public void GeneratingMeshesAreNotDequeued() { var generating = new Dictionary <LegacyMeshId, MeshInfo>(); var queue = new MeshQueue(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { var meshId = GetRandomMeshId(); var meshInfo = new MeshInfo { MeshId = meshId, ChangeState = MeshChangeState.Added, PriorityHint = Random.Range(0, 100) }; queue.EnqueueUnique(meshInfo); if (Random.Range(0f, 1f) < .5f) { generating[meshId] = meshInfo; } } while (generating.Count < queue.count) { bool result = queue.TryDequeue(generating, out MeshInfo meshInfo); Assert.That(result, "Could not dequeue a mesh info even though there are more items to dequeue."); Assert.That(!generating.ContainsKey(meshInfo.MeshId), "Should not dequeue a mesh info while it is generating."); } }
public void QueueIsUnique() { var generating = new Dictionary <LegacyMeshId, MeshInfo>(); var queue = new MeshQueue(); var uniqueMeshIds = new List <LegacyMeshId>(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { LegacyMeshId meshId; if (i == 0 || Random.Range(0f, 1f) < .5f) { meshId = MakeMeshId((ulong)i, (ulong)i); uniqueMeshIds.Add(meshId); } else { meshId = uniqueMeshIds[Random.Range(0, uniqueMeshIds.Count - 1)]; } var meshInfo = new MeshInfo { MeshId = meshId, ChangeState = MeshChangeState.Added, PriorityHint = Random.Range(0, 100) }; queue.EnqueueUnique(meshInfo); Assert.That(uniqueMeshIds.Count == queue.count); } }
private GameObject InstantiateObject(Tile tile, MeshInfo info, Material material, GameObject prefab) { Vector3 position =; foreach (var v in info.Vertices) { position += v; } position /= info.Vertices.Length; for (int i = 0; i < info.Vertices.Length; i++) { info.Vertices[i] -= position; } GameObject building = Instantiate(prefab, position, Quaternion.identity); MeshFilter filter = building.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.vertices = info.Vertices; mesh.triangles = info.Triangles; mesh.SetUVs(0, new List <Vector2>(info.UVs)); mesh.RecalculateTangents(); mesh.RecalculateNormals(); mesh.RecalculateBounds(); mesh.Optimize(); filter.mesh = mesh; MeshRenderer renderer = building.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); renderer.material = material; gameObjectTilemap.AttachObjectToTile(tile, building); return(building); }
/// <summary> /// Export the mesh's UVs using layer 0. /// </summary> /// public void ExportUVs(MeshInfo mesh, FbxMesh fbxMesh) { using (var fbxLayerElement = FbxLayerElementUV.Create(fbxMesh, "UVSet")) { fbxLayerElement.SetMappingMode(FbxLayerElement.EMappingMode.eByPolygonVertex); fbxLayerElement.SetReferenceMode(FbxLayerElement.EReferenceMode.eIndexToDirect); // set texture coordinates per vertex FbxLayerElementArray fbxElementArray = fbxLayerElement.GetDirectArray(); for (int n = 0; n < mesh.UV.Length; n++) { fbxElementArray.Add(new FbxVector2(mesh.UV [n] [0], mesh.UV [n] [1])); } // For each face index, point to a texture uv FbxLayerElementArray fbxIndexArray = fbxLayerElement.GetIndexArray(); fbxIndexArray.SetCount(mesh.Indices.Length); for (int vertIndex = 0; vertIndex < mesh.Indices.Length; vertIndex++) { fbxIndexArray.SetAt(vertIndex, mesh.Indices [vertIndex]); } GetBaseLayer(fbxMesh).SetUVs(fbxLayerElement, FbxLayerElement.EType.eTextureDiffuse); } }
/// <summary> /// Rebuilds the mesh /// </summary> public void Refresh() { StartMeshInfo = null; EndMeshInfo = null; mMesh.Clear(); //Debug.Log("Refresh Mesh at " + Time.realtimeSinceStartup); if (!Spline || !Spline.IsInitialized) { return; } BuildCaps(); Prepare(); if (StartMesh && StartMeshInfo != null && ToTF - FromTF != 0) { mVerts = new Vector3[getTotalVertexCount()]; mUV = new Vector2[mVerts.Length]; mTris = new int[getTotalTriIndexCount()]; Extrude(); mMesh.vertices = mVerts; mMesh.uv = mUV; mMesh.triangles = mTris; mMesh.RecalculateNormals(); } }
