internal void GameStart() { try { //MetaLog.Info("Opponent Class: " + Core.Game.MatchInfo.OpposingPlayer.Name, "GameStart"); MetaLog.Info("Game Mode: " + Core.Game.CurrentGameMode, "GameStart"); MetaLog.Info("Game Format: " + Core.Game.CurrentFormat, "GameStart"); MetaLog.Info("Region: " + Core.Game.CurrentRegion, "GameStart"); MetaLog.Info("Mode: " + Core.Game.CurrentMode, "GameStart"); _trackOpponentCards.Clear(); _trackPlayerCards.Clear(); if (_validGameMode) { _opponentTurnCount = 0; _playerTurnCount = 0; MetaLog.Info("New Game Started. Waiting for opponent to play cards.", "GameStart"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } }
private async void CheckForUpdate() { try { var latest = await GitHub.CheckForUpdate("adnanc", "HDT.Plugins.MetaDetector", Version); if (latest != null) { //_MainWindow.newVersionAvailable(); //VersionWindow newVersion = new VersionWindow(); //newVersion.Show(); string pluginDLL = Path.Combine(Config.Instance.DataDir, @"Plugins\MetaDetector\MetaDetector.tmp"); using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { wc.DownloadFileCompleted += (wc_DownloadFileCompleted); wc.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(""), pluginDLL); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } }
internal async Task <string> sendCardStats() { try { MetaLog.Info("Uploading Game to ...", "sendRequest"); string url = ""; string postData = GetCardStats(); if (postData != "") { WebClient client = new WebClient(); byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData); //byte[] data = Compress.Zip(postData); Uri uri = new Uri(url); var response = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(await client.UploadDataTaskAsync(uri, "POST", data)); MetaLog.Info("Game Upload Done", "sendRequest"); return(response); } return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); return(null); } }
private void LoadMetaDecks() { try { if (checkNewVersion()) { return; } if (File.Exists(_deckFilename)) { _metaDecks = XmlManager <List <Deck> > .Load(_deckFilename); _matchedDecks = new List <Deck>(_metaDecks); //_mainWindow.updateDeckList(_metaDecks); //Log.Info(code.ToString()); } else { if (!Directory.Exists(_deckDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(_deckDirectory); } DownloadMetaFile(); //_metaDecks.Clear(); //XmlManager<List<Deck>>.Save(_deckFilename, _metaDecks); } } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } }
public bool checkNewVersion() { try { string currentVersion = _appConfig.currentVersion; DateTime lastCheck = _appConfig.lastCheck; if ((DateTime.Now - lastCheck).TotalDays > 3) { MetaLog.Info("Checking for new version of Meta File"); WebClient client = new WebClient(); String versionNumber = client.DownloadString(""); if (versionNumber.Trim() != "") { if (versionNumber != currentVersion) { DownloadMetaFile(); _appConfig.currentVersion = versionNumber; _appConfig.lastCheck = DateTime.Now; _appConfig.Save(); return(true); } } } return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); return(false); } }
public void PlayerHeroPower() { try { CardInfo temp = new CardInfo(); temp.cardId = "HERO_POWER"; temp.cardName = "Hero Power"; temp.turn = Convert.ToInt16(Math.Ceiling(Core.Game.GameEntity.GetTag(GameTag.TURN) / 2.0)); temp.mana = Core.Game.OpponentEntity.GetTag(GameTag.RESOURCES); temp.manaOverload = Core.Game.OpponentEntity.GetTag(GameTag.OVERLOAD_OWED); temp.activePlayer = "Player"; _trackPlayerCards.Add((_playerTurnCount * 500), temp); /*_cardsPlayed.Add("HERO_POWER", Convert.ToInt16(Math.Ceiling(Core.Game.GameEntity.GetTag(GameTag.TURN) / 2.0)), false, -1, false, -1, * Core.Game.MatchInfo.OpposingPlayer.StandardRank, Core.Game.MatchInfo.OpposingPlayer.StandardLegendRank, Core.Game.MatchInfo.LocalPlayer.StandardRank, * Core.Game.MatchInfo.LocalPlayer.StandardLegendRank, Core.Game.MatchInfo.RankedSeasonId, * "Hero Power", Core.Game.PlayerEntity.GetTag(GameTag.RESOURCES), Core.Game.PlayerEntity.GetTag(GameTag.OVERLOAD_OWED), "Player"); */ MetaLog.Info("Turn " + _playerTurnCount + ": Player Hero Power", "PlayerHeroPower"); } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } }
public MetaStats(MetaConfig conf) { try { //_mainWindow = new OpDeckWindow(); _appConfig = conf; _opponentCardsPlayed = new List <Card>(); bool showBubble = false; if (showBubble) { try { NotificationWindow notify = new NotificationWindow(); notify.Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } } MetaLog.Initialize(); MetaLog.Info("Meta Stats Initialized", "MetaStats"); } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } }
public void OnUnload() { _MetaDetector.saveConfig(); _MainWindow.Close(); _MetaDetector = null; _MainWindow = null; MetaLog.Info("Plugin Unload Successful"); }
private void Hyperlink_RequestNavigate(object sender, RequestNavigateEventArgs e) { try { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(e.Uri.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } }
public void PlayerDraw(Card c) { try { updatePlayerHandCards(); //Core.Game.Player.PlayerCardList.Where(x => !x.IsCreated).ToDictionary( g=>g.Id, g=>g.Count); } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } }
public void OnButtonPress() { try { SettingsWindow wndSettings = new SettingsWindow(_appConfig.userKey); wndSettings.Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } }
internal void OpponentPlay(Card cardPlayed) { if (_validGameMode) { MetaLog.Info("Opponent Played: " + cardPlayed.Name); _opponentCardsPlayed.Add(cardPlayed); if (cardPlayed.Id != "GAME_005") //ignore the coin { _opponentCardCount++; updateDecks(); } } }
internal void PlayerMulligan(Card c) { try { _trackPlayerCards.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.cardId == c.Id).Value.mulligan = true; //_trackPlayerCards.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.cardId == c.Id).Value.cardId = ""; MetaLog.Info("Player Mulliganed " + c.Name, "PlayerMulligan"); } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } }
private void updateDecks() { if (_validGameMode) { try { List <Deck> displayDecks = new List <Deck>(); if (_opponentCardCount > 0) { displayDecks = matchMetaDeck(); if (_matchedDecks.Count == 0 || _matchedDecks == null) { _mainWindow.updateText("No Decks Found.", Brushes.IndianRed); return; } else if (_matchedDecks.Count > 0) { //_mainWindow.updateCardsCount(Core.Game.Opponent.RevealedEntities.Where(x => (x.IsInDeck || x.IsMinion || x.IsSpell || x.IsWeapon) && !x.Info.Created && !x.Info.Stolen).Count()); _mainWindow.updateCardsCount(Core.Game.Opponent.OpponentCardList.Where(x => !x.IsCreated).Count()); if (_opponentCardCount > _opponentCardCheck) { _opponentCardCheck = _opponentCardCount; if (_opponentCardCount > 5) { int count = _opponentCardCount; foreach (Deck d in _matchedDecks) { _metaDecks.Find(x => x.DeckId == d.DeckId).Note = (Convert.ToInt32(_metaDecks.Find(x => x.DeckId == d.DeckId).Note) + count).ToString(); } _statsUpdated = true; } } } if (displayDecks != null) { _mainWindow.updateDeckList(displayDecks); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } } }
public void PlayerPlay(Card cardPlayed) { try { updatePlayerHandCards(); updatePlayerBoardEntities(); MetaLog.Info("Turn " + _playerTurnCount + ": Player Played - " + cardPlayed.Name, "PlayerPlay"); } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } }
public void OnLoad() { try { if (!Directory.Exists(pluginDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pluginDir); } _appConfig = MetaConfig.Load(); _appConfig.Save(); _MetaStats = new MetaStats(_appConfig); _MetaDetectorMenuItem = new PluginMenu(_appConfig.userKey); GameEvents.OnGameStart.Add(_MetaStats.GameStart); GameEvents.OnGameEnd.Add(_MetaStats.GameEnd); GameEvents.OnTurnStart.Add(_MetaStats.TurnStart); GameEvents.OnOpponentPlay.Add(_MetaStats.OpponentPlay); GameEvents.OnOpponentDraw.Add(_MetaStats.OpponentDraw); GameEvents.OnOpponentCreateInPlay.Add(_MetaStats.OpponentCreateInPlay); GameEvents.OnOpponentCreateInDeck.Add(_MetaStats.OpponentCreateInDeck); GameEvents.OnOpponentHeroPower.Add(_MetaStats.OpponentHeroPower); GameEvents.OnOpponentSecretTriggered.Add(_MetaStats.OpponentSecretTriggered); GameEvents.OnOpponentPlayToGraveyard.Add(_MetaStats.OpponentPlayToGraveyard); GameEvents.OnOpponentMulligan.Add(_MetaStats.OpponentMulligan); GameEvents.OnPlayerDraw.Add(_MetaStats.PlayerDraw); GameEvents.OnPlayerPlay.Add(_MetaStats.PlayerPlay); GameEvents.OnPlayerCreateInPlay.Add(_MetaStats.PlayerCreateInPlay); GameEvents.OnPlayerCreateInDeck.Add(_MetaStats.PlayerCreateInDeck); GameEvents.OnPlayerHeroPower.Add(_MetaStats.PlayerHeroPower); GameEvents.OnPlayerMulligan.Add(_MetaStats.PlayerMulligan); CheckForUpdate(); //_MainWindow.Show(); //_MainWindow.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden; MetaLog.Info("Plugin Load Successful"); } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); MetaLog.Info("Plugin Load Unsuccessful"); } }
