Exemplo n.º 1
 public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
     id       = br.ReadUInt();
     exp      = br.ReadUInt();  //negative if losing
     expType  = br.ReadShort(); //SP_BASEEXP, SP_JOBEXP
     questExp = br.ReadShort();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
            byte invType = (byte)br.ReadByte();

            var count = (br.Length - br.Position) / BLOCK_SIZE;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var itemInfo = new ItemInfo();

                itemInfo.index     = br.ReadShort();     // 2
                itemInfo.ItemID    = (int)br.ReadUInt(); // 4
                itemInfo.itemType  = br.ReadByte();      // 1
                itemInfo.amount    = br.ReadShort();     // 2
                itemInfo.wearState = (int)br.ReadUInt(); // 4
                itemInfo.slot      = new ItemInfo.Slot() // 8
                    card1 = (int)br.ReadUInt(),
                    card2 = (int)br.ReadUInt(),
                    card3 = (int)br.ReadUInt(),
                    card4 = (int)br.ReadUInt()
                itemInfo.expireTime = br.ReadInt();  // 4
                itemInfo.flag       = br.ReadByte(); // 4

Exemplo n.º 3
 public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
     GID    = br.ReadUInt();
     type   = br.ReadByte();
     value  = br.ReadShort();
     value2 = br.ReadShort();
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
     index         = br.ReadShort();
     equipLocation = br.ReadInt();
     ViewID        = br.ReadShort();
     result        = br.ReadByte();
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// 01c8 <index>.W <name id>.W <id>.L <amount>.W <result>.B (ZC_USE_ITEM_ACK2)
 public void Read(MemoryStreamReader fp, int size)
     this.index  = fp.ReadShort();
     this.id     = fp.ReadShort();
     this.AID    = fp.ReadUInt();
     this.count  = fp.ReadShort();
     this.result = (byte)fp.ReadByte();
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// 009d <id>.L <name id>.W <identified>.B <x>.W <y>.W <amount>.W <subX>.B <subY>.B
 public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
     mapID      = (int)br.ReadUInt();
     id         = (int)br.ReadUInt();
     identified = br.ReadByte();
     x          = br.ReadShort();
     y          = br.ReadShort();
     amount     = br.ReadShort();
     subX       = br.ReadByte();
     subY       = br.ReadByte();
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void Read(MemoryStreamReader fp, int size)
     AID          = fp.ReadUInt();
     targetID     = fp.ReadUInt();
     xPos         = fp.ReadShort();
     yPos         = fp.ReadShort();
     SKID         = fp.ReadUShort();
     property     = fp.ReadUInt();
     delayTime    = fp.ReadUInt();
     isDisposable = (byte)fp.ReadByte();
Exemplo n.º 8
 public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
     mapID          = (int)br.ReadUInt();
     id             = (int)br.ReadUInt();
     itemType       = br.ReadUShort();
     identified     = (byte)br.ReadByte();
     x              = br.ReadShort();
     y              = br.ReadShort();
     subX           = (byte)br.ReadByte();
     subY           = (byte)br.ReadByte();
     amount         = br.ReadShort();
     showDropEffect = br.ReadByte();
     dropEffectMode = br.ReadShort();
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
            byte invType = (byte)br.ReadByte();

            var count = (br.Length - br.Position) / BLOCK_SIZE;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var itemInfo = new ItemInfo {
                    index = br.ReadShort(),

                    ItemID = (int)br.ReadUInt(),

                    itemType = br.ReadByte(),

                    location  = (int)br.ReadUInt(),
                    wearState = (int)br.ReadUInt(),
                    refine    = (byte)br.ReadByte(),

                    slot = new ItemInfo.Slot()
                        card1 = (int)br.ReadUInt(),
                        card2 = (int)br.ReadUInt(),
                        card3 = (int)br.ReadUInt(),
                        card4 = (int)br.ReadUInt()

                    expireTime        = br.ReadInt(),
                    bindOnEquip       = br.ReadUShort(),
                    wItemSpriteNumber = br.ReadUShort(),
                    randomOptionCount = (byte)br.ReadByte(),
                    options           = new List <ItemInfo.Option>()

                for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                    itemInfo.options.Add(new ItemInfo.Option()
                        optIndex = br.ReadShort(),
                        value    = br.ReadShort(),
                        param1   = (byte)br.ReadByte()

                itemInfo.flag = br.ReadByte();