private void button28_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { m = new Mem("ePSXe"); uint levPtr = 0x80083a48; uint lev = m.ReadPSXUInt32(levPtr); uint size = m.ReadPSXUInt32(lev - 4); uint ptrMeshInfo = m.ReadPSXUInt32(lev - 4); byte[] meshinfodata = m.ReadArray(ptrMeshInfo, 8 * 4); MeshInfo mi; using (BinaryReaderEx br = new BinaryReaderEx(new MemoryStream(meshinfodata))) { mi = new MeshInfo(br); } ushort ind = m.ReadPSXUInt16(mi.ptrQuadBlockArray); textBox5.Text += ind.ToString("X8"); m.WritePSXUInt32((uint)(mi.ptrVertexArray + ind * 16 + 8), 0, textBox5); m.WritePSXUInt32((uint)(mi.ptrVertexArray + ind * 16 + 12), 0, textBox5); //m.WriteArray(lev, b); }
private void ModelUpdated() { if (model != null) { // Create mesh-per-entity state meshInfos.Clear(); foreach (var mesh in model.Meshes) { var meshData = new MeshInfo(); meshInfos.Add(meshData); if (mesh.Skinning != null) { meshData.BlendMatrices = new Matrix[mesh.Skinning.Bones.Length]; } } if (skeleton != null) { // Reuse previous ModelViewHierarchy skeleton.Initialize(model.Skeleton); } else { skeleton = new SkeletonUpdater(model.Skeleton); } } }
private bool Initialize() { bool returnFalse = false; _mesheFilters = GetComponentsInChildren <MeshFilter>(); foreach (MeshFilter meshFilter in _mesheFilters) { CurvatureFilter.DuplicateMeshVertices(meshFilter.sharedMesh); } if (_meshInfosMerged == null) { Mesh[] smoothMesh; GetAllSmoothMeshes(out smoothMesh, out _mapFromNew); _meshInfosMerged = new MeshInfo[smoothMesh.Length]; _meshInfosDuplicated = new MeshInfo[smoothMesh.Length]; _curvatureDatas = new CurvatureData[smoothMesh.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < _mesheFilters.Length; i++) { _meshInfosMerged[i] = new MeshInfo(smoothMesh[i]); _curvatureDatas[i] = new CurvatureData(smoothMesh[i].vertexCount); } returnFalse = true; } if (returnFalse) { return(false); } return(true); }
public virtual Case_Load CreateCaseLoad(BaseCaseData caseData) { MeshInfo boxInfo = new MeshInfo() { color = caseData.colour, filename = Case_Load.GraphicsMesh, length = caseData.Length, width = caseData.Width, height = caseData.Height }; Case_Load load = new Case_Load(boxInfo); DCICaseData caseDataDCi = caseData as DCICaseData; if (caseDataDCi == null) { Log.Write("ERROR: Bad cast to DCICaseData in CreateCaseLoad", Color.Red); return(null); } load.Weight = caseData.Weight; load.Identification = caseDataDCi.TUIdent; load.SSCCBarcode = caseDataDCi.TUIdent; load.Case_Data = caseData; return(load); }
private void GetTriangles(object obj) { MeshInfo meshInfo = (MeshInfo)obj; Vector3[] vertices = meshInfo.vertices; int[] tris = meshInfo.tris; TriangleInfo[] triangles = new TriangleInfo[tris.Length / 3]; for (int i = 0; i < tris.Length; i += 3) { Vector3 v1 = GetVertexWorldPosition(vertices[tris[i]], meshInfo.matrix); Vector3 v2 = GetVertexWorldPosition(vertices[tris[i + 1]], meshInfo.matrix); Vector3 v3 = GetVertexWorldPosition(vertices[tris[i + 2]], meshInfo.matrix); triangles[i / 3] = new TriangleInfo { p1 = v1, p2 = v2, p3 = v3, }; } lock (_locker) { for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length; i++) { _triangleList.Add(triangles[i]); } _completeCount++; } }
