tile tileRed";
                    CreateDocumentLink.Text     = "There are no libraries in the host Web.";
                    CreateDocumentLink.Enabled  = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // The following code gets the client context that represents the host web.
            var contextToken = TokenHelper.GetContextTokenFromRequest(Page.Request);

            // Because this is a provider-hosted app, SharePoint will pass in the host Url in the querystring.
            // Therefore, we'll retrieve it so that we can use it in GetClientContextWithContextToken method call
            var hostWeb = Page.Request["SPHostUrl"];

            // Then we'll build our context, exactly as implemented in the Visual Studio template for provider-hosted apps
            using (var clientContext = TokenHelper.GetClientContextWithContextToken(hostWeb, contextToken, Request.Url.Authority))
                // Now we will use some pretty standard CSOM operations to enumerate the
                // document libraries in the host web...
                Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Web            hostedWeb = clientContext.Web;
                Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ListCollection libs      = hostedWeb.Lists;
                var foundFiles = false;
                foreach (Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List lib in libs)
                    if (lib.BaseType == Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.BaseType.DocumentLibrary)
                        // ... and for each document library we'll enumerate all the Office files that
                        // may exist in the root folder of each library.
                        Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Folder         folder = lib.RootFolder;
                        Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FileCollection files  = folder.Files;
                        foreach (Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File file in files)
                            if ((file.ServerRelativeUrl.ToLower().EndsWith(".docx")) ||
                                (file.ServerRelativeUrl.ToLower().EndsWith(".xlsx")) ||
                                // We know that we have at least one file, so we'll set the foundFiles variable to true
                                foundFiles = true;
                                // Then, for each Office file, we'll build a tile in the UI and set its style to an
                                // appropriate style that we have defined in point8020metro.css.
                                Panel fileItem = new Panel();
                                if (file.ServerRelativeUrl.ToLower().EndsWith(".docx"))
                                    fileItem.CssClass = "tile tileWord fl";
                                if (file.ServerRelativeUrl.ToLower().EndsWith(".xlsx"))
                                    fileItem.CssClass = "tile tileExcel fl";
                                if (file.ServerRelativeUrl.ToLower().EndsWith(".pptx"))
                                    fileItem.CssClass = "tile tilePowerPoint fl";
                                // Then we'll add text to the tile to represent the name of the file
                                fileItem.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(file.Name));

                                // And now we'll add a custom-styled link for opening the file in 'View' mode
                                // in the Office Web Access Companion
                                HyperLink fileView = new HyperLink();
                                fileView.CssClass    = "tileBodyView";
                                fileView.Text        = "";
                                fileView.ToolTip     = "View in browser";
                                fileView.Target      = "_blank";
                                fileView.Width       = new Unit(125);
                                fileView.NavigateUrl = hostedWeb.Url + "/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc=" + file.ServerRelativeUrl + "&action=view&source=" + hostedWeb.Url + file.ServerRelativeUrl;

                                // And finally we'll add a custom-styled link for opening the file in 'Edit' mode
                                // in the Office Web Access Companion
                                HyperLink fileEdit = new HyperLink();
                                fileEdit.CssClass    = "tileBodyEdit";
                                fileEdit.Text        = "";
                                fileEdit.ToolTip     = "Edit in browser";
                                fileEdit.Target      = "_blank";
                                fileEdit.Width       = new Unit(125);
                                fileEdit.NavigateUrl = hostedWeb.Url + "/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc=" + file.ServerRelativeUrl + "&action=edit&source=" + hostedWeb.Url + file.ServerRelativeUrl;

                                fileItem.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));
                                fileItem.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));
                SiteTitle.Text = "Office Web Access: " + hostedWeb.Title;
                // If no videos have been found, build a red tile to inform the user
                if (!foundFiles)
                    LiteralControl noItems = new LiteralControl("<div id='" + Guid.NewGuid()
                                                                + "' class='tile tileRed fl'>There are no Office files in the parent Web</div>");