Exemplo n.º 1
        // return the best ranked str from candidates using orthographic score
        // tarPos: start from 0, not include empty space token
        private static MergeObj GetTopRankMergeObjByFrequency(HashSet <MergeObj> candidates, CSpellApi cSpellApi, bool debugFlag, int tarPos, List <TokenObj> nonSpaceTokenList)
            // init
            WordWcMap wordWcMap       = cSpellApi.GetWordWcMap();
            int       maxCandNo       = cSpellApi.GetCanMaxCandNo();
            MergeObj  topRankMergeObj = null;

            // get the top rank mergeObj by frequency
            if (candidates.Count > 0)
                // 1. convert mergeObj set to string set
                // key: coreMergeWord, MergeObj
                Dictionary <string, MergeObj> candStrMergeObjMap = new Dictionary <string, MergeObj>();
                foreach (MergeObj mergeObj in candidates)
                    string mergeWord = mergeObj.GetCoreMergeWord();
                    candStrMergeObjMap[mergeWord] = mergeObj;
                HashSet <string> candStrSet = new HashSet <string>(candStrMergeObjMap.Keys);
                // 2. find the top rank by Str
                string topRankStr = RankByFrequency.GetTopRankStr(candStrSet, wordWcMap);
                // 3. convert back from top rank str to MergeObj
                // topRankStr should never be null because candidates is > 0
                if (!string.ReferenceEquals(topRankStr, null))
                    topRankMergeObj = candStrMergeObjMap.GetValueOrNull(topRankStr);
                // 4. print out frequency score detail
                ScoreDetailByMode.PrintFrequencyScore(candStrSet, wordWcMap, maxCandNo, debugFlag);
        // public method
        /// <summary>
        /// The core method to correct a word by following steps:
        /// <ul>
        /// <li>detect if real-word for merge
        /// <li>get candidates
        ///     <ul>
        ///     <li>get candidates from merge.
        ///     </ul>
        /// <li>Rank candidates
        ///     <ul>
        ///     <li>context
        ///     <li>frequency (TBD)
        ///     </ul>
        /// <li>Update information
        /// </ul>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tarPos">    the position of target tokenObj </param>
        /// <param name="nonSpaceTokenList"> token list without space tokens </param>
        /// <param name="cSpellApi"> for all dictioanry and Word2Vec data </param>
        /// <param name="debugFlag"> boolean flag for debug print
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>    the corrected merged word in MergeObj if the target token
        ///             matches real-word merged rules.
        ///             Otherwise, a null of MergeObj is returned. </returns>
        // return the original term if no good correctin are found
        public static MergeObj GetCorrectTerm(int tarPos, List <TokenObj> nonSpaceTokenList, CSpellApi cSpellApi, bool debugFlag)
            // get tarWord from tarTokenObj and init outTokenObj
            TokenObj tarTokenObj = nonSpaceTokenList[tarPos];
            string   tarWord     = tarTokenObj.GetTokenStr();
            // 1. only remove ending punctuation for coreTerm
            // No coreStr is used for real-word merge for less aggressive
            //String coreStr = TermUtil.StripEndPuncSpace(tarWord).toLowerCase();
            // 2. real-word merge correction
            // check if tarWord and removeEndPuncStr is OOV
            MergeObj outMergeObj = null;             // no merge if it is null

            if ((tarTokenObj.GetProcHist().Count == 0) && (RealWordMergeDetector.IsDetect(tarWord, cSpellApi, debugFlag) == true))
                // TBD, should take care of possessive xxx's here
                // 3. get candidates from merge
                // set mergeWithHypehn to false for real-word merge
                HashSet <MergeObj> mergeSet = RealWordMergeCandidates.GetCandidates(tarPos, nonSpaceTokenList, cSpellApi);
                // 4. Ranking: get top ranked candidates as corrected terms
                // 4.1 just use frenquency or context, no orthoGraphic
                // in case of using context
                // need the context & frequency score for the orgMergeTerm
                outMergeObj = RankRealWordMergeByMode.GetTopRankMergeObj(mergeSet, cSpellApi, debugFlag, tarPos, nonSpaceTokenList);
Exemplo n.º 3
        // cSpell
        private static MergeObj GetTopRankMergeObjByCSpell(HashSet <MergeObj> candidates, CSpellApi cSpellApi, bool debugFlag, int tarPos, List <TokenObj> nonSpaceTokenList)
            // use context first for higher accuracy
            MergeObj topRankMergeObj = GetTopRankMergeObjByContext(candidates, cSpellApi, debugFlag, tarPos, nonSpaceTokenList);