internal static void MakeText(MeshInfo meshInfo, Vector2 offset, MeshBuilder.AllocMeshData meshAlloc) { int num = MeshBuilder.LimitTextVertices(meshInfo.vertexCount, true); int num2 = num / 4; MeshWriteData meshWriteData = meshAlloc.Allocate((uint)(num2 * 4), (uint)(num2 * 6)); int i = 0; int num3 = 0; int num4 = 0; while (i < num2) { meshWriteData.SetNextVertex(MeshBuilder.ConvertTextVertexToUIRVertex(meshInfo, num3, offset)); meshWriteData.SetNextVertex(MeshBuilder.ConvertTextVertexToUIRVertex(meshInfo, num3 + 1, offset)); meshWriteData.SetNextVertex(MeshBuilder.ConvertTextVertexToUIRVertex(meshInfo, num3 + 2, offset)); meshWriteData.SetNextVertex(MeshBuilder.ConvertTextVertexToUIRVertex(meshInfo, num3 + 3, offset)); meshWriteData.SetNextIndex((ushort)num3); meshWriteData.SetNextIndex((ushort)(num3 + 1)); meshWriteData.SetNextIndex((ushort)(num3 + 2)); meshWriteData.SetNextIndex((ushort)(num3 + 2)); meshWriteData.SetNextIndex((ushort)(num3 + 3)); meshWriteData.SetNextIndex((ushort)num3); i++; num3 += 4; num4 += 6; } }
/// <summary> /// Rebuilds the mesh /// </summary> public void Refresh() { StartMeshInfo = null; EndMeshInfo = null; if (mMesh) { mMesh.Clear(); } if (!mMesh || !Spline || !Spline.IsInitialized || Spline.Length == 0) { return; } BuildCaps(); Prepare(); if (StartMesh && StartMeshInfo != null && ToTF - FromTF != 0) { mVerts = new Vector3[getTotalVertexCount()]; mUV = new Vector2[mVerts.Length]; mTris = new int[getTotalTriIndexCount()]; Extrude(); mMesh.vertices = mVerts; mMesh.uv = mUV; mMesh.triangles = mTris; mMesh.RecalculateNormals(); if (CalculateTangents) { MeshHelper.CalculateMeshTangents(mMesh); } } }
static void Init() { // Get existing open window or if none, make a new one: MeshInfo window = (MeshInfo)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(MeshInfo)); window.titleContent.text = "Mesh Info"; }
public static void ComputeCurvature(ref MeshInfo meshInfo, out CurvatureData outData) { int n = meshInfo.vertexCount; outData = new CurvatureData(n); int[] cornerTable = BuildCornerTable(meshInfo.mesh); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { List <int> neighboors = GetOrderedNeighboors(meshInfo.mesh, i, cornerTable); meshInfo.neighboohood.Add(neighboors); float[] r, phi; Matrix <float> F; MakeExponentialMap(meshInfo.mesh, i, neighboors, out r, out phi); GetUVF(meshInfo.mesh, r, phi, neighboors.ToArray(), i, out F); GetCurvatures(F, i, ref outData, meshInfo.mesh.normals[i]); Vector3[] pds = GetTransformedValues(F, ref outData, i); FixPdsOrder(ref pds, outData.normal); meshInfo.approximatedNormals[i] = outData.normal; meshInfo.principalDirections[i] = pds[0]; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { meshInfo.AllPrincipalDirections[i, j] = pds[j]; } //Debug.Log(String.Format("Vert: {0}, Curv: {1}, {2}", meshInfo.mesh.vertices[i], // meshInfo.AllPrincipalDirections[i, 0], meshInfo.AllPrincipalDirections[i, 1])); } meshInfo.curvatureRatios = ComputeCurvatureRatio(outData.k1, outData.k2); }
void UpdateMeshInfo(ref MeshInfo info) { Profiler.BeginSample("upd-mesh-inf"); if (meshBuffers == null) { info.valid = false; } else { info.meshBuffers = meshBuffers; const bool weldedAdjacency = false; //TODO enable for more reliable poses along uv seams if (info.meshAdjacency == null) { info.meshAdjacency = new MeshAdjacency(meshBuffers, weldedAdjacency); } else if (info.meshAdjacency.vertexCount != meshBuffers.vertexCount) { info.meshAdjacency.LoadFrom(meshBuffers, weldedAdjacency); } if (info.meshVertexBSP == null) { info.meshVertexBSP = new KdTree3(meshBuffers.vertexPositions, meshBuffers.vertexCount); } else { info.meshVertexBSP.BuildFrom(meshBuffers.vertexPositions, meshBuffers.vertexCount); } info.valid = true; } Profiler.EndSample(); }
