Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates default command name->method pairs.
        /// </summary>
        void DefaultCommands(DiscordBot bot)
            AdminCommands   adminCmds = new AdminCommands();
            MetaCommands    metaCmds  = new MetaCommands();
            UtilityCommands utilCmds  = new UtilityCommands();
            CoreCommands    coreCmds  = new CoreCommands(IsBotCommander);

            // Informational
            bot.RegisterCommand(InfoCmds.CMD_Help, "help", "halp", "helps", "halps", "hel", "hal", "h");
            bot.RegisterCommand(InfoCmds.CMD_Hello, "hello", "hi", "hey", "source", "src");
            bot.RegisterCommand(InfoCmds.CMD_Info, "info", "notice", "alert");
            bot.RegisterCommand(InfoCmds.CMD_Update, "update", "latest", "current", "build", "builds", "download", "version");
            bot.RegisterCommand(InfoCmds.CMD_GitHub, "github", "git", "gh", "readme", "read", "link");
            bot.RegisterCommand(InfoCmds.CMD_Issues, "issues", "issue", "error", "ghissues", "githubissues");
            bot.RegisterCommand(InfoCmds.CMD_Rule, "rule", "rules");
            bot.RegisterCommand(InfoCmds.CMD_Quote, "quote", "quotes", "q");
            // Meta Docs
            bot.RegisterCommand(metaCmds.CMD_Command, "command", "commands", "cmd", "cmds", "c");
            bot.RegisterCommand(metaCmds.CMD_Mechanism, "mechanism", "mechanisms", "mech", "mechs", "mec", "mecs", "m");
            bot.RegisterCommand(metaCmds.CMD_Tag, "tag", "tags", "t");
            bot.RegisterCommand(metaCmds.CMD_Event, "event", "events", "evt", "evts", "e");
            bot.RegisterCommand(metaCmds.CMD_Action, "action", "actions", "act", "acts", "a");
            bot.RegisterCommand(metaCmds.CMD_Language, "language", "languages", "lang", "langs", "l");
            bot.RegisterCommand(metaCmds.CMD_Guide, "guide", "guides", "g", "beginner", "beginners", "beginnersguide", "guidepage", "guidespage");
            bot.RegisterCommand(metaCmds.CMD_Search, "search", "s", "find", "f", "get", "locate", "what", "where", "how",
                                "w", "meta", "metainfo", "docs", "doc", "documentation", "documentations", "document", "documents");
            // Utility
            bot.RegisterCommand(utilCmds.CMD_LogCheck, "logcheck", "checklog", "logscheck", "checklogs");
            bot.RegisterCommand(utilCmds.CMD_VersionCheck, "versioncheck", "checkversion", "iscurrent", "isuptodate", "isupdated", "checkcurrent", "currentcheck");
            bot.RegisterCommand(utilCmds.CMD_ScriptCheck, "script", "scriptcheck", "dscript", "ds", "checkscript", "dscriptcheck", "checkdscript");
            // Admin
            bot.RegisterCommand(coreCmds.CMD_Restart, "restart");
            bot.RegisterCommand(adminCmds.CMD_Reload, "reload");
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates default command name->method pairs.
        /// </summary>
        void DefaultCommands()
            InfoCmds.Bot = this;
            AdminCommands adminCmds = new AdminCommands()
                Bot = this
            MetaCommands metaCmds = new MetaCommands()
                Bot = this
            UtilityCommands utilCmds = new UtilityCommands()
                Bot = this

            // Informational
            RegisterCommand(InfoCmds.CMD_Help, "help", "halp", "helps", "halps", "hel", "hal", "h");
            RegisterCommand(InfoCmds.CMD_Hello, "hello", "hi", "hey", "source", "src");
            RegisterCommand(InfoCmds.CMD_Info, "info", "notice", "alert");
            RegisterCommand(InfoCmds.CMD_Update, "update", "latest", "current", "build", "builds", "download", "version");
            RegisterCommand(InfoCmds.CMD_GitHub, "github", "git", "gh", "readme", "read", "link");
            RegisterCommand(InfoCmds.CMD_Issues, "issues", "issue", "error", "ghissues", "githubissues");
            RegisterCommand(InfoCmds.CMD_Rule, "rule", "rules");
            // Meta Docs
            RegisterCommand(metaCmds.CMD_Command, "command", "commands", "cmd", "cmds", "c");
            RegisterCommand(metaCmds.CMD_Mechanism, "mechanism", "mechanisms", "mech", "mechs", "mec", "mecs", "m");
            RegisterCommand(metaCmds.CMD_Tag, "tag", "tags", "t");
            RegisterCommand(metaCmds.CMD_Event, "event", "events", "evt", "evts", "e");
            RegisterCommand(metaCmds.CMD_Action, "action", "actions", "act", "acts", "a");
            RegisterCommand(metaCmds.CMD_Language, "language", "languages", "lang", "langs", "l");
            RegisterCommand(metaCmds.CMD_Search, "search", "s", "find", "f", "get", "g", "locate", "what", "where", "how",
                            "w", "meta", "metainfo", "docs", "doc", "documentation", "documentations", "document", "documents");
            // Utility
            // TODO: CMD_DScriptCheck
            RegisterCommand(utilCmds.CMD_LogCheck, "logcheck", "checklog", "logscheck", "checklogs");
            RegisterCommand(utilCmds.CMD_VersionCheck, "versioncheck", "checkversion", "iscurrent", "isuptodate", "isupdated", "checkcurrent", "currentcheck");
            // Admin
            RegisterCommand(adminCmds.CMD_Restart, "restart");
            RegisterCommand(adminCmds.CMD_Reload, "reload");
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles a search for Denizen meta.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The meta type.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="searchInput">The search input.</param>
        /// <param name="command">The command that initiated this search.</param>
        /// <param name="listOnly">Whether to only allow a list of results, rather than replying with exact or only matches.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether any results were found.</returns>
        public async Task HandleSearch <T>(string searchInput, BotCommand command, bool listOnly = false) where T : IDenizenMetaType
            searchInput = searchInput.ToLower();
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchInput))
            if (searchInput == "all")
                string       allOf = typeof(T) == typeof(IDenizenMetaType) ? "meta" : (Meta.KnownMetaTypeNames[typeof(T)] + "s");
                List <Embed> pages = command.Bot.Meta.AllOf <T>().Paginate((tag) => tag.GetListString())
                                     .Select((page) => new EmbedBuilder().WithColor(Color.Gold).WithTitle("All known " + allOf).WithDescription(page).Build())
                await command.ReplyAsync(new DiscordPaginatedMessage(pages));

            if (searchInput.StartsWith('\\'))
                searchInput = searchInput.Substring(1);
            IEnumerable <SearchResult <T> > results = Meta.Search <T>(searchInput).OrderByDescending((x) => x.MatchLevel);
            SearchResult <T> first = results.FirstOrDefault();

            if (first.Result == null)
                Type   type = typeof(T);
                string error;
                if (type == typeof(IDenizenMetaType))
                    error = "Nothing was found matching the specified input. :pensive:";
                    error = "No " + Meta.KnownMetaTypeNames[typeof(T)] + "s were found matching the specified input. :pensive:";
                await command.ReplyAsync(new DiscordEmbedMessage(new EmbedBuilder().WithColor(Color.Red).WithDescription(error).Build()));

            else if (!listOnly && (first.MatchLevel == SearchMatchLevel.EXACT || results.ElementAtOrDefault(1).Result == null))
                await command.ReplyAsync(new DenizenMetaMessage(first.Result, first.MatchLevel));

                List <Embed>      pages     = new List <Embed>();
                EmbedBuilder      builder   = new EmbedBuilder().WithColor(Color.Gold);
                SearchMatchLevel  lastLevel = SearchMatchLevel.NONE;
                EmbedFieldBuilder field     = null;
                string            value     = string.Empty;
                int length     = 0;
                int pageLength = 0;
                foreach (SearchResult <T> result in results)
                    if (result.MatchLevel != lastLevel)
                        if (field != null)
                            builder.AddField(field.WithValue(value.Substring(0, length - 2)));
                            pageLength += length;
                            value       = string.Empty;
                            length      = 0;
                        field     = new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName(MetaCommands.AdaptMatchLevelPlural(result.MatchLevel));
                        lastLevel = result.MatchLevel;
                        if (pageLength > 1250)
                            builder = new EmbedBuilder().WithColor(Color.Gold);
                    string next      = result.Result.GetListString() + ", ";
                    int    newLength = next.Length + length;
                    if (newLength > 1000 || newLength + pageLength > 1500)
                        builder.AddField(field.WithValue(value.Substring(0, length - 2)));
                        builder    = new EmbedBuilder().WithColor(Color.Gold);
                        field      = new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName(MetaCommands.AdaptMatchLevelPlural(result.MatchLevel) + " [Continued]");
                        pageLength = 0;
                        value      = next;
                        length     = next.Length;
                        value += next;
                        length = newLength;
                builder.AddField(field.WithValue(value.Substring(0, length - 2)));
                await command.ReplyAsync(new DiscordPaginatedMessage(pages));

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new paginated message from meta information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="meta">The meta to paginate.</param>
        /// <returns>A new paginated message.</returns>
        public DiscordPaginatedMessage GetPaginatedMeta(DenizenMetaMessage meta)
            List <Embed> pages   = new List <Embed>();
            string       title   = MetaCommands.AdaptMatchLevel(meta.MatchLevel) + " - " + Bot.Meta.KnownMetaTypeNames[meta.Meta.GetType()];
            EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder().WithColor(Color.Green).WithTitle(title);

            foreach (MetaPropertyAttribute property in Bot.Meta.MetaTypeProperties[meta.Meta.GetType()].Values.OrderBy((x) => x.Position))
                object propertyValue = property.PropertyInfo.GetValue(meta.Meta);
                if (propertyValue == null)
                if (property.ForceNextPage)
                    AddPage(ref pages, ref builder, title);
                if (propertyValue is SingleObject <string> single)
                    string value = single.Value;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                    if (property.Code)
                        value = $"```{property.CodeExtension}\n{value}\n```";
                        value = Regex.Replace(value, "<@link [^\\s]+ ([^>]+)>", "$1");
                    if (value.Length > 1000)
                        int    pos        = 0;
                        int    remaining  = value.Length;
                        int    nextLength = 1000;
                        bool   inCode     = false;
                        string current;
                            current = value.Substring(pos, nextLength);
                            if (nextLength >= 1000)
                                int cut = current.LastIndexOf('\n');
                                if (cut == -1)
                                    cut = current.LastIndexOf(' ');
                                current = current.Substring(0, cut + 1);
                            pos       += current.Length;
                            remaining -= current.Length;
                            nextLength = remaining > 1000 ? 1000 : remaining;
                            ParseCode(ref current, ref inCode, property.CodeExtension);
                            builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName(property.Display + (pos > 1000 ? " [Continued]" : "")).WithValue(current));
                            AddPage(ref pages, ref builder, title);
                        }while (remaining > 0);
                        bool inCode = false;
                        ParseCode(ref value, ref inCode, property.CodeExtension);
                        builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName(property.Display).WithValue(value).WithIsInline(property.Inline));
                else if (propertyValue is ListObject <string> list)
                    int count = 0;
                    int total = 0;
                    foreach (string current in list)
                        string value = current;
                        if (property.Code)
                            value = $"```{property.CodeExtension}\n{value}\n```";
                        builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName(property.Display + " #" + total).WithValue(value).WithIsInline(property.Inline));
                        if (count == property.PerPage)
                            AddPage(ref pages, ref builder, title);
                            count = 0;
            if (builder.Fields.Count > 0)
            return(new DiscordPaginatedMessage(pages));