public void GetAllLiveMessages()

            IEnumerable messages = _operations.GetMessages();

            foreach (BizTalkMessage msg in messages)
                ulong size;
                bool  isImplemented;
                msg.GetSize(out size, out isImplemented);

                Console.WriteLine("The message ID, number of parts in the message, message type (ie, associated schema), body part name, size of the message and a bool (indicating whether the size is implemented) are: ");
                Console.WriteLine(msg.MessageID + ", " + msg.PartCount + ", " + msg.MessageType + ", " + msg.BodyPartName + ", " + size + ", " + isImplemented);

                Console.WriteLine("The messagebox name and server name on which this message exists are: ");
                Console.WriteLine(msg.MessageBox.DBName + ", " + msg.MessageBox.DBServer + "/n");

                //Prints out the parts/property bag
                Console.WriteLine("Parts associated with the message: ");
                int msgPartCount = msg.PartCount;
                for (int i = 0; i < msg.PartCount; i++)
                    string name;
                    Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessagePart part = msg.GetPartByIndex(i, out name);
                    Console.WriteLine("Part number and part name are: " + i + ", " + name);
                    Console.WriteLine("Part charset, content type and partID are: " + part.Charset + ", " + part.ContentType + ", " + part.PartID);

                    Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBasePropertyBag bag = part.PartProperties;
                    Console.WriteLine("Properties associated with the part: ");
                    Console.WriteLine("Number of properties: " + bag.CountProperties);

                    uint propCount = bag.CountProperties;

                    for (int j = 0; j < propCount; j++)
                        string propName;
                        string nameSpace;
                        bag.ReadAt(j, out propName, out nameSpace);
                        Console.WriteLine("Part property number, name and namespace: " + j + ", " + propName + ", " + nameSpace);

                //The message context can also be accessed in a similar way
                //Exception handling, ie, if a db you're querying against goes down
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves out a message to a file, using tracked filename and timestamp where possible.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messageIdentifier">Message guid</param>
        public void ExtractMessage(string messageIdentifier)
            bool retry = false;

            messageIdentifier = messageIdentifier.Trim();

            Guid messageId = new Guid(messageIdentifier);

            Console.Write("Processing {0}. ", messageIdentifier);

                    retry = false;

                    Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessage msg = _btsOps.GetTrackedMessage(messageId, _trackingDatabase);

                    // Build an output filename
                    string saveFileName      = msg.MessageID.ToString();
                    string saveFileExtension = ".txt";
                    string receivedFileName  = (string)msg.Context.Read(_settings.FilenameProperty, _settings.FilenameSchema);

                    // If we've obtained a filename from the context
                    if (receivedFileName != null)
                        saveFileName      = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(receivedFileName);
                        saveFileExtension = Path.GetExtension(receivedFileName);

                    // Loop each message part
                    for (int i = 0; i < msg.PartCount; i++)
                        string partName;
                        Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessagePart part = msg.GetPartByIndex(i, out partName);

                        if (part != null && part.Data != null)
                            // Attempt to construct a file name based on part data
                            string fileName          = String.Empty;
                            string partFileName      = part.PartProperties.Read("FileName", "") as String;
                            string partFileExtension = saveFileExtension;

                            // Use the partName if there is no mime name
                            if (partFileName == null)
                                partFileName = partName;
                            // Use the extension from the filename for this part
                                partFileExtension = Path.GetExtension(partFileName);
                                partFileName      = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(partFileName);

                            // Handle duplicate files names with an incrementing counter
                            int fileNameDuplicate = -1;
                                fileName = CleanFilename(String.Format("{0}_{1}{3}{2}", saveFileName, partFileName, partFileExtension, fileNameDuplicate++ >= 0 ? fileNameDuplicate.ToString() : String.Empty));
                            } while (File.Exists(fileName));

                            Console.WriteLine("Saving message to {0}", fileName);

                            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.CreateNew))
                                byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
                                int    length = 0;
                                while ((length = part.Data.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
                                    fs.Write(buffer, 0, length);


                            DateTime createdTime = DateTime.Now;

                            // Try to get the file created time
                            object prop = msg.Context.Read("FileCreationTime", "");

                            if (prop == null)
                                // If there was no file created time (e.g. it was a SOAP message), get the adapter finished time
                                prop = msg.Context.Read("AdapterReceiveCompleteTime", "");

                            if (prop != null)
                                createdTime = (DateTime)prop;

                            File.SetLastWriteTime(fileName, createdTime);
                catch (Exception ex)

                        string prompt = PromptFor <string>("Would you like to retry this message? [Y/N]");
                        switch (prompt.ToUpper().Trim())
                        case "N":

                        case "Y":
                            retry = true;

                            WriteColourfulLine(CON_COLOUR_WARN, "Invalid answer, Y or N please.");
                    } while (!retry);                           // impossible for a false retry as we'll return on a N
            } while (retry);