public MursaatOverseer(ushort triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>()
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(37677, "Soldier's Aura", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Jade", "Jade Soldier's Aura hit", "Jade Aura", 0),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(37788, "Jade Explosion", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Jade Expl", "Jade Soldier's Death Explosion", "Jade Explosion", 0),
         //new Mechanic(37779, "Claim", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, ParseEnum.BossIDS.MursaatOverseer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("square","rgb(255,200,0)"), "Claim",0), //Buff remove only
         //new Mechanic(37697, "Dispel", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, ParseEnum.BossIDS.MursaatOverseer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle","rgb(255,200,0)"), "Dispel",0), //Buff remove only
         //new Mechanic(37813, "Protect", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, ParseEnum.BossIDS.MursaatOverseer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle","rgb(0,255,255)"), "Protect",0), //Buff remove only
         new PlayerBoonApplyMechanic(757, "Invulnerability", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(0,255,255)"), "Protect", "Protected by the Protect Shield", "Protect Shield", 0, new List <MechanicChecker> {
             new CombatItemValueChecker(1000, MechanicChecker.ValueCompare.EQ)
         }, Mechanic.TriggerRule.AND),
         new EnemyBoonApplyMechanic(38155, "Mursaat Overseer's Shield", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,200,0)"), "Shield", "Jade Soldier Shield", "Soldier Shield", 0),
         new EnemyBoonRemoveMechanic(38155, "Mursaat Overseer's Shield", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square-open", "rgb(255,200,0)"), "Dispel", "Dispelled Jade Soldier Shield", "Dispel", 0),
         //new Mechanic(38184, "Enemy Tile", ParseEnum.BossIDS.MursaatOverseer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("square-open","rgb(255,200,0)"), "Floor","Enemy Tile damage", "Tile dmg",0) //Fixed damage (3500), not trackable
     Extension = "mo";
     IconUrl   = "";
Exemplo n.º 2
 public Siax(int triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37477, "Vile Spit", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(70,150,0)"), "Spit", "Vile Spit (green goo)", "Poison Spit", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37488, "Tail Lash", new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle-left", "rgb(255,200,0)"), "Tail", "Tail Lash (half circle Knockback)", "Tail Lash", 0),
         new SpawnMechanic(16911, "Nightmare Hallucination", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-open", "rgb(0,0,0)"), "Hallu", "Nightmare Hallucination Spawn", "Hallucination", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37303, "Cascade of Torment", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Rings", "Cascade of Torment (Alternating Rings)", "Rings", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(36984, "Cascade of Torment", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Rings", "Cascade of Torment (Alternating Rings)", "Rings", 0),
         new EnemyCastStartMechanic(37320, "Caustic Explosion", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(255,200,0)"), "Phase", "Phase Start", "Phase", 0),
         new EnemyCastEndMechanic(37320, "Caustic Explosion", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Phase Fail", "Phase Fail (Failed to kill Echos in time)", "Phase Fail", 0, (ce, log) => ce.ActualDuration >= 20649), //
         new EnemyCastStartMechanic(36929, "Caustic Explosion", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-wide", "rgb(0,160,150)"), "CC", "Breakbar Start", "Breakbar", 0),
         new EnemyCastEndMechanic(36929, "Caustic Explosion", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-wide", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "CC Fail", "Failed to CC in time", "CC Fail", 0, (ce, log) => ce.ActualDuration >= 15232),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(36998, "Fixated", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-open", "rgb(200,0,200)"), "Fixate", "Fixated by Volatile Hallucination", "Fixated", 0),
     Extension = "siax";
     Icon      = "";
     EncounterCategoryInformation.InSubCategoryOrder = 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public Sabir(int triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>()
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(56202, "Dire Drafts", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,120,0)"), "B.Tornado", "Hit by big tornado", "Big Tornado Hit", 500, (de, log) => de.HasDowned || de.HasKilled),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(56643, "Unbridled Tempest", new MechanicPlotlySetting("hexagon", "rgb(255,0,150)"), "Shockwave", "Hit by Shockwave", "Shockwave Hit", 0, (de, log) => de.HasDowned || de.HasKilled),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(56372, "Fury of the Storm", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(50,0,200)"), "Arena AoE", "Hit by Arena wide AoE", "Arena AoE hit", 0, (de, log) => de.HasDowned || de.HasKilled),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(56055, "Dynamic Deterrent", new MechanicPlotlySetting("y-up-open", "rgb(255,0,150)"), "Pushed", "Pushed by rotating breakbar", "Pushed", 0, (de, log) => !de.To.HasBuff(log, 1122, de.Time)),
         new EnemyCastStartMechanic(56349, "Regenerative Breakbar", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-wide", "rgb(255,0,255)"), "Reg.Breakbar", "Regenerating Breakbar", "Regenerative Breakbar", 0),
         new EnemyBuffRemoveMechanic(56100, "Regenerative Breakbar Broken", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-wide", "rgb(0,160,150)"), "Reg.Breakbar Brkn", "Regenerative Breakbar Broken", "Regenerative Breakbar Broken", 2000),
         new EnemyBuffApplyMechanic(56172, "Rotating Breakbar", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(255,0,255)"), "Rot.Breakbar", "Rotating Breakbar", "Rotating Breakbar", 0),
         new EnemyBuffRemoveMechanic(56172, "Rotating Breakbar Broken", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(0,160,150)"), "Rot.Breakbar Brkn", "Rotating Breakbar Broken", "Rotating Breakbar Broken", 0),
     // rotating cc 56403
     // interesting stuff 56372 (big AoE?)
     Extension = "sabir";
     Icon      = "";
     EncounterCategoryInformation.InSubCategoryOrder = 0;
 public Artsariiv(ushort triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new PlayerBoonApplyMechanic(38880, "Corporeal Reassignment", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Skull", "Exploding Skull mechanic application", "Corporeal Reassignment", 0),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(38977, "Vault", new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle-down-open", "rgb(255,200,0)"), "Vault", "Vault from Big Adds", "Vault (Add)", 0),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(39925, "Slam", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Slam", "Slam (Vault) from Boss", "Vault (Arts)", 0),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(39469, "Teleport Lunge", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-triangle-down-open", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "3 Jump", "Triple Jump Mid->Edge", "Triple Jump", 0),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(39035, "Astral Surge", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,200,0)"), "Floor Circle", "Different sized spiraling circles", "1000 Circles", 0),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(39029, "Red Marble", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Marble", "Red KD Marble after Jump", "Red Marble", 0),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(39863, "Red Marble", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Marble", "Red KD Marble after Jump", "Red Marble", 0),
         new PlayerBoonApplyMechanic(791, "Fear", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square-open", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Eye", "Hit by the Overhead Eye Fear", "Eye (Fear)", 0, new List <MechanicChecker> {
             new CombatItemValueChecker(3000, MechanicChecker.ValueCompare.EQ)
         }, Mechanic.TriggerRule.AND),                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   //not triggered under stab, still get blinded/damaged, seperate tracking desired?
         new SpawnMechanic(17630, "Spark", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star", "rgb(0,255,255)"), "Spark", "Spawned a Spark (missed marble)", "Spark", 0),
     Extension = "arts";
     IconUrl   = "";
Exemplo n.º 5
 public Gorseval(int triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(SpectralImpact, "Spectral Impact", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Hexagram, Colors.Red), "Slam", "Spectral Impact (KB Slam)", "Slam", 4000, (de, log) => !de.To.HasBuff(log, SkillIDs.Stability, de.Time - ParserHelper.ServerDelayConstant)),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(GhastlyPrison, "Ghastly Prison", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Circle, Colors.LightOrange), "Egg", "Ghastly Prison (Egged)", "Egged", 500),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(SpectralDarkness, "Spectral Darkness", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Circle, Colors.Blue), "Orb Debuff", "Spectral Darkness (Stood in Orb AoE)", "Orb Debuff", 100),
         new EnemyBuffApplyMechanic(SpiritedFusion, "Spirited Fusion", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Square, Colors.LightOrange), "Spirit Buff", "Spirited Fusion (Consumed a Spirit)", "Ate Spirit", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(SpiritKick, "Kick", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.TriangleRight, Colors.Magenta), "Kick", "Kicked by small add", "Spirit Kick", 0, (de, log) => !de.To.HasBuff(log, SkillIDs.Stability, de.Time - ParserHelper.ServerDelayConstant)),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(Vulnerability, "Ghastly Rampage Black Goo Hit", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Circle, Colors.Black), "Black", "Hit by Black Goo", "Black Goo", 3000, (ba, log) => ba.AppliedDuration == 10000),
         new EnemyCastStartMechanic(GhastlyRampage, "Ghastly Rampage", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.DiamondTall, Colors.DarkTeal), "CC", "Ghastly Rampage (Breakbar)", "Breakbar", 0),
         new EnemyCastEndMechanic(GhastlyRampage, "Ghastly Rampage", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.DiamondTall, Colors.Red), "CC End", "Ghastly Rampage (Full duration)", "CC ran out", 0, (ce, log) => ce.ActualDuration > 21985),
         new EnemyCastEndMechanic(GhastlyRampage, "Ghastly Rampage", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.DiamondTall, Colors.DarkGreen), "CCed", "Ghastly Rampage (Breakbar broken)", "CCed", 0, (ce, log) => ce.ActualDuration <= 21985),
     Extension = "gors";
     Icon      = "";
     EncounterCategoryInformation.InSubCategoryOrder = 1;
     EncounterID |= 0x000002;