Exemplo n.º 10
 public void Read(MemoryStreamReader fp, int size)
     ActionRequest = new EntityActionRequest()
         GID         = fp.ReadUInt(),
         targetGID   = fp.ReadUInt(),
         startTime   = fp.ReadUInt(),
         sourceSpeed = (ushort)fp.ReadInt(),
         targetSpeed = (ushort)fp.ReadInt(),
         damage      = fp.ReadShort(),
         count       = fp.ReadShort(),
         action      = (ActionRequestType)fp.ReadByte(),
         leftDamage  = fp.ReadShort()
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
            LoginID1  = br.ReadInt();
            AccountID = br.ReadInt();
            LoginID2  = br.ReadInt();

            br.Seek(30, SeekOrigin.Current);

            Sex = (byte)br.ReadByte();

            br.Seek(17, SeekOrigin.Current);

            long serverCount = (br.Length - br.Position) / BLOCK_SIZE;

            Servers = new CharServerInfo[serverCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < serverCount; i++)
                CharServerInfo csi = new CharServerInfo();
                csi.IP        = new IPAddress(br.ReadUInt());
                csi.Port      = br.ReadUShort();
                csi.Name      = br.ReadBinaryString(20);
                csi.UserCount = br.ReadUShort();
                csi.State     = br.ReadShort();
                csi.Property  = br.ReadUShort();

                Servers[i] = csi;
Exemplo n.º 12
        private static void ReadRgbaImage(SPR spr, MemoryStreamReader data)
            for (int i = 0; i < spr.rgbaCount; i++)
                var width  = data.ReadShort();
                var height = data.ReadShort();

                spr.frames[i + spr.rgbaIndex] = new SPR.Frame()
                    type   = SPR.TYPE_RGBA,
                    width  = width,
                    height = height,
                    data   = data.ReadBytes(width * height * 4)
Exemplo n.º 13
 public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
     GID     = br.ReadInt();
     Mapname = br.ReadBinaryString(16);
     IP      = new IPAddress(br.ReadBytes(4));
     Port    = br.ReadShort();
     br.Seek(128, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Current);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int Size)
            var size            = br.ReadShort();
            var normal_slot     = br.ReadByte(); //MIN_CHARS 15
            var premium_slot    = br.ReadByte(); //chars_vip;
            var billing_slot    = br.ReadByte();
            var producible_slot = br.ReadByte();
            var valid_slot      = br.ReadByte(); //MAX_CHARS 15

            br.Seek(9, SeekOrigin.Current);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
            var count = Math.Max(0, (br.Length - br.Position) / BLOCK_SIZE);

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var skill = new SkillInfo()
                    SkillID     = br.ReadShort(),
                    SkillType   = br.ReadInt(),
                    Level       = br.ReadShort(),
                    SpCost      = br.ReadShort(),
                    AttackRange = br.ReadShort(),
                    SkillName   = br.ReadBinaryString(24),
                    CanUpgrade  = br.ReadByte() == 1

Exemplo n.º 16
         * 0a37
         * <index>.W
         * <amount>.W
         * <name id>.W
         * <identified>.B
         * <damaged>.B
         * <refine>.B
         * <card1>.W
         * <card2>.W
         * <card3>.W
         * <card4>.W
         * <equip location>.L
         * <item type>.B
         * <result>.B
         * <expire time>.L
         * <bindOnEquipType>.W
         * { <option id>.W <option value>.W <option param>.B }*5
         * <favorite>.B
         * <view id>.W
         * (ZC_ITEM_PICKUP_ACK_V7)
        public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
            itemInfo = new ItemInfo {
                index  = br.ReadShort(),
                amount = br.ReadShort(),
                ItemID = (int)br.ReadUInt()
            IsIdentified       = br.ReadByte() == 1;
            itemInfo.IsDamaged = br.ReadByte() == 1;
            itemInfo.refine    = (byte)br.ReadByte();

            itemInfo.slot = new ItemInfo.Slot()
                card1 = (int)br.ReadUInt(),
                card2 = (int)br.ReadUInt(),
                card3 = (int)br.ReadUInt(),
                card4 = (int)br.ReadUInt()

            itemInfo.location    = br.ReadInt();
            itemInfo.itemType    = br.ReadByte();
            result               = br.ReadByte();
            itemInfo.expireTime  = br.ReadInt();
            itemInfo.bindOnEquip = br.ReadUShort();

            itemInfo.options = new List <ItemInfo.Option>();
            for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                itemInfo.options.Add(new ItemInfo.Option()
                    optIndex = br.ReadShort(),
                    value    = br.ReadShort(),
                    param1   = (byte)br.ReadByte()

