Exemplo n.º 1
    void calculateResults()
        //Make sure a gameobject is selected!
        if (SelectedObject != null)
            bool Failed = false;
            //First calculate the density of the object.
            if (SelectedObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>() && SelectedObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh != null)
            {             // Use meshfilter based bounds
                CalculatedVolume = MeshVolume.getVolume(SelectedObject as GameObject);
            else if (SelectedObject.GetComponent <Collider>())
            {             // Use collider based bounds
                CalculatedVolume = MeshVolume.getVolumeByColliderBounds(SelectedObject.GetComponent <Collider>());
                Debug.Log("[Realistic Water Physics] Object is missing a mesh filter or collider.");
                Failed = true;

            if (!Failed)            // a small fix!
                //Now the percentage thats solit and the remaining is air.
                float percentageSolidMass = CalculatedVolume * ((selectedMaterialValue / 100) * percentageSolid);
                float percentageAir       = CalculatedVolume * ((RealisticWaterPhysics.currentAirDensity / 100) * (100 - percentageSolid));

                //The totaal mass of the object is the amount of solit material + the remaining amount of air.
                CalculatedMass = percentageSolidMass + percentageAir;

                //the density of the intire object is its calculated mass / its volume.
                CalculatedDensity = CalculatedMass / CalculatedVolume;

                CalculatedWaterDensity = PhysicsMaterialsList.getLiquidsMaterialValue(selectedOceanLiquidsMaterial);
                CalculatedAirDensity   = airDensity;

                if (CalculatedDensity > CalculatedWaterDensity)                // if denser then water density it will sink.
                    CalculatedWillFloatInWater = false;
                    CalculatedWillFloatInWater = true;

                if (CalculatedDensity > CalculatedAirDensity)                // if denser then air density it will sink
                    CalculatedWillFloatInAir = false;
                    CalculatedWillFloatInAir = true;
                DidTest = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
    // Jacob changed this from private to public
    public void setup()
        //Eanble support
                #if PW

        if (RealisticWaterPhysics.currentDebugEnabled)
            forces = new List <Vector3[]>();            // For drawing force gizmos

        selectedMaterialValue = getSelectedMaterialValue();

        _thisRigidbody = this.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        waterDensity = RealisticWaterPhysics.currentWaterDensity;

        isMeshCollider = GetComponent <MeshCollider>() != null;

        if (this.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>() && this.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh != null)
            volume = MeshVolume.getVolume(this.gameObject);
            Bounds meshBounds = GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh.bounds;

            bounds         = new Bounds();     //A fix for a odd bug.
            bounds.center  = meshBounds.center;
            bounds.extents = new Vector3(
                meshBounds.extents.x * this.transform.localScale.x,
                meshBounds.extents.y * this.transform.localScale.y,
                meshBounds.extents.z * this.transform.localScale.z);                 //meshBounds.extents * this.transform.localScale;

            if (RealisticWaterPhysics.currentDebugEnabled)
                Debug.LogFormat("bounds.extents={0} |bounds.center={1} |this.transform.position={2} |_thisRigidbody.centerOfMass={3}", bounds.extents, bounds.center, this.transform.position, _thisRigidbody.centerOfMass);

            //if object scale = 10,10,10 and sharedMesh.bounds; returns 0.5 then result must be 5,5,5; FIX THIS !!!

        else if (this.gameObject.GetComponent <Collider>())
            // Use collider based bounds
            if (RealisticWaterPhysics.currentDebugEnabled)
                Debug.LogFormat("[Realistic Water Physics] Object: {0} is missing a mesh filter, using collider Bounds!", this.gameObject.name);
            volume = MeshVolume.getVolumeByColliderBounds(this.gameObject.GetComponent <Collider>());
            bounds = GetComponent <Collider>().bounds;