 public WhisperOfJormag(int triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(59441, "Chains of Frost Hit", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "H.Chains", "Hit by Chains of Frost", "Chains of Frost", 50),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(59102, "Spreading Ice (Own)", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,125,0)"), "S.Ice", "Hit by own spreading ice", "Spreading Ice (Own)", 50),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(59468, "Spreading Ice (Others)", new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle", "rgb(255,150,0)"), "S.Ice.O", "Hit by other's spreading ice", "Spreading Ice (Others)", 50),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(59076, "Icy Slice", new MechanicPlotlySetting("hexagram", "rgb(255,100,0)"), "I.Slice", "Hit by Icy Slice", "Icy Slice", 50),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(59255, "Ice Tempest", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square", "rgb(255,100,0)"), "I.Tornado", "Hit by Ice Tornadoes", "Ice Tempest", 50),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(59120, "Chains of Frost", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(0,0,255)"), "F.Chains", "Selected for Chains of Frost", "Chains of Frost", 500),
         new PlayerBuffRemoveMechanic(59054, "Teleport Back", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(0,125,255)"), "TP In", "Teleported back to the arena", "Teleport Back", 500),
         new PlayerBuffRemoveMechanic(59223, "Teleport Out", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(0,125,255)"), "TP Out", "Teleported outside of the arena", "Teleport Out", 500),
         new EnemyCastStartMechanic(59102, "Spreading Ice", new MechanicPlotlySetting("hexagram", "rgb(255,0,125)"), "S.Ice.C", "Cast Spreading Ice", "Cast Spreading Ice", 0),
         new EnemyCastStartMechanic(59159, "Chains of Frost", new MechanicPlotlySetting("hexagram", "rgb(255,125,125)"), "F.Chains.C", "Cast Chains of Frost", "Cast Chains of Frost", 0),
     Extension = "woj";
     Icon      = "";
Exemplo n.º 7
 public KeepConstruct(ushort triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new PlayerBoonApplyMechanic(34912, "Fixate", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star", "rgb(255,0,255)"), "Fixate", "Fixated by Statue", "Fixated", 0),
         new PlayerBoonApplyMechanic(34925, "Fixate", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star", "rgb(255,0,255)"), "Fixate", "Fixated by Statue", "Fixated", 0),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(35077, "Hail of Fury", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Debris", "Hail of Fury (Falling Debris)", "Debris", 0),
         new EnemyBoonApplyMechanic(35096, "Compromised", new MechanicPlotlySetting("hexagon", "rgb(0,0,255)"), "Rift#", "Compromised (Pushed Orb through Rifts)", "Compromised", 0),
         new SpawnMechanic(16227, "Insidious Projection", new MechanicPlotlySetting("bowtie", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Merge", "Insidious Projection spawn (2 Statue merge)", "Merged Statues", 0),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(35137, "Phantasmal Blades", new MechanicPlotlySetting("hexagram-open", "rgb(255,0,255)"), "Pizza", "Phantasmal Blades (rotating Attack)", "Phantasmal Blades", 0),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(34971, "Phantasmal Blades", new MechanicPlotlySetting("hexagram-open", "rgb(255,0,255)"), "Pizza", "Phantasmal Blades (rotating Attack)", "Phantasmal Blades", 0),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(35064, "Phantasmal Blades", new MechanicPlotlySetting("hexagram-open", "rgb(255,0,255)"), "Pizza", "Phantasmal Blades (rotating Attack)", "Phantasmal Blades", 0),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(35086, "Tower Drop", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Jump", "Tower Drop (KC Jump)", "Tower Drop", 0),
         new PlayerBoonApplyMechanic(35103, "Xera's Fury", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(200,140,0)"), "Bomb", "Xera's Fury (Large Bombs) application", "Bombs", 0),
         new HitOnEnemyMechanic(16261, "Core Hit", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-open", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Core Hit", "Core was Hit by Player", "Core Hit", 1000)
     Extension = "kc";
     IconUrl   = "";
Exemplo n.º 8
 public ConjuredAmalgamate(int triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(52173, "Pulverize", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Arm Slam", "Pulverize (Arm Slam)", "Arm Slam", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(52173, "Pulverize", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square-open", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Stab.Slam", "Pulverize (Arm Slam) while affected by stability", "Stabilized Arm Slam", 0, (de, log) => de.To.HasBuff(log, 1122, de.Time)),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(52086, "Junk Absorption", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(150,0,150)"), "Balls", "Junk Absorption (Purple Balls during collect)", "Purple Balls", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(52878, "Junk Fall", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,150,0)"), "Junk", "Junk Fall (Falling Debris)", "Junk Fall", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(52120, "Junk Fall", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,150,0)"), "Junk", "Junk Fall (Falling Debris)", "Junk Fall", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(52161, "Ruptured Ground", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square-open", "rgb(0,255,255)"), "Ground", "Ruptured Ground (Relics after Junk Wall)", "Ruptured Ground", 0, (de, log) => de.Damage > 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(52656, "Tremor", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Tremor", "Tremor (Field adjacent to Arm Slam)", "Near Arm Slam", 0, (de, log) => de.Damage > 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(52150, "Junk Torrent", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square-open", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Wall", "Junk Torrent (Moving Wall)", "Junk Torrent (Wall)", 0, (de, log) => de.Damage > 0),
         new PlayerCastStartMechanic(52325, "Conjured Greatsword", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Sword", "Conjured Greatsword (Special action sword)", "Sword", 0),
         new PlayerCastStartMechanic(52780, "Conjured Protection", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square", "rgb(0,255,0)"), "Shield", "Conjured Protection (Special action shield)", "Shield", 0),
     Extension             = "ca";
     GenericFallBackMethod = FallBackMethod.None;
     Icon = "";
Exemplo n.º 9
 public IcebroodConstruct(int triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(57832, "Deadly Ice Shock Wave", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "D.IceWave", "Deadly Ice Shock Wave", "Deadly Shock Wave", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(57516, "Ice Arm Swing", new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle", "rgb(255,150,0)"), "A.Swing", "Ice Arm Swing", "Ice Arm Swing", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(57948, "Ice Shock Wave", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square", "rgb(255,150,0)"), "ShockWave", "Ice Shock Wave", "Ice Shock Wave", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(57472, "Ice Shock Wave", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square", "rgb(255,150,0)"), "ShockWave", "Ice Shock Wave", "Ice Shock Wave", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(57779, "Ice Shock Wave", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square", "rgb(255,150,0)"), "ShockWave", "Ice Shock Wave", "Ice Shock Wave", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(57690, "Ice Shatter", new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle-open", "rgb(255,0,150)"), "Ice Orbs", "Rotating Ice Orbs", "Ice Orbs", 50),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(57663, "Ice Crystal", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,150,0)"), "I.Crystal", "Ice Crystal", "Ice Crystal", 50),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(57678, "Ice Flail", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square", "rgb(255,0,150)"), "I.Flail", "Ice Flail", "Ice Flail", 50),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(57463, "Ice Flail", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square", "rgb(255,0,150)"), "I.Flail", "Ice Flail", "Ice Flail", 50),
     Extension = "icebrood";
     Icon      = "";
     EncounterCategoryInformation.SubCategory        = EncounterCategory.SubFightCategory.Grothmar;
     EncounterCategoryInformation.InSubCategoryOrder = 0;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public Sabetha(ushort triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new Mechanic(34108, "Shell-Shocked", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Sabetha, "symbol:'circle-open',color:'rgb(0,128,0)'", "Lnchd", "Shell-Shocked (launched up to cannons)", "Shell-Shocked", 0),
         new Mechanic(31473, "Sapper Bomb", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Sabetha, "symbol:'circle',color:'rgb(0,128,0)'", "SBmb", "Got a Sapper Bomb", "Sapper Bomb", 0),
         new Mechanic(31485, "Time Bomb", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Sabetha, "symbol:'circle-open',color:'rgb(255,0,0)'", "TBmb", "Got a Timed Bomb (Expanding circle)", "Timed Bomb", 0),
         new Mechanic(31332, "Firestorm", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Sabetha, "symbol:'square',color:'rgb(255,0,0)'", "Flmwll", "Firestorm (killed by Flamewall)", "Flamewall", 0),
         new Mechanic(31544, "Flak Shot", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Sabetha, "symbol:'hexagram-open',color:'rgb(255,140,0)'", "Flak", "Flak Shot (Fire Patches)", "Flak Shot", 0),
         new Mechanic(31643, "Cannon Barrage", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Sabetha, "symbol:'circle',color:'rgb(255,200,0)'", "Cannon", "Cannon Barrage (stood in AoE)", "Cannon Shot", 0),
         new Mechanic(31761, "Flame Blast", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Sabetha, "symbol:'triangle-left-open',color:'rgb(255,200,0)'", "Flmthrwr", "Flame Blast (Karde's Flamethrower)", "Flamethrower (Karde)", 0),
         new Mechanic(31408, "Kick", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Sabetha, "symbol:'triangle-right',color:'rgb(255,0,255)'", "Kick", "Kicked by Bandit", "Bandit Kick", 0),
         new Mechanic(31763, "Platform Quake", Mechanic.MechType.EnemyCastStart, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Sabetha, "symbol:'diamond-tall',color:'rgb(0,160,150)'", "CC", "Platform Quake (Breakbar)", "Breakbar", 0),
         new Mechanic(31763, "Platform Quake", Mechanic.MechType.EnemyCastEnd, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Sabetha, "symbol:'diamond-tall',color:'rgb(0,160,0)'", "CCed", "Platform Quake (Breakbar broken) ", "CCed", 0, (condition => condition.CombatItem.Value <= 4400)),
         new Mechanic(31763, "Platform Quake", Mechanic.MechType.EnemyCastEnd, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Sabetha, "symbol:'diamond-tall',color:'rgb(255,0,0)'", "CC.Fail", "Platform Quake (Breakbar failed) ", "CC Fail", 0, (condition => condition.CombatItem.Value > 4400)),
         // Hit by Time Bomb could be implemented by checking if a person is affected by ID 31324 (1st Time Bomb) or 34152 (2nd Time Bomb, only below 50% boss HP) without being attributed a bomb (ID: 31485) 3000ms before (+-50ms). I think the actual heavy hit isn't logged because it may be percentage based. Nothing can be found in the logs.