            // then use frequency for more recall
            if (topRankMergeObj == null)
                topRankMergeObj = GetTopRankMergeObjByFrequency(candidates, cSpellApi, debugFlag, tarPos, nonSpaceTokenList);
        // return the best ranked str from candidates using word2Vec score
        // inTokenList, includes space token, is not coreTerm.Lc
        // return null if no candidate is found to correct
        public static MergeObj GetTopRankMergeObj(HashSet <MergeObj> candidates, List <TokenObj> nonSpaceTokenList, Word2Vec word2VecIm, Word2Vec word2VecOm, bool word2VecSkipWord, int contextRadius, double rwMergeFactor, bool debugFlag)
            // init the topRankMergeObj
            MergeObj topRankMergeObj = null;

            if (candidates.Count > 0)
                // 1. find sorted score list for each candidates ...
                List <ContextScore> candScoreList = GetCandidateScoreList(candidates, nonSpaceTokenList, word2VecIm, word2VecOm, word2VecSkipWord, contextRadius, debugFlag);
                // 2. find the top ranked str
                // the 0 element has the highest score because it is sorted
                // only 1 candidate, use it for nonWord
                ContextScore topContextScore = null;
                if (candScoreList.Count > 0)
                    topContextScore = candScoreList[0];
                // 3. find the mergeObj from the topRankStr (if exist)
                if (topContextScore != null)
                    // 3.1. convert mergeObj set to string set
                    // key: coreMergeWord, MergeObj
                    Dictionary <string, MergeObj> candStrMergeObjMap = new Dictionary <string, MergeObj>();
                    foreach (MergeObj mergeObj in candidates)
                        string mergeWord = mergeObj.GetCoreMergeWord();
                        candStrMergeObjMap[mergeWord] = mergeObj;
                    HashSet <string> andStrSet = new HashSet <string>(candStrMergeObjMap.Keys);
                    // 3.2 convert back from top rank str to MergeObj
                    // topRankStr should never be null because candidates is > 0
                    string topRankStr = topContextScore.GetTerm();
                    topRankMergeObj = candStrMergeObjMap.GetValueOrNull(topRankStr);
                    // 4. compare the top rank merge to the original string b4 merge
                    // 1. get the word2Vec score for the orgMergeTerm b4 merge
                    // 1.1 wordVec for context
                    int tarPos = topRankMergeObj.GetStartPos();
                    // tarSize is the total token No of the orgMergeWords
                    int       tarSize    = topRankMergeObj.GetEndPos() - topRankMergeObj.GetStartPos() + 1;
                    DoubleVec contextVec = Word2VecContext.GetContextVec(tarPos, tarSize, nonSpaceTokenList, word2VecIm, contextRadius, word2VecSkipWord, debugFlag);
                    // 1.2 wordVec for the original words before merge
                    string       orgMergeWord    = topRankMergeObj.GetOrgMergeWord();
                    ContextScore orgContextScore = new ContextScore(orgMergeWord, contextVec, word2VecOm);
                    // validate top merge candidate, set to null if false
                    if (IsTopCandValid(orgContextScore, topContextScore, rwMergeFactor, debugFlag) == false)
                        // set to null if score is not good enough for corection
                        topRankMergeObj = null;
Exemplo n.º 5
        // use context score
        private static MergeObj GetTopRankMergeObjByContext(HashSet <MergeObj> candidates, CSpellApi cSpellApi, int tarPos, List <TokenObj> nonSpaceTokenList, bool debugFlag)
            // init
            Word2Vec word2VecIm       = cSpellApi.GetWord2VecIm();
            Word2Vec word2VecOm       = cSpellApi.GetWord2VecOm();
            int      contextRadius    = cSpellApi.GetNwMergeContextRadius();
            bool     word2VecSkipWord = cSpellApi.GetWord2VecSkipWord();
            int      maxCandNo        = cSpellApi.GetCanMaxCandNo();
            MergeObj topRankMergeObj  = RankNonWordMergeByContext.GetTopRankMergeObj(candidates, nonSpaceTokenList, word2VecIm, word2VecOm, word2VecSkipWord, contextRadius, debugFlag);