public ArcMeshInfo(int sides, float width, int arcAngle, float radius, float arcHeight) { vertices = new Vector3[0]; triangles = new int[0]; bool isCircle = arcAngle == 360; float angleStep = arcAngle / sides; //int steps = isCircle ? sides : sides + 1; int steps = sides + 1; MeshInfo top = GetArcMesh(angleStep, sides, width, radius, steps, arcHeight, false, isCircle); MeshInfo bottom = GetArcMesh(angleStep, sides, width, radius, steps, 0, true, isCircle); for (int i = 0; i < bottom.triangles.Length; i++) { bottom.triangles[i] += top.vertices.Length; } List <int> tris = new List <int>(); tris.AddRange(top.triangles); tris.AddRange(bottom.triangles); int[] _tris = tris.ToArray(); List <Vector3> verts = new List <Vector3>(); verts.AddRange(top.vertices); verts.AddRange(bottom.vertices); Vector3[] _verts = verts.ToArray(); vertices = _verts; triangles = _tris; }
/// <summary> /// set weight vertices to cluster /// </summary> protected void SetVertexWeights(MeshInfo meshInfo, Dictionary <int, FbxCluster> boneCluster) { // set the vertex weights for each bone for (int i = 0; i < meshInfo.BoneWeights.Length; i++) { var boneWeights = meshInfo.BoneWeights; int[] indices = { boneWeights [i].boneIndex0, boneWeights [i].boneIndex1, boneWeights [i].boneIndex2, boneWeights [i].boneIndex3 }; float[] weights = { boneWeights [i].weight0, boneWeights [i].weight1, boneWeights [i].weight2, boneWeights [i].weight3 }; for (int j = 0; j < indices.Length; j++) { if (weights [j] <= 0) { continue; } if (!boneCluster.ContainsKey(indices [j])) { continue; } boneCluster [indices [j]].AddControlPointIndex(i, weights [j]); } } }
public async Task TappedSave() { if (SpatialUnderstanding.Instance.ScanState == SpatialUnderstanding.ScanStates.Done) { SpatialUnderstandingState.Instance.MeshSaving = true; // Save the file temporarily DebugDialog.Instance.PrimaryText = "Saving Mesh..."; string rowkey = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); string fn = "mesh_" + rowkey + "T" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmm"); RoomSaver.Instance.fileName = fn; RoomSaver.Instance.anchorStoreName = "mesh_test_anchor"; string metadata = RoomSaver.Instance.GetStatsAsString(); string localpath = await RoomSaver.Instance.SaveRoomAsync(metadata); Debug.Log("File Name: " + localPath); Debug.Log("MeshInfo " + fn); // Prepare file for push to Azure Storage MeshInfo tempInfo = new MeshInfo(rowkey) { playspaceStats = SpatialUnderstanding.Instance.UnderstandingDLL.GetStaticPlayspaceStats(), metadata = metadata, localpath = localpath, filename = fn + ".obj" //Not working Path.GetFileName(localPath) }; Debug.Log(tempInfo.filename); //Debug.Log("Wall Area " + SpatialUnderstanding.Instance.UnderstandingDLL.GetStaticPlayspaceStats().WallSurfaceArea); StorageService.Instance.PutObjectToBlob(tempInfo); } }
private void UpdateMeshInfoRecursively(FbxSDK.Node node, ref Matrix4 parentMatrix) { int childCount = node.GetChildCount(); Matrix4 globalTransform = GetGlobalTransform(node, parentMatrix); FbxSDK.Mesh mesh = node.GetAttribute() as FbxSDK.Mesh; if (mesh != null) { Matrix4 meshTransform = GetGeometry(node) * globalTransform; MeshInfo meshInfo = FindMeshInfo(mesh); if (meshInfo == null) { meshInfo = LoadMesh(mesh); } meshInfo.geometryToWorld = meshTransform; } for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) { UpdateMeshInfoRecursively(node.GetChild(i), ref globalTransform); } }