            IsFavorite      = br.ReadByte() == 1;
            itemInfo.flag   = IsIdentified ? 0x1 : 0;
            itemInfo.flag  |= IsFavorite ? 0x2 : 0;
            itemInfo.viewID = br.ReadShort();
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
            Tick = br.ReadInt();
            var posDir = br.ReadPos();

            PosX = posDir[0];
            PosY = posDir[1];
            Dir  = posDir[2];

            br.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Current);

            Font = br.ReadShort();
            Sex  = br.ReadByte();
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
            ActionRequest = new EntityActionRequest()
                GID         = br.ReadUInt(),
                targetGID   = br.ReadUInt(),
                startTime   = br.ReadUInt(),
                sourceSpeed = (ushort)br.ReadInt(),
                targetSpeed = (ushort)br.ReadInt(),
                damage      = br.ReadInt()

            br.Seek(1, SeekOrigin.Current);

            ActionRequest.count      = br.ReadShort();
            ActionRequest.action     = (ActionRequestType)br.ReadByte();
            ActionRequest.leftDamage = br.ReadInt();
Exemplo n.º 19
 public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
     GID   = br.ReadUInt();
     Style = br.ReadShort();
     Item  = br.ReadByte();
Exemplo n.º 20
 public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
     MapName = br.ReadBinaryString(16);
     PosX    = br.ReadShort();
     PosY    = br.ReadShort();
Exemplo n.º 21
 public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
     Index = br.ReadShort();
Exemplo n.º 22
 public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
     var seed      = br.ReadInt();
     var accountId = br.ReadInt();
     var state     = br.ReadShort();
Exemplo n.º 23
 //used to update the amount of points necessary to increase that stat
 public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
     status = (EntityStatus)br.ReadShort();
     value  = br.ReadByte();
Exemplo n.º 24
 public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
     var inventoryType = br.ReadShort();
     var name          = br.ReadBinaryString(br.Length - br.Position);
Exemplo n.º 25
    public static CharacterData parse(MemoryStreamReader br)
        CharacterData cd = new CharacterData();

        cd.GID = br.ReadInt();
        cd.Exp = br.ReadInt();
        br.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current);
        cd.Zeny   = br.ReadInt();
        cd.JobExp = br.ReadInt();
        br.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current);
        cd.JobLevel    = br.ReadInt();
        cd.BodyState   = br.ReadInt();
        cd.HealthState = br.ReadInt();
        cd.Option      = br.ReadInt();
        cd.Karma       = br.ReadInt();
        cd.Manner      = br.ReadInt();

        cd.StatusPoint = br.ReadShort();

        cd.HP    = br.ReadInt();
        cd.MaxHP = br.ReadInt();

        cd.SP           = br.ReadShort();
        cd.MaxSP        = br.ReadShort();
        cd.Speed        = br.ReadShort();
        cd.Job          = br.ReadShort();
        cd.Hair         = br.ReadShort();
        cd.Body         = br.ReadShort();
        cd.Weapon       = br.ReadShort();
        cd.BaseLevel    = br.ReadShort();
        cd.SkillPoint   = br.ReadShort();
        cd.Accessory    = br.ReadShort();
        cd.Shield       = br.ReadShort();
        cd.Accessory2   = br.ReadShort();
        cd.Accessory3   = br.ReadShort();
        cd.HairColor    = br.ReadShort();
        cd.ClothesColor = br.ReadShort();

        cd.Name = br.ReadBinaryString(24);

        cd.Str = (byte)br.ReadByte();
        cd.Agi = (byte)br.ReadByte();
        cd.Vit = (byte)br.ReadByte();
        cd.Int = (byte)br.ReadByte();
        cd.Dex = (byte)br.ReadByte();
        cd.Luk = (byte)br.ReadByte();

        cd.Slot   = br.ReadShort();
        cd.Rename = br.ReadShort();

        cd.MapName = br.ReadBinaryString(16);

        cd.DeleteDate = br.ReadInt();
        cd.Robe       = br.ReadInt();
        cd.Moves      = br.ReadInt();
        cd.AddOns     = br.ReadInt();

        cd.Sex = br.ReadByte();

