Exemplo n.º 1
        public static MealEF UpdateFromDetached(this MealEF AttachedEF, MealEF DetachedEF)
            if (AttachedEF is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(AttachedEF));

            if (DetachedEF is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(DetachedEF));

            if (AttachedEF.Id != DetachedEF.Id)
                throw new Exception("Cannot update MealEF entity as it is not the same.");

            if ((AttachedEF != default) && (DetachedEF != default))
                //AttachedEF.MealsComposition = //DetachedEF.MealsComposition;
                //    .ToList()
                //    .UpdateListFromDetached(DetachedEF.MealsComposition.ToList());

                AttachedEF          = AttachedEF.FillFromMultiLanguageString(DetachedEF.ExtractToMultiLanguageString());
                AttachedEF.Supplier = DetachedEF.Supplier;
                AttachedEF.MealType = DetachedEF.MealType;

Exemplo n.º 2
        public static MealEF ToEF(this MealTO Meal)
            if (Meal is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(Meal));

            var ReturnValue = new MealEF()
                Id = Meal.Id,

                Supplier         = Meal.Supplier.ToEF(),
                MealType         = Meal.MealType,
                MealsComposition = new List <MealCompositionEF>()

                                   //Ingredients = MealTO.Ingredients.Select(x => x.ToEF()).ToList()

            ReturnValue = ReturnValue.FillFromMultiLanguageString(Meal.Name);

            //TODO IngredientsTO to MealComposition Extention to use as
            // andwichDTO.Ingredients.Select(x => x.ToMealCompositionEF()).ToList()??? or method in this file as toMEalComposition...
            foreach (var i in Meal.Ingredients)
                    new MealCompositionEF()
                    IngredientId = i.Id,
                    Ingredient   = i.ToEF(),
                    MealId       = ReturnValue.Id,
                    Meal         = ReturnValue
