Exemplo n.º 1
        private void Load_Camera_Page()
            if (camera_Page == null)
                camera_Page = new Camera_Page();
            if (mediaBar_Page == null)
                mediaBar_Page = new MediaBar_Page(this);

            //Navigate to Media Page
            App.mainWindow.Frame_main.Content = camera_Page;
            App.mainWindow.Frame_bar.Content  = mediaBar_Page;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private int InitialLoadFile()
            int ImgOrMedia = 0;  //0 is Img, 1 is Media, 2 is txt

            fileName_Extension = Path.GetExtension(imgPath).Remove(0, 1);

            //先判斷選取物件種類, enum寫法
            if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(img_all_type), fileName_Extension))
                //image_Page = new Image_Page(this);
                imageBar_Page = new ImageBar_Page(this);

                //Navigate to Image Page
                if (true)
                    //App.mainWindow.Frame_main.Content = image_Page;
                    App.mainWindow.Frame_bar.Content = imageBar_Page;


                try { picSource = BitmapFromUri(new Uri(imgPath)); }
                catch (Exception ex) { pic_error_code = 1; MessageBox.Show(ex.StackTrace.ToString()); }  //image is not exist

                mediaSource  = null;
                zIndex_group = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };

                Rect workArea   = System.Windows.SystemParameters.WorkArea;
                var  height_dif = workArea.Height - App.mainWindow.Height;
                var  width_dif  = workArea.Width - App.mainWindow.Width;
                if (height_dif >= 0 && width_dif >= 0)
                    App.mainWindow.Left = (workArea.Width - App.mainWindow.Width) / 2 + workArea.Left;
                    App.mainWindow.Top  = (workArea.Height - App.mainWindow.Height) / 2 + workArea.Top;

                imgManager = new ImageManager();

                ImgOrMedia = 0;

            else if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(media_all_type), fileName_Extension))
                if (media_Page == null)
                    media_Page    = new Media_Page(this);
                    mediaBar_Page = new MediaBar_Page(this);
                    mediaControl  = new MediaControl(this);

                    //Navigate to Media Page
                    App.mainWindow.Frame_main.Content = media_Page;
                    App.mainWindow.Frame_bar.Content  = mediaBar_Page;
                    fileName = Path.GetFileName(imgPath);

                mediaSource = imgPath;

                titleBar_ico_source = "../Resources/下_1.png";  //set title bar icon image
                mediaBtn_play_pause = "../Resources/pause.png";

                picSource    = null;
                zIndex_group = new int[] { 0, 0, 2 };
                //sliderVisible = Visibility.Visible;

                titleBar = fileName + " - ImageTraveler";

                ImgOrMedia = 1;

            else if (string.Compare(fileName_Extension, "txt") == 0)
                App.mainWindow.Frame_main_for_txt.Content = null;

                textViewer_Page    = new TextViewer_Page(this);
                textViewerBar_Page = new TextViewerBar_Page(this);

                App.mainWindow.Btn_Next.Visibility     = Visibility.Collapsed;
                App.mainWindow.Btn_Previous.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

                App.mainWindow.Frame_main.Content = null;

                App.mainWindow.Frame_main_for_txt.Content = textViewer_Page;

                App.mainWindow.Frame_bar.Content = textViewerBar_Page;

                titleBar = fileName + " - ImageTraveler";

                ImgOrMedia = 2; //txt=2

            GroupOpacity      = new double[] { 0, 0, 0 };
            initial_picSource = null;