Exemplo n.º 26
 public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
     var type = br.ReadShort();
     var flag = br.ReadInt();
Exemplo n.º 27
        public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
            entityData = new EntitySpawnData();

            entityData.objecttype = (EntityType)br.ReadByte();

            entityData.AID = br.ReadUInt();
            entityData.GID = br.ReadUInt();

            entityData.speed       = br.ReadShort();
            entityData.bodyState   = br.ReadShort();
            entityData.healthState = br.ReadShort();

            entityData.effectState = br.ReadInt();

            entityData.job = br.ReadShort();

            entityData.head = br.ReadUShort();

            entityData.Weapon        = br.ReadUInt();
            entityData.Accessory     = br.ReadUShort();
            entityData.moveStartTime = br.ReadUInt();
            entityData.Shield        = br.ReadUInt();

             * might represent emblem/guild_id1/guild_id0
             * rA clif.cpp #1102
            entityData.Accessory2 = br.ReadUShort();
            entityData.Accessory3 = br.ReadUShort();

            entityData.HairColor    = br.ReadShort();
            entityData.ClothesColor = br.ReadShort();
            entityData.headDir      = br.ReadShort();

            entityData.Robe = br.ReadUShort();

            entityData.GUID = br.ReadUInt();

            entityData.GEmblemVer = br.ReadShort();
            entityData.honor      = br.ReadShort();

            entityData.virtue = br.ReadInt();

            entityData.isPKModeON = (byte)br.ReadByte();
            entityData.sex        = (byte)br.ReadByte();

            entityData.PosDir = br.ReadPos2();

            entityData.xSize = (byte)br.ReadByte();
            entityData.ySize = (byte)br.ReadByte();
            entityData.state = (byte)br.ReadByte();

            entityData.clevel = br.ReadShort();
            entityData.font   = br.ReadShort();

            entityData.MaxHP = br.ReadInt();
            entityData.HP    = br.ReadInt();

            entityData.isBoss = (byte)br.ReadByte();

            entityData.body = br.ReadUShort();
            entityData.name = br.ReadBinaryString(24);
Exemplo n.º 28
 /// Character status (ZC_STATUS).
 /// 00bd
 /// <stpoint>.W
 /// <str>.B <need str>.B
 /// <agi>.B <need agi>.B
 /// <vit>.B <need vit>.B
 /// <int>.B <need int>.B
 /// <dex>.B <need dex>.B
 /// <luk>.B <need luk>.B
 /// <atk>.W <atk2>.W
 /// <matk min>.W <matk max>.W
 /// <def>.W <def2>.W
 /// <mdef>.W <mdef2>.W
 /// <hit>.W
 /// <flee>.W <flee2>.W
 /// <crit>.W
 /// <aspd>.W <aspd2>.W
 public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
     stpoint  = br.ReadShort();
     str      = br.ReadByte();
     needStr  = br.ReadByte();
     agi      = br.ReadByte();
     needAgi  = br.ReadByte();
     vit      = br.ReadByte();
     needVit  = br.ReadByte();
     inte     = br.ReadByte();
     needInte = br.ReadByte();
     dex      = br.ReadByte();
     needDex  = br.ReadByte();
     luk      = br.ReadByte();
     needLuk  = br.ReadByte();
     atk      = br.ReadShort();
     atk2     = br.ReadShort();
     matkMin  = br.ReadShort();
     matkMax  = br.ReadShort();
     def      = br.ReadShort();
     def2     = br.ReadShort();
     mdef     = br.ReadShort();
     mdef2    = br.ReadShort();
     hit      = br.ReadShort();
     flee     = br.ReadShort();
     flee2    = br.ReadShort();
     crit     = br.ReadShort();
     aspd     = br.ReadShort();
     aspd2    = br.ReadShort();
Exemplo n.º 29
 public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
     ErrorCode = br.ReadShort();
Exemplo n.º 30
 public void Read(MemoryStreamReader br, int size)
     AID  = br.ReadUInt();
     PosX = br.ReadShort();
     PosY = br.ReadShort();