            Debug.LogFormat("[Realistic Water Physics] Object: {0} is missing a mesh filter and collider.", this.gameObject.name);
Exemplo n.º 3
    /// Calculates physics.
    private void CalculatePhysics()
        if (_thisRigidbody.isKinematic == false)
            if (HeavyRunTimeEdits || LightRunTimeEdits && CheckOlds())
                if (HeavyRunTimeEdits)
                    if (this.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>() && this.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh != null)
                        volume = MeshVolume.getVolume(this.gameObject);
                    else if (this.gameObject.GetComponent <Collider>())
                        // Use collider based bounds
                        volume = MeshVolume.getVolumeByColliderBounds(this.gameObject.GetComponent <Collider>());

                percentageSolidMass = volume * ((selectedMaterialValue / 100) * percentageSolid);
                percentageAir       = volume * ((RealisticWaterPhysics.currentAirDensity / 100) * (100 - percentageSolid));

                //The totaal mass of the object is the amount of solit material + the remaining amount of air.
                mass = percentageSolidMass + percentageAir;

                //the density of the intire object is its calculated mass / its volume.
                density = mass / volume;

                _thisRigidbody.mass = mass;


            if (RealisticWaterPhysics.currentDebugEnabled) // Just skip this if debug info is disabled.
                forces.Clear();                            // For drawing force gizmos

            if (BuoyancyEnabled)
                if (voxels == null)
                    if (reSetupTimeout < 5)                    // its a fail safe, if indeed no voxels are found and resetup is done 5 times, it wil trip!
                        this.GetComponent <RealisticBuoyancy>().enabled = false;
                        Debug.LogErrorFormat("Gameobject {0} Disabled due to incorrect setup!", this.name);
                    inWater = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < voxels.Count; i++)
                        var   wp         = transform.TransformPoint(voxels[i]);
                        float waterLevel = GetWaterLevel(wp.x, wp.z);

                        if (wp.y - voxelHalfHeight < waterLevel)                         // if underwater
                            inWater = true;
                            float k = (waterLevel - wp.y) / (2 * voxelHalfHeight) + 0.5f;
                            if (k > 1)
                                k = 1f;
                            else if (k < 0)
                                k = 0f;

                            var velocity          = GetComponent <Rigidbody>().GetPointVelocity(wp);
                            var localDampingForce = -velocity * DAMPFER * _thisRigidbody.mass;
                            var force             = localDampingForce + Mathf.Sqrt(k) * localArchimedesForce;

                            //Again this is for MovePosition
                            if (ignoreChanges == true && ignoreChangesDelay < ignoreChangesMaxDelay)
                                if (ignoreChangesDelay > ignoreChangesMaxDelay)
                                    ignoreChanges = false;

                                _thisRigidbody.AddForceAtPosition(force, wp);

                            if (RealisticWaterPhysics.currentDebugEnabled)
                                forces.Add(new[] { wp, force });                                 // For drawing force gizmos
                        else                                                  //not underwater? so above water!
                            if (RealisticWaterPhysics.currentAirDensity > 0f) //is there air to calculate with ?
                                float k = ((waterLevel + RealisticWaterPhysics.currentAirLevel) - wp.y) / (2 * voxelHalfHeight) + 0.5f;
                                if (k > 1)
                                    k = 1f;
                                else if (k < 0)
                                    k = 0f;

                                var velocity = GetComponent <Rigidbody>().GetPointVelocity(wp);
                                //var localDampingForce = -velocity * DAMPFER * GetComponent<Rigidbody>().mass;
                                var localDampingForce = -velocity * 0.01f * _thisRigidbody.mass;                                 //remove the dempfer, but keep a tiny bit in.
                                var force             = localDampingForce + Mathf.Sqrt(k) * localArchimedesForceAir;

                                if (ignoreChanges == true && ignoreChangesDelay < ignoreChangesMaxDelay)
                                    if (ignoreChangesDelay > ignoreChangesMaxDelay)
                                        ignoreChanges = false;

                                    _thisRigidbody.AddForceAtPosition(force, wp);

                                if (RealisticWaterPhysics.currentDebugEnabled)                           // Just skip this if debug info is disabled.
                                    forces.Add(new[] { wp, force });                                     // For drawing force gizmos
                if (HeavyRunTimeEdits || LightRunTimeEdits)
                                        #if DW
                    if (RealisticWaterPhysics.currentUseDW == true)
                        if (GetComponent <BuoyancyForce>() == false || GetComponent <BuoyancyForce>().enabled == false)
                            //System is disabled or not found so turn the system back on!
                            BuoyancyEnabled = true;

            BuoyancyActive = BuoyancyEnabled;