Exemplo n.º 1
        public static ProjectDetails LoadProjectDetails(string projectFile, string configuration)
            var            key = Tuple.Create(projectFile, configuration);
            ProjectDetails details;

            if (_allProjects.TryGetValue(key, out details))
                if (!details.HasChanged())
                    if (_log.IsEnabled(Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Debug))
                        _log.Debug($"Using cached project file details for [{projectFile}]");

                    if (_log.IsEnabled(Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Debug))
                        _log.Debug($"Reloading project file details [{projectFile}] as one of its imports has been modified.");

            if (_log.IsEnabled(Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Debug))
                _log.Debug($"Loading project file [{projectFile}]");

            details = new ProjectDetails();

            var properties = new Dictionary <string, string>(ImmutableDictionary <string, string> .Empty);

            properties["DesignTimeBuild"]                  = "true"; // this will tell msbuild to not build the dependent projects
            properties["BuildingInsideVisualStudio"]       = "true"; // this will force CoreCompile task to execute even if all inputs and outputs are up to date
            properties["BuildingInsideUnoSourceGenerator"] = "true"; // this will force prevent the task to run recursively
            properties["Configuration"] = configuration;
            properties["UseHostCompilerIfAvailable"] = "true";
            properties["UseSharedCompilation"]       = "true";

            // Platform is intentionally kept as not defined, to avoid having
            // dependent projects being loaded with a platform they don't support.
            // properties["Platform"] = _platform;

            var xmlReader  = XmlReader.Create(projectFile);
            var collection = new Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.ProjectCollection();

            collection.RegisterLogger(new Microsoft.Build.Logging.ConsoleLogger()
                Verbosity = LoggerVerbosity.Normal

            collection.OnlyLogCriticalEvents = false;
            var xml = Microsoft.Build.Construction.ProjectRootElement.Create(xmlReader, collection);

            // When constructing a project from an XmlReader, MSBuild cannot determine the project file path.  Setting the
            // path explicitly is necessary so that the reserved properties like $(MSBuildProjectDirectory) will work.
            xml.FullPath = Path.GetFullPath(projectFile);

            var loadedProject = new Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Project(
                toolsVersion: null,
                projectCollection: collection

            var buildTargets = new BuildTargets(loadedProject, "Compile");

            // don't execute anything after CoreCompile target, since we've
            // already done everything we need to compute compiler inputs by then.
            buildTargets.RemoveAfter("CoreCompile", includeTargetInRemoval: false);

            details.Configuration = configuration;
            details.LoadedProject = loadedProject;

            // create a project instance to be executed by build engine.
            // The executed project will hold the final model of the project after execution via msbuild.
            details.ExecutedProject = loadedProject.CreateProjectInstance();

            var hostServices = new Microsoft.Build.Execution.HostServices();

            // connect the host "callback" object with the host services, so we get called back with the exact inputs to the compiler task.
            hostServices.RegisterHostObject(loadedProject.FullPath, "CoreCompile", "Csc", null);

            var buildParameters = new Microsoft.Build.Execution.BuildParameters(loadedProject.ProjectCollection);

            // This allows for the loggers to
            buildParameters.Loggers = collection.Loggers;

            var buildRequestData = new Microsoft.Build.Execution.BuildRequestData(details.ExecutedProject, buildTargets.Targets, hostServices);

            var result = BuildAsync(buildParameters, buildRequestData);

            if (result.Exception == null)

                var projectFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(projectFile));

                details.References = details.ExecutedProject.GetItems("ReferencePath").Select(r => r.EvaluatedInclude).ToArray();

                if (details.References.None())
                    LogFailedTargets(projectFile, result);
                LogFailedTargets(projectFile, result);

            _allProjects.TryAdd(key, details);