        // public method
        // process
        public static List <TokenObj> Process(List <TokenObj> inTokenList, CSpellApi cSpellApi, bool debugFlag)
            DebugPrint.PrintProcess("5. RealWord-Merge", debugFlag);
            DebugPrint.PrintInText(TextObj.TokenListToText(inTokenList), debugFlag);
            // pre-porcess
            // update Pos for the inTokenList
            // 1. remove non space-token and convert to non-space-token list
            List <TokenObj> nonSpaceTokenList = TextObj.GetNonSpaceTokenObjList(inTokenList);
            // 2. process: go through each token for detection and correction
            // to find merge corrections (mergeObjList)
            int             index               = 0;
            List <MergeObj> mergeObjList        = new List <MergeObj>();
            int             maxLegitTokenLength = cSpellApi.GetMaxLegitTokenLength();

            while (index < inTokenList.Count)
                TokenObj curTokenObj = inTokenList[index];

                // update the tarPos
                // SCR-3, use legit token
                if (curTokenObj.IsLegitToken(maxLegitTokenLength) == true)
                    int tarPos = inTokenList[index].GetPos();
                    // correct term is the highest ranked candidates
                    MergeObj mergeObj = RealWordMergeCorrector.GetCorrectTerm(tarPos, nonSpaceTokenList, cSpellApi, debugFlag);
                    if (mergeObj == null)                       // no merge correction
                    else                         // has merge correction
                        // next token after end token, this ensures no overlap merge
                        index = mergeObj.GetEndIndex() + 1;
                else                     // space token
                                         // update index
            // update the output for merge for the whole inTokenList,
            // has to update after the loop bz merge might
            // happen to the previous token
            // update the tokenObj up to the merge, then go to the next token
            // update operation info also
            List <TokenObj> outTokenList = MergeCorrector.CorrectTokenListByMerge(inTokenList, mergeObjList, TokenObj.HIST_RW_M, debugFlag, cSpellApi);

Exemplo n.º 7
        // return the best ranked str from candidates using word2Vec score
        // inTokenList, includes space token, is not coreTerm.Lc
        // return the orignal inStr if no candidate has score > 0.0d
        public static MergeObj GetTopRankMergeObj(HashSet <MergeObj> candidates, List <TokenObj> nonSpaceTokenList, Word2Vec word2VecIm, Word2Vec word2VecOm, bool word2VecSkipWord, int contextRadius, bool debugFlag)
            MergeObj topRankMergeObj = null;

