Exemplo n.º 1
        private void processStream(Stream stream)
            MessageStream msgStream = new MessageStream(new StandardStream(stream));

            Message msg = msgStream.readMessage();

            if (msg == null)

            EMessageType mType = (EMessageType)msg.getType();

            if (mType == EMessageType.eNumber)
                // End a session
                MessageNumber response = new MessageNumber(msg);
                int           sid      = response.getNumber();
            else if (mType == EMessageType.ePidAndCompileRequest)
                MessagePidAndCompileRequest request = new MessagePidAndCompileRequest(msg);
                TCompileResult cr = m_agent.compile(request.getPid(), request.getCmd(), request.getWorkingDir());

                // The output file was already saved to local disk by the agent, now respond the result only
                msg = MessageCompileResponse.createMessage(cr.wasExec, cr.exitCode, cr.outputText, null, 0);
                // WTF???
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Make sure isCompiling() == true as setCompilingTrue() was called
        /// Make sure all parameters are not null
        /// Make sure this method is thread-safety: it cannot be called at the same time
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmd"></param>
        /// <param name="workingDir"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public TCompileResult compile(string cmd, string workingDir)
            int oldTick = SystemUtils.getCurrentTimeMs();

            ICmdParser parser = CmdParserFactory.createCmdParser(cmd);

            List <string> inputFilePaths = null;
            string        outputFilePath = null;

            TCompileResult result = null;

            if (!isAllowCompiling())
                result = new TCompileResult(false, 1, "error: Compiling is stopped!", 0, null); goto my_end;

                parser.getInOutFilePath(workingDir, out inputFilePaths, out outputFilePath);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Error
                result = new TCompileResult(false, 1, "error: " + ex.Message, 0, null);
                goto my_end;

            if (inputFilePaths == null || inputFilePaths.Count == 0 || outputFilePath == null)
                // Error
                result = new TCompileResult(false, 1, "error: Invalid command, input file is mandatory!", 0, null);
                goto my_end;

            outputFilePath = PathUtils.combine(workingDir, outputFilePath);

            if (!isConnected())
                // Local
                goto my_end;

            #region Distribute

            // Send the input files to server
            foreach (string inputFilePath in inputFilePaths)
                string f       = PathUtils.combine(workingDir, inputFilePath);
                string fNormal = PathUtils.normalizePath(f);
                if (!m_sentFiles.Contains(fNormal))
                    if (sendFile(f))
                        // Local
                        goto my_end;

            // Send compile request to server
            string  cmdToSend = parser.makeNetworkCmd();
            Message msg       = MessageCompileRequest.createMessage(cmdToSend);
            if (!m_messageStream.writeMessage(msg))
                goto my_end;

            if (!isAllowCompiling())
                result = new TCompileResult(false, 1, "error: Compiling is stopped!", 0, null); goto my_end;

            // Receive the compile result
            msg = m_messageStream.readMessage();
            if (msg == null)
                goto my_end;

            if (!isAllowCompiling())
                result = new TCompileResult(false, 1, "error: Compiling is stopped!", 0, null); goto my_end;

            // Parse and check the compile result
            MessageCompileResponse msgCompileRes = new MessageCompileResponse(msg);

            if (msgCompileRes.getWasExec() && msgCompileRes.getExitCode() != 0)
                // Compile error
                // Nghia: TODO rem this for the hot fix
                //result = new TCompileResult(true, msgCompileRes.getExitCode(), msgCompileRes.getOutputText(), 0, m_host);
                goto my_end;
            if (!msgCompileRes.getWasExec())
                goto my_end;

            // Compile OK by server
            // Save the file to disk
            if (!IOUtils.writeFile_Bytes(outputFilePath, msgCompileRes.getOFileData(),
                                         msgCompileRes.getOFileOffset(), msgCompileRes.getOFileSize()))
                // No need to compile local as this is a serious error
                result = new TCompileResult(true, 1, "error: Could not save the output file to disk", 0, m_host);
                goto my_end;

            // Everything is OK
            result = new TCompileResult(true, 0,
                                        "Remotely compiled from " + m_host + "\n" + msgCompileRes.getOutputText(), 0, m_host);



            if (result == null)
                // Local
                string specOutFilePath = parser.getLocalSpecificOutputFilePath();
                string specCmd         = parser.getLocalSpecificCommand();
                string specWorkingDir  = parser.getLocalSpecificWorkingDir();

                if (specOutFilePath == null)
                    specOutFilePath = outputFilePath;
                if (specCmd == null)
                    specCmd = cmd;
                if (specWorkingDir == null)
                    specWorkingDir = workingDir;

                specOutFilePath = PathUtils.combine(specWorkingDir, specOutFilePath);

