public ActionResult ListEntries(string TypeName = "", Guid?Target = null, int count = 20, int page = 0)
            bool typeSelected = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TypeName);

            IQueryable <AuditEntry> FilterQuery(IQueryable <AuditEntry> toQuery)
                return(toQuery.Where(a => (!typeSelected || a.TypeName == TypeName) && (Target == null || a.Target == Target)));

            MetaConstructor c = Constructor;

            PagedListContainer <IMetaObject> model = new PagedListContainer <IMetaObject>
                TotalCount = FilterQuery(AuditEntryRepository.All).Count(),
                Page       = page,
                Count      = count

            model.Items.AddRange(FilterQuery(AuditEntryRepository.All).OrderByDescending(a => a.Logged).Skip(page * count).Take(count).ToList().Select(o => { MetaObject me = new MetaObject(o, c); me.Hydrate(); return(me); }));

            if (Target.HasValue)
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TypeName))

        internal MetaType(MetaConstructor c) : this(c.Type)
            Type type = c.Type;

            if (Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type) != null)
                type            = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type);
                this.IsNullable = true;

            this.Parameters = new List <MetaType>();

            List <MetaAttribute> attributes = new List <MetaAttribute>();

            this.Attributes = attributes;

            if (type.BaseType != null)
                this.BaseType = MetaType.FromConstructor(c, type.BaseType);

            if (this.CoreType == CoreType.Collection)
                this.CollectionType = MetaType.FromConstructor(c, type.GetCollectionType());

            foreach (Type g in type.GetGenericArguments())
                this.Parameters.Add(MetaType.FromConstructor(c, g));

            if (c.Settings.AttributeIncludeSettings != AttributeIncludeSetting.None)
                foreach (AttributeInstance a in TypeCache.GetCustomAttributes(type))
                    if (c.Settings.ShouldAddAttribute(a.Instance.GetType()))
                        attributes.Add(MetaAttribute.FromConstructor(c, a, type));

            this.Properties = new List <MetaProperty>();

            if (this.CoreType != CoreType.Value)
                foreach (PropertyInfo thisProperty in c.GetProperties())
                    if (c.Validate(thisProperty))
                        this.Properties.Add(MetaProperty.FromConstructor(c, thisProperty));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public AttributeWrapper(AttributeInstance a, RType t, MetaConstructor c)
            this.Attribute = a;
            this.Type      = t;

            if (!c.Cache.Attributes.ContainsKey(a.Instance))
                c.Cache.Attributes.Add(a.Instance, c.Cache.Attributes.Count);

            this.Key = $"@{c.Cache.Attributes[a.Instance]}|{a.IsInherited}";
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an instance using information found in the MetaConstructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c">The MetaConstructor to  use</param>
        public MetaAttribute(MetaConstructor c) : base()
            if (c is null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(c));

            this.Instance = MetaObject.FromConstructor(c, new ObjectConstructor(c.PropertyInfo, c.Type, (c.Object as AttributeInstance).Instance));

            this.Type = MetaType.FromConstructor(c, (c.Object as AttributeInstance).Instance);

            this.IsInherited = (c.Object as AttributeInstance).IsInherited;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public AttributeWrapper(AttributeInstance a, PropertyInfo p, MetaConstructor c)
            this.PropertyInfo = p;
            this.Attribute    = a;
            this.Type         = p.DeclaringType;

            if (!c.Cache.Attributes.ContainsKey(a.Instance))
                c.Cache.Attributes.Add(a.Instance, c.Cache.Attributes.Count);

            this.Key = $"@{c.Cache.Attributes[a.Instance]}|{a.IsInherited}";
Exemplo n.º 6
        public virtual ActionResult List(string type, int count = 20, int page = 0, string text = "")
            System.Type listType = type is null ? typeof(T) : TypeFactory.GetTypeByFullName(type, typeof(object), false);

            MetaConstructor c = Constructor;

            DynamicListRenderPageModel model = new DynamicListRenderPageModel()
                PagedList = this.GenerateList <IMetaObject>(listType, count, page, text, (o) => new MetaObjectHolder(o)),
                Type      = type ?? string.Empty

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new MetaType from a given object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c">The constructor to use</param>
        /// <param name="o">The object to base the MetaType on</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of MetaType</returns>
        public static MetaType FromConstructor(MetaConstructor c, object o)
            if (c is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(c));

            if (o is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(o));

            return(FromConstructor(c, o.GetType()));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a serialized and gzipped version of a MetaObject
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o">The object to serialize and zip</param>
        /// <param name="c">The optional constructor to use</param>
        /// <returns>A byte[] containing the gzipped string from the serialized object</returns>
        public static byte[] MetaZip(object o, MetaConstructor c = null)
            if (o is null)

            c = c ?? new MetaConstructor();