     Extension = "sab";
     IconUrl   = "";
Exemplo n.º 11
 public Sabir(int triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>()
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(56202, "Dire Drafts", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Circle, Colors.Orange), "B.Tornado", "Hit by big tornado", "Big Tornado Hit", 500, (de, log) => de.HasDowned || de.HasKilled),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(56643, "Unbridled Tempest", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Hexagon, Colors.Pink), "Shockwave", "Hit by Shockwave", "Shockwave Hit", 0, (de, log) => de.HasDowned || de.HasKilled),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(56372, "Fury of the Storm", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Circle, Colors.Purple), "Arena AoE", "Hit by Arena wide AoE", "Arena AoE hit", 0, (de, log) => de.HasDowned || de.HasKilled),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(56055, "Dynamic Deterrent", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.YUpOpen, Colors.Pink), "Pushed", "Pushed by rotating breakbar", "Pushed", 0, (de, log) => !de.To.HasBuff(log, SkillIDs.Stability, de.Time - ParserHelper.ServerDelayConstant)),
         new EnemyCastStartMechanic(56349, "Regenerative Breakbar", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.DiamondWide, Colors.Magenta), "Reg.Breakbar", "Regenerating Breakbar", "Regenerative Breakbar", 0),
         new EnemyBuffRemoveMechanic(IonShield, "Regenerative Breakbar Broken", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.DiamondWide, Colors.DarkTeal), "Reg.Breakbar Brkn", "Regenerative Breakbar Broken", "Regenerative Breakbar Broken", 2000),
         new EnemyBuffApplyMechanic(RepulsionField, "Rotating Breakbar", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.DiamondTall, Colors.Magenta), "Rot.Breakbar", "Rotating Breakbar", "Rotating Breakbar", 0),
         new EnemyBuffRemoveMechanic(RepulsionField, "Rotating Breakbar Broken", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.DiamondTall, Colors.DarkTeal), "Rot.Breakbar Brkn", "Rotating Breakbar Broken", "Rotating Breakbar Broken", 0),
     // rotating cc 56403
     // interesting stuff 56372 (big AoE?)
     Extension = "sabir";
     Icon      = "";
     EncounterCategoryInformation.InSubCategoryOrder = 0;
     EncounterID |= 0x000002;
 public Matthias(ushort triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(34380, "Oppressive Gaze", new MechanicPlotlySetting("hexagram", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Hadouken", "Oppressive Gaze (Hadouken projectile)", "Hadouken", 0),               //human
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(34371, "Oppressive Gaze", new MechanicPlotlySetting("hexagram", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Hadouken", "Oppressive Gaze (Hadouken projectile)", "Hadouken", 0),               //abom
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(34480, "Blood Shards", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-wide-open", "rgb(255,0,255)"), "Shoot Shards", "Blood Shard projectiles during bubble", "Rapid Fire", 0), // //human
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(34440, "Blood Shards", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-wide-open", "rgb(255,0,255)"), "Shoot Shards", "Blood Shard projectiles during bubble", "Rapid Fire", 0), // //abom
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(34404, "Shards of Rage", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-diamond", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Jump Shards", "Shards of Rage (Jump)", "Jump Shards", 1000),                   //human
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(34411, "Shards of Rage", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-diamond", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Jump Shards", "Shards of Rage (Jump)", "Jump Shards", 1000),                   //abom
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(34466, "Fiery Vortex", new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle-down-open", "rgb(255,200,0)"), "Tornado", "Fiery Vortex (Tornado)", "Tornado", 250),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(34543, "Thunder", new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle-up-open", "rgb(0,255,255)"), "Storm", "Thunder Storm hit (air phase)", "Storm cloud", 0),
         new PlayerBoonApplyMechanic(34450, "Unstable Blood Magic", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Well", "Unstable Blood Magic application", "Well", 0),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(34336, "Well of the Profane", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-open", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Well dmg", "Unstable Blood Magic AoE hit", "Stood in Well", 0),
         new PlayerBoonApplyMechanic(34416, "Corruption", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Corruption", "Corruption Application", "Corruption", 0),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(34473, "Corruption", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Corr. dmg", "Hit by Corruption AoE", "Corruption dmg", 0),
         new PlayerBoonApplyMechanic(34442, "Sacrifice", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(0,160,150)"), "Sacrifice", "Sacrifice (Breakbar)", "Sacrifice", 0),
         new PlayerBoonRemoveMechanic(34442, "Sacrifice", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(0,160,0)"), "CC.End", "Sacrifice (Breakbar) ended", "Sacrifice End", 0, new List <MechanicChecker> {
             new CombatItemValueChecker(25, MechanicChecker.ValueCompare.G)
         }, Mechanic.TriggerRule.AND),
         new PlayerBoonRemoveMechanic(34442, "Sacrificed", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "CC.Fail", "Sacrifice time ran out", "Sacrificed", 0, new List <MechanicChecker> {
             new CombatItemValueChecker(25, MechanicChecker.ValueCompare.LEQ)
         }, Mechanic.TriggerRule.AND),
         new PlayerBoonRemoveMechanic(34367, "Unbalanced", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square", "rgb(200,140,255)"), "KD", "Unbalanced (triggered Storm phase Debuff)", "Knockdown", 0, new List <MechanicChecker> {
             new CombatItemValueChecker(0, MechanicChecker.ValueCompare.G)
         }, Mechanic.TriggerRule.AND),
         //new Mechanic(34367, "Unbalanced", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerOnPlayer, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Matthias, new MechanicPlotlySetting("square","rgb(0,140,0)"), "KD","Unbalanced (triggered Storm phase Debuff) only on successful interrupt", "Knockdown (interrupt)",0,(condition => condition.getCombatItem().Result == ParseEnum.Result.Interrupt)),
         //new Mechanic(34367, "Unbalanced", ParseEnum.BossIDS.Matthias, new MechanicPlotlySetting("square","rgb(0,140,0)"), "KD","Unbalanced (triggered Storm phase Debuff) only on successful interrupt", "Knockdown (interrupt)",0,(condition => condition.getDLog().GetResult() == ParseEnum.Result.Interrupt)),
         //new Mechanic(34422, "Blood Fueled", ParseEnum.BossIDS.Matthias, new MechanicPlotlySetting("square","rgb(255,0,0)"), "Ate Reflects(good)",0),//human //Applied at the same time as Backflip Shards since it is the buff applied by them, can be omitted imho
         //new Mechanic(34428, "Blood Fueled", ParseEnum.BossIDS.Matthias, new MechanicPlotlySetting("square","rgb(255,0,0)"), "Ate Reflects(good)",0),//abom
         new EnemyBoonApplyMechanic(34376, "Blood Shield", new MechanicPlotlySetting("octagon", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Bubble", "Blood Shield (protective bubble)", "Bubble", 0), //human
         new EnemyBoonApplyMechanic(34518, "Blood Shield", new MechanicPlotlySetting("octagon", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Bubble", "Blood Shield (protective bubble)", "Bubble", 0), //abom
         new PlayerBoonApplyMechanic(34511, "Zealous Benediction", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,200,0)"), "Bombs", "Zealous Benediction (Expanding bombs)", "Bomb", 0),
         new PlayerBoonApplyMechanic(26766, "Icy Patch", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(0,0,255)"), "Icy KD", "Knockdown by Icy Patch", "Icy Patch KD", 0, new List <MechanicChecker> {
             new CombatItemValueChecker(10000, MechanicChecker.ValueCompare.EQ)
         }, Mechanic.TriggerRule.AND),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(34413, "Surrender", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(0,0,0)"), "Spirit", "Surrender (hit by walking Spirit)", "Spirit hit", 0)
     Extension = "matt";
     IconUrl   = "";
Exemplo n.º 13
 public MursaatOverseer(int triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>()
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37677, "Soldier's Aura", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", Colors.Red), "Jade", "Jade Soldier's Aura hit", "Jade Aura", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37788, "Jade Explosion", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", Colors.Red), "Jade Expl", "Jade Soldier's Death Explosion", "Jade Explosion", 0),
         //new Mechanic(37779, "Claim", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, ParseEnum.BossIDS.MursaatOverseer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("square",Colors.Yellow), "Claim",0), //Buff remove only
         //new Mechanic(37697, "Dispel", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, ParseEnum.BossIDS.MursaatOverseer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle",Colors.Yellow), "Dispel",0), //Buff remove only
         //new Mechanic(37813, "Protect", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, ParseEnum.BossIDS.MursaatOverseer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle",Colors.Teal), "Protect",0), //Buff remove only
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(757, "Invulnerability", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", Colors.Teal), "Protect", "Protected by the Protect Shield", "Protect Shield", 0, (ba, log) => ba.AppliedDuration == 1000),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(37813, "Protect (SAK)", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", Colors.Blue), "Protect (SAK)", "Took protect", "Protect (SAK)", 0),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(37697, "Dispel (SAK)", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", Colors.Purple), "Dispel (SAK)", "Took dispel", "Dispel (SAK)", 0),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(37779, "Claim (SAK)", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", Colors.Yellow), "Claim (SAK)", "Took claim", "Claim (SAK)", 0),
         new EnemyBuffApplyMechanic(38155, "Mursaat Overseer's Shield", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", Colors.Yellow), "Shield", "Jade Soldier Shield", "Soldier Shield", 0),
         new EnemyBuffRemoveMechanic(38155, "Mursaat Overseer's Shield", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square-open", Colors.Yellow), "Dispel", "Dispelled Jade Soldier Shield", "Dispel", 0),
         //new Mechanic(38184, "Enemy Tile", ParseEnum.BossIDS.MursaatOverseer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("square-open",Colors.Yellow), "Floor","Enemy Tile damage", "Tile dmg",0) //Fixed damage (3500), not trackable
     Extension = "mo";
     Icon      = "";
     EncounterCategoryInformation.InSubCategoryOrder = 1;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public ConjuredAmalgamate(ushort triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(52173, "Pulverize", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Arm Slam", "Pulverize (Arm Slam)", "Arm Slam", 0),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(52086, "Junk Absorption", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(150,0,150)"), "Balls", "Junk Absorption (Purple Balls during collect)", "Purple Balls", 0),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(52878, "Junk Fall", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,150,0)"), "Junk", "Junk Fall (Falling Debris)", "Junk Fall", 0),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(52120, "Junk Fall", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,150,0)"), "Junk", "Junk Fall (Falling Debris)", "Junk Fall", 0),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(52161, "Ruptured Ground", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square-open", "rgb(0,255,255)"), "Ground", "Ruptured Ground (Relics after Junk Wall)", "Ruptured Ground", 0, new List <MechanicChecker> {
             new CombatItemValueChecker(0, MechanicChecker.ValueCompare.G)
         }, Mechanic.TriggerRule.AND),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(52656, "Tremor", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Tremor", "Tremor (Field adjacent to Arm Slam)", "Near Arm Slam", 0, new List <MechanicChecker> {
             new CombatItemValueChecker(0, MechanicChecker.ValueCompare.G)
         }, Mechanic.TriggerRule.AND),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(52150, "Junk Torrent", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square-open", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Wall", "Junk Torrent (Moving Wall)", "Junk Torrent (Wall)", 0, new List <MechanicChecker> {
             new CombatItemValueChecker(0, MechanicChecker.ValueCompare.G)
         }, Mechanic.TriggerRule.AND),
     Extension = "ca";
     IconUrl   = "";