                TProcessResult res = null;

                if (parser.needToLockLocal())
                    lock (s_lock)
                        doLocal(specCmd, specWorkingDir, specOutFilePath, ref oldTick, ref res);
                    doLocal(specCmd, specWorkingDir, specOutFilePath, ref oldTick, ref res);

                result = new TCompileResult(res.wasExec, res.exitCode, "Locally compiled\n" + res.outputText, 0, null);

                if (result.wasExec && result.exitCode == 0 && specOutFilePath != outputFilePath)
                    File.Move(specOutFilePath, outputFilePath);

            result.spentTimeMs = SystemUtils.getCurrentTimeMs() - oldTick;


Exemplo n.º 3
        private void handleMessageCompile(Message msg)
            MessageCompileRequest msgCompile = null;

                msgCompile = new MessageCompileRequest(msg);
            catch (Exception)
                // Ignore

            string cmd = msgCompile.getCmd();

            ICmdParser parser = CmdParserFactory.createCmdParser(cmd);

            string outputFileName;

            cmd = parser.makeServerCmd(m_sessionFolderPath, out outputFileName, m_debugPrefixMap);
            string alias = parser.getAlias();

            Message respondMessage = null;
            bool    ok             = false;

            if (alias != null && outputFileName != null)
                // Compile
                CConsole.writeInfoLine(string.Format("{0} Recv a compile request: {1}", cur(), alias));

                string outputFilePath = m_sessionFolderPath + outputFileName;

                string workingDir = parser.getLocalSpecificWorkingDir();
                if (workingDir == null)
                    workingDir = m_sessionFolderPath;

                TProcessResult pr = m_processCompile.execute(cmd, workingDir, outputFilePath);

                if (!pr.wasExec || pr.exitCode != 0)
                        string.Format("{0} Compile error: wasExec=[{1}], exitCode=[{2}], cmd=[{3}], outputText=[{4}]",
                                      cur(), pr.wasExec, pr.exitCode, cmd, pr.outputText)
                    respondMessage = MessageCompileResponse.createMessage(pr.wasExec, pr.exitCode, pr.outputText, null, 0);
                    ok = true;
                    // Read the output file from disk
                    byte[] buffer   = IOUtils.readFile_Bytes(outputFilePath);
                    int    fileSize = buffer == null ? 0 : buffer.Length;
                    respondMessage = MessageCompileResponse.createMessage(
                        pr.wasExec, pr.exitCode, pr.outputText, buffer, fileSize);
                CConsole.writeInfoLine(string.Format("{0} Receive a compile request but it is a invalid command", cur()));
                respondMessage = MessageCompileResponse.createMessage(false, 0, "error: Invalid compile command!", null, 0);

            CConsole.writeInfoLine(string.Format("{0} Send compile result: {1}, success = {2}",
                                                 cur(), alias != null ? alias : "[no file]", ok));

Exemplo n.º 4
        private bool compile(int sid, string cmd, string workingDir)
            if (!isAgentRunning())
                string processPath = SystemUtils.getCurrentProcessPath();
                if (!ProcessHelper.justExecuteStatic(processPath + " --agent", SystemUtils.getWorkingDir()))
                    CConsole.writeError("error: could not start the mongcc agent.\n");

                Thread.Sleep(s_kWaitingForAgentStartTime);                 // note: is it enough?

            // Check again to make sure the agent is running
            if (!isAgentRunning())
                CConsole.writeError("error: could not start the mongcc agent.\n");

            // Connect to the agent and send data
            NamedPipeClientStream pipeClient = new NamedPipeClientStream(".", Config.s_kAgentName);

            catch (Exception)
                CConsole.writeError("error: could not connect to the mongcc agent.\n");

            if (!pipeClient.IsConnected)
                CConsole.writeError("error: could not connect to the mongcc agent.\n");

            bool success = false;

            m_sid = sid == 0 ? SystemUtils.getParentProcessId() : sid;

            MessageStream stream = new MessageStream(new StandardStream(pipeClient));
            Message       msg    = MessagePidAndCompileRequest.createMessage(m_sid, cmd, workingDir);

            if (!stream.writeMessage(msg))
                CConsole.writeError("error: could not send data to the mongcc agent.\n");
                goto my_end;


            msg = stream.readMessage();             //============= take long time here
            if (msg == null)
                CConsole.writeError("error: could not receive data from the mongcc agent.\n");
                goto my_end;
            MessageCompileResponse res = new MessageCompileResponse(msg);

            success = res.getWasExec() && res.getExitCode() == 0;
            if (success)
                CConsole.writeInfo(res.getOutputText() + "\n");
                CConsole.writeError(res.getOutputText() + "\n");



            #region temp