            StringBuilder target = new StringBuilder();

            new MetaObject(o, c).Serialize(target);

        internal static MetaProperty FromConstructor(MetaConstructor c, PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
            MetaProperty p;

            if (!c.Contains(propertyInfo))
                AbstractMeta placeHolder = c.Claim(propertyInfo);
                p = new MetaProperty(c.Clone(propertyInfo))
                    I = placeHolder.I
                c.UpdateClaim(p, propertyInfo);
                p = new MetaProperty(c.GetId(propertyInfo));

        internal MetaProperty(MetaConstructor c) : base()
            this.Name          = c.PropertyInfo.Name;
            this.Type          = MetaType.FromConstructor(c, c.PropertyInfo.PropertyType);
            this.DeclaringType = MetaType.FromConstructor(c, c.PropertyInfo.DeclaringType);

            List <MetaAttribute> attributes = new List <MetaAttribute>();

            this.Attributes = attributes;

            if (c.Settings.AttributeIncludeSettings != AttributeIncludeSetting.None)
                foreach (AttributeInstance a in TypeCache.GetCustomAttributes(c.PropertyInfo))
                    if (c.Settings.ShouldAddAttribute(a.Instance.GetType()))
                        attributes.Add(MetaAttribute.FromConstructor(c, a, c.PropertyInfo));
        // GET: Form
        public ActionResult ViewByName(string Name)
            Form thisForm = this.FormRepository.GetByName(Name);

            if (thisForm is null)

            if (thisForm.IsJsonForm)
                return(this.View("ViewJsonForm", thisForm));
                MetaConstructor c = AdminController.Constructor;

                MetaObject mo = new MetaObject(thisForm, c);
                return(this.View("ViewForm", mo));
Exemplo n.º 12
        internal static MetaAttribute FromConstructor(MetaConstructor c, AttributeWrapper wrapper)
            MetaAttribute a;

            if (!c.Contains(wrapper))
                AbstractMeta placeHolder = c.Claim(wrapper);

                //Drop the type the attribute is declared on so we dont think we're trying to override the attribute.GetType()
                a = new MetaAttribute(c.Clone(new ObjectConstructor(wrapper.PropertyInfo, wrapper.Attribute.Instance.GetType(), wrapper.Attribute)))
                    I = placeHolder.I
                c.UpdateClaim(a, wrapper);
                a = new MetaAttribute(c.GetId(wrapper));

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new MetaType from a given type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c">The constructor to use</param>
        /// <param name="t">The type to base the MetaType on</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of MetaType</returns>
        public static MetaType FromConstructor(MetaConstructor c, Type t) // Leave this public. Its used by the Reporting Type Serializer
            if (c is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(c));

            if (t is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(t));

            string Name = t.Name;

            foreach (System.Func <Type, Type> typeOverride in c.Settings.TypeGetterOverride)
                t = typeOverride.Invoke(t);

            MetaType i;

            if (!c.Contains(t))
                AbstractMeta placeHolder = c.Claim(t);
                i = new MetaType(c.Clone(t))
                    I = placeHolder.I
                c.UpdateClaim(i, t);

                i = new MetaType(c.GetId(t));
                i = new MetaType(c.GetId(t));

Exemplo n.º 14
 public CaisisDynamicControlModifier(Type iCICType)
     if (iCICType.GetInterface(typeof(ICaisisInputControl).Name) != null)
         this.modifierType       = iCICType;
         this.controlConstructor = CreateConstructorDelegate(iCICType);
         IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> propList = EnumerateTypeMemberHierarchy(iCICType);
         foreach (PropertyInfo prop in propList)
             CaisisMetaDataField cicMetaProp = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(prop, typeof(CaisisMetaDataField), true) as CaisisMetaDataField;
             string propKey = prop.Name;
             if (cicMetaProp != null && !controlGetterSetters.ContainsKey(propKey))
                 CaisisDynamicPropertyModifier cfh = new CaisisDynamicPropertyModifier(iCICType, propKey);
                 controlGetterSetters.Add(propKey, cfh);
         string err = "Unable to create {0}, Type '{1}' must implement interface {2} and be marked with Attribute [{3}].";
         throw new Exception(string.Format(err, this.GetType().Name, iCICType.Name, ReflectionManager.BaseInterfaceType.Name, ReflectionManager.InvokeableAttributeType.Name));
Exemplo n.º 15
        private static MetaConstructor CreateConstructorDelegate(Type iCICType)
            ConstructorInfo cInfo = null;

            if (iCICType.GetInterface(typeof(ICaisisInputControl).FullName) != null && !iCICType.IsInterface)
                cInfo = iCICType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { });
            if (cInfo != null)
                DynamicMethod creator = new DynamicMethod(
                    String.Concat("_Creator", cInfo.DeclaringType.Name, "_"), typeof(ICaisisInputControl)
                    , new Type[] { }, cInfo.DeclaringType);
                ILGenerator generator = creator.GetILGenerator();
                generator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, cInfo);
                MetaConstructor metaC = creator.CreateDelegate(typeof(MetaConstructor)) as MetaConstructor;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts an IEnumerable to an IEnumerable of MetObjects
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the list to convert</typeparam>
        /// <param name="source">The source IEnumerable</param>
        /// <param name="c">A constructor to use during the generation</param>
        /// <param name="Hydrate">Should the return objects be hydrated?</param>
        /// <returns>And IEnumerable of converted objects</returns>
        public static IEnumerable <IMetaObject> ToMetaList <T>(this IEnumerable <T> source, MetaConstructor c, bool Hydrate = false)
            if (source is null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));

