Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the control(s) necessary for prompting user for a new value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configurationValues">The configuration values.</param>
        /// <param name="id">The id.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The control
        /// </returns>
        public override System.Web.UI.Control EditControl(Dictionary <string, ConfigurationValue> configurationValues, string id)
            var editControl = new MediaElementPicker
                ID    = id,
                Label = "Media"

            if (configurationValues?.ContainsKey(CONFIG_MEDIA_PICKER_LABEL) == true)
                editControl.MediaElementLabel = configurationValues[CONFIG_MEDIA_PICKER_LABEL].Value;

            if (configurationValues?.ContainsKey(CONFIG_ALLOW_REFRESH) == true)
                editControl.IsRefreshAllowed = configurationValues[CONFIG_ALLOW_REFRESH].Value.AsBoolean(true);

            if (configurationValues?.ContainsKey(CONFIG_ALLOW_REFRESH) == true)
                editControl.EnhanceForLongListsThreshold = configurationValues[CONFIG_ENHANCE_FOR_LONG_LISTS_THRESHOLD].Value.AsIntegerOrNull() ?? 20;

            SetAccountAndFolderValues(editControl, configurationValues);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the HTML controls required to configure this type of field
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override List <Control> ConfigurationControls()
            List <Control> controls = new List <Control>();

            var mpMedia = new MediaElementPicker();

            mpMedia.Label    = "Media";
            mpMedia.Help     = "The media file that will be watched by the individual.";
            mpMedia.Required = true;

            var nbCompletionPercentage = new NumberBox();

            nbCompletionPercentage.NumberType   = System.Web.UI.WebControls.ValidationDataType.Double;
            nbCompletionPercentage.Label        = "Completion Percentage";
            nbCompletionPercentage.Help         = "The percentage of the video that the individual must view in order for the video to be considered watched. Instead of setting this to 100% you probably want a few points below that.";
            nbCompletionPercentage.AppendText   = "%";
            nbCompletionPercentage.MaximumValue = 100.ToString();
            nbCompletionPercentage.MinimumValue = 0.ToString();
            nbCompletionPercentage.CssClass     = "input-width-sm";

            var nbAutoResume = new NumberBox();

            nbAutoResume.NumberType   = System.Web.UI.WebControls.ValidationDataType.Integer;
            nbAutoResume.Label        = "Auto Resume In Days";
            nbAutoResume.Help         = "The video player will look back this many days for a previous watch session and attempt to auto-resume from that point.";
            nbAutoResume.MaximumValue = 3650.ToString();
            nbAutoResume.MinimumValue = (-1).ToString();
            nbAutoResume.CssClass     = "input-width-sm";

            var tbMaxWidth = new RockTextBox();

            tbMaxWidth.Label    = "Maximum Video Width";
            tbMaxWidth.Help     = "The maximum width of the video. This unit can be expressed in pixels (e.g. 250px) or percent (e.g. 75%). If no unit is provided pixels is assumed.";
            tbMaxWidth.CssClass = "input-width-sm";

            var tbValidationMessage = new RockTextBox();

            tbValidationMessage.Label    = "Validation Message";
            tbValidationMessage.Help     = "The message that should be show when the individual does not watch the required amount of the video.";
            tbValidationMessage.TextMode = System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBoxMode.MultiLine;
            tbValidationMessage.Rows     = 3;

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the HTML controls required to configure this type of field
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override List <Control> ConfigurationControls()
            List <Control> controls = new List <Control>();

            var tbMediaElementPickerLabel = new RockTextBox();

            tbMediaElementPickerLabel.Label        = "Media Element Picker Label";
            tbMediaElementPickerLabel.Help         = "The label for the media element picker";
            tbMediaElementPickerLabel.Text         = "Media";
            tbMediaElementPickerLabel.AutoPostBack = true;
            tbMediaElementPickerLabel.TextChanged += OnQualifierUpdated;

            var nbEnhanceForLongListsThreshold = new NumberBox();

            nbEnhanceForLongListsThreshold.Label        = "Enhance For Long Lists Threshold";
            nbEnhanceForLongListsThreshold.Help         = "When the number of items exceed this value then the picker will turn on enhanced for long lists.";
            nbEnhanceForLongListsThreshold.Text         = "20";
            nbEnhanceForLongListsThreshold.MinimumValue = "0";
            nbEnhanceForLongListsThreshold.AutoPostBack = true;
            nbEnhanceForLongListsThreshold.NumberType   = System.Web.UI.WebControls.ValidationDataType.Integer;
            nbEnhanceForLongListsThreshold.TextChanged += OnQualifierUpdated;

            var mpLimits = new MediaElementPicker();

            mpLimits.Label           = "Limit To";
            mpLimits.Help            = "Enforces the account or folder selections and hides them from the user.";
            mpLimits.ShowMediaPicker = false;

            var cbAllowRefresh = new RockCheckBox();

            cbAllowRefresh.Label           = "Allow Refresh";
            cbAllowRefresh.Help            = "If enabled the user will be allowed to request a refresh of the folders and media items.";
            cbAllowRefresh.Checked         = true;
            cbAllowRefresh.AutoPostBack    = true;
            cbAllowRefresh.CheckedChanged += OnQualifierUpdated;

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the account and folder values if they were provided in the
        /// configuration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mediaElementPicker">The media element picker.</param>
        /// <param name="configurationValues">The configuration values.</param>
        private void SetAccountAndFolderValues(MediaElementPicker mediaElementPicker, Dictionary <string, ConfigurationValue> configurationValues)
            // Determine if we have limit values for either account or folder.
            var accountId = GetLimitToAccountId(configurationValues);
            var folderId  = GetLimitToFolderId(configurationValues);

            // Set defaults for picker visibility.
            mediaElementPicker.ShowAccountPicker = true;
            mediaElementPicker.ShowFolderPicker  = true;

            // Set default values and hide the controls we don't need.
            if (folderId.IsNotNullOrZero())
                mediaElementPicker.MediaFolderId     = folderId;
                mediaElementPicker.ShowFolderPicker  = false;
                mediaElementPicker.ShowAccountPicker = false;
            else if (accountId.IsNotNullOrZero())
                mediaElementPicker.MediaAccountId    = accountId;
                mediaElementPicker.ShowAccountPicker = false;