Exemplo n.º 1
        public unsafe static T PointerToObject <T>(ObjectHeader *objectHeader) where T : class
            MethodTable **       ppMT           = &(objectHeader->MethodTable);
            PublicTypedReference typedReference = new PublicTypedReference
                Value = &ppMT,
                Type  = (void *)typeof(T).TypeHandle.Value,

            return(__refvalue(*(TypedReference *)&typedReference, T));
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static bool FindImplSlotForCurrentType(MethodTable *pTgtType,
                                                       MethodTable *pItfType,
                                                       ushort itfSlotNumber,
                                                       bool fDoDefaultImplementationLookup,
                                                       ushort *pImplSlotNumber,
                                                       MethodTable **ppGenericContext)
            bool fRes = false;

            // If making a call and doing virtual resolution don't look into the dispatch map,
            // take the slot number directly.
            if (!pItfType->IsInterface)
                *pImplSlotNumber = itfSlotNumber;

                // Only notice matches if the target type and search types are the same
                // This will make dispatch to sealed slots work correctly
                return(pTgtType == pItfType);

            if (pTgtType->HasDispatchMap)
                // For variant interface dispatch, the algorithm is to walk the parent hierarchy, and at each level
                // attempt to dispatch exactly first, and then if that fails attempt to dispatch variantly. This can
                // result in interesting behavior such as a derived type only overriding one particular instantiation
                // and funneling all the dispatches to it, but its the algorithm.

                bool fDoVariantLookup = false; // do not check variance for first scan of dispatch map

                fRes = FindImplSlotInSimpleMap(
                    pTgtType, pItfType, itfSlotNumber, pImplSlotNumber, ppGenericContext, fDoVariantLookup, fDoDefaultImplementationLookup);

                if (!fRes)
                    fDoVariantLookup = true; // check variance for second scan of dispatch map
                    fRes             = FindImplSlotInSimpleMap(
                        pTgtType, pItfType, itfSlotNumber, pImplSlotNumber, ppGenericContext, fDoVariantLookup, fDoDefaultImplementationLookup);

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// This function is called from the lazy vtable resolver thunks via the UniversalTransitionThunk to compute
        /// the correct resolution of a virtual dispatch.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="callerTransitionBlockParam">pointer to the arguments of the called function</param>
        /// <param name="eeTypePointerOffsetAsIntPtr">eeTypePointerOffsetAsIntPtr is the offset from the start of the MethodTable to the vtable slot</param>
        /// <returns>function pointer of correct override of virtual function</returns>
        private static unsafe IntPtr VTableResolveThunk(IntPtr callerTransitionBlockParam, IntPtr eeTypePointerOffsetAsIntPtr)
            int eeTypePointerOffset = (int)eeTypePointerOffsetAsIntPtr;
            int vtableSlotIndex     = EETypeVTableOffsetToSlotIndex(eeTypePointerOffset);

            Debug.Assert(eeTypePointerOffset == SlotIndexToEETypeVTableOffset(vtableSlotIndex)); // Assert that the round trip through the slot calculations is good

            MethodTable **thisPointer = *((MethodTable ***)(((byte *)callerTransitionBlockParam) + ArgIterator.GetThisOffset()));
            MethodTable * MethodTable = *thisPointer;

            RuntimeTypeHandle rth = MethodTable->ToRuntimeTypeHandle();

            TypeSystemContext context = TypeSystemContextFactory.Create();
            TypeDesc          type    = context.ResolveRuntimeTypeHandle(rth);

            IntPtr functionPointer = ResolveVirtualVTableFunction(type, vtableSlotIndex);

            MethodTable->GetVTableStartAddress()[vtableSlotIndex] = functionPointer;


Exemplo n.º 4
        private static bool FindImplSlotInSimpleMap(MethodTable *pTgtType,
                                                    MethodTable *pItfType,
                                                    uint itfSlotNumber,
                                                    ushort *pImplSlotNumber,
                                                    MethodTable **ppGenericContext,
                                                    bool actuallyCheckVariance,
                                                    bool checkDefaultImplementations)
            Debug.Assert(pTgtType->HasDispatchMap, "Missing dispatch map");