            if (candidates.Count > 0)
                // 1. find sorted score list for each candidates ...
                List <ContextScore> candScoreList = GetCandidateScoreList(candidates, nonSpaceTokenList, word2VecIm, word2VecOm, word2VecSkipWord, contextRadius, debugFlag);
                // 2. find the hgihest str
                // the 0 element has the highest score because it is sorted
                string topRankStr = null;
                // only 1 candidate, use it for nonWord
                if (candScoreList.Count == 1)
                    topRankStr = candScoreList[0].GetTerm();
                else if (candScoreList.Count > 0)                     // multiple candidates
                // 1. Check the score, the top rank must be > 0.0
                // This shold use the corrdinated comparator, which +, 0, -
                //if(candScoreList.get(0).GetScore() > 0.0d)
                // 2. Use score system 2
                // Check the score, no updated if the top score is 0.0
                // It works for top score is + or -
                // if the top is 0.0, no updated because top can is not in w2v
                // if top score is 0, we don't know is it better than -
                // top rank rules: score can't be 0.0d
                    if (candScoreList[0].GetScore() != 0.0d)
                        topRankStr = candScoreList[0].GetTerm();
                // 3. find the mergeObj from the topRankStr
                if (!string.ReferenceEquals(topRankStr, null))
                    // 3.1. convert mergeObj set to string set
                    // key: coreMergeWord, MergeObj
                    Dictionary <string, MergeObj> candStrMergeObjMap = new Dictionary <string, MergeObj>();
                    foreach (MergeObj mergeObj in candidates)
                        string mergeWord = mergeObj.GetCoreMergeWord();
                        candStrMergeObjMap[mergeWord] = mergeObj;
                    HashSet <string> candStrSet = new HashSet <string>(candStrMergeObjMap.Keys);
                    // 3.2 convert back from top rank str to MergeObj
                    // topRankStr should never be null because candidates is > 0
                    topRankMergeObj = candStrMergeObjMap.GetValueOrNull(topRankStr);
Exemplo n.º 8
        // clean up mergeObjList:
        // 1. contain, remove the previous one
        // 2. overlap, remove the latter one
        // This is a quick fix for window = 2. the permanemnt fix should be a
        // real-time update on each merge
        private static List <MergeObj> CleanUpMergeObjList(List <MergeObj> mergeObjList)
            List <MergeObj> outMergeObjList = new List <MergeObj>();
            bool            skipNext        = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < mergeObjList.Count; i++)
                MergeObj mergeObj1 = mergeObjList[i];
                if (i < mergeObjList.Count - 1)
                    MergeObj mergeObj2 = mergeObjList[i + 1];                     // next mergeObj
                    int      startPos1 = mergeObj1.GetStartPos();
                    int      startPos2 = mergeObj2.GetStartPos();
                    int      endPos1   = mergeObj1.GetEndPos();
                    int      endPos2   = mergeObj2.GetEndPos();
                    // mergeObj2 contains mergeObj1
                    if ((startPos1 == startPos2) && (endPos1 < endPos2))
                    // merObj2 has overlap with mergeObj1
                    else if ((startPos2 > startPos1) && (startPos2 < endPos1))
                        skipNext = true;
                        if (skipNext == true)
                            skipNext = false;
                    // add the last mergeObj
                    if (skipNext == false)
Exemplo n.º 9
        // public method
        public static MergeObj GetTopRankMergeObj(HashSet <MergeObj> candidates, CSpellApi cSpellApi, int tarPos, List <TokenObj> nonSpaceTokenList, bool debugFlag)
             * // use frequency score for merge
             * MergeObj mergeObj = GetTopRankMergeObjByFrequency(candidates,
             *  cSpellApi, debugFlag, tarPos, nonSpaceTokenList);
             * // use context score for merge
             * MergeObj mergeObj = GetTopRankMergeObjByContext(candidates,
             *  cSpellApi, debugFlag, tarPos, nonSpaceTokenList);
            // use combination
            MergeObj mergeObj = GetTopRankMergeObjByCSpell(candidates, cSpellApi, tarPos, nonSpaceTokenList, debugFlag);

Exemplo n.º 10
        // public method
        public static MergeObj GetTopRankMergeObj(HashSet <MergeObj> candidates, CSpellApi cSpellApi, bool debugFlag, int tarPos, List <TokenObj> nonSpaceTokenList)
            // only have time to test Word2Vec score, yet to test other scores
            MergeObj mergeObj = GetTopRankMergeObjByContext(candidates, cSpellApi, debugFlag, tarPos, nonSpaceTokenList);

