Exemplo n.º 1
    public Vector3 GetVelocity(Vector3 pos)
        if (source)
            MegaFlowFrame frame = source.frames[framenum];

            if (frame && frame.GetGridVel != null)
                return(frame.GetGridVelWorld(pos, ref inbounds));

Exemplo n.º 2
    void Update()
        if (source && source.frames.Count > 0)
            framenum = Mathf.Clamp(framenum, 0, source.frames.Count - 1);
            frame    = source.frames[framenum];

            float scl = source.Scale * scale;

            Vector3 Fshape = Vector3.zero;              // Random force due to particle shape
            Vector3 Fgrv   = new Vector3(0.0f, -Gravity, 0.0f);

            float duration = Time.deltaTime;

            pos = transform.position;

            bool inbounds = true;

            float p  = density;
            float A  = Area;
            float Re = reynolds;

            float coef = 1.0f * p * A * Mathf.Pow(Re, -0.5f);

            Vector3 flowpos = pos;              //source.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(pos);

            // This should be in source already
            //Matrix4x4 offtm = Matrix4x4.TRS((frame.size * 0.5f) + frame.offset, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);
            //Matrix4x4 tm = offtm * source.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;
            //Matrix4x4 invtm = tm.inverse;

            Vector3 airvel = Vector3.zero;

            while (duration > 0.0f)
                //Vector3 airvel = invtm.MultiplyVector(frame.GetGridVel(tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(flowpos), ref inbounds) * scl);
                airvel = frame.GetGridVelWorld(flowpos, ref inbounds) * scl;                    //invtm.MultiplyVector(frame.GetGridVel(tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(flowpos), ref inbounds) * scl);

                if (!inbounds)
                    airvel   = new Vector3(scale, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                    flowpos += vel * dt;
                    Vector3 tvel = airvel - vel;
                    float   U    = tvel.magnitude;
                    float   df   = coef * U;

                    Vector3 dir   = tvel.normalized;
                    Vector3 Fdrag = dir * df;

                    Vector3 Fp  = Fdrag + Fshape + Fgrv;
                    Vector3 acc = Fp / mass;
                    vel     += acc * dt;
                    flowpos += vel * dt;

                duration -= dt;

            if (flowpos.y < source.floor)
                flowpos.y = source.floor;

            transform.position = flowpos;               //source.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(flowpos);
            rot += rotspeed * Time.deltaTime;

            Quaternion r = Quaternion.Euler(rot);

            Vector3 fdir = flowpos - pos;

            switch (align)
            case MegaFlowAlign.Flow:
                r = Quaternion.identity;

                Quaternion ar = lastalign;

                if (airvel != Vector3.zero)
                    ar = Quaternion.LookRotation(airvel) * Quaternion.Euler(alignrot);

                r         = r * ar;
                lastalign = ar;

            case MegaFlowAlign.Object:
                r = Quaternion.identity;

                Quaternion ar = lastalign;

                if (fdir != Vector3.zero)
                    ar = Quaternion.LookRotation(fdir) * Quaternion.Euler(alignrot);

                r         = r * ar;
                lastalign = ar;
#if false
            if (align)
                r = Quaternion.identity;

                Quaternion ar = lastalign;

                if (fdir != Vector3.zero)
                    ar = Quaternion.LookRotation(flowpos - pos) * Quaternion.Euler(alignrot);

                r         = r * ar;
                lastalign = ar;

            transform.rotation = r;             //Quaternion.Euler(r);	//ot);

            if (usegradient)
                if (!mat)
                    Renderer rend = GetComponent <Renderer>();

                    if (rend && rend.material)
                        mat = rend.material;

                if (mat)
                    float spd = airvel.magnitude;
                    float a   = Mathf.Clamp01((spd - speedlow) / (speedhigh - speedlow));
                    mat.color = gradient.Evaluate(a);

        if (rend1 == null)
            rend1 = GetComponent <Renderer>();

        if (rend1 && !rend1.enabled)
            rend1.enabled = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
	void Update()
		if ( source && source.frames.Count > 0 )
			framenum = Mathf.Clamp(framenum, 0, source.frames.Count - 1);
			frame = source.frames[framenum];

			float scl = source.Scale * scale;

			Vector3	Fshape = Vector3.zero;	// Random force due to particle shape
			Vector3	Fgrv = new Vector3(0.0f, -Gravity, 0.0f);

			float duration = Time.deltaTime;

			pos = transform.position;

			bool inbounds = true;

			float p = density;
			float A = Area;
			float Re = reynolds;

			float coef = 1.0f * p * A * Mathf.Pow(Re, -0.5f);

			Vector3 flowpos = pos;	//source.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(pos);

			// This should be in source already
			//Matrix4x4 offtm = Matrix4x4.TRS((frame.size * 0.5f) + frame.offset, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);
			//Matrix4x4 tm = offtm * source.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;
			//Matrix4x4 invtm = tm.inverse;

			Vector3 airvel = Vector3.zero;

			while ( duration > 0.0f )
				//Vector3 airvel = invtm.MultiplyVector(frame.GetGridVel(tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(flowpos), ref inbounds) * scl);
				airvel = frame.GetGridVelWorld(flowpos, ref inbounds) * scl;	//invtm.MultiplyVector(frame.GetGridVel(tm.MultiplyPoint3x4(flowpos), ref inbounds) * scl);

				if ( !inbounds )
					airvel = new Vector3(scale, 0.0f, 0.0f);
					flowpos += vel * dt;
					Vector3 tvel = airvel - vel;
					float U = tvel.magnitude;
					float df = coef * U;

					Vector3 dir = tvel.normalized;
					Vector3 Fdrag = dir * df;

					Vector3 Fp = Fdrag + Fshape + Fgrv;
					Vector3	acc = Fp / mass;
					vel += acc * dt;
					flowpos += vel * dt;

				duration -= dt;

			if ( flowpos.y < source.floor  )
				flowpos.y = source.floor;

			transform.position = flowpos;	//source.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(flowpos);
			rot += rotspeed * Time.deltaTime;

			Quaternion r = Quaternion.Euler(rot);

			Vector3 fdir = flowpos - pos;

			switch ( align )
				case MegaFlowAlign.Flow:
						r = Quaternion.identity;

						Quaternion ar = lastalign;

						if ( airvel != Vector3.zero )
							ar = Quaternion.LookRotation(airvel) * Quaternion.Euler(alignrot);

						r = r * ar;
						lastalign = ar;

				case MegaFlowAlign.Object:
						r = Quaternion.identity;

						Quaternion ar = lastalign;

						if ( fdir != Vector3.zero )
							ar = Quaternion.LookRotation(fdir) * Quaternion.Euler(alignrot);

						r = r * ar;
						lastalign = ar;
#if false
			if ( align )
				r = Quaternion.identity;

				Quaternion ar = lastalign;

				if ( fdir != Vector3.zero )
					ar = Quaternion.LookRotation(flowpos - pos) * Quaternion.Euler(alignrot);

				r = r * ar;
				lastalign = ar;

			transform.rotation = r;	//Quaternion.Euler(r);	//ot);

			if ( usegradient )
				if ( !mat )
					Renderer rend = GetComponent<Renderer>();

					if ( rend && rend.material )
						mat = rend.material;

				if ( mat )
					float spd = airvel.magnitude;
					float a = Mathf.Clamp01((spd - speedlow) / (speedhigh - speedlow));
					mat.color = gradient.Evaluate(a);

		if ( rend1 == null )
			rend1 = GetComponent<Renderer>();

		if ( rend1 && !rend1.enabled )
			rend1.enabled = true;