            MethodTable *    pItfOpenGenericType = null;
            EETypeRef *      pItfInstantiation   = null;
            int              itfArity            = 0;
            GenericVariance *pItfVarianceInfo    = null;

            bool fCheckVariance   = false;
            bool fArrayCovariance = false;

            if (actuallyCheckVariance)
                fCheckVariance   = pItfType->HasGenericVariance;
                fArrayCovariance = pTgtType->IsArray;

                // Non-arrays can follow array variance rules iff
                // 1. They have one generic parameter
                // 2. That generic parameter is array covariant.
                // This special case is to allow array enumerators to work
                if (!fArrayCovariance && pTgtType->HasGenericVariance)
                    int tgtEntryArity = (int)pTgtType->GenericArity;
                    GenericVariance *pTgtVarianceInfo = pTgtType->GenericVariance;

                    if ((tgtEntryArity == 1) && pTgtVarianceInfo[0] == GenericVariance.ArrayCovariant)
                        fArrayCovariance = true;

                // Arrays are covariant even though you can both get and set elements (type safety is maintained by
                // runtime type checks during set operations). This extends to generic interfaces implemented on those
                // arrays. We handle this by forcing all generic interfaces on arrays to behave as though they were
                // covariant (over their one type parameter corresponding to the array element type).
                if (fArrayCovariance && pItfType->IsGeneric)
                    fCheckVariance = true;

                // If there is no variance checking, there is no operation to perform. (The non-variance check loop
                // has already completed)
                if (!fCheckVariance)

            // It only makes sense to ask for generic context if we're asking about a static method
            bool fStaticDispatch = ppGenericContext != null;

            // We either scan the instance or static portion of the dispatch map. Depends on what the caller wants.
            DispatchMap *pMap = pTgtType->DispatchMap;

            DispatchMap.DispatchMapEntry *i = fStaticDispatch ?
                                              pMap->GetStaticEntry(checkDefaultImplementations ? (int)pMap->NumStandardStaticEntries : 0) :
                                              pMap->GetEntry(checkDefaultImplementations ? (int)pMap->NumStandardEntries : 0);
            DispatchMap.DispatchMapEntry *iEnd = fStaticDispatch ?
                                                 pMap->GetStaticEntry(checkDefaultImplementations ? (int)(pMap->NumStandardStaticEntries + pMap->NumDefaultStaticEntries) : (int)pMap->NumStandardStaticEntries) :
                                                 pMap->GetEntry(checkDefaultImplementations ? (int)(pMap->NumStandardEntries + pMap->NumDefaultEntries) : (int)pMap->NumStandardEntries);
            for (; i != iEnd; i = fStaticDispatch ? (DispatchMap.DispatchMapEntry *)(((DispatchMap.StaticDispatchMapEntry *)i) + 1) : i + 1)
                if (i->_usInterfaceMethodSlot == itfSlotNumber)
                    MethodTable *pCurEntryType =

                    if (pCurEntryType->IsCloned)
                        pCurEntryType = pCurEntryType->CanonicalEEType;

                    if (pCurEntryType == pItfType)
                        *pImplSlotNumber = i->_usImplMethodSlot;

                        // If this is a static method, the entry point is not usable without generic context.
                        // (Instance methods acquire the generic context from their `this`.)
                        if (fStaticDispatch)
                            *ppGenericContext = GetGenericContextSource(pTgtType, i);

                    else if (fCheckVariance && ((fArrayCovariance && pCurEntryType->IsGeneric) || pCurEntryType->HasGenericVariance))
                        // Interface types don't match exactly but both the target interface and the current interface
                        // in the map are marked as being generic with at least one co- or contra- variant type
                        // parameter. So we might still have a compatible match.

