/// <summary>
        /// Picks a direction that is consitent with the last direction proceeded, if possible.
        /// </summary>
        public override DirectionEnum PickDirectionToProceed(object mazeSolutionElements, MazeGridpoint mazeGridpoint)
            var pathToSolveMaze = mazeSolutionElements as List <MazeSolutionElement>;

            if (pathToSolveMaze == null)
                throw new Exception("Maze solution elements used are not supported by BaseDirectionPicker");

            if (pathToSolveMaze.Any())
                var lastMazeSolutionElement = pathToSolveMaze.Last();
                var lastMazeGridpoint       = lastMazeSolutionElement.MazeGridpoint;
                var lastDirectionProceeded  = lastMazeSolutionElement.DirectionProceeded;

                // Find all paths that do not lead back to the last position in the maze on the path traced so far
                // AND, are valid positions inside the boundaries of the maze
                var potentialDirectionsToProceed = mazeGridpoint.DirectionsAvailable.OpenPaths
                                                   .Where(direction =>
                                                          MazeToSolve.IsValidPositionInMazeAndNotBacktracking(lastMazeGridpoint, mazeGridpoint, direction)).ToList();

                // If it's possible to keep going in a straight line, continue to do so
                if (potentialDirectionsToProceed.Contains(lastDirectionProceeded))


            // Take the first path that is valid
                   .FirstOrDefault(direction =>
                                   MazeToSolve.IsValidPositionInMaze(mazeGridpoint, direction)));
Exemplo n.º 2
        private bool IsWallAdjacent(MazeGridpoint mazeGridpoint, DirectionEnum direction)
            // Start by proceeding in a direction given away from mazeGridpoint
            var isWallAdjacent    = false;
            var nextMazeGridpoint = MazeToSolve.ProceedToNewGridpoint(mazeGridpoint, direction);

            // Now, check each direction around the nextMazeGridpoint
            foreach (var nextDirection in nextMazeGridpoint.DirectionsAvailable.OpenPaths)
                if (!MazeToSolve.IsValidPositionInMazeAndNotBacktracking(mazeGridpoint, nextMazeGridpoint, nextDirection))

                var nextNextMazeGridpoint = MazeToSolve.ProceedToNewGridpoint(nextMazeGridpoint, nextDirection);

                if (nextNextMazeGridpoint.HasBeenVisited)

                if (nextNextMazeGridpoint.IsWall)
                    isWallAdjacent = true;