             * // use frequency score for merge
             * MergeObj mergeObj = GetTopRankMergeObjByFrequency(candidates,
             *  cSpellApi, debugFlag, tarPos, nonSpaceTokenList);
             * // use context score for merge
             * MergeObj mergeObj = GetTopRankMergeObjByContext(candidates,
             *  cSpellApi, debugFlag, tarPos, nonSpaceTokenList);
             * // use combination
             * MergeObj mergeObj = GetTopRankMergeObjByCSpell(candidates,
             *  cSpellApi, debugFlag, tarPos, nonSpaceTokenList);
Exemplo n.º 11
        private static void TestGetCorrectTerm(CSpellApi cSpellApi)
            // init
            // all lowerCase
            string          inText      = "Dur ing my absent.";
            bool            debugFlag   = false;
            List <TokenObj> inTokenList = TextObj.TextToTokenList(inText);
            // 1. convert to the non-empty token list
            List <TokenObj> nonSpaceTokenList = TextObj.GetNonSpaceTokenObjList(inTokenList);
            // result
            int      tarPos   = 0;
            MergeObj mergeObj = NonWordMergeCorrector.GetCorrectTerm(tarPos, nonSpaceTokenList, cSpellApi, debugFlag);

            // print out
            Console.WriteLine("--------- GetCorrectTerm( ) -----------");
            Console.WriteLine("In: [" + inText + "]");
            Console.WriteLine("In nonSpaceTokenList: [" + nonSpaceTokenList.Count + "]");
            Console.WriteLine("Out MergeObj: [" + mergeObj.ToString() + "]");
Exemplo n.º 12
        // public method
        /// <summary>
        /// The core method to correct a word by following steps:
        /// <ul>
        /// <li>Convert inToken to removeEndPuncStr
        /// <li>detect if misspell (OOV) - non-word, exclude Aa
        /// <li>get candidates
        ///     <ul>
        ///     <li>get candidates from merge.
        ///     </ul>
        /// <li>Rank candidates
        ///     <ul>
        ///     <li>orthographic
        ///     <li>frequency
        ///     <li>context
        ///     </ul>
        /// <li>Update information
        /// </ul>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tarPos">    postion of target token </param>
        /// <param name="nonSpaceTokenList"> token list without space token(s) </param>
        /// <param name="cSpellApi"> CSpell Api object </param>
        /// <param name="debugFlag"> flag for debug print
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>    the corrected merged word in MergeObj if the token is OOV
        ///             and suggested merged word found.
        ///             Otherwise, a null of MergeObj is returned. </returns>
        // return the original term if no good correctin are found
        public static MergeObj GetCorrectTerm(int tarPos, List <TokenObj> nonSpaceTokenList, CSpellApi cSpellApi, bool debugFlag)
            // get tarWord from tarTokenObj and init outTokenObj
            TokenObj tarTokenObj = nonSpaceTokenList[tarPos];
            string   tarWord     = tarTokenObj.GetTokenStr();
            MergeObj outMergeObj = null;             // no merge if it is null
            // 1. only remove ending punctuation for coreTerm
            string coreStr = TermUtil.StripEndPuncSpace(tarWord).ToLower();

            // 2. non-word correction
            // check if tarWord and removeEndPuncStr is OOV
            if (NonWordMergeDetector.IsDetect(tarWord, coreStr, cSpellApi, debugFlag) == true)
                // 3. get candidates from merge
                HashSet <MergeObj> mergeSet = NonWordMergeCandidates.GetCandidates(tarPos, nonSpaceTokenList, cSpellApi);
                // 4. Ranking: get top ranked candidates as corrected terms
                // 4.1 just use frenquency or context, no orthoGraphic
                // in case of using context
                outMergeObj = RankNonWordMergeByMode.GetTopRankMergeObj(mergeSet, cSpellApi, tarPos, nonSpaceTokenList, debugFlag);
        // return the best ranked str from candidates using context score
        // this method is replaced by GetTopRankStr, which sorted by comparator
        public static MergeObj GetTopRankMergeObjByScore(HashSet <MergeObj> candidates, List <TokenObj> nonSpaceTokenList, Word2Vec word2VecIm, Word2Vec word2VecOm, bool word2VecSkipWord, int contextRadius, bool debugFlag)
            MergeObj topRankMergeObj = null;
            double   maxScore        = 0.0d;

