Exemplo n.º 1
    public void CreateMediaDesciptionTest()
        //RtpClient has the following property
        //I don't think it should be specified in the SDP Classes but I can figure out something else if desired.

        string profile = "RTP/AVP";

        Media.Sdp.MediaType mediaType = Media.Sdp.MediaType.audio;

        int mediaPort = 15000;

        //Iterate all possible byte values (should do a seperate test for the list of values?)
        for (int mediaFormat = 0; mediaFormat <= 999; ++mediaFormat)
            //Create a MediaDescription
            using (var mediaDescription = new Media.Sdp.MediaDescription(mediaType, mediaPort, profile, mediaFormat))
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(mediaDescription.MediaProtocol == profile, "Did not find MediaProtocol '" + profile + "'");

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(mediaDescription.PayloadTypes.Count() == 1, "Found more then 1 payload type in the PayloadTypes List");

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(mediaDescription.PayloadTypes.First() == mediaFormat, "Did not find correct MediaFormat");

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(mediaDescription.ToString() == string.Format("m={0} {1} RTP/AVP {2}\r\n", mediaType, mediaPort, mediaFormat), "Did not output correct result");
Exemplo n.º 2
    public void CreateSessionDescriptionUnitTest()

        string originatorAndSession = String.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5}", "-", "62464", "0", "IN", "IP4", "");

        string profile = "RTP/AVP";

        Media.Sdp.MediaType mediaType = Media.Sdp.MediaType.audio;

        int mediaPort = 15000;

        int mediaFormat = 0;

        string sessionName = "MySessionName";

        //The document will have a DocumentVersion of 0 by default.
        //Version will be set (v=) which will try to update the version but there is no originator.
        //Originator is set which causes an update in version but because there was no originator the version is 0
        //Once the originator is set (which maintains the DocumentVersion)
        //It can then be increased, the constructor does not do this for you.
        using (var audioDescription = new Media.Sdp.SessionDescription(mediaFormat, originatorAndSession, sessionName))
            //Ensure the correct SessionDescriptionVersion was set
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(audioDescription.SessionDescriptionVersion == 0, "Did not find Correct SessionDescriptionVersion");

            //When created the version of the `o=` line should be 1.
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(audioDescription.DocumentVersion == 0, "Did not find Correct SessionVersion");

            //Add the MediaDescription
            audioDescription.Add(new Media.Sdp.MediaDescription(Media.Sdp.MediaType.audio, mediaPort, profile, 0), false);

            //update version was specified false so the verison of the document should not change
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(audioDescription.DocumentVersion == 0, "Did not find Correct SessionVersion");

            //Determine what the output should look like
            string expected = string.Format("v=0\r\no={0}\r\ns={1}\r\nm={2} {3} RTP/AVP {4}\r\n", originatorAndSession, sessionName, mediaType, mediaPort, mediaFormat);

            //Make a string from the instance
            string actual = audioDescription.ToString();

            //Check the result of the comparsion
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(string.Compare(expected, actual) == 0, "Did not output expected result");