public void UpdateTextInfo(int id, InlineText key, List <SpriteTagInfo> value) { if (!_indexSpriteGraphic.ContainsKey(id) || !_textMeshInfo.ContainsKey(id) || value.Count <= 0) { return; } int spriteTagCount = value.Count; Vector3 textPos = key.transform.position; Vector3 spritePos = _indexSpriteGraphic[id].SpriteGraphic.transform.position; Vector3 disPos = (textPos - spritePos) * (1.0f / key.pixelsPerUnit); //新增摄像机模式的位置判断 if (key.canvas != null) { if (key.canvas.renderMode != RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay) { Vector3 scale = key.canvas.transform.localScale; disPos = new Vector3(disPos.x / scale.x, disPos.y / scale.y, disPos.z / scale.z); disPos /= (1.0f / key.pixelsPerUnit); } } MeshInfo meshInfo = new MeshInfo(); meshInfo.Tag = new string[spriteTagCount]; meshInfo.Vertices = new Vector3[spriteTagCount * 4]; meshInfo.Uv = new Vector2[spriteTagCount * 4]; meshInfo.Triangles = new int[spriteTagCount * 6]; for (int i = 0; i < value.Count; i++) { int m = i * 4; //标签 meshInfo.Tag[i] = value[i].Tag; //顶点位置 meshInfo.Vertices[m + 0] = value[i].Pos[0] + disPos; meshInfo.Vertices[m + 1] = value[i].Pos[1] + disPos; meshInfo.Vertices[m + 2] = value[i].Pos[2] + disPos; meshInfo.Vertices[m + 3] = value[i].Pos[3] + disPos; //uv meshInfo.Uv[m + 0] = value[i].Uv[0]; meshInfo.Uv[m + 1] = value[i].Uv[1]; meshInfo.Uv[m + 2] = value[i].Uv[2]; meshInfo.Uv[m + 3] = value[i].Uv[3]; } if (_textMeshInfo[id].ContainsKey(key)) { MeshInfo oldMeshInfo = _textMeshInfo[id][key]; if (!meshInfo.Equals(oldMeshInfo)) { _textMeshInfo[id][key] = meshInfo; } } else { _textMeshInfo[id].Add(key, meshInfo); } //更新图片 DrawSprites(id); }
public static Case_Load FeedCaseLoad(ITransportSection transportSection, float distance, float length, float width, float height, float weight, Color color, int barcodeLength, BaseCaseData caseData) { try { string SSCCBarcode = ""; MeshInfo boxInfo = new MeshInfo(); boxInfo.color = color; boxInfo.filename = Case_Load.GraphicsMesh; SSCCBarcode = GetSSCCBarcode();// GetSSCCBarcode(barcodeLength); boxInfo.length = length; boxInfo.width = width; boxInfo.height = height; Case_Load boxLoad = new Case_Load(boxInfo); boxLoad.Case_Data = caseData; boxLoad.Case_Data.Weight = weight; transportSection.Route.Add(boxLoad, distance); Experior.Core.Loads.Load.Items.Add(boxLoad); if (SSCCBarcode != "") { boxLoad.SSCCBarcode = SSCCBarcode; } return(boxLoad); } catch (Exception se) { Core.Environment.Log.Write(se); Core.Environment.Scene.Pause(); return(null); } }
private static MeshInfo NaiveCube(Chunk _chunk, int _x, int _y, int _z, MeshInfo _mesh_info, Voxel _voxel) { //determine face to create based on adjacency if (ShouldMakeFace(_chunk, _x, _y + 1, _z)) { _mesh_info = CreateTopFace(_x, _y, _z, _mesh_info, _voxel); } if (ShouldMakeFace(_chunk, _x, _y - 1, _z)) { _mesh_info = CreateBottomFace(_x, _y, _z, _mesh_info, _voxel); } if (ShouldMakeFace(_chunk, _x, _y, _z + 1)) { _mesh_info = CreateBackFace(_x, _y, _z, _mesh_info, _voxel); } if (ShouldMakeFace(_chunk, _x, _y, _z - 1)) { _mesh_info = CreateFrontFace(_x, _y, _z, _mesh_info, _voxel); } if (ShouldMakeFace(_chunk, _x + 1, _y, _z)) { _mesh_info = CreateRightFace(_x, _y, _z, _mesh_info, _voxel); } if (ShouldMakeFace(_chunk, _x - 1, _y, _z)) { _mesh_info = CreateLeftFace(_x, _y, _z, _mesh_info, _voxel); } return(_mesh_info); }
public void SetDrawMesh(MeshFilter filter, string key) { MeshInfo drawMesh = null; meshes.TryGetValue(key, out drawMesh); filter.mesh = drawMesh.mesh; }