 public AetherbladeHideout(int triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(NightmareFusilladeMain, "Nightmare Fusillade", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.TriangleRight, Colors.DarkRed), "Cone", "Hit by Cone attack", "Cone", 150),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(NightmareFusilladeSide, "Nightmare Fusillade Side", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.TriangleLeft, Colors.DarkRed), "Cone.S", "Hit by Side Cone attack", "Side Cone", 150),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(new long[] { TormentingWave, TormentingWaveCM }, "Tormenting Wave", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Circle, Colors.DarkRed), "Shck.Wv", "Hit by Shockwave attack", "Shockwave", 150),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(new long[] { LeyBreach, LeyBreachCM }, "Ley Breach", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Circle, Colors.LightOrange), "Puddle", "Stood in Puddle", "Puddle", 150),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(KaleidoscopicChaos, "Kaleidoscopic Chaos", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.TriangleDown, Colors.Orange), "Circle.H", "Hit by Yellow Circle", "Yellow Circle Hit", 150),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(ExposedEODStrike, "Exposed", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.TriangleDown, Colors.Red), "Exposed", "Received Exposed stack", "Exposed", 150),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(new long[] { SharedDestructionMaiTrin, SharedDestructionMaiTrinCM }, "Shared Destruction", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Circle, Colors.Green), "Green", "Selected for Green", "Green", 150),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(PhotonSaturation, "Photon Saturation", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.TriangleDown, Colors.Green), "Green.D", "Received Green debuff", "Green Debuff", 150),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(FocusedDestruction, "Focused Destruction", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.TriangleUp, Colors.Red), "Green.Dwn", "Downed by Green", "Green Downed", 150, (evt, log) => evt.HasDowned),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(MagneticBomb, "Magnetic Bomb", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Circle, Colors.Magenta), "Bomb", "Selected for Bomb", "Bomb", 150),
     Icon      = "";
     Extension = "aetherhide";
     EncounterCategoryInformation.InSubCategoryOrder = 0;
     EncounterID |= 0x000001;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public Arkk(int triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(39685, "Horizon Strike", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Horizon Strike", "Horizon Strike (turning pizza slices)", "Horizon Strike", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(39001, "Horizon Strike", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Horizon Strike", "Horizon Strike (turning pizza slices)", "Horizon Strike", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(39787, "Diffractive Edge", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star", "rgb(255,200,0)"), "5 Cone", "Diffractive Edge (5 Cone Knockback)", "Five Cones", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(39755, "Diffractive Edge", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star", "rgb(255,200,0)"), "5 Cone", "Diffractive Edge (5 Cone Knockback)", "Five Cones", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(39728, "Solar Fury", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(128,0,0)"), "Ball", "Stood in Red Overhead Ball Field", "Red Ball Aoe", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(39711, "Focused Rage", new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle-down", "rgb(255,100,0)"), "Cone KB", "Knockback in Cone with overhead crosshair", "Knockback Cone", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(39691, "Solar Discharge", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Shockwave", "Knockback shockwave after Overhead Balls", "Shockwave", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(38982, "Starburst Cascade", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Float Ring", "Starburst Cascade (Expanding/Retracting Lifting Ring)", "Float Ring", 500),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(39523, "Starburst Cascade", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Float Ring", "Starburst Cascade (Expanding/Retracting Lifting Ring)", "Float Ring", 500),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(39297, "Horizon Strike Normal", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(80,0,0)"), "Horizon Strike norm", "Horizon Strike (normal)", "Horizon Strike (normal)", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(38844, "Overhead Smash", new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle-left", "rgb(200,0,0)"), "Smash", "Overhead Smash", "Overhead Smash", 0),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(38880, "Corporeal Reassignment", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Skull", "Exploding Skull mechanic application", "Corporeal Reassignment", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(39849, "Explode", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,200,0)"), "Bloom Explode", "Hit by Solar Bloom explosion", "Bloom Explosion", 0),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(39558, "Fixate", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-open", "rgb(255,0,255)"), "Bloom Fix", "Fixated by Solar Bloom", "Bloom Fixate", 0),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(39928, "Fixate", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-open", "rgb(255,0,255)"), "Bloom Fix", "Fixated by Solar Bloom", "Bloom Fixate", 0),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(39131, "Fixate", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-open", "rgb(255,0,255)"), "Bloom Fix", "Fixated by Solar Bloom", "Bloom Fixate", 0),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(38985, "Fixate", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-open", "rgb(255,0,255)"), "Bloom Fix", "Fixated by Solar Bloom", "Bloom Fixate", 0),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(39268, "Cosmic Meteor", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(0,255,0)"), "Green", "Temporal Realignment (Green) application", "Green", 0),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(791, "Fear", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square-open", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Eye", "Hit by the Overhead Eye Fear", "Eye (Fear)", 0, (ba, log) => ba.AppliedDuration == 3000), // //not triggered under stab, still get blinded/damaged, seperate tracking desired?
         new EnemyCastStartMechanic(39645, "Breakbar Start", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(0,160,150)"), "Breakbar", "Start Breakbar", "CC", 0),
         new EnemyCastEndMechanic(39645, "Breakbar End", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "CC.Fail", "Breakbar (Failed CC)", "CC Fail", 0, (ce, log) => ce.ActualDuration > 9668),
         new EnemyCastEndMechanic(39645, "Breakbar End", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(0,160,0)"), "CCed", "Breakbar broken", "CCed", 0, (ce, log) => ce.ActualDuration < 9668),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(34748, "Overhead Smash", new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle-left-open", "rgb(200,0,0)"), "A.Smsh", "Overhead Smash (Arcdiviner)", "Smash (Add)", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(39674, "Rolling Chaos", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,50,50)"), "KD Marble", "Rolling Chaos (Arrow marble)", "KD Marble", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(39298, "Solar Stomp", new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle-up", "rgb(200,0,200)"), "Stomp", "Solar Stomp (Evading Stomp)", "Evading Jump", 0),
         new EnemyCastStartMechanic(39021, "Cosmic Streaks", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-open", "rgb(255,0,100)"), "DDR Beam", "Triple Death Ray Cast (last phase)", "Death Ray Cast", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(35940, "Whirling Devastation", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-diamond-open", "rgb(180,0,100)"), "Whirl", "Whirling Devastation (Gladiator Spin)", "Gladiator Spin", 300),
         new EnemyCastStartMechanic(35761, "Pull Charge", new MechanicPlotlySetting("bowtie", "rgb(0,160,150)"), "Pull", "Pull Charge (Gladiator Pull)", "Gladiator Pull", 0),                                          //
         new EnemyCastEndMechanic(35761, "Pull Charge", new MechanicPlotlySetting("bowtie", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Pull CC Fail", "Pull Charge CC failed", "CC fail (Gladiator)", 0, (ce, log) => ce.ActualDuration > 3200), //
         new EnemyCastEndMechanic(35761, "Pull Charge", new MechanicPlotlySetting("bowtie", "rgb(0,160,0)"), "Pull CCed", "Pull Charge CCed", "CCed (Gladiator)", 0, (ce, log) => ce.ActualDuration < 3200),            //
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(35452, "Spinning Cut", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-square-open", "rgb(200,140,255)"), "Daze", "Spinning Cut (3rd Gladiator Auto->Daze)", "Gladiator Daze", 0),                     //
     Extension = "arkk";
     Icon      = "";
     EncounterCategoryInformation.InSubCategoryOrder = 2;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public Cairn(int triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         // (ID, ingame name, Type, BossID, plotly marker, Table header name, ICD, Special condition) // long table hover name, graph legend name
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(38113, "Displacement", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", Colors.LightOrange), "Port", "Orange Teleport Field", "Orange TP", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37611, "Spatial Manipulation", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", Colors.Green), "Green", "Green Spatial Manipulation Field (lift)", "Green (lift)", 0, (de, log) => !de.To.HasBuff(log, 1122, de.Time)),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37629, "Spatial Manipulation", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", Colors.Green), "Green", "Green Spatial Manipulation Field (lift)", "Green (lift)", 0, (de, log) => !de.To.HasBuff(log, 1122, de.Time)),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37642, "Spatial Manipulation", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", Colors.Green), "Green", "Green Spatial Manipulation Field (lift)", "Green (lift)", 0, (de, log) => !de.To.HasBuff(log, 1122, de.Time)),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37673, "Spatial Manipulation", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", Colors.Green), "Green", "Green Spatial Manipulation Field (lift)", "Green (lift)", 0, (de, log) => !de.To.HasBuff(log, 1122, de.Time)),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(38074, "Spatial Manipulation", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", Colors.Green), "Green", "Green Spatial Manipulation Field (lift)", "Green (lift)", 0, (de, log) => !de.To.HasBuff(log, 1122, de.Time)),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(38302, "Spatial Manipulation", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", Colors.Green), "Green", "Green Spatial Manipulation Field (lift)", "Green (lift)", 0, (de, log) => !de.To.HasBuff(log, 1122, de.Time)),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37611, "Spatial Manipulation", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", Colors.Green), "Stab.Green", "Green Spatial Manipulation Field while affected by stability", "Stabilized Green", 0, (de, log) => de.To.HasBuff(log, 1122, de.Time)),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37629, "Spatial Manipulation", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", Colors.Green), "Stab.Green", "Green Spatial Manipulation Field while affected by stability", "Stabilized Green", 0, (de, log) => de.To.HasBuff(log, 1122, de.Time)),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37642, "Spatial Manipulation", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", Colors.Green), "Stab.Green", "Green Spatial Manipulation Field while affected by stability", "Stabilized Green", 0, (de, log) => de.To.HasBuff(log, 1122, de.Time)),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37673, "Spatial Manipulation", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", Colors.Green), "Stab.Green", "Green Spatial Manipulation Field while affected by stability", "Stabilized Green", 0, (de, log) => de.To.HasBuff(log, 1122, de.Time)),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(38074, "Spatial Manipulation", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", Colors.Green), "Stab.Green", "Green Spatial Manipulation Field while affected by stability", "Stabilized Green", 0, (de, log) => de.To.HasBuff(log, 1122, de.Time)),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(38302, "Spatial Manipulation", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", Colors.Green), "Stab.Green", "Green Spatial Manipulation Field while affected by stability", "Stabilized Green", 0, (de, log) => de.To.HasBuff(log, 1122, de.Time)),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(31875, "Spatial Manipulation", new MechanicPlotlySetting("hexagram", Colors.Red), "Slam", "Spectral Impact (KB Slam)", "Slam", 4000, (de, log) => !de.To.HasBuff(log, 1122, de.Time)),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(38313, "Meteor Swarm", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", Colors.Red), "KB", "Knockback Crystals (tornado like)", "KB Crystal", 1000),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(38049, "Shared Agony", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", Colors.Red), "Agony", "Shared Agony Debuff Application", "Shared Agony", 0),                        //could flip
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(38170, "Shared Agony", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-triangle-up-open", Colors.Pink), "Agony 25", "Shared Agony Damage (25% Player's HP)", "SA dmg 25%", 0), // Seems to be a (invisible) debuff application for 1 second from the Agony carrier to the closest(?) person in the circle.
