Exemplo n.º 1
        public void SliceFileWithSpaceInGCodePath()
            // GCode file with space in file name
            string gcodePath = TestUtilities.GetTempGCodePath("gcode file with space");

            string stlPath = TestUtilities.GetStlPath("Box Left");

            // Create config file
            var configFilePath = Path.ChangeExtension(gcodePath, "ini");

            using (var stream = new StreamWriter(configFilePath))
                stream.WriteLine($"additionalArgsToProcess = -m \"1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,5,0,0,1\" \"{stlPath}\"");

            // Slice file
            MatterSlice.ProcessArgs($"-v -o \"{gcodePath}\" -c \"{configFilePath}\"");

            // Load and validate generated GCode
            string[] gcode = TestUtilities.LoadGCodeFile(gcodePath);

            var movement = new MovementInfo();

            // check layer 1
            var layer1Info     = TestUtilities.GetGCodeForLayer(gcode, 1);
            var layer1Polygons = TestUtilities.GetExtrusionPolygons(layer1Info, ref movement);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, layer1Polygons.Count);

            // check layer 2
            var layer2Info     = TestUtilities.GetGCodeForLayer(gcode, 2);
            var layer2Polygons = TestUtilities.GetExtrusionPolygons(layer2Info, ref movement);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, layer2Polygons.Count);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void SliceFileWithLeadingLowercaseN()
            // Stl with leading n - tests past regression due to c:\path\name.stl where \n in path breaks during stuff/unstuff behavior
            string stlPath = TestUtilities.GetStlPath("name-with-leading-n");

            string gcodePath = TestUtilities.GetTempGCodePath(nameof(SliceFileWithLeadingLowercaseN));

            // Create config file
            var configFilePath = Path.ChangeExtension(gcodePath, "ini");

            using (var stream = new StreamWriter(configFilePath))
                stream.WriteLine($"additionalArgsToProcess = -m \"1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,5,0,0,1\" \"{stlPath}\"");

            // Slice file
            MatterSlice.ProcessArgs($"-v -o \"{gcodePath}\" -c \"{configFilePath}\"");

            // Load and validate generated GCode
            string[] gcode = TestUtilities.LoadGCodeFile(gcodePath);

            var movement = new MovementInfo();

            // check layer 1
            var layer1Info     = TestUtilities.GetGCodeForLayer(gcode, 1);
            var layer1Polygons = TestUtilities.GetExtrusionPolygons(layer1Info, ref movement);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, layer1Polygons.Count);

            // check layer 2
            var layer2Info     = TestUtilities.GetGCodeForLayer(gcode, 2);
            var layer2Polygons = TestUtilities.GetExtrusionPolygons(layer2Info, ref movement);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, layer2Polygons.Count);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void SliceFileWithSpaceInName()
            // Stl with space in file name - tests past regression due to spaces in file name
            string stlPath = TestUtilities.GetStlPath("Box Left");

            string gcodePath = TestUtilities.GetTempGCodePath(nameof(SliceFileWithSpaceInName));

            // Create config file
            var configFilePath = Path.ChangeExtension(gcodePath, "ini");

            using (var stream = new StreamWriter(configFilePath))
                stream.WriteLine($"additionalArgsToProcess = -m \"1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1\" \"{stlPath}\"");

            // Slice file
            MatterSlice.ProcessArgs($"-v -o \"{gcodePath}\" -c \"{configFilePath}\"");

            // Load and validate generated GCode
            string[] gcode = TestUtilities.LoadGCodeFile(gcodePath);

            var movement = default(MovementInfo);

            // check layer 1
            var layer1Info     = TestUtilities.GetLayer(gcode, 1);
            var layer1Polygons = TestUtilities.GetExtrusionPolygonsForLayer(layer1Info, ref movement, false);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, layer1Polygons.Where(i => i.Count > 2).Count());

            // check layer 2
            var layer2Info     = TestUtilities.GetLayer(gcode, 2);
            var layer2Polygons = TestUtilities.GetExtrusionPolygonsForLayer(layer2Info, ref movement, false);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, layer2Polygons.Where(i => i.Count > 2).Count());