public Case_Load CreateCaseLoad(BaseCaseData caseData) { MeshInfo boxInfo = new MeshInfo() { color = caseData.colour, filename = Case_Load.GraphicsMesh, length = caseData.Length, width = caseData.Width, height = caseData.Height }; Case_Load load = new Case_Load(boxInfo); CaseData DatComData = caseData as CaseData; if (DatComData == null) { Log.Write("ERROR: Bad cast to CaseData in CreateCaseLoad", Color.Red); return(null); } load.Weight = caseData.Weight; load.Identification = DatComData.ULID; load.Case_Data = DatComData; return(load); }
public void Generate(List <Tile> tileList, TileSet tileSet) { currentTiles = new List <Tile>(tileList); meshes = new Dictionary <string, MeshInfo>(); meshes["ground"] = new MeshInfo(); meshes["platform"] = new MeshInfo(); foreach (var t in tileList) { string type = ""; switch ( { case TileData.CollisionType.Platform: { type = "platform"; } break; case TileData.CollisionType.Solid: { type = "ground"; } break; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type)) { meshes[type].tiles.Add(t); } } GenerateDrawMesh(meshes["ground"].tiles, "ground"); GenerateDrawMesh(meshes["platform"].tiles, "platform"); BuildEdgeGraph(); GenerateColliderPaths(); }
private void Start() { meshInfo = gameManager.meshInfo; meshInfo.deep = meshInfo.squareAmount - (meshInfo.squareAmount * meshInfo.perCentDeep) / 100; CreatePlane().CreateMesh(); }
private Mesh CreateMesh() { MeshInfo meshInfo = SelectMeshInfo(); if (internalMesh != null) { internalMesh.Clear(); } else { internalMesh = new Mesh(); } var vertices = meshInfo.Vertices; var triangles = meshInfo.Triangles; Vector3[] newVertices = new Vector3[vertices.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < newVertices.Length; i++) { var x = vertices[i].x; var y = vertices[i].y; var z = vertices[i].z; // newVertices[i] = Isometric.IsoToUnitySpace(new Vector3(x,y,z) ); newVertices[i] = new Vector3(x, y, z) - / 2; } internalMesh.Clear(); internalMesh.vertices = newVertices; internalMesh.triangles = triangles; internalMesh.RecalculateNormals(); // GetComponent<MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = mesh; return(internalMesh); }
void Start() { var path = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, fontDataPath); if (File.Exists(path)) { var source = File.ReadAllText(path); fontData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MSDFFontData>(source); MeshInfo info = MSDFTextMesh.GetMeshInfo("hello", fontData, true); Debug.Log(info.uvs.Length); } //numTextGroups = GetTextGroupCount(); textSettings = new TextSettings[1]; var text = ""; for (var i = 0; i < textSettings.Length; ++i) { text = quotes[Random.Range(0, quotes.Count)]; textSettings[i] = new TextSettings(text, MSDFTextMesh.GetMeshInfo(text, fontData, true)); } instanceMesh = CreateMesh(); instanceMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Unlit/InstanceShader")); instanceMaterial.SetColor("_Color", Random.ColorHSV()); instanceMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", msdfTexture); argsBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(1, args.Length * sizeof(uint), ComputeBufferType.IndirectArguments); UpdateBuffers(); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { MeshInfo info = (MeshInfo)target; MeshFilter filter = info.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); if (filter == null) { GUILayout.Label("No MeshFilter found."); return; } Mesh mesh = filter.sharedMesh; if (mesh == null) { GUILayout.Label("No Mesh found."); return; } foreach (var vertex in mesh.vertices) { GUILayout.Label(vertex.x.ToString("0.000") + ", " + vertex.y.ToString("0.00000000") + ", " + vertex.z.ToString("0.000")); } GUILayout.Label("UVs"); foreach (var uv in mesh.uv) { GUILayout.Label(uv.x.ToString("0.000") + ", " + uv.y.ToString("0.000")); } GUILayout.Label("Vert Count: " + mesh.vertexCount); }