                        // Retrieve the unified generic instance for the callsite interface if we haven't already (we
                        // lazily get this then cache the result since the lookup isn't necessarily cheap).
                        if (pItfOpenGenericType == null)
                            pItfOpenGenericType = pItfType->GenericDefinition;
                            itfArity            = (int)pItfType->GenericArity;
                            pItfInstantiation   = pItfType->GenericArguments;
                            pItfVarianceInfo    = pItfType->GenericVariance;

                        // Retrieve the unified generic instance for the interface we're looking at in the map.
                        MethodTable *pCurEntryGenericType = pCurEntryType->GenericDefinition;

                        // If the generic types aren't the same then the types aren't compatible.
                        if (pItfOpenGenericType != pCurEntryGenericType)

                        // Grab instantiation details for the candidate interface.
                        EETypeRef *pCurEntryInstantiation = pCurEntryType->GenericArguments;

                        // The types represent different instantiations of the same generic type. The
                        // arity of both had better be the same.
                        Debug.Assert(itfArity == (int)pCurEntryType->GenericArity, "arity mismatch between generic instantiations");

                        if (TypeCast.TypeParametersAreCompatible(itfArity, pCurEntryInstantiation, pItfInstantiation, pItfVarianceInfo, fArrayCovariance, null))
                            *pImplSlotNumber = i->_usImplMethodSlot;

                            // If this is a static method, the entry point is not usable without generic context.
                            // (Instance methods acquire the generic context from their `this`.)
                            if (fStaticDispatch)
                                *ppGenericContext = GetGenericContextSource(pTgtType, i);


Exemplo n.º 5
        public static IntPtr FindInterfaceMethodImplementationTarget(MethodTable *pTgtType,
                                                                     MethodTable *pItfType,
                                                                     ushort itfSlotNumber,
                                                                     /* out */ MethodTable **ppGenericContext)
            DynamicModule *dynamicModule = pTgtType->DynamicModule;

            // Use the dynamic module resolver if it's present
            if (dynamicModule != null)
                delegate * < MethodTable *, MethodTable *, ushort, IntPtr > resolver = dynamicModule->DynamicTypeSlotDispatchResolve;
                if (resolver != null)
                    return(resolver(pTgtType, pItfType, itfSlotNumber));

            // Start at the current type and work up the inheritance chain
            MethodTable *pCur = pTgtType;

            if (pItfType->IsCloned)
                pItfType = pItfType->CanonicalEEType;

            // We first look at non-default implementation. Default implementations are only considered
            // if the "old algorithm" didn't come up with an answer.
            bool fDoDefaultImplementationLookup = false;

            while (pCur != null)
                ushort implSlotNumber;
                if (FindImplSlotForCurrentType(
                        pCur, pItfType, itfSlotNumber, fDoDefaultImplementationLookup, &implSlotNumber, ppGenericContext))
                    IntPtr targetMethod;
                    if (implSlotNumber < pCur->NumVtableSlots)
                        // true virtual - need to get the slot from the target type in case it got overridden
                        targetMethod = pTgtType->GetVTableStartAddress()[implSlotNumber];
                    else if (implSlotNumber == SpecialDispatchMapSlot.Reabstraction)
                        throw pTgtType->GetClasslibException(ExceptionIDs.EntrypointNotFound);
                    else if (implSlotNumber == SpecialDispatchMapSlot.Diamond)
                        throw pTgtType->GetClasslibException(ExceptionIDs.AmbiguousImplementation);
                        // sealed virtual - need to get the slot form the implementing type, because
                        // it's not present on the target type
                        targetMethod = pCur->GetSealedVirtualSlot((ushort)(implSlotNumber - pCur->NumVtableSlots));
                if (pCur->IsArray)
                    pCur = pCur->GetArrayEEType();
                    pCur = pCur->NonArrayBaseType;

            // If we haven't found an implementation, do a second pass looking for a default implementation.
            if (!fDoDefaultImplementationLookup)
                fDoDefaultImplementationLookup = true;
                pCur = pTgtType;
                goto again;
