Exemplo n.º 1
        private ExpandableView CreateExpandable(RootMenuItem rootPage)
            var secondStack = new StackLayout();

            secondStack.BackgroundColor = rootPage.Background;
            foreach (var page in rootPage.PageList)
                var menuItem = new MenuPageStack
                    GestureRecognizers =
                        pageClicked        // this means that the pageClicked event will be invoked
                    Children =
                        new Label
                            Text            = page.Title,
                            VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
                            FontSize        = 20,
                            Margin          = Constants.MenuChild,
                    TargetType = page.TargetType

            return(new ExpandableView
                PrimaryView = new StackLayout
                    Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,  // More parameters probably need to go in here
                    BackgroundColor = rootPage.Background,
                    Children =
                        new Image
                            Source = rootPage.IconSource,
                            VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
                            Margin = Constants.MenuRoot,
                            HeightRequest = 40
                        new Label
                            Text = rootPage.Title,
                            FontSize = 24,
                            VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center
                SecondaryViewTemplate = new DataTemplate(() => secondStack)
Exemplo n.º 2
        // I will assume that there aren't enough items to necessitate a scrollview

        public MasterPage()

            // First setup the background color of the view
            BackgroundColor = Constants.BackgroundColor;

            // Second compile the list of pages
            FinancialItems = new List <PageType>();
            TimeItems      = new List <PageType>();
            FinancialItems.Add(new PageType("Master", typeof(MoneyPage)));          // will need to create pages other than just money pages in the future
            FinancialItems.Add(new PageType("Reoccuring Scheduler", typeof(ReoccurringScheduler)));

            TimeItems.Add(new PageType("Master", typeof(TimePage)));      // Timepage is broken right now but that is ok

            // Third define the Root items
            RootFinancial = new RootMenuItem("Financial", "MoneyIcon.png", Constants.MoneyColor, FinancialItems);
            RootTime      = new RootMenuItem("Time", "TimeIcon.png", Constants.TimeColor, TimeItems);

            // Fourth, generate the tapped events
            // first define the clicked event for each of the secondstack children
            pageClicked         = new TapGestureRecognizer();
            pageClicked.Tapped += (s, e) =>
                MenuPageStack MenuItem = (MenuPageStack)s;
                MessagingCenter.Send(this, "NewDetail", MenuItem.TargetType);

                // Now collapse the expanding views
                if (MoneyExpand.Status == ExpandStatus.Expanded)
                    MoneyExpand.IsExpanded = false;
                if (TimeExpand.Status == ExpandStatus.Expanded)
                    TimeExpand.IsExpanded = false;

            // Fifth add the expandable views to the stack layout
            MoneyExpand = CreateExpandable(RootFinancial);
            TimeExpand  = CreateExpandable(RootTime);