private static void setMedium(SimulationParameters parameters, MeshInfo meshInfo) { var factory = new MediumSolverFactory(parameters.TimeStep); //parameters.Medium = setSphere(parameters, silver, drudeLorentzParam, vacuum); parameters.Medium = setObject(parameters, meshInfo.Voxels, factory); }
void Prepare() { #if UNITY_EDITOR mPerfWatch.Reset(); mPerfWatch.Start(); #endif if (Spline && StartMesh && ExtrusionParameter > 0) { StartMeshInfo = new MeshInfo(StartMesh, true, false); if (EndMesh) EndMeshInfo = new MeshInfo(EndMesh, false, true); else EndMeshInfo = new MeshInfo(StartMesh, false, true); // Calculate Steps float tf = FromTF; mSegmentInfo.Clear(); FromTF = Mathf.Clamp01(FromTF); ToTF = Mathf.Max(FromTF, Mathf.Clamp01(ToTF)); Vector3 scale; if (FromTF != ToTF) { switch (Extrusion) { case MeshExtrusion.FixedF: while (tf < ToTF) { scale = getScale(tf); mSegmentInfo.Add(new CurvyMeshSegmentInfo(this, tf,scale)); tf += ExtrusionParameter; } break; case MeshExtrusion.FixedDistance: float d = Spline.TFToDistance(FromTF); tf = Spline.DistanceToTF(d); while (tf < ToTF) { scale = getScale(tf); mSegmentInfo.Add(new CurvyMeshSegmentInfo(this, tf, d, scale)); d += ExtrusionParameter; tf = Spline.DistanceToTF(d); } break; case MeshExtrusion.Adaptive: while (tf < ToTF) { scale = getScale(tf); mSegmentInfo.Add(new CurvyMeshSegmentInfo(this, tf, scale)); int dir = 1; Spline.MoveByAngle(ref tf, ref dir, ExtrusionParameter, CurvyClamping.Clamp, 0.001f); } break; } if (!Mathf.Approximately(tf, ToTF)) tf = ToTF; scale = getScale(tf); mSegmentInfo.Add(new CurvyMeshSegmentInfo(this, tf, scale)); } } #if UNITY_EDITOR mPerfWatch.Stop(); DebugPerfPrepare = mPerfWatch.ElapsedTicks / (double)System.TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; mPerfWatch.Reset(); #endif }
private void ModelUpdated() { if (model != null) { // Create mesh-per-entity state meshInfos.Clear(); foreach (var mesh in model.Meshes) { var meshData = new MeshInfo(); meshInfos.Add(meshData); if (mesh.Skinning != null) meshData.BlendMatrices = new Matrix[mesh.Skinning.Bones.Length]; } if (skeleton != null) { // Reuse previous ModelViewHierarchy skeleton.Initialize(model.Skeleton); } else { skeleton = new SkeletonUpdater(model.Skeleton); } } }
/// <summary> /// Rebuilds the mesh /// </summary> public void Refresh() { StartMeshInfo = null; EndMeshInfo = null; mMesh.Clear(); //Debug.Log("Refresh Mesh at " + Time.realtimeSinceStartup); if (!Spline || !Spline.IsInitialized) return; BuildCaps(); Prepare(); if (StartMesh && StartMeshInfo!=null && ToTF - FromTF != 0) { mVerts = new Vector3[getTotalVertexCount()]; mUV = new Vector2[mVerts.Length]; mTris = new int[getTotalTriIndexCount()]; Extrude(); mMesh.vertices = mVerts; mMesh.uv = mUV; mMesh.triangles = mTris; mMesh.RecalculateNormals(); } }
