Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            var charBuffers = GetBufferFromEntity <CharElement>(true);

                (Entity e, DynamicBuffer <MeshVertexData> b0, DynamicBuffer <TriangleIndexElement> b1) => {
                var vertices = b0.AsNativeArray();
                var indices  = b1.AsNativeArray();

                var pair = TryGetFreeMesh();
                var mesh = pair.Mesh;
                mesh.SetVertexBufferParams(vertices.Length, MeshVertexDataExtensions.VertexDescriptors);
                mesh.SetVertexBufferData(vertices, 0, 0, vertices.Length, 0);
                mesh.SetIndexBufferParams(indices.Length, IndexFormat.UInt16);
                mesh.SetIndexBufferData(indices, 0, 0, indices.Length);

                mesh.subMeshCount = 1;
                mesh.SetSubMesh(0, new SubMeshDescriptor(0, indices.Length, MeshTopology.Triangles));


                var meshIdx = cached.IndexOf(pair);

                var meshKey = new MeshIndex {
                    Value = meshIdx
                PostUpdateCommands.AddComponent(e, meshKey);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void UpdateCacheForEmitMesh(Mesh mesh, int uvChannel)
            var meshIndex = new MeshIndex(mesh, uvChannel);

            if (s_meshStore.ContainsKey(meshIndex))
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static ComputeBuffer GetMeshBuffer(Mesh mesh, int uvChannel)
            var meshIndex = new MeshIndex(mesh, uvChannel);

            if (!s_meshStore.TryGetValue(meshIndex, out ComputeBuffer buffer))
                buffer = GenerateMeshData(meshIndex);

        public static void ReleaseCacheForEmitMesh(Mesh mesh, int uvChannel)
            var meshIndex = new MeshIndex(mesh, uvChannel);

            if (s_meshStore.ContainsKey(meshIndex))
                var buffer = s_meshStore[meshIndex];
Exemplo n.º 5
 public override int GetHashCode()
         var hash = 13;
         hash = (7 * hash) + MeshIndex.GetHashCode();
         hash = (7 * hash) + CameraSlotIndex.GetHashCode();
         hash = (7 * hash) + TextureSlotIndex.GetHashCode();
         hash = (7 * hash) + MaterialSlotIndex.GetHashCode();
         hash = (7 * hash) + VariantKey.GetHashCode();
Exemplo n.º 6
        internal static Renderer AddMeshIndicator(GameObject mainObj, WispSkinnedEffect skin, MaterialType matType, MeshIndex mesh, Boolean useParticle = false, Boolean particleScaleToSize = false, Single timeToFullsize = 1f, Single duration = 10f, Boolean scaleX = true, Boolean scaleY = true, Boolean scaleZ = true)
            if (!meshIndCounter.ContainsKey(mainObj))
                meshIndCounter[mainObj] = 0u;
            var obj = new GameObject("MeshIndicator" + meshIndCounter[mainObj]++);

            obj.transform.parent        = mainObj.transform;
            obj.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            obj.transform.localScale    = Vector3.one;
            obj.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            Renderer renderer = null;
            Mesh     m        = AssetsCore.LoadAsset <Mesh>(mesh);

            if (useParticle)
                var ps  = obj.AddComponent <ParticleSystem>();
                var psr = obj.AddOrGetComponent <ParticleSystemRenderer>();
                renderer       = psr;
                psr.renderMode = ParticleSystemRenderMode.Mesh;
                psr.alignment  = ParticleSystemRenderSpace.World;
                psr.mesh       = m;


                ps.useAutoRandomSeed = true;

                var psMain = ps.main;
                psMain.duration            = duration;
                psMain.loop                = false;
                psMain.startDelay          = 0f;
                psMain.startLifetime       = duration;
                psMain.startSpeed          = 0f;
                psMain.startSize3D         = false;
                psMain.startSize           = 1f;
                psMain.startRotation3D     = false;
                psMain.startRotation       = 0f;
                psMain.flipRotation        = 0f;
                psMain.startColor          = Color.white;
                psMain.gravityModifier     = 0f;
                psMain.simulationSpace     = ParticleSystemSimulationSpace.Local;
                psMain.useUnscaledTime     = false;
                psMain.scalingMode         = ParticleSystemScalingMode.Hierarchy;
                psMain.playOnAwake         = true;
                psMain.emitterVelocityMode = ParticleSystemEmitterVelocityMode.Transform;
                psMain.maxParticles        = 1;
                psMain.stopAction          = ParticleSystemStopAction.None;
                psMain.cullingMode         = ParticleSystemCullingMode.PauseAndCatchup;
                psMain.ringBufferMode      = ParticleSystemRingBufferMode.Disabled;

