Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Indexes the catalog entry dto.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entryRow">The entry row.</param>
        /// <param name="languages">The languages.</param>
        private static int IndexCatalogEntryDto(CatalogEntryDto.CatalogEntryRow entryRow, string[] languages)
            int indexCounter = 0;

            CatalogContext.MetaDataContext.UseCurrentUICulture = false;
            MetaObjectSerialized serialized = new MetaObjectSerialized();

            foreach (string language in languages)
                CatalogContext.MetaDataContext.Language = language;
                MetaObject metaObj = null;
                metaObj = MetaObject.Load(CatalogContext.MetaDataContext, entryRow.CatalogEntryId, entryRow.MetaClassId);

                if (metaObj == null)

                serialized.AddMetaObject(language, metaObj);

            entryRow.SerializedData = serialized.BinaryValue;
            CatalogContext.MetaDataContext.UseCurrentUICulture = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the meta field values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row">The row.</param>
        /// <param name="metaAttributes">The meta attributes.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Hashtable GetMetaFieldValues(DataRow row, MetaClass metaClass, ref ItemAttributes metaAttributes)
            Hashtable hash = null;

            // try loading from serialized binary field first
            if (row.Table.Columns.Contains(MetaObjectSerialized.SerializedFieldName) && row[MetaObjectSerialized.SerializedFieldName] != DBNull.Value)
                IFormatter formatter = null;
                    formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                    MetaObjectSerialized metaObjSerialized = (MetaObjectSerialized)formatter.Deserialize(new MemoryStream((byte[])row[MetaObjectSerialized.SerializedFieldName]));
                    if (metaObjSerialized != null)
                        if (metaAttributes != null)
                            metaAttributes.CreatedBy    = metaObjSerialized.CreatorId;
                            metaAttributes.CreatedDate  = metaObjSerialized.Created;
                            metaAttributes.ModifiedBy   = metaObjSerialized.ModifierId;
                            metaAttributes.ModifiedDate = metaObjSerialized.Modified;
                        hash = metaObjSerialized.GetValues(CatalogContext.MetaDataContext.Language);
                    formatter = null;

            // Load from database
            if (hash == null)
                MetaObject metaObj = MetaObject.Load(CatalogContext.MetaDataContext, (int)row[0], metaClass);
                if (metaObj != null)
                    metaAttributes.CreatedBy    = metaObj.CreatorId;
                    metaAttributes.CreatedDate  = metaObj.Created;
                    metaAttributes.ModifiedBy   = metaObj.ModifierId;
                    metaAttributes.ModifiedDate = metaObj.Modified;
                    hash = metaObj.GetValues();

            if (hash == null)

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the changes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        public void SaveChanges(IDictionary context)
            if (ObjectId != 0)
                // set username here, because calling FrameworkContext.Current.Profile causes MeteDataContext.Current to change (it's bug in ProfileContext class).
                string userName = FrameworkContext.Current.Profile.UserName;

                MDContext.UseCurrentUICulture = false;

                // make sure all the values are saved using transaction
                //using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
                    MetaObjectSerialized serialized = new MetaObjectSerialized();
                    //bool saveSerialized = false;
                    foreach (string language in Languages)
                        MDContext.Language = language;

                        MetaObject metaObj     = null;
                        bool       saveChanges = true;

                        // Check if meta object contect exists
                        if (context != null && context.Contains(_MetaObjectContextKey + language))
                            saveChanges = false;
                            metaObj     = (MetaObject)context[_MetaObjectContextKey + language];
                        //if (context != null)
                        //    if (context.Contains(_MetaObjectContextKey + language))
                        //    {
                        //        saveChanges = false;
                        //        saveSerialized = true;
                        //        metaObj = (MetaObject)context[_MetaObjectContextKey + language];
                        //    }
                        //    else if (context.Contains(_OrderMetaObjectContextKey + language))
                        //    {
                        //        metaObj = (MetaObject)context[_OrderMetaObjectContextKey + language];
                        //    }

                        if (metaObj == null)
                            metaObj = MetaObject.Load(MDContext, ObjectId, MetaClassId);

                        if (metaObj == null)
                            metaObj = MetaObject.NewObject(MDContext, ObjectId, MetaClassId, userName);
                            //DataBind(); return;
                            metaObj.ModifierId = userName;
                            metaObj.Modified   = DateTime.UtcNow;

                        foreach (Control ctrl in MetaControls.Controls)
                            // Only update controls that belong to current language
                            if (String.Compare(((IMetaControl)ctrl).LanguageCode, language, true) == 0)
                                ((IMetaControl)ctrl).MetaObject = metaObj;
                                //((IMetaControl)ctrl).MetaField = metaObj;

                        // Only save changes when new object has been created
                        if (saveChanges)
                        if (context != null)
                            serialized.AddMetaObject(language, metaObj);

                    if (context != null)                     //&& saveSerialized)
                        context.Add("MetaObjectSerialized", serialized);

                MDContext.UseCurrentUICulture = true;