public void OpponentPlay(Card cardPlayed) { try { updateOpponentCardsPlayed(); if (cardPlayed != null) { MetaLog.Info("Turn " + _opponentTurnCount + ": Opponent Played - " + cardPlayed.Name, "OpponentPlay"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } }
public void OpponentDraw() { try { foreach (Entity e in Core.Game.Entities.Select(x => x.Value).Where(x => !x.IsHero && !x.IsHeroPower && x.GetTag(GameTag.CONTROLLER) == Core.Game.Opponent.Id)) { if (e.CardId == null || e.CardId == "") { if (_trackOpponentCards.Where(x => x.Key == e.Id).Count() > 0) { _trackOpponentCards[e.Id].turnDrawn = e.Info.Turn; _trackOpponentCards[e.Id].mulligan = e.Info.Mulliganed; _trackOpponentCards[e.Id].isCreated = e.Info.Created; _trackOpponentCards[e.Id].activePlayer = "Opponent"; if (e.GetTag(GameTag.CREATOR) > 0) { _trackOpponentCards[e.Id].createdBy = Core.Game.Entities[e.GetTag(GameTag.CREATOR)].CardId; } } else { CardInfo tempInfo = new CardInfo(); tempInfo.turnDrawn = e.Info.Turn; tempInfo.mulligan = e.Info.Mulliganed; tempInfo.isCreated = e.Info.Created; tempInfo.activePlayer = "Opponent"; if (e.GetTag(GameTag.CREATOR) > 0) { tempInfo.createdBy = Core.Game.Entities[e.GetTag(GameTag.CREATOR)].CardId; } _trackOpponentCards.Add(e.Id, tempInfo); tempInfo = null; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } }
void wc_DownloadFileCompleted(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e) { try { string tempFile = Path.Combine(Config.Instance.DataDir, @"Plugins\MetaDetector\MetaDetector.tmp"); string pluginDLL = Path.Combine(Config.Instance.DataDir, @"Plugins\MetaDetector\MetaDetector.dll"); if (File.Exists(tempFile)) { File.Copy(tempFile, pluginDLL, true); File.Delete(tempFile); } } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } }
private void DownloadMetaFile() { try { using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { wc.DownloadProgressChanged += wc_DownloadProgressChanged; wc.DownloadFileCompleted += (wc_DownloadFileCompleted); wc.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(""), _deckFilename + ".gz"); } } catch (Exception ex) { _mainWindow.updateText("Unable to download Meta File.", Brushes.PaleVioletRed); MetaLog.Error(ex); } }
public void Save() { try { if (!Directory.Exists(configDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(configDirectory); } var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MetaConfig)); using (var writer = new StreamWriter(configPath)) serializer.Serialize(writer, this); } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } }
void wc_DownloadFileCompleted(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e) { try { _mainWindow.updateText("Meta File Downloaded", Brushes.LightGreen); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(_deckFilename + ".gz"); DecompressFile(fi); if (File.Exists(_deckFilename)) { _metaDecks = XmlManager <List <Deck> > .Load(_deckFilename); } } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } }
public string GetCardStats() { try { var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(GameStats)); using (StringWriter textWriter = new StringWriter()) { serializer.Serialize(textWriter, this); return(textWriter.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); return(""); } }
public NotificationWindow() { try { InitializeComponent(); Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle, new Action(() => { try { Window MainWindow = this; if (MainWindow != null) { PresentationSource MainWindowPresentationSource = PresentationSource.FromVisual(MainWindow); if (MainWindowPresentationSource != null) { Matrix m = MainWindowPresentationSource.CompositionTarget.TransformToDevice; var thisDpiWidthFactor = m.M11; var thisDpiHeightFactor = m.M22; var workingAreaWidth = SystemParameters.WorkArea.Width * thisDpiWidthFactor; var workingAreaHeight = SystemParameters.WorkArea.Height * thisDpiHeightFactor; var transform = PresentationSource.FromVisual(this).CompositionTarget.TransformFromDevice; var corner = transform.Transform(new Point(workingAreaWidth, workingAreaHeight)); this.Left = corner.X - this.ActualWidth - 20; this.Top = corner.Y - this.ActualHeight - 20; } } } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } })); } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } }
private void updatePlayerBoardEntities() { try { foreach (Entity e in Core.Game.Player.Board.Where(x => !x.IsHero && !x.IsHeroPower)) { CardInfo temp; if (_trackPlayerCards.TryGetValue(e.Id, out temp)) { _trackPlayerCards[e.Id].turn = e.Info.Turn; _trackPlayerCards[e.Id].cardName = e.Card.Name; _trackPlayerCards[e.Id].activePlayer = "Player"; if (e.GetTag(GameTag.CREATOR) > 0) { _trackPlayerCards[e.Id].isCreated = e.Info.Created; _trackPlayerCards[e.Id].createdBy = Core.Game.Entities[e.GetTag(GameTag.CREATOR)].CardId; } } else { CardInfo tempInfo = new CardInfo(); tempInfo.turn = e.Info.Turn; tempInfo.cardId = e.CardId; tempInfo.cardName = e.Card.Name; tempInfo.isCreated = e.Info.Created; tempInfo.activePlayer = "Player"; if (e.GetTag(GameTag.CREATOR) > 0) { tempInfo.createdBy = Core.Game.Entities[e.GetTag(GameTag.CREATOR)].CardId; } _trackPlayerCards.Add(e.Id, tempInfo); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } }
internal void TurnStart(ActivePlayer activePlayer) { try { if (ActivePlayer.Player == activePlayer) { _playerTurnCount = Convert.ToInt16(Math.Ceiling(Core.Game.GameEntity.GetTag(GameTag.TURN) / 2.0)); updateOpponentCardsPlayed(); } else { _opponentTurnCount = Convert.ToInt16(Math.Ceiling(Core.Game.GameEntity.GetTag(GameTag.TURN) / 2.0)); } } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } }
public void Save() { try { this.cardsPlayed = cardsPlayed.OrderBy(x => x.turn).ThenBy(x => x.activePlayer).ToList(); if (!Directory.Exists(statsDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(statsDirectory); } var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(GameStats)); using (var writer = new StreamWriter(statsPath)) serializer.Serialize(writer, this); } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } }
public MetaDetector(OpDeckWindow mainWindow) { _mainWindow = new OpDeckWindow(); _mainWindow = mainWindow; _lastGuessDeck = new Deck(); _metaDecks = new List <Deck>(); _matchedDecks = new List <Deck>(); _statsUpdated = false; _opponentCardsPlayed = new List <Card>(); _appConfig = MyConfig.Load(); _appConfig.Save(); MetaLog.Initialize(); LoadMetaDecks(); MetaLog.Info("Meta Detector Initialized"); }
internal void GameStart() { MetaLog.Info("Game Mode: " + Core.Game.CurrentGameMode); checkGameMode(); if (_validGameMode) { _opponentCardCheck = 2; _opponentCardCount = 0; _opponentTurnCount = 0; //if (_mainWindow.Visibility == System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden || _mainWindow.Visibility == System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed) // _mainWindow.Show(); _mainWindow.updateCardsCount(_opponentCardCount); _mainWindow.resetWindow(_metaDecks); MetaLog.Info("New Game Started. Waiting for opponent to play cards."); } }
private void updatePlayerHandCards() { try { foreach (var e in Core.Game.Entities.Where(x => x.Value.CardId != null && x.Value.CardId != "" && !x.Value.IsHero && !x.Value.IsHeroPower && x.Value.IsInHand && x.Value.GetTag(GameTag.CONTROLLER) == Core.Game.Player.Id).ToList()) { if (_trackPlayerCards.Where(x => x.Key == e.Value.Id).Count() > 0) { if (_trackPlayerCards[e.Value.Id].turnDrawn == 0 && e.Value.Info.Turn > 0) { _trackPlayerCards[e.Value.Id].turnDrawn = e.Value.Info.Turn; } } else { MetaLog.Info("Turn " + _playerTurnCount + ": Player Draws " + e.Value.LocalizedName); CardInfo tempInfo = new CardInfo(); tempInfo.turnDrawn = e.Value.Info.Turn; tempInfo.mulligan = e.Value.Info.Mulliganed; tempInfo.cardId = e.Value.CardId; tempInfo.cardName = e.Value.Card.Name; tempInfo.isCreated = e.Value.Info.Created; tempInfo.activePlayer = "Player"; if (e.Value.GetTag(GameTag.CREATOR) > 0) { tempInfo.createdBy = Core.Game.Entities[e.Value.GetTag(GameTag.CREATOR)].CardId; } _trackPlayerCards.Add(e.Value.Id, tempInfo); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MetaLog.Error(ex); } }