                var psEmis = ps.emission;
                psEmis.enabled    = true;
                psEmis.burstCount = 1;
                psEmis.SetBurst(0, new ParticleSystem.Burst(0f, 1));
                psEmis.rateOverTime     = 0f;
                psEmis.rateOverDistance = 0f;

                if (particleScaleToSize)
                    var frac  = timeToFullsize / duration;
                    var psSOL = ps.sizeOverLifetime;
                    psSOL.enabled = true;
                    if (scaleX == false && scaleY == false && scaleZ == false)
                        psSOL.separateAxes = false;
                        psSOL.size         = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve(1f, AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 0f, frac, 1f));
                        psSOL.separateAxes = true;
                        psSOL.x            = scaleX ? new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve(1f, AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 0f, frac, 1f)) : 1f;
                        psSOL.y            = scaleX ? new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve(1f, AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 0f, frac, 1f)) : 1f;
                        psSOL.z            = scaleX ? new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve(1f, AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 0f, frac, 1f)) : 1f;
                var meshRend   = obj.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                var meshFilter = obj.AddOrGetComponent <MeshFilter>();
                renderer = meshRend;
                meshFilter.sharedMesh = m;

            if (matType != MaterialType.Constant)
                skin.AddRenderer(renderer, matType);
Exemplo n.º 7
        static ComputeBuffer GenerateMeshData(MeshIndex meshIndex)
            var mesh      = meshIndex.Mesh;
            var uvChannel = meshIndex.UvChannel;

            //Build mesh data structure
            mesh.GetTriangles(s_triangles, 0);

            int count = s_triangles.Count / 3;

            uvChannel = Mathf.Clamp(uvChannel, 0, 4);
            mesh.GetUVs(uvChannel, s_uvs);

            //TODO: Reuse face somehow?

            ComputeBuffer buffer;

            if (!s_meshStore.TryGetValue(meshIndex, out buffer))
                buffer = new ComputeBuffer(count, ParticleComponent.SizeOf <Face>());
                s_meshStore[meshIndex] = buffer;
                if (buffer == null || buffer.count != count)
                    if (buffer != null)

                    buffer = new ComputeBuffer(count, ParticleComponent.SizeOf <Face>());
                    s_meshStore[meshIndex] = buffer;

            while (s_faces.Length < buffer.count)
                Array.Resize(ref s_faces, s_faces.Length * 2);

            float totalArea = 0.0f;

            //TODO: Can't we parralise this easily?
            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                int i3 = i * 3;
                int t0 = s_triangles[i3 + 0];
                int t1 = s_triangles[i3 + 1];
                int t2 = s_triangles[i3 + 2];

                s_faces[i] = new Face {
                    a = s_verts[t0],
                    b = s_verts[t1],
                    c = s_verts[t2],

                    na = s_normals[t0],
                    nb = s_normals[t1],
                    nc = s_normals[t2],

                    uva = s_uvs[t0],
                    uvb = s_uvs[t1],
                    uvc = s_uvs[t2]

                //Calculate area of triangle manually.
                //Equivalent to 0.5 * | (a - b) x (a - c) |
                float x1 = s_verts[t0].x - s_verts[t1].x;
                float x2 = s_verts[t0].y - s_verts[t1].y;
                float x3 = s_verts[t0].z - s_verts[t1].z;

                float y1 = s_verts[t0].x - s_verts[t2].x;
                float y2 = s_verts[t0].y - s_verts[t2].y;
                float y3 = s_verts[t0].z - s_verts[t2].z;

                float r1 = x2 * y3 - x3 * y2;
                float r2 = x3 * y1 - x1 * y3;
                float r3 = x1 * y2 - x2 * y1;

                float area = 0.5f * Mathf.Sqrt(r1 * r1 + r2 * r2 + r3 * r3);

                s_faces[i].cweight = area;
                totalArea         += area;

            float cumulative = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                cumulative        += s_faces[i].cweight / totalArea;
                s_faces[i].cweight = cumulative;

            buffer.SetData(s_faces, 0, 0, count);