            foreach (MergeObj mergeObj in candidates)
                // 1. get the context and contextVec
                int       tarPos     = mergeObj.GetStartPos();
                int       tarSize    = mergeObj.GetEndPos() - mergeObj.GetStartPos() + 1;
                DoubleVec contextVec = Word2VecContext.GetContextVec(tarPos, tarSize, nonSpaceTokenList, word2VecIm, contextRadius, word2VecSkipWord, debugFlag);
                // 2. get ContextSocre for each merge, use output matrix
                string       mergeWord = mergeObj.GetCoreMergeWord();
                ContextScore cs        = new ContextScore(mergeWord, contextVec, word2VecOm);
                double       score     = cs.GetScore();
                // update only if the score is > 0.0d
                if (score > maxScore)
                    topRankMergeObj = mergeObj;
                    maxScore        = score;
Exemplo n.º 14
        // private methods
        // this test is not verified
        private static int RunTest(bool detailFlag, int tarPos, int tarSize, int contextRadius, long limitNo)
            // init dic
            string    configFile = "../data/Config/cSpell.properties";
            CSpellApi cSpellApi  = new CSpellApi(configFile);

            Word2Vec word2VecIm       = cSpellApi.GetWord2VecIm();
            Word2Vec word2VecOm       = cSpellApi.GetWord2VecOm();
            bool     word2VecSkipWord = cSpellApi.GetWord2VecSkipWord();
            ContextScoreComparator <ContextScore> csc = new ContextScoreComparator <ContextScore>();
            // provide cmdLine interface
            int returnValue = 0;

            try {
                StreamReader stdInput = new StreamReader(Console.OpenStandardInput());
                try {
                    string inText = null;
                    Console.WriteLine("- Please input a text, only a spell error allowed (type \"Ctl-d\" to quit) > ");
                    while (!string.ReferenceEquals((inText = stdInput.ReadLine()), null))
                        // ---------------------------------
                        // Get spell correction on the input
                        // ---------------------------------
                        // convert input text to TokenObj
                        TextObj         textObj    = new TextObj(inText);
                        List <TokenObj> inTextList = textObj.GetTokenList();
                        // remove space token from the list
                        List <TokenObj> nonSpaceTokenList = TextObj.GetNonSpaceTokenObjList(inTextList);
                        // *2 because tokenList include space
                        string tarWord = inTextList[tarPos * 2].GetTokenStr();
                        for (int i = 1; i < tarSize; i++)
                            int ii = (tarPos + 1) * 2;
                            tarWord += " " + inTextList[ii].GetTokenStr();
                        Console.WriteLine("- input text: [" + inText + "]");
                        Console.WriteLine("- target: [" + tarPos + "|" + tarSize + "|" + tarWord + "]");
                        Console.WriteLine("- context radius: " + contextRadius);
                        // get all possible candidates
                        HashSet <MergeObj> candSet = NonWordMergeCandidates.GetCandidates(tarPos, nonSpaceTokenList, cSpellApi);
                        Console.WriteLine("-- canSet.size(): " + candSet.Count);
                        // get final suggestion
                        MergeObj topRankMergeObj = GetTopRankMergeObj(candSet, nonSpaceTokenList, word2VecIm, word2VecOm, word2VecSkipWord, contextRadius, detailFlag);
                        Console.WriteLine("- top rank merge Obj: " + topRankMergeObj.ToString());
                        // print details
                        if (detailFlag == true)
                            HashSet <ContextScore> candScoreSet = GetCandidateScoreSet(candSet, nonSpaceTokenList, word2VecIm, word2VecOm, word2VecSkipWord, contextRadius, detailFlag);
                            Console.WriteLine("------ Suggestion List ------");
                            var list = candScoreSet.OrderBy(x => x, csc).Take((int)limitNo).Select(obj => obj.ToString()).ToList();
                            foreach (var item in list)
                        // print the prompt
                        Console.WriteLine("- Please input a text, only a spell error allowed (type \"Ctl-d\" to quit) > ");
                } catch (Exception e2) {
                    returnValue = -1;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                returnValue = -1;