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(37768, "Shared Agony", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-diamond-open", Colors.Orange), "Agony 50", "Shared Agony Damage (50% Player's HP)", "SA dmg 50%", 0),   //Chaining from the first person hit by 38170, applying a 1 second debuff to the next person.
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(38209, "Shared Agony", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-open", Colors.Red), "Agony 75", "Shared Agony Damage (75% Player's HP)", "SA dmg 75%", 0),              //Chaining from the first person hit by 37768, applying a 1 second debuff to the next person.
         // new Mechanic(37775, "Shared Agony", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Cairn, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open",Color.Red), "Agony Damage",0), from old raidheroes logs? Small damage packets. Is also named "Shared Agony" in the evtc. Doesn't seem to occur anymore.
         // new Mechanic(38210, "Shared Agony", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Cairn, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open",Color.Red), "SA.dmg","Shared Agony Damage dealt", "Shared Agony dmg",0), //could flip. HP% attack, thus only shows on down/absorb hits.
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(38060, "Energy Surge", new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle-left", Colors.DarkGreen), "Leap", "Jump between green fields", "Leap", 100),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37631, "Orbital Sweep", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-wide", Colors.Magenta), "Sweep", "Sword Spin (Knockback)", "Sweep", 100),//short cooldown because of multihits. Would still like to register second hit at the end of spin though, thus only 0.1s
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37910, "Gravity Wave", new MechanicPlotlySetting("octagon", Colors.Magenta), "Donut", "Expanding Crystal Donut Wave (Knockback)", "Crystal Donut", 0)
         // Spatial Manipulation IDs correspond to the following: 1st green when starting the fight: 37629;
         // Greens after Energy Surge/Orbital Sweep: 38302
         //100% - 75%: 37611
         // 75% - 50%: 38074
         // 50% - 25%: 37673
         // 25% -  0%: 37642
     Extension = "cairn";
     Icon      = "";
     EncounterCategoryInformation.InSubCategoryOrder = 0;
Exemplo n.º 18
 public Arkk(ushort triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new Mechanic(39685, "Horizon Strike", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "HS", "Horizon Strike (turning pizza slices)", "Horizon Strike", 0),
         new Mechanic(39001, "Horizon Strike", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "HS", "Horizon Strike (turning pizza slices)", "Horizon Strike", 0),
         new Mechanic(39787, "Diffractive Edge", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("star", "rgb(255,200,0)"), "5Cone", "Diffractive Edge (5 Cone Knockback)", "Five Cones", 0),
         new Mechanic(39755, "Diffractive Edge", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("star", "rgb(255,200,0)"), "5Cone", "Diffractive Edge (5 Cone Knockback)", "Five Cones", 0),
         new Mechanic(39728, "Solar Fury", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(128,0,0)"), "Ball", "Stood in Red Overhead Ball Field", "Red Ball Aoe", 0),
         new Mechanic(39711, "Focused Rage", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle-down", "rgb(255,100,0)"), "Cone KB", "Knockback in Cone with overhead crosshair", "Knockback Cone", 0),
         new Mechanic(39691, "Solar Discharge", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Wave", "Knockback shockwave after Overhead Balls", "Shockwave", 0),
         new Mechanic(38982, "Starburst Cascade", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Ring", "Expanding/Retracting Lifting Ring", "Float Ring", 500),
         new Mechanic(39523, "Starburst Cascade", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Ring", "Expanding/Retracting Lifting Ring", "Float Ring", 500),
         new Mechanic(39297, "Horizon Strike Normal", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(80,0,0)"), "HS norm", "Horizon Strike (normal)", "Horizon Strike (normal)", 0),
         new Mechanic(38844, "Overhead Smash", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle-left", "rgb(200,0,0)"), "Smash", 0),
         new Mechanic(38880, "Corporeal Reassignment", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Skull", "Exploding Skull mechanic application", "Corporeal Reassignment", 0),
         new Mechanic(39849, "Explode", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,200,0)"), "Blm.Exp", "Hit by Solar Bloom explosion", "Bloom Explosion", 0),
         new Mechanic(39558, "Fixate", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-open", "rgb(255,0,255)"), "Blm.Fix", "Fixated by Solar Bloom", "Bloom Fixate", 0),
         new Mechanic(39928, "Fixate", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-open", "rgb(255,0,255)"), "Blm.Fix", "Fixated by Solar Bloom", "Bloom Fixate", 0),
         new Mechanic(39131, "Fixate", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-open", "rgb(255,0,255)"), "Blm.Fix", "Fixated by Solar Bloom", "Bloom Fixate", 0),
         new Mechanic(38985, "Fixate", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-open", "rgb(255,0,255)"), "Blm.Fix", "Fixated by Solar Bloom", "Bloom Fixate", 0),
         new Mechanic(39268, "Cosmic Meteor", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(0,255,0)"), "Green", "Temporal Realignment (Green) application", "Green", 0),
         new Mechanic(791, "Fear", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, new MechanicPlotlySetting("square-open", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Eye", "Hit by the Overhead Eye Fear", "Eye (Fear)", 0, (condition => condition.CombatItem.Value == 3000)), // //not triggered under stab, still get blinded/damaged, seperate tracking desired?
         new Mechanic(39645, "Breakbar Start", Mechanic.MechType.EnemyCastStart, new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(0,160,150)"), "Breakbar", "Start Breakbar", "CC", 0),
         new Mechanic(39645, "Breakbar End", Mechanic.MechType.EnemyCastEnd, new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "CC.Fail", "Breakbar (Failed CC)", "CC Fail", 0, (condition => condition.CombatItem.Value > 9668)),
         new Mechanic(39645, "Breakbar End", Mechanic.MechType.EnemyCastEnd, new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(0,160,0)"), "CCed", "Breakbar broken", "CCed", 0, (condition => condition.CombatItem.Value < 9668)),
         new Mechanic(34748, "Overhead Smash", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle-left-open", "rgb(200,0,0)"), "A.Smsh", "Overhead Smash (Arcdiviner)", "Smash (Add)", 0),
         new Mechanic(39674, "Rolling Chaos", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,50,50)"), "RlMrbl", "Rolling Chaos (Arrow marble)", "KD Marble", 0),
         new Mechanic(39298, "Solar Stomp", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle-up", "rgb(200,0,200)"), "Stmp", "Solar Stomp (Evading Stomp)", "Evading Jump", 0),
         new Mechanic(39021, "Cosmic Streaks", Mechanic.MechType.EnemyCastStart, new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-open", "rgb(255,0,100)"), "DDR.Bm", "Triple Death Ray Cast (last phase)", "Death Ray Cast", 0),
         new Mechanic(35940, "Whirling Devastation", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-diamond-open", "rgb(180,0,100)"), "Whrl", "Whirling Devastation (Gladiator Spin)", "Gladiator Spin", 300),
         new Mechanic(35761, "Pull Charge", Mechanic.MechType.EnemyCastStart, new MechanicPlotlySetting("bowtie", "rgb(0,160,150)"), "Pull", "Pull Charge (Gladiator Pull)", "Gladiator Pull", 0),                                                 //
         new Mechanic(35761, "Pull Charge", Mechanic.MechType.EnemyCastEnd, new MechanicPlotlySetting("bowtie", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Pll.Fail", "Pull Charge CC failed", "CC fail (Gladiator)", 0, (condition => condition.CombatItem.Value > 3200)), //
         new Mechanic(35761, "Pull Charge", Mechanic.MechType.EnemyCastEnd, new MechanicPlotlySetting("bowtie", "rgb(0,160,0)"), "Pll.CCed", "Pull Charge CCed", "CCed (Gladiator)", 0, (condition => condition.CombatItem.Value <= 3200)),        //
         new Mechanic(35452, "Spinning Cut", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-square-open", "rgb(200,140,255)"), "Daze", "Spinning Cut (3rd Gladiator Auto->Daze)", "Gladiator Daze", 0),                          //
     Extension = "arkk";
     IconUrl   = "";
Exemplo n.º 19
 public Siax(ushort triggerID, AgentData agentData) : base(triggerID, agentData)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(37477, "Vile Spit", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(70,150,0)"), "Spit", "Vile Spit (green goo)", "Poison Spit", 0),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(37488, "Tail Lash", new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle-left", "rgb(255,200,0)"), "Tail", "Tail Lash (half circle Knockback)", "Tail Lash", 0),
         new SpawnMechanic(16911, "Nightmare Hallucination", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-open", "rgb(0,0,0)"), "Hallu", "Nightmare Hallucination Spawn", "Hallucination", 0),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(37303, "Cascade of Torment", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Rings", "Cascade of Torment (Alternating Rings)", "Rings", 0),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(36984, "Cascade of Torment", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Rings", "Cascade of Torment (Alternating Rings)", "Rings", 0),
         new EnemyCastStartMechanic(37320, "Caustic Explosion", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(255,200,0)"), "Phase", "Phase Start", "Phase", 0),
         new EnemyCastEndMechanic(37320, "Caustic Explosion", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Phase Fail", "Phase Fail (Failed to kill Echos in time)", "Phase Fail", 0, new List <MechanicChecker> {
             new CombatItemValueChecker(20649, MechanicChecker.ValueCompare.GEQ)
         }, Mechanic.TriggerRule.AND),                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      //
         new EnemyCastStartMechanic(36929, "Caustic Explosion", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-wide", "rgb(0,160,150)"), "CC", "Breakbar Start", "Breakbar", 0),
         new EnemyCastEndMechanic(36929, "Caustic Explosion", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-wide", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "CC Fail", "Failed to CC in time", "CC Fail", 0, new List <MechanicChecker> {
             new CombatItemValueChecker(15232, MechanicChecker.ValueCompare.GEQ)
         }, Mechanic.TriggerRule.AND),