            c = c ?? new MetaConstructor();

            foreach (T o in source)
                MetaObject m = new MetaObject(o, c);

                if (Hydrate)

                yield return(m);
Exemplo n.º 17
 internal static MetaAttribute FromConstructor(MetaConstructor c, AttributeInstance o, RType t)
     return(FromConstructor(c, new AttributeWrapper(o, t, c)));
Exemplo n.º 18
 internal static MetaAttribute FromConstructor(MetaConstructor c, AttributeInstance o, PropertyInfo p)
     return(FromConstructor(c, new AttributeWrapper(o, p, c)));
Exemplo n.º 19
        public ActionResult StoredProcedure(string Name)
            List <SQLParameterInfo> parameters = this.ReportingDatabase.GetParameters(Name);

            DbMetaObject toRender = parameters.ToMetaObject();

            foreach (SQLParameterInfo thisParam in parameters)
                ParameterInfo DBInstance = this.ReportingParameterRepository.GetByProcedureAndName(Name, thisParam.PARAMETER_NAME);
                System.Type   netType    = TypeConverter.ToNetType(thisParam.DATA_TYPE);

                if (DBInstance != null)
                    if (DBInstance.Default != null)
                        toRender[thisParam.PARAMETER_NAME].Value = this.GetParamConstraint(DBInstance.Default, netType);

                    if (DBInstance.MinValue is null)
                        throw new NullReferenceException("DbInstance MinValue can not be null");

                    if (DBInstance.MaxValue is null)
                        throw new NullReferenceException("DbInstance MaxValue can not be null");

                    if (DBInstance.MinValue.Enabled || DBInstance.MaxValue.Enabled)
                        string?Min = null;
                        string?Max = null;

                        if (DBInstance.MinValue.Enabled)
                            Min = this.GetParamConstraint(DBInstance.MinValue, netType);

                        if (DBInstance.MaxValue.Enabled)
                            Max = this.GetParamConstraint(DBInstance.MaxValue, netType);

                        RangeAttribute range = new RangeAttribute(netType, Min, Max);

                        MetaConstructor c = new MetaConstructor();

                        DbMetaObject instance = new DbMetaObject()
                            Properties = new List <DbMetaObject>()
                                new DbMetaObject()
                                    Value    = range.Minimum.ToString(),
                                    Property = new DbMetaProperty()

                        MetaAttributeHolder toAdd = new MetaAttributeHolder(range, false);

                        instance.Type = toAdd.Type;

                        List <IMetaAttribute> existingAttributes = toRender[thisParam.PARAMETER_NAME].Property.Attributes.ToList();


                        toRender[thisParam.PARAMETER_NAME].Property.Attributes = existingAttributes;

            StoredProcedureDisplayModel model = new StoredProcedureDisplayModel
                Name       = Name,
                Parameters = toRender,
                Optimized  = parameters.Any(p => p.PARAMETER_NAME == "count") && parameters.Any(p => p.PARAMETER_NAME == "page")

        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a List of SQL parameters into MetaObjects so that they can be serialized and displayed through a dynamic editor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">A List of Sql parameters to serialize</param>
        /// <param name="c">The optional MetaConstructor to use as a start, for caching</param>
        /// <returns>A MetaObject representing a collection of the serialized parameters</returns>
        public static DbMetaObject ToMetaObject(this IEnumerable <SQLParameterInfo> parameters, MetaConstructor c = null)
            if (parameters is null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(parameters));

            DbMetaObject metaObject = new DbMetaObject();

            c = c ?? new MetaConstructor(new MetaConstructorSettings()
                AttributeIncludeSettings = AttributeIncludeSetting.All


            foreach (SQLParameterInfo thisParam in parameters)
                DbMetaObject prop = thisParam.ToMetaObject();

            metaObject.Type = new DbMetaType("SqlStoredProc", metaObject.Properties)
                CoreType = CoreType.Reference

Exemplo n.º 21
     /// <summary>
 	/// Implements the constructor: MetaConstructor()
 	/// Direct superclasses: global::MetaDslx.Core.MetaNamedElement, global::MetaDslx.Core.MetaAnnotatedElement
 	/// All superclasses: global::MetaDslx.Core.MetaNamedElement, global::MetaDslx.Core.MetaDocumentedElement, global::MetaDslx.Core.MetaAnnotatedElement
     /// </summary>
     public virtual void MetaConstructor(MetaConstructor @this)
Exemplo n.º 22
 static MetaFactory()
     // initialise with Standard Constructor
     Constructor = new MetaConstructor();