private static void TransformForPluginMode(DynamicRenderMesh mesh, MeshInfo meshInfo) { if (!ProgramCore.PluginMode) return; var scaleCoef = 1f; if (mesh.meshType == MeshType.Accessory) scaleCoef = 246f; else if (mesh.meshType == MeshType.Head) scaleCoef = PickingController.GetHeadScale(ProgramCore.Project.ManType); else scaleCoef = PickingController.GetHairScale(ProgramCore.Project.ManType); var d = ProgramCore.MainForm.ctrlRenderControl.pickingController.ObjExport.Delta; d.Y -= 0.0060975609f; var tempTransform = mesh.Transform * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(d * scaleCoef); var dp = new Vector3(mesh.Transform[3, 0], mesh.Transform[3, 1], mesh.Transform[3, 2]) - new Vector3(tempTransform[3, 0], tempTransform[3, 1], tempTransform[3, 2]); for (int i = 0; i < meshInfo.Positions.Count; ++i) { var position = meshInfo.Positions[i]; position += dp; meshInfo.Positions[i] = position; } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { //at the start, or if more objects have been added to the scene //initialize the meshObjects array and set the rotations //and positions of each meshObject if(GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(MeshFilter)).Length != meshObjects.Length) { MeshFilter[] meshFilters = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(MeshFilter)) as MeshFilter[]; meshObjects = new MeshInfo[meshFilters.Length]; for(int i = 0; i < meshFilters.Length; i++) { meshObjects[i] = new MeshInfo( meshFilters[i].transform.position, meshFilters[i].transform.rotation, meshFilters[i]); } } //false if the plane has not moved since last update bool planeMoved = false; //if the plane has moved or rotated since last update, //update it's location variables and set planeMoved to false if(transform.position != lastPos || transform.rotation != lastRot) { lastPos = transform.position; lastRot = transform.rotation; planeMoved = true; } //Main loop; checks if mesh objects are intersecting with the plane, //and if they have moved or rotated since last update for(int i = 0; i < meshObjects.Length; i++) { MeshFilter meshObject = meshObjects[i].meshObject; if(meshObject.GetComponent<Renderer>() == GetComponent<Renderer>()) continue; //to not check the plane against itself meshObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().enabled = showMesh; //continue if object intersects with plane if(GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.Intersects(meshObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds)) { //update mesh info if the plane has been moved, or if the mesh's position //or rotation has been changed, or if the mesh has no intersection points. if(planeMoved || !meshObject.transform.position.Equals(meshObjects[i].position) || !meshObject.transform.rotation.Equals(meshObjects[i].rotation) || meshObjects[i].points == null) { meshObjects[i].position = meshObject.transform.position; meshObjects[i].rotation = meshObject.transform.rotation; FindIntersectionPoints(i); } } else meshObjects[i].points = null; //set intersection points to null if the object is //no longer intersecting with the plane } //draws the points found by FindIntersectionPoints() for(int i = 0; i < meshObjects.Length; i++) { List<Vector3> points = meshObjects[i].points; if(points != null) { for(int j = 0; j < points.Count; j += 2) { if(points[j] == points[j + 1]) continue; //skip if points were discarded earlier Debug.DrawLine(points[j], points[j+1], lineColor); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Rebuilds the mesh /// </summary> public void Refresh() { StartMeshInfo = null; EndMeshInfo = null; if (mMesh) mMesh.Clear(); if (!mMesh || !Spline || !Spline.IsInitialized || Spline.Length==0) return; BuildCaps(); Prepare(); if (StartMesh && StartMeshInfo!=null && ToTF - FromTF != 0) { mVerts = new Vector3[getTotalVertexCount()]; mUV = new Vector2[mVerts.Length]; mTris = new int[getTotalTriIndexCount()]; Extrude(); mMesh.vertices = mVerts; mMesh.uv = mUV; mMesh.triangles = mTris; mMesh.RecalculateNormals(); if (CalculateTangents) MeshHelper.CalculateMeshTangents(mMesh); } }