         new PlayerBoonApplyMechanic(36998, "Fixated", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-open", "rgb(200,0,200)"), "Fixate", "Fixated by Volatile Hallucination", "Fixated", 0),
     Extension = "siax";
     IconUrl   = "";
 public SoullessHorror(ushort triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new Mechanic(47327, "Vortex Slash", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Donut In", "Vortex Slash (Inner Donut hit)", "Inner Donut", 0),
         new Mechanic(48432, "Vortex Slash", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Donut Out", "Vortex Slash (Outer Donut hit)", "Outer Donut", 0),
         new Mechanic(47430, "Soul Rift", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Golem", "Soul Rift (stood in Golem Aoe)", "Golem Aoe", 0),
         new Mechanic(48363, "Quad Slash", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-diamond-open", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Slice1", "Quad Slash (4 Slices, First hit)", "4 Slices 1", 0),
         new Mechanic(47915, "Quad Slash", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-square-open", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Slice2", "Quad Slash (4 Slices, Second hit)", "4 Slices 2", 0),
         new Mechanic(47363, "Spinning Slash", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-triangle-up-open", "rgb(128,0,0)"), "Scythe", "Spinning Slash (hit by Scythe)", "Scythe", 0),
         new Mechanic(48500, "Death Bloom", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("octagon", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "8Slice", "Death Bloom (8 Slices)", "8 Slices", 0),
         new Mechanic(47434, "Fixated", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, new MechanicPlotlySetting("star", "rgb(255,0,255)"), "Fixate", "Fixated (Special Action Key)", "Fixated", 0),
         new Mechanic(47414, "Necrosis", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-open", "rgb(255,0,255)"), "Necrosis", "Necrosis (Tanking Debuff)", "Necrosis Debuff", 0),
         new Mechanic(48327, "Corrupt the Living", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Spin", "Corrupt the Living (Torment+Poisen Spin)", "Torment+Poisen Spin", 0),
         new Mechanic(47756, "Wurm Spit", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-open", "rgb(0,128,128)"), "Spit", "Wurm Spit", "Wurm Spit", 0),
         new Mechanic(48662, "Howling Death", Mechanic.MechType.EnemyCastStart, new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(0,160,150)"), "CC", "Howling Death (Breakbar)", "Breakbar", 0),
         new Mechanic(48662, "Howling Death", Mechanic.MechType.EnemyCastEnd, new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(0,160,0)"), "CCed", "Howling Death (Breakbar) broken", "CCed", 0, (condition => condition.CombatItem.Value <= 6800)),
         new Mechanic(48662, "Howling Death", Mechanic.MechType.EnemyCastEnd, new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "CC Fail", "Howling Death (Breakbar failed) ", "CC Fail", 0, (condition => condition.CombatItem.Value > 6800)),
     Extension = "sh";
     IconUrl   = "";
Exemplo n.º 21
 public Slothasor(ushort triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new Mechanic(34479, "Tantrum", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Slothasor, "symbol:'circle-open',color:'rgb(255,200,0)'", "Tntrm", "Tantrum (Triple Circles after Ground slamming)", "Tantrum", 0),
         new Mechanic(34387, "Volatile Poison", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Slothasor, "symbol:'circle',color:'rgb(255,0,0)'", "Psn", "Volatile Poison Application (Special Action Key)", "Poison (Action Key)", 0),
         new Mechanic(34481, "Volatile Poison", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Slothasor, "symbol:'circle-open',color:'rgb(255,0,0)'", "P.dmg", "Stood in Volatile Poison", "Poison dmg", 0),
         new Mechanic(34516, "Halitosis", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Slothasor, "symbol:'triangle-right-open',color:'rgb(255,140,0)'", "FlmBrth", "Halitosis (Flame Breath)", "Flame Breath", 0),
         new Mechanic(34482, "Spore Release", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Slothasor, "symbol:'pentagon',color:'rgb(255,0,0)'", "Shake", "Spore Release (Coconut Shake)", "Shake", 0),
         new Mechanic(34362, "Magic Transformation", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Slothasor, "symbol:'hexagram',color:'rgb(0,255,255)'", "Slub", "Magic Transformation (Ate Magic Mushroom)", "Slub Transform", 0),
         //new Mechanic(34496, "Nauseated", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Slothasor, "symbol:'diamond-tall-open',color:'rgb(200,140,255)'", "Slub CD",0), //can be skipped imho, identical person and timestamp as Slub Transform
         new Mechanic(34508, "Fixated", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Slothasor, "symbol:'star',color:'rgb(255,0,255)'", "Fix", "Fixated by Slothasor", "Fixated", 0),
         new Mechanic(34565, "Toxic Cloud", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Slothasor, "symbol:'pentagon-open',color:'rgb(0,128,0)'", "Floor", "Toxic Cloud (stood in green floor poison)", "Toxic Floor", 0),
         new Mechanic(34537, "Toxic Cloud", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Slothasor, "symbol:'pentagon-open',color:'rgb(0,128,0)'", "Floor", "Toxic Cloud (stood in green floor poison)", "Toxic Floor", 0),
         new Mechanic(791, "Fear", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Slothasor, "symbol:'square-open',color:'rgb(255,0,0)'", "Fear", "Hit by fear after breakbar", "Feared", 0, (condition => condition.CombatItem.Value == 8000)),
         new Mechanic(34467, "Narcolepsy", Mechanic.MechType.EnemyBoon, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Slothasor, "symbol:'diamond-tall',color:'rgb(0,160,150)'", "CC", "Narcolepsy (Breakbar)", "Breakbar", 0),
         new Mechanic(34467, "Narcolepsy", Mechanic.MechType.EnemyBoonStrip, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Slothasor, "symbol:'diamond-tall',color:'rgb(255,0,0)'", "CC.Fail", "Narcolepsy (Failed CC)", "CC Fail", 0, (condition => condition.CombatItem.Value > 120000)),
         new Mechanic(34467, "Narcolepsy", Mechanic.MechType.EnemyBoonStrip, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Slothasor, "symbol:'diamond-tall',color:'rgb(0,160,0)'", "CCed", "Narcolepsy (Breakbar broken)", "CCed", 0, (condition => condition.CombatItem.Value <= 120000))
     Extension = "sloth";
     IconUrl   = "";
Exemplo n.º 22
 public Ensolyss(int triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(new long[] { Lunge1, Lunge2 }, "Lunge", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.TriangleRightOpen, Colors.LightOrange), "Charge", "Lunge (KB charge over arena)", "Charge", 150),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(new long[] { Upswing1, Upswing2 }, "Upswing", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Circle, Colors.Orange), "Smash 1", "High damage Jump hit", "First Smash", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(new long[] { NigthmareMiasmaEnsolyss1, NigthmareMiasmaEnsolyss2, NigthmareMiasmaEnsolyss3 }, "Nightmare Miasma", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.CircleOpen, Colors.Magenta), "Goo", "Nightmare Miasma (Goo)", "Miasma", 0),
         new EnemyCastStartMechanic(CausticExplosionEnsolyss, "Caustic Explosion", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.DiamondTall, Colors.DarkTeal), "CC", "After Phase CC", "Breakbar", 0),
         new EnemyCastEndMechanic(CausticExplosionEnsolyss, "Caustic Explosion", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.DiamondTall, Colors.Red), "CC Fail", "After Phase CC Failed", "CC Fail", 0, (ce, log) => ce.ActualDuration >= 15260),
         new EnemyCastEndMechanic(CausticExplosionEnsolyss, "Caustic Explosion", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.DiamondTall, Colors.DarkGreen), "CCed", "After Phase CC Success", "CCed", 0, (ce, log) => ce.ActualDuration < 15260),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(CausticExplosionEnsolyss, "Caustic Explosion", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Bowtie, Colors.Yellow), "CC KB", "Knockback hourglass during CC", "CC KB", 0),
         new EnemyCastStartMechanic(new long[] { NightmareDevastation1, NightmareDevastation2 }, "Nightmare Devastation", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.SquareOpen, Colors.Blue), "Bubble", "Nightmare Devastation (bubble attack)", "Bubble", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(TailLashEnsolyss, "Tail Lash", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.TriangleLeft, Colors.Yellow), "Tail", "Tail Lash (half circle Knockback)", "Tail Lash", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(RampageEnsolyss, "Rampage", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.AsteriskOpen, Colors.Red), "Rampage", "Rampage (asterisk shaped Arrow attack)", "Rampage", 150),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(CausticGrasp, "Caustic Grasp", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.StarDiamond, Colors.LightOrange), "Pull", "Caustic Grasp (Arena Wide Pull)", "Pull", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(TormentingBlast, "Tormenting Blast", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Diamond, Colors.Yellow), "Quarter", "Tormenting Blast (Two Quarter Circle attacks)", "Quarter circle", 0),
     Extension = "ensol";
     Icon      = "";
     EncounterCategoryInformation.InSubCategoryOrder = 2;
     EncounterID |= 0x000003;
 public HarvestTemple(int triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(InfluenceOfTheVoidEffect, "Influence of the Void", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.TriangleDown, Colors.DarkPurple), "Void.D", "Received Void debuff", "Void Debuff", 150),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(InfluenceOfTheVoidSkill, "Influence of the Void Hit", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.TriangleUp, Colors.DarkPurple), "Void.H", "Hit by Void", "Void Hit", 150),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(new long[] { BreathOfJormag1, BreathOfJormag2, BreathOfJormag3 }, "Breath of Jormag", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.TriangleRight, Colors.Blue), "J.Breath.H", "Hit by Jormag Breath", "Jormag Breath", 150),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(LavaSlam, "Lava Slam", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.TriangleRight, Colors.Red), "Slam.H", "Hit by Primordus Slam", "Primordus Slam", 150),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(CrystalBarrage, "Crystal Barrage", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.TriangleUp, Colors.Purple), "Barrage.H", "Hit by Crystal Barrage", "Barrage", 150),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(BrandingBeam, "Branding Beam", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.TriangleRight, Colors.Purple), "Beam.H", "Hit by Kralkatorrik Beam", "Kralkatorrik Beam", 150),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(Shockwave, "Shock Wave", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.TriangleRight, Colors.Green), "ShckWv.H", "Hit by Mordremoth Shockwave", "Mordremoth Shockwave", 150),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(ScreamOfZhaitan, "Scream of Zhaitan", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.TriangleRight, Colors.DarkGreen), "Scream.H", "Hit by Zhaitan Scream", "Zhaitan Scream", 150),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(HydroBurst, "Hydro Burst", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Circle, Colors.LightBlue), "Whrlpl.H", "Hit by Whirlpool", "Whirlpool", 150),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(new long[] { TsunamiSlam1, TsunamiSlam2 }, "Tsunami Slam", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.TriangleRight, Colors.LightBlue), "Tsunami.H", "Hit by Soo-Won Tsunami", "Soo-Won Tsunami", 150),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(ClawSlap, "Claw Slap", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.TriangleLeft, Colors.LightBlue), "Claw.H", "Hit by Soo-Won Claw", "Soo-Won Claw", 150),
     Icon      = "";
     Extension = "harvsttmpl";
     EncounterCategoryInformation.InSubCategoryOrder = 3;
     EncounterID |= 0x000004;
 // TODO - add CR icons and some mechanics
 public DarkMaze(int triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(791, "Fear", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-square", Colors.Black), "Feared", "Feared by Eye Teleport Skill", "Feared", 0),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(48779, "Light Carrier", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", Colors.Yellow), "Light Orb", "Light Carrier (picked up a light orb)", "Picked up orb", 0),
         new PlayerCastStartMechanic(47074, "Flare", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", Colors.Green), "Detonate", "Flare (detonate light orb to incapacitate eye)", "Detonate orb", 0, (evt, log) => evt.Status != AbstractCastEvent.AnimationStatus.Interrupted),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(47518, "Piercing Shadow", new MechanicPlotlySetting("hexagram-open", Colors.Blue), "Spin", "Piercing Shadow (damaging spin to all players in sight)", "Eye Spin", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(48150, "Deep Abyss", new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle-right-open", Colors.Red), "Beam", "Deep Abyss (ticking eye beam)", "Eye Beam", 0),
         new PlayerBuffApplyToMechanic(833, "Hard CC Eye of Fate", new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle", Colors.Red), "Hard CC Fate", "Applied hard CC on Eye of Fate", "Hard CC Fate", 50, (ba, log) => ba.To.ID == (int)ArcDPSEnums.TargetID.EyeOfFate),
         new PlayerBuffApplyToMechanic(872, "Hard CC Eye of Fate", new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle", Colors.Red), "Hard CC Fate", "Applied hard CC on Eye of Fate", "Hard CC Fate", 50, (ba, log) => ba.To.ID == (int)ArcDPSEnums.TargetID.EyeOfFate),
         new PlayerBuffApplyToMechanic(791, "Hard CC Eye of Fate", new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle", Colors.Red), "Hard CC Fate", "Applied hard CC on Eye of Fate", "Hard CC Fate", 50, (ba, log) => ba.To.ID == (int)ArcDPSEnums.TargetID.EyeOfFate),
         new PlayerBuffApplyToMechanic(833, "Hard CC Eye of Judge", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square", Colors.Red), "Hard CC Judge", "Applied hard CC on Eye of Judgement", "Daze Judge", 50, (ba, log) => ba.To.ID == (int)ArcDPSEnums.TargetID.EyeOfJudgement),
         new PlayerBuffApplyToMechanic(872, "Hard CC Eye of Judge", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square", Colors.Red), "Hard CC Judge", "Applied hard CC on Eye of Judgement", "Daze Judge", 50, (ba, log) => ba.To.ID == (int)ArcDPSEnums.TargetID.EyeOfJudgement),
         new PlayerBuffApplyToMechanic(791, "Hard CC Eye of Judge", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square", Colors.Red), "Hard CC Judge", "Applied hard CC on Eye of Judgement", "Daze Judge", 50, (ba, log) => ba.To.ID == (int)ArcDPSEnums.TargetID.EyeOfJudgement),
         //47857 <- teleport + fear skill?
     Extension = "eyes";
     Icon      = "";
     EncounterCategoryInformation.InSubCategoryOrder = 2;
 public WhisperOfJormag(int triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(59159, "Chains of Frost Hit", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.DiamondTall, Colors.Red), "H.Chains", "Hit by Chains of Frost", "Chains of Frost", 50),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(59441, "Lethal Coalescence Soaked", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Hexagram, Colors.Red), "S.Lethal.Coal.", "Soaked Lethal Coalescence Damage", "Soaked Lethal Coalescence", 50),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(59102, "Spreading Ice (Own)", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Circle, Colors.Orange), "S.Ice", "Hit by own spreading ice", "Spreading Ice (Own)", 50),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(59468, "Spreading Ice (Others)", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.TriangleUp, Colors.LightOrange), "S.Ice.O", "Hit by other's spreading ice", "Spreading Ice (Others)", 50),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(59076, "Icy Slice", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Hexagram, Colors.Orange), "I.Slice", "Hit by Icy Slice", "Icy Slice", 50),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(59255, "Ice Tempest", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Square, Colors.Orange), "I.Tornado", "Hit by Ice Tornadoes", "Ice Tempest", 50),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(ChainsOfFrostApplication, "Chains of Frost", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Circle, Colors.Blue), "F.Chains", "Selected for Chains of Frost", "Chains of Frost", 500),
         new PlayerBuffRemoveMechanic(WhisperTeleportBack, "Teleport Back", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Circle, Colors.LightBlue), "TP In", "Teleported back to the arena", "Teleport Back", 500),
         new PlayerBuffRemoveMechanic(WhisperTeleportOut, "Teleport Out", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.CircleOpen, Colors.LightBlue), "TP Out", "Teleported outside of the arena", "Teleport Out", 500),
         new EnemyCastStartMechanic(59102, "Spreading Ice", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Hexagram, Colors.DarkRed), "S.Ice.C", "Cast Spreading Ice", "Cast Spreading Ice", 0),
         new EnemyCastStartMechanic(59159, "Chains of Frost", new MechanicPlotlySetting(Symbols.Hexagram, Colors.LightRed), "F.Chains.C", "Cast Chains of Frost", "Cast Chains of Frost", 0),
     Extension = "woj";
     Icon      = "";
     EncounterCategoryInformation.InSubCategoryOrder = 3;
     EncounterID |= 0x000005;
Exemplo n.º 26
 public Slothasor(int triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(34479, "Tantrum", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,200,0)"), "Tantrum", "Tantrum (Triple Circles after Ground slamming)", "Tantrum", 5000),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(34387, "Volatile Poison", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Poison", "Volatile Poison Application (Special Action Key)", "Poison (Action Key)", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(34481, "Volatile Poison", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Poison dmg", "Stood in Volatile Poison", "Poison dmg", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(34516, "Halitosis", new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle-right-open", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Breath", "Halitosis (Flame Breath)", "Flame Breath", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(34482, "Spore Release", new MechanicPlotlySetting("pentagon", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Shake", "Spore Release (Coconut Shake)", "Shake", 0),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(34362, "Magic Transformation", new MechanicPlotlySetting("hexagram", "rgb(0,255,255)"), "Slub", "Magic Transformation (Ate Magic Mushroom)", "Slub Transform", 0),
         //new Mechanic(34496, "Nauseated", ParseEnum.BossIDS.Slothasor, new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall-open","rgb(200,140,255)"), "Slub CD",0), //can be skipped imho, identical person and timestamp as Slub Transform
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(34508, "Fixated", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star", "rgb(255,0,255)"), "Fixate", "Fixated by Slothasor", "Fixated", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(34565, "Toxic Cloud", new MechanicPlotlySetting("pentagon-open", "rgb(0,128,0)"), "Floor", "Toxic Cloud (stood in green floor poison)", "Toxic Floor", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(34537, "Toxic Cloud", new MechanicPlotlySetting("pentagon-open", "rgb(0,128,0)"), "Floor", "Toxic Cloud (stood in green floor poison)", "Toxic Floor", 0),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(791, "Fear", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square-open", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Fear", "Hit by fear after breakbar", "Feared", 0, (ba, log) => ba.AppliedDuration == 8000),
         new EnemyBuffApplyMechanic(34467, "Narcolepsy", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(0,160,150)"), "CC", "Narcolepsy (Breakbar)", "Breakbar", 0),
         new EnemyBuffRemoveMechanic(34467, "Narcolepsy", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "CC Fail", "Narcolepsy (Failed CC)", "CC Fail", 0, (br, log) => br.RemovedDuration > 120000),
         new EnemyBuffRemoveMechanic(34467, "Narcolepsy", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(0,160,0)"), "CCed", "Narcolepsy (Breakbar broken)", "CCed", 0, (br, log) => br.RemovedDuration <= 120000)
     Extension = "sloth";
     Icon      = "";
Exemplo n.º 27
 public MAMA(int triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37408, "Blastwave", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "KB", "Blastwave (Spinning Knockback)", "KB Spin", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37103, "Blastwave", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "KB", "Blastwave (Spinning Knockback)", "KB Spin", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37391, "Tantrum", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-diamond-open", "rgb(0,255,0)"), "Tantrum", "Tantrum (Double hit or Slams)", "Dual Spin/Slams", 700),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37577, "Leap", new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle-down", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Jump", "Leap (<33% only)", "Leap", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37437, "Shoot", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(130,180,0)"), "Shoot", "Toxic Shoot (Green Bullets)", "Toxic Shoot", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37185, "Explosive Impact", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,200,0)"), "Knight Jump", "Explosive Impact (Knight Jump)", "Knight Jump", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37085, "Sweeping Strikes", new MechanicPlotlySetting("asterisk-open", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Sweep", "Swings (Many rapid front spins)", "Sweeping Strikes", 200),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37217, "Nightmare Miasma", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,0,255)"), "Goo", "Nightmare Miasma (Poison Puddle)", "Poison Goo", 700),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37180, "Grenade Barrage", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,200,0)"), "Barrage", "Grenade Barrage (many projectiles in all directions)", "Ball Barrage", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37173, "Red Ball Shot", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Ball", "Small Red Bullets", "Bullet", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(36903, "Extraction", new MechanicPlotlySetting("bowtie", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Pull", "Extraction (Knight Pull Circle)", "Knight Pull", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(36887, "Homing Grenades", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-triangle-down-open", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Grenades", "Homing Grenades", "Homing Grenades", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37303, "Cascade of Torment", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Rings", "Cascade of Torment (Alternating Rings)", "Rings", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(36984, "Cascade of Torment", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Rings", "Cascade of Torment (Alternating Rings)", "Rings", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(37315, "Knight's Daze", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square-open", "rgb(200,140,255)"), "Daze", "Knight's Daze", "Daze", 0),
     Extension = "mama";
     Icon      = "";
 public Gorseval(ushort triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(31875, "Spectral Impact", new MechanicPlotlySetting("hexagram", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Slam", "Spectral Impact (KB Slam)", "Slam", 4000),
         new PlayerBoonApplyMechanic(31623, "Ghastly Prison", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Egg", "Ghastly Prison (Egged)", "Egged", 500),
         new PlayerBoonApplyMechanic(31498, "Spectral Darkness", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(0,0,255)"), "Orb Debuff", "Spectral Darkness (Stood in Orb AoE)", "Orb Debuff", 100),
         new EnemyBoonApplyMechanic(31722, "Spirited Fusion", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Spirit Buff", "Spirited Fusion (Consumed a Spirit)", "Ate Spirit", 0),
         new SkillOnPlayerMechanic(31720, "Kick", new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle-right", "rgb(255,0,255)"), "Kick", "Kicked by small add", "Spirit Kick", 0),
         new PlayerBoonApplyMechanic(738, "Ghastly Rampage Black Goo Hit", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(0,0,0)"), "Black", "Hit by Black Goo", "Black Goo", 3000, new List <MechanicChecker> {
             new CombatItemValueChecker(10000, MechanicChecker.ValueCompare.EQ)
         }, Mechanic.TriggerRule.AND),
         new EnemyCastStartMechanic(31834, "Ghastly Rampage", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(0,160,150)"), "CC", "Ghastly Rampage (Breakbar)", "Breakbar", 0),
         new EnemyCastEndMechanic(31834, "Ghastly Rampage", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "CC End", "Ghastly Rampage (Full duration)", "CC ran out", 0, new List <MechanicChecker> {
             new CombatItemValueChecker(21985, MechanicChecker.ValueCompare.G)
         }, Mechanic.TriggerRule.AND),
         new EnemyCastEndMechanic(31834, "Ghastly Rampage", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(0,160,0)"), "CCed", "Ghastly Rampage (Breakbar broken)", "CCed", 0, new List <MechanicChecker> {
             new CombatItemValueChecker(21985, MechanicChecker.ValueCompare.LEQ)
         }, Mechanic.TriggerRule.AND),
     Extension = "gors";
     IconUrl   = "";
Exemplo n.º 29
 public TwinLargos(int triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(51935, "Waterlogged", new MechanicPlotlySetting("hexagon-open", "rgb(0,140,255)"), "Debuff", "Waterlogged (stacking water debuff)", "Waterlogged", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(52876, "Vapor Rush", new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle-left-open", "rgb(0,140,255)"), "Charge", "Vapor Rush (Triple Charge)", "Vapor Rush Charge", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(52812, "Tidal Pool", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(0,140,255)"), "Pool", "Tidal Pool", "Tidal Pool", 0),
         new EnemyCastStartMechanic(51977, "Aquatic Barrage Start", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(0,160,150)"), "CC", "Breakbar", "Breakbar", 0),
         new EnemyCastEndMechanic(51977, "Aquatic Barrage End", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-tall", "rgb(0,160,0)"), "CCed", "Breakbar broken", "CCed", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(53018, "Sea Swell", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(30,30,80)"), "Wave", "Sea Swell (Shockwave)", "Shockwave", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(53130, "Geyser", new MechanicPlotlySetting("hexagon", "rgb(0,255,255)"), "KB/Launch", "Geyser (Launching Aoes)", "Launch Field", 0),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(53097, "Water Bomb Debuff", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond", "rgb(0,255,255)"), "Poison", "Expanding Water Field", "Water Poison", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(52931, "Aquatic Detainment", new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(0,0,255)"), "Float", "Aquatic Detainment (Float Bubble)", "Float Bubble", 6000),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(52130, "Aquatic Vortex", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-square-open-dot", "rgb(0,200,255)"), "Tornado", "Aquatic Vortex (Water Tornados)", "Tornado", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(51965, "Vapor Jet", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square", "rgb(255,150,0)"), "Steal", "Vapor Jet (Boon Steal)", "Boon Steal", 0),
         new EnemyBuffApplyMechanic(52626, "Enraged", new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-diamond", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Enrage", "Enraged", "Enrage", 0),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(52211, "Aquatic Aura Kenut", new MechanicPlotlySetting("square-open", "rgb(0,255,255)"), "Ken Aura", "Increasing Damage Debuff on Kenut's Last Platform", "Kenut Aura Debuff", 0),
         new PlayerBuffApplyMechanic(52929, "Aquatic Aura Nikare", new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-open", "rgb(0,255,255)"), "Nik Aura", "Increasing Damage Debuff on Nikare's Last Platform", "Nikare Aura Debuff", 0),
         new HitOnPlayerMechanic(51999, "Cyclone Burst", new MechanicPlotlySetting("y-up-open", "rgb(255,150,0)"), "Y Field", "Cyclone Burst (triangular rotating fields on Kenut)", "Cyclone Burst", 0),
     Extension = "twinlargos";
     Icon      = "";
Exemplo n.º 30
 public Dhuum(ushort triggerID) : base(triggerID)
     MechanicList.AddRange(new List <Mechanic>
         new Mechanic(48172, "Hateful Ephemera", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("square", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Glm.dmg", "Hateful Ephemera (Golem AoE dmg)", "Golem Dmg", 0),
         new Mechanic(48121, "Arcing Affliction", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "B.dmg", "Arcing Affliction (Bomb) hit", "Bomb dmg", 0),
         new Mechanic(47646, "Arcing Affliction", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Bmb", "Arcing Affliction (Bomb) application", "Bomb", 0),
         //new Mechanic(47476, "Residual Affliction", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Dhuum, new MechanicPlotlySetting("star-diamond","rgb(255,200,0)"), "Bomb",0), //not needed, imho, applied at the same time as Arcing Affliction
         new Mechanic(47335, "Soul Shackle", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond", "rgb(0,255,255)"), "Shckl", "Soul Shackle (Tether) application", "Shackles", 0),//  //also used for removal.
         new Mechanic(47164, "Soul Shackle", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("diamond-open", "rgb(0,255,255)"), "Sh.Dmg", "Soul Shackle (Tether) dmg ticks", "Shackles Dmg", 0, (item => item.DamageLog.Damage > 0)),
         new Mechanic(47561, "Slash", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("triangle", "rgb(0,128,0)"), "Cone", "Boon ripping Cone Attack", "Cone", 0),
         new Mechanic(48752, "Cull", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("asterisk-open", "rgb(0,255,255)"), "Crk", "Cull (Fearing Fissures)", "Cracks", 0),
         new Mechanic(48760, "Putrid Bomb", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(0,128,0)"), "Mrk", "Necro Marks during Scythe attack", "Necro Marks", 0),
         new Mechanic(48398, "Cataclysmic Cycle", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle-open", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Sck.Dmg", "Damage when sucked to close to middle", "Suck dmg", 0),
         new Mechanic(48176, "Death Mark", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("hexagon", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "Dip", "Lesser Death Mark hit (Dip into ground)", "Dip AoE", 0),
         new Mechanic(48210, "Greater Death Mark", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle", "rgb(255,140,0)"), "KB.Dmg", "Knockback damage during Greater Deathmark (mid port)", "Knockback dmg", 0),
         //  new Mechanic(48281, "Mortal Coil", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, ParseEnum.BossIDS.Dhuum, new MechanicPlotlySetting("circle","rgb(0,128,0)"), "Green Orbs",
         new Mechanic(46950, "Fractured Spirit", Mechanic.MechType.PlayerBoon, new MechanicPlotlySetting("square", "rgb(0,255,0)"), "Orb CD", "Applied when taking green", "Green port", 0),
         new Mechanic(47076, "Echo's Damage", Mechanic.MechType.SkillOnPlayer, new MechanicPlotlySetting("square", "rgb(255,0,0)"), "Echo", "Damaged by Ender's Echo (pick up)", "Ender's Echo", 5000),
     Extension = "dhuum";
     IconUrl   = "";