Exemplo n.º 1
        public async void PlayMessage(MessageViewModel message, FrameworkElement target)
            var text = message.Content as MessageText;

            // If autoplay is enabled and the message contains a video note, then we want a different behavior
            if (ViewModel.Settings.IsAutoPlayAnimationsEnabled && (message.Content is MessageVideoNote || text?.WebPage != null && text.WebPage.Video != null))
                ViewModel.PlaybackService.Play(message, ViewModel.ThreadId);
                //if (_old.TryGetValue(message.Id, out MediaPlayerItem item))
                //    if (item.Presenter == null || item.Presenter.MediaPlayer == null)
                //    {
                //        return;
                //    }

                //    // If the video player is muted, then let's play the video again with audio turned on
                //    if (item.Presenter.MediaPlayer.IsMuted)
                //    {
                //        TypedEventHandler<MediaPlayer, object> handler = null;
                //        handler = (player, args) =>
                //        {
                //            player.MediaEnded -= handler;
                //            player.IsMuted = true;
                //            player.IsLoopingEnabled = true;
                //            player.Play();
                //        };

                //        item.Presenter.MediaPlayer.MediaEnded += handler;
                //        item.Presenter.MediaPlayer.IsMuted = false;
                //        item.Presenter.MediaPlayer.IsLoopingEnabled = false;
                //        item.Presenter.MediaPlayer.PlaybackSession.Position = TimeSpan.Zero;

                //        // Mark it as viewed if needed
                //        if (message.Content is MessageVideoNote videoNote && !message.IsOutgoing && !videoNote.IsViewed)
                //        {
                //            ViewModel.ProtoService.Send(new OpenMessageContent(message.ChatId, message.Id));
                //        }
                //    }
                //    // If the video player is paused, then resume playback
                //    else if (item.Presenter.MediaPlayer.PlaybackSession.PlaybackState == MediaPlaybackState.Paused)
                //    {
                //        item.Presenter.MediaPlayer.Play();
                //    }
                //    // And last, if the video player can be pause, then pause it
                //    else if (item.Presenter.MediaPlayer.PlaybackSession.CanPause)
                //    {
                //        item.Presenter.MediaPlayer.Pause();
                //    }
            else if (ViewModel.Settings.IsAutoPlayAnimationsEnabled && (message.Content is MessageAnimation || (text?.WebPage != null && text.WebPage.Animation != null) || (message.Content is MessageGame game && game.Game.Animation != null)))
                if (_prev.TryGetValue(message.AnimationHash(), out WeakReference reference) && reference.Target is IPlayerView item)
                    GalleryViewModelBase viewModel;
                    if (message.Content is MessageAnimation)
                        viewModel = new ChatGalleryViewModel(ViewModel.ProtoService, ViewModel.StorageService, ViewModel.Aggregator, message.ChatId, ViewModel.ThreadId, message.Get());
                        viewModel = new SingleGalleryViewModel(ViewModel.ProtoService, ViewModel.StorageService, ViewModel.Aggregator, new GalleryMessage(ViewModel.ProtoService, message.Get()));

                    await GalleryView.GetForCurrentView().ShowAsync(viewModel, () => target);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async void PlayMessage(MessageViewModel message, FrameworkElement target)
            var text = message.Content as MessageText;

            // If autoplay is enabled and the message contains a video note, then we want a different behavior
            if (ViewModel.Settings.IsAutoPlayAnimationsEnabled && (message.Content is MessageVideoNote || text?.WebPage != null && text.WebPage.Video != null))
                if (SettingsService.Current.Diagnostics.SoftwareDecoderEnabled) //TODO: Make audio and video playable like in other clients: together & control on top...
                //if (_old.TryGetValue(message.Id, out MediaPlayerItem item))
                //    if (item.Presenter == null || item.Presenter.MediaPlayer == null)
                //    {
                //        return;
                //    }

                //    // If the video player is muted, then let's play the video again with audio turned on
                //    if (item.Presenter.MediaPlayer.IsMuted)
                //    {
                //        TypedEventHandler<MediaPlayer, object> handler = null;
                //        handler = (player, args) =>
                //        {
                //            player.MediaEnded -= handler;
                //            player.IsMuted = true;
                //            player.IsLoopingEnabled = true;
                //            player.Play();
                //        };

                //        item.Presenter.MediaPlayer.MediaEnded += handler;
                //        item.Presenter.MediaPlayer.IsMuted = false;
                //        item.Presenter.MediaPlayer.IsLoopingEnabled = false;
                //        item.Presenter.MediaPlayer.PlaybackSession.Position = TimeSpan.Zero;

                //        // Mark it as viewed if needed
                //        if (message.Content is MessageVideoNote videoNote && !message.IsOutgoing && !videoNote.IsViewed)
                //        {
                //            ViewModel.ProtoService.Send(new OpenMessageContent(message.ChatId, message.Id));
                //        }
                //    }
                //    // If the video player is paused, then resume playback
                //    else if (item.Presenter.MediaPlayer.PlaybackSession.PlaybackState == MediaPlaybackState.Paused)
                //    {
                //        item.Presenter.MediaPlayer.Play();
                //    }
                //    // And last, if the video player can be pause, then pause it
                //    else if (item.Presenter.MediaPlayer.PlaybackSession.CanPause)
                //    {
                //        item.Presenter.MediaPlayer.Pause();
                //    }
                if (_old.TryGetValue(message.Id, out MediaPlayerItem item))
                    if (item.MediaPlayerPresenter?.MediaPlayer == null)

                    // If the video player is muted, then let's play the video again with audio turned on
                    if (item.MediaPlayerPresenter.MediaPlayer.IsMuted)
                        item.MediaPlayerPresenter.MediaPlayer.IsMuted                  = false;
                        item.MediaPlayerPresenter.MediaPlayer.IsLoopingEnabled         = false;
                        item.MediaPlayerPresenter.MediaPlayer.PlaybackSession.Position = TimeSpan.Zero;

                        // Mark it as viewed if needed
                        if (message.Content is MessageVideoNote videoNote && !message.IsOutgoing && !videoNote.IsViewed)
                            ViewModel.ProtoService.Send(new OpenMessageContent(message.ChatId, message.Id));

                        if (item.Container.FindName("Progress") is RadialProgressBar progress)
                            progress.Maximum = item.MediaPlayerPresenter.MediaPlayer.PlaybackSession.NaturalDuration.TotalSeconds;
                            async void ProgressHandler(Windows.Media.Playback.MediaPlaybackSession session, object args)
                                await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                                    progress.Value = session.Position.TotalSeconds;

                            item.MediaPlayerPresenter.MediaPlayer.PlaybackSession.PositionChanged -= ProgressHandler;
                            item.MediaPlayerPresenter.MediaPlayer.PlaybackSession.PositionChanged += ProgressHandler;
                        // MediaEnded
                        if (item.Container.FindName("MutedIcon") is StackPanel mutedIcon)
                            mutedIcon.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                            async void MediaEndedHandler(Windows.Media.Playback.MediaPlayer player, object args)
                                player.IsMuted = true;
                                if (player.PlaybackSession.CanPause)
                                await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                                    mutedIcon.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                                //TODO: Play next media content and scroll to that one

                            item.MediaPlayerPresenter.MediaPlayer.MediaEnded -= MediaEndedHandler;
                            item.MediaPlayerPresenter.MediaPlayer.MediaEnded += MediaEndedHandler;

                        if (item.MediaPlayerPresenter.MediaPlayer.PlaybackSession.PlaybackState == Windows.Media.Playback.MediaPlaybackState.Paused)
                    // If the video player is paused, then resume playback
                    else if (item.MediaPlayerPresenter.MediaPlayer.PlaybackSession.PlaybackState == Windows.Media.Playback.MediaPlaybackState.Paused)
                        item.MediaPlayerPresenter.MediaPlayer.IsMuted = false;
                        if (item.Container.FindName("MutedIcon") is StackPanel mutedIcon)
                            mutedIcon.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                    // And last, if the video player can be pause, then pause it
                    else if (item.MediaPlayerPresenter.MediaPlayer.PlaybackSession.CanPause)
                        // Note: UWP has no event or public player state property, so it gets hardcoded:
                        if (item.Container.FindName("MutedIcon") is StackPanel mutedIcon)
                            mutedIcon.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            else if (ViewModel.Settings.IsAutoPlayAnimationsEnabled && (message.Content is MessageAnimation || (text?.WebPage != null && text.WebPage.Animation != null) || (message.Content is MessageGame game && game.Game.Animation != null)))
                if (_old.TryGetValue(message.AnimationHash(), out MediaPlayerItem item))
                    GalleryViewModelBase viewModel;
                    if (message.Content is MessageAnimation)
                        viewModel = new ChatGalleryViewModel(ViewModel.ProtoService, ViewModel.Aggregator, message.ChatId, ViewModel.ThreadId, message.Get());
                        viewModel = new SingleGalleryViewModel(ViewModel.ProtoService, ViewModel.Aggregator, new GalleryMessage(ViewModel.ProtoService, message.Get()));

                    await GalleryView.GetForCurrentView().ShowAsync(